Canadian Triathlon Forum Ontario » Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?! Rss Feed  
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2011-10-25 9:55 PM


Subject: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!

Hi everyone,


I just heard on CP24 that the city council voted in favour of having an Ironman triathlon in Toronto for July 2012!!!!


From what I understood, they've already set up times and dates for the Gardiner and DVP closure!


Public Works and Infrastructure Committee - Meeting 8

F. G. Gardiner Expressway and Don Valley Parkway Closure - "Ironman 5150" Event 2012 and Framework to Assess Applications to Close Expressways for Private Events (Ward 13, 14, 19, 20, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31

Communication PW8.2.2 has been submitted on this Item.


Anyone else hear anything about this? Who's in??

As far as I know, its an Ironman brand event, but not the full 140.6 or even the 70.3. Its actually the "5150" or Olympic distance tri...


Im so excited! SurprisedLaughing

Edited by parichitb 2011-10-25 10:18 PM

2011-10-26 5:49 AM
in reply to: #3738263

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Port Colborne, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!

Considering the 5150 series is dying in the US I wouldn't be holding my breath, and why would you anyhow?  There's already a bunch of very good multisport events in the GTA, and they're way cheaper than anything "Ironman" branded.

Also, even if you do a Ironman 5150 race, doesn't mean you're an Ironman.

2011-10-26 6:18 AM
in reply to: #3738263

Waterloo, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!

Sweet, I can skip my favourite tri of the season (Belwood), fight through TO traffic, race in a packed-to-the-brim event (judging by clearwater, if the participant won't feel like a sardine, the race doesn't happen), and not even call myself an Ironman after!  All for double the price!  That sounds awesome.

Making it even more awesome, I bet they don't even have race-day check-in like every other race in Ontario, so I'd probably have to stay in a downtown hotel and find parking for my car overnight too!

2011-10-26 6:34 AM
in reply to: #3738371

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Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!
AHare - 2011-10-26 7:18 AM

Sweet, I can skip my favourite tri of the season (Belwood), fight through TO traffic, race in a packed-to-the-brim event (judging by clearwater, if the participant won't feel like a sardine, the race doesn't happen), and not even call myself an Ironman after!  All for double the price!  That sounds awesome.

Making it even more awesome, I bet they don't even have race-day check-in like every other race in Ontario, so I'd probably have to stay in a downtown hotel and find parking for my car overnight too!

Ha ha ^^This is a good read!  I train in Toronto.  I wouldn't want to race in it. 
I've done the Island race and while pretty and I've always had good weather - the loops drive me insane. 

I thought Iron branded races were supposed to be tough...?  There's nothing in Toronto's downtown topography to build a race around that would make it tough.

2011-10-26 6:50 AM
in reply to: #3738371

Waterloo, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!

I just learned on ST that WTC owns the subaru series, which surprised me.  I guess that means Belwood might get moved to make room for this one?

A full Ironman in downtown toronto would be pretty cool - point-to-point along the lakefront, two loops of the entire Gardiner/DVP, and then do the Lakefront marathon route.  It wouldn't be very tough (well... aside from it being an Ironman), but I could see it being more special than an Olympic event.

Edited by AHare 2011-10-26 6:52 AM
2011-10-26 7:38 AM
in reply to: #3738391

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Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!
AHare - 2011-10-26 7:50 AM

I just learned on ST that WTC owns the subaru series, which surprised me.  I guess that means Belwood might get moved to make room for this one?

A full Ironman in downtown toronto would be pretty cool - point-to-point along the lakefront, two loops of the entire Gardiner/DVP, and then do the Lakefront marathon route.  It wouldn't be very tough (well... aside from it being an Ironman), but I could see it being more special than an Olympic event.

Swim from the island to Cherry Beach? Or a loop around the islands? Jump off a ferry? Too Gravenhurst?

2011-10-26 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3738263

Waterloo, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!

Bunch of neat documents posted on the ST version of this thread:

1) Background info from WTC to City council:

2) Road closure data:

3) Attendance projections:

2011-10-26 7:55 AM
in reply to: #3738263

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Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!

We're just talking about an Oly distance race, right?

2011-10-26 8:05 AM
in reply to: #3738467

Waterloo, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!
marvintpa - 2011-10-26 8:55 AM

We're just talking about an Oly distance race, right?

Yep.  5150 is WTC's new Olympic series, which has been a bit embattled lately.  1.5km swim + 40km bike + 10km run = 51.50km --> 5150 name.


Despite my personal lack of enthusiasm, I could certainly see this race working out - there's lots of money in Toronto, there's lots of people, it would be convenient if you were a Torontonian, and biking on the highways would be neat.  I don't know if they'll hit 3000-4000 participants by 2015-2016 like they project in those documents, but 1000ish should be doable.

2011-10-26 2:50 PM
in reply to: #3738381

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Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!

kimmax - 2011-10-26 7:34 AMI thought Iron branded races were supposed to be tough...?  There's nothing in Toronto's downtown topography to build a race around that would make it tough.

The 5150 events are not Iron-branded.  They have specifically avoided doing that.

Edit:  I should add so far - the documents to the city push the Ironman name a lot.

Edited by winter_mute 2011-10-26 3:18 PM
2011-10-26 3:01 PM
in reply to: #3738391

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Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!
AHare - 2011-10-26 7:50 AM

I just learned on ST that WTC owns the subaru series, which surprised me.

they hide this a bit.  The Subaru series is run by "Trisport Canada", which is really World Endurance Canada, which was bought by WTC.  If you actually read the waiver you sign for the race, it does list all three names on it.

2011-10-26 5:08 PM
in reply to: #3738263

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Extreme Veteran
Somewhere, British Columbia
Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!

When they assessed the economic impact on Toronto, is it including the cancellation 1 month before the race or do they provide this in another study ?



... just wondering...

2011-10-27 6:43 AM
in reply to: #3738263

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Elmira, ON
Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!

Just read the info. for this Triathlon event. I don't think they are doing anything sinister, or trying to hide anything about there name or organziation.  They plainly state who own's the organization and how it's administered in Canada.  They are simply trying to show they have support, it's feasability, and that they want to run a Triathlon in T.O.  If I had the brand name Ironman, I would be using it's clout to.  It's just smart business.  They are trying to sell the concept of a Triathlon in T.O. to the City.  The City has a duty to make sure it's for the benefit of Toronto...

Let's face it, T.O. is a huge market, and almost for sure a money maker.  T.O. has the "loosingest" teams in sports for Hockey, Soccer, and Football but still makes good money...simply because of the population density and market thats available.  Why not a Triathlon?  How could you lose?    And as Toronto is a big, beautiful internationally recognized city...why not a full Ironman? Or is this possibly something they will work upto in the years to come?

 From what I heard, the city  has put them through the ringer on it.  Rob Ford was on the news a couple months or so ago (forget the exact date)  basically saying "what does the city and it's citizens get out of this for shutting down it's roads, etc. for yet another sports event.) Basically saying if we are doing this, the city wants it's cut from it too.  Sounds fair to me.    The big "talk" of an actual "Ironman" Triathlon was hyped by the media, not Trisportcanada, or its other names.   All I heard on CP24 and CTV was that an Ironman was possibly coming to T.O.  And I'm sure it wasn't intentional by the media, they just saw Ironman and Triathlon and didn't look further into the details. 

I agree with the comments on density and number of athletes...and driving to downtown T.O.  compared to Guelph Lake, Belwood, Lakeside, etc.  going all the way to T.O. doesn't sound especially fun for an Olympic distance.  I don't want to be a "sardine" either!     But if it's the waterfront, I can make it there from Elmira in less than 2 hours if traffic is fair.  Not high on my list of events anyways...but considering the market in T.O...thats probably who it would best service.  

I say good to see another event. Good and beautiful locale.  Should be profitable for the company and for the city, and the spin off for the local industries related to it.  Here's hoping it evolves into a half or full iron in the future!  T.O. would make a great venue for that!


2011-10-27 8:36 PM
in reply to: #3738263


Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!

Wow. I hit a few sore spots with that opening post! 


Anyway, I just thought its cool that the brand is making a presence in Toronto, that's all.. oh and because I live/train in Toronto, I thought it'd be nice not to travel anywhere to a race for a change! Even if its only Olympic distance..


I know its not a full Ironman, and I agree that a full Ironman distance in TO would be way more enticing...and after doing the Ottawa Iron distance race where I had to make 12 loops of a 15km bike course, I dont think I'd mind having a few loops of the Gardiner/DVP!! 

2011-11-21 12:59 AM
in reply to: #3738263


Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!
Why would anyone complain about the opportunity to have another race date/location? I personally don't love TO, but I love that Triathlon is a growing sport. Would I aim to race in TO? Not particularly, but then again if it fits in the schedule and is a reasonable commute, why not consider it? Not only that, but I have relatives in TO so could get in a race & a visit. Plus if they hold to a July 22 date, may actually get to celebrate a birthday swimming, biking & running! Sounds good to me!
2011-11-21 7:39 AM
in reply to: #3909527

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Port Colborne, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!

Scrogs - 2011-11-21 1:59 AM Why would anyone complain about the opportunity to have another race date/location? I personally don't love TO, but I love that Triathlon is a growing sport. Would I aim to race in TO? Not particularly, but then again if it fits in the schedule and is a reasonable commute, why not consider it? Not only that, but I have relatives in TO so could get in a race & a visit. Plus if they hold to a July 22 date, may actually get to celebrate a birthday swimming, biking & running! Sounds good to me!

Because it'll be severely overpriced like all WTC events, if it doesn't get cancelled at the last minute that is.

2011-11-21 9:48 AM
in reply to: #3909694

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Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!
RVachon - 2011-11-21 8:39 AM

Because it'll be severely overpriced like all WTC events, if it doesn't get cancelled at the last minute that is.

I just saw a post elsewhere about another 5150 race in the US, not listed yet on the 5150 website with cheap prices.

Maybe they are learning from the mistakes of last year and will keep the prices more in-line with the other series races.

2011-11-21 2:47 PM
in reply to: #3909946

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Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!
winter_mute - 2011-11-21 10:48 AM
RVachon - 2011-11-21 8:39 AM

Because it'll be severely overpriced like all WTC events, if it doesn't get cancelled at the last minute that is.

I just saw a post elsewhere about another 5150 race in the US, not listed yet on the 5150 website with cheap prices.

Maybe they are learning from the mistakes of last year and will keep the prices more in-line with the other series races.

You're supposed to use red font for sarcasm...

2011-11-21 3:30 PM
in reply to: #3738371

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Cambridge, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!
AHare - 2011-10-26 7:18 AM

Sweet, I can skip my favourite tri of the season (Belwood),

that race doesn't appear on the 2012 schedule anyway. don't know specifically why they've dropped it, but i'm disappointed - my husband has been coaxed into doing it as a relay with me (he cycles, i swim and run) for the last two years and we really enjoy it.


-mistress k

2011-12-15 1:59 PM
in reply to: #3738263

Waterloo, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!

And it looks like Toronto didn't approve the 5150 after all - Muskoka will be a 5150 event this year, on Belwood's weekend.

Happily, prices aren't as outrageous as I was expecting - $99 for the Olympic-distance.

Edited by AHare 2011-12-15 2:01 PM
2011-12-15 2:07 PM
in reply to: #3738263

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Extreme Veteran
Somewhere, British Columbia
Subject: RE: Ironman triathlon coming to Toronto in 2012?!
too bad as it is on the same week end as Lake Placid, I might have been interested...

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