General Discussion Triathlon Talk » My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine) Rss Feed  
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2005-12-14 5:25 PM

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Extreme Veteran
northeast Ohio
Subject: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)

I am sooooooo frustrated with this swimming part!  Warning, if you do not want to read whining then go to the next thread.  There is one pool in my county and it is a 25 minute (one way) trip from the town where I live/work.  I am having such a hard time trying to schedule swimming more than once a week.  Mondays, no problem, that is my day off of work.  Tonight I took all my stuff to work with me figuring I might be able to make the 5-6pm lap swim, but as it happens all too often, I end up working until 5:30 instead of getting off at 4:30-5pm.  Going in the morning is hard because I raise poultry and have farm chores to do before I go to work so I already get up early to do that.  This time of year when I have fewer birds to care for, morning swims might be possible.  Once the warm weather comes, I'll have birds on pasture that can only be tended to after sunrise so it's not like I can do chores (in the dark), then swim, then go to work.  Somehow I have to swim, then come home to do chores and then go to work.  The earliest lap swim is twice weekly at 6am (i.e. sunrise in the summer).  UGH!  The timing is awful!   There are no lap swims in the evening after 6pm.  There are no lap swims on Sunday.  Saturdays there is Masters at 7am and lap swim 8-9am, but I work most Saturdays from 8 until noon.  There are no lap swims Saturday afternoon.  This is so so so FRUSTRATING! 

I have a pool schedule from a different Y and that pool has all sorts of lap swims.  Maybe their pool is bigger, but there are many times when they have a lane or two of laps while there is a class in the other part of the pool.  My Y's pool does not do that at all.

Has anyone ever been able to convince their pool to change its schedule?

For all of you who have choices of pools, feel blessed because this is driving me nuts!  The next closest pool is 35-40 minutes away.  I don't know what their schedule is, but that is an awful lot of driving to fit in 30-40 minutes of swimming.

 I have unloaded on you all and I feel better now.  Thanks for listening.     


2005-12-14 5:55 PM
in reply to: #305689

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Tulsa, Oklahoma
Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)
Swimming schedules can be very hard. I live in a fairly big city and it is still hard to work around the pool schedules. I can imagine the frustration when living in a smaller community. I would talk to the people at the pool (explain your dilemma....see if maybe they can put up one lane for you some other time, maybe ask when it is not busy and utilize that time. Is there a tri club in the city where you swim? They may be of some help. What about a high school with a pool? Good Luck!

2005-12-14 5:59 PM
in reply to: #305689

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Kaneohe, Hawaii
Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)

Simple! Switch from chickens to ducks! Train and chore at the same time! Ta-Da!

You're welcome.

Sorry... couldn't resist. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with your swim training schedule. Perhaps if you talk to the admins of your Y and explain your schedule they might be able to bend a little here and there to help accommidate you? Its worth a shot.

2005-12-14 7:18 PM
in reply to: #305689

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Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)

My Ma always told me, it never hurts to ask!

I been slapped a few times, and she was right, it didn't hurt.....

Give it a shot, if you know of others who have a similar schedule as you get them to ask as well.

Good Luck!!!

2005-12-14 9:11 PM
in reply to: #305689

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)
Talk to the Y. Can you make a committment that you'll be there if they can make a lane or open earlier/later?

A group was trying to get a Masters swim club started at a pool 2 blocks from my house, but the practices weren't going to work for me. (Too many evening activities.) Instead, I'm driving to another pool.
2005-12-14 10:37 PM
in reply to: #305689

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Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)
I hear ya, my Y doesn't follow the rules. You are only supposed to be in a swim lane if you can swim 10 laps or more. Heck, have the time it has people power walking down them.

2005-12-14 11:02 PM
in reply to: #305689

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Seattle, California
Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)
I also find pool schdules hard to deal with and I'm in a situation much more flexable then you. Why does everything always have to start at 5!! People work till 5 damn it! Sorry... I figured this would be a good thead to vent
2005-12-15 6:29 AM
in reply to: #305689

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)
I thought the Ys were required to offer one lap swim lane all the time. I would ask. I will say some Ys have different rules but I would push it. However, if this fails maybe you can have a good poultry season and get one of these:
2005-12-15 6:45 AM
in reply to: #305689

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)

Since you are driving that far you might want to think about adding up the cost of gas you burn in a month, membership fees, extra miles on your vehicle, and how much your time is worth and compare that to the cost of one of those "endless pools".  You could probably finance the purchase and I wonder if the monthly cost wouldn't be low enough to justify getting one.  It probably seems like a ridiculous luxury but you never know.

I'm considering myself blessed that I live very near a club that is open 24 hrs and there's another one near my work so I can pretty much go anytime I get a "hall pass" from my sweetie.

2005-12-15 8:41 AM
in reply to: #305689

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Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)
Please don't think me judgemental, but make your commitment and stick to it! On the days that you plan to go to the pool after work, make sure that you leave work when you are supposed to. Let your boss know or remind yourself (if you're the boss) that today I leave at 4:30 sharp.

On days that I have a brutal "after work workout" scheduled, I am tempted to do extra work and stay late and use that as an excuse not to bust out my workout. Sometimes I give in, but I'm working on it. Progress for me is being a little bit better than I used to be, in all walks of far I'm making progress!
2005-12-15 9:14 AM
in reply to: #305689

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Mount Vernon, Iowa
Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)
My public/Y pool situation is similarly crappy, and also 30 minutes away. Things finally improved when I hooked up with the local masters club that has a sweet deal with the high school to use their pool in the early a.m. 4 times a week. At least I get a real workout, even though I still have to drive for it. Are there any not-quite-public pools you might be able to negotiate yourself into?

2005-12-15 7:56 PM
in reply to: #305689

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)
No gyms with pools in an entire county? Do you live in a small city?

2005-12-15 8:08 PM
in reply to: #305689

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Wife, Mother, Friend.
Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)
there's a guy on another tri forum who's a rep for Endless Pools. I'm sure he can hook you up.
2005-12-15 8:22 PM
in reply to: #306429

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Extreme Veteran
northeast Ohio
Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)

ChuckyFinster - 2005-12-15 8:56 PM No gyms with pools in an entire county? Do you live in a small city?

Hee hee!  I guess you could say that.  County population about 100,000.  Township I live in has just shy of 900 people.  Village I work in has 3500 people.  City with the pool about 17,000 people.  Plus our county has the largest land area of any in Ohio so everything is really spread out.  None of the highschools have pools.  This is THE only pool in the county except for a couple of small hotel pools and of course whoever has a pool in there backyard.  LOL!  In the summer time, I will have the large pool called Lake Erie, but I'll have to wait for the ice to go away. 

But CLLinIA got me thinking.  I only live 6 miles from the PA border.  I didn't even think to explore what might be across the border.  This is something I need to check in to.

An endless pool might be fun, but I don't know where in the heck I would put something like that.  Right now my Nordic Track is sitting in the middle of my husband's at home office.  Space is pretty tight around here.

Anyways, thanks for all the support.  I think I have some good ideas to explore that came from this thread.  Thanks!


2005-12-15 8:37 PM
in reply to: #306440

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Wife, Mother, Friend.
Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)
they have portable ones now, if you already have a pool in the yard, they can set it up so you can turn it on/off when ya want.  At least that's what I hear.
2005-12-15 8:43 PM
in reply to: #305689

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Joplin, MO
Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)
Will there be closer open water options for you in the summer?

2005-12-15 8:46 PM
in reply to: #305689

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Eagle River, Alaska
Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)
Good luck, I am sure something will work out for you !!!! Keep looking
2005-12-15 9:25 PM
in reply to: #305689

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Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)

I can only swim on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the evening.  The Civic Center (which is the only)pool has only been open for an hour those days of the week 5:00 to 6:00.  I have to leave early from work to swim.  This seems bad  but the pressure of the schedule has gottem me to the pool and swimming within 5 minutes of the 5:00 PM start both Tuesday and Thursday this week.  If you are a procrastinator like me, perhaps, you can use the schedule pressure to get you into the pool before the opportunity is gone.


2005-12-17 4:31 PM
in reply to: #305873

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Lexington, Kentucky
Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)
An endless pool is my dream. But if you haven't got an extra 18K$ lying around, you might look at combining a cheap above-ground pool w/swim bungees.
2005-12-17 6:06 PM
in reply to: #305689

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Extreme Veteran
northeast Ohio
Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)

Hey I made to the 5pm lap swim after work on Friday!  Just me and one other guy in the pool.  It was so quiet.  The lifeguard said it would pick up after the first of the year, but it was very nice!


2005-12-18 8:28 PM
in reply to: #307656

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The real USC, in the ghetto of LA
Subject: RE: My pool's lap swims (warning: I need to whine)
drdi - 2005-12-17 6:06 PM

The lifeguard said it would pick up after the first of the year

i am dreading the new year worse then i dreaded winter. my gym will be packed, and my masters group will swell. oh well at least they are people trying to better themselfs. hummm on second thought i might be fatser than someone at masters come jan 1st.

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