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2015 Pineapple Hill Road Race - Cycle

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Wahaiwa, Hawaii
United States
80F / 27C
Total Time = 2h 04m 41s
Overall Rank = 3/13
Age Group = M23-34 Cat 4/5
Age Group Rank = 3/13
Pre-race routine:

Felt strong leading into the week, but I also had scratched my cornea on Monday which prevented me from riding much at all due to not being able to wear contacts. I was going to take the week easy anyway, but probably not 30 miles all week easy.

I did manage to go for a spin on Thursday and Saturday morning and my legs felt good. I put in a hard 9.5 minute effort on Saturday...which might not have been the brightest idea.

ETA for future reference: I may have been a tiny bit sick. I had a really stuffy nose that weekend, a very very minor headache which I thought was from wearing glasses all week, and a slight cough. Not anything major, but just enough so that I don't feel exactly right and elevate my HR a tad. Could explain why I was warming up at 145-155 bpm at only 180-200 watts.
Event warmup:

Just rode up and down the bypass road.
  • 2h 04m 41s
  • 42 miles
  • 20.21 mile/hr

Just like last year, I get the group to agree to take the first descent neutral so nobody does anything stupid. Especially the guys who we know will get dropped on the first climb anyway. Mike and I lead it out and while I would have preferred to be soft pedaling in the middle of the pack, it wasn't a huge effort either. Low 200 watts which I figured would be a good warm up and just making sure I get to pick my own line as there are a few potholes to dodge.

We make the right turn and everyone kinds of sits in looking at each other. Jeff makes the first move at the base of the hill and Matt goes with him. No real danger and we let them go and build a 20 second gap. We are just cruising and before you know it, the Masters 35-49 group that started 5 minutes behind us catches up. LOL. Yes...we were going that easy. We let them pass as we were instructed that working with other groups was not allowed.

So Jeff is just out there by himself for 15 minutes now while Sau and I are up front leading our group. Nobody else wants to work at all. I know Carl won't chase down his teammate Jeff, but Mike just sat in...being smart. Up the road the masters group caught up to Jeff and then we see Jeff sitting on the back of their group catching the draft for a minute or so. Sigh... Looks like we need to chase him down so we can scold him. Mike agrees to help chase, as well as another guy in our group...and we're back together as I explain to Jeff he either needs to drop back or pass the Masters group. He decides to pass and we all follow. It was a little more effort than I wanted to put in at this point...but whatever.

Jeff flats on the second descent (without most of us knowing) so that's one less player to be concerned with. The pace on the second lap was mellow again to start as nobody wanted to do work...but then picked up in the middle of the climb when Carl surged and split our group down to 5. It was a decent effort, but I never felt in danger. The only issue was that I knew these first two laps were relatively easy...but my HR was getting pretty high. Not sure if it's just an off day, the heat, or what...but I didn't feel like I still had that extra gear like I did last year.

On the last descent, I knew there would be fireworks on the last climb and this likely wouldn't come down to a sprint finish. So I attacked the downhill hoping Mike would come with me and we could isolate Carl as he's far lighter than Mike and I. It almost worked, as we got a small gap...but at the same time I felt my left quad pinch and just confirmed my suspicion that I wasn't having my best day. Mike took a pull, but I couldn't help him after that with anything significant and Carl easily got back on to us.

The start of the last climb and I can still feel my quads tingling a bit...and it's also starting to tingle in both my hamstrings. It's not looking good at this point and Carl puts in a surge. I respond, but I don't pull through at all afterwards. Carl goes again and this time I let Mike respond as I get onto his wheel. These weren't crazy efforts power wise...but my HR was nearly pegged and my legs were about to lock up. One last surge by Carl and I just let it go. I could have dug myself into the hurt locker and risked a complete cramp up...but it would have been for nothing as I couldn't sustain it.

So my main goal was now to just finish and make sure I hang onto 3rd. I back way down and let my HR settle a bit as Jeff (from the masters race) passes by. He's also in 3rd for his race and in the same boat as me...dropped. I use him to pace me in...staying back around 75 feet just so there is no question we aren't working together and I bridge back up to him as we hit the last mile to the finish. Riding side by side, we have a few laughs and decide whether we want to have a friendly sprint or pose for photos. I opt for the photo posing as we roll over the finish together in our small chain rings. LOL.
What would you do differently?:

My 1 hour power was really good a month ago at the TT, but I was about 15-20 watts lower than last year for this race up until I started to cramp up. I don't think I burned up any more matches this year early on...but it was also quite hot and humid which doesn't favor me. Despite how easy we did the first 2 laps, our finishing time was pretty similar suggesting much less wind on the climbs.

I used a lot more salt this year with the Osmo pre load and 3 bottles of skratch. My mouth felt parched when I started to cramp despite me drinking quite a bit. Maybe too much salt? Either way, my HR was a lot higher than normal (even during warm up)...probably just suggesting an off day and not much more than that. It's not like Carl or Mike put down massive watts that I have not done before, so I know I'm right there with them.

Went to a BBQ at Jame's house that afternoon which was a lot of fun sharing our race stories.
Post race

Last updated: 2015-06-15 12:00 AM
02:04:41 | 42 miles | 20.21 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/13
Overall: 0/13
Performance: Average
215 AP, 237 NP, 173 bpm avg, 190 max
Wind: Some
Course: 3 laps of Pineapple Hill
Road:  Dry Cadence: 83
Turns: Cornering:
Gear changes: Hills:
Race pace: Drinks:
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]

2015-06-15 3:40 PM

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Subject: 2015 Pineapple Hill Road Race

2015-06-16 6:31 AM
in reply to: #5122753

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: 2015 Pineapple Hill Road Race

Thanks for the report Jason.  Sounds like it was just an off day to me!

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General Discussion Race Reports! » 2015 Pineapple Hill Road Race Rss Feed  

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