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2004-11-05 1:30 PM

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Subject: Bike vs. Car
I apologize if this has been discussed recently, but I couldn't find it in the threads.

What is everyone's opinion on whether or not bikes should:

1. stop at stop signs with no cars around

2. stop at stop lights with no cars around

basically...follow the same rules as cars do...

This is being discussed in my local bike forum and I just wanted to know what you guys think.

2004-11-05 1:35 PM
in reply to: #79487

Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car

I obey the same laws that I would if I were driving my car, including waiting at red lights etc.  I like to think it portrays a good image of cyclists in general, rather than have an auto driver thinking "What gives that cyclist the right to run a red light?"  Courtesy goes a long way in fostering good car-bike relationships as far as sharing the road.  If someone waits for me to ride by before they pull into an intersection, I always wave and say thanks.  Mama brought me up to always be polite.

Edited by max 2004-11-05 1:36 PM

2004-11-05 1:41 PM
in reply to: #79487

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car
4 ways are a little tricky around here because no one stops for them anyway, but I do stop at traffic lights and stop signs. Like Max said, it goes a long way towards setting a good example. I also like to way at motorists that don't cut me off at intersections and those that give me plenty of space when they pass me.

2004-11-05 1:45 PM
in reply to: #79487

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Extreme Veteran
Thunder Bay, Ontario
Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car
I follow same rules as driving - including using hand signals.  Except as Frank says 4-ways are difficult 'cause traffic just rolls thru it
2004-11-05 1:53 PM
in reply to: #79487

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Elite Veteran
Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car
Do you mean like stop-stop or like rolling stop? If you mean stop-stop then I do at stop lights. However, if it's a stop sign and I can clearly see that no cars are coming then I slow down and roll the stop.

When you roll through then you don't have to unclip and then clip back in. It's kinda like what you do when driving a car with a manual transmission; it's easier to roll through then bother with the clutch.
2004-11-05 1:54 PM
in reply to: #79487

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St Charles, IL
Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car
Lights, yes.

Stop signs, mostly. I slow down for all of them. There are a few in the residential area by my house where if there are no cars, I will slow down a bit, but not stop for them all the way.

I see too many cars blowing stop signs, or rushing to beat lights around here, so I'm very aware of traffic when I ride. In a car vs. bicycle fight it doesn't matter who is 'right', the car wins everytime.


2004-11-05 1:57 PM
in reply to: #79487

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Lafayette, CO
Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car
I always convey my intentions (turning, etc) with hand signals when riding.  I use hand signals to show my appreciation when a car/truck lets me through, gives extra space, etc.  I also use a hand signal to show my displeasure when some moron crams me against the curb, or cuts in front of me, etc.  All in all, I try to follow the same rules in my truck or on my bike, although I have been guilty of rolling through one 4-way in my neighborhood on my bike... 
2004-11-05 2:29 PM
in reply to: #79487

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Pleasanton, CA
Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car
I generally follow the same rules on my bike as I do in my Jeep except for stop signs when there are absolutely no cars around, then I just slow down for the sign but don't stop. I also like to wave in appreciation to those nice drivers who give us some courtesy and respect. I'm also guilty of a different type of "wave" to those idiot drivers who seem like they are out to run me off the road.

As far as hand signals, I use them occassionally but not all the time.
2004-11-06 8:46 AM
in reply to: #79487

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Elite Veteran
northern Illinois
Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car
Hmmm.... I think that I always stop at stop lights -and stay stopped until the light turns. Stop signs? Probably less so. Cruising through is a definite possibility.

The reason I'm wondering is that the other day I took the roads to work. I usually take the bike path. But I got in a group of school children riding their bikes to school. I stopped at a stop light, and stayed stopped -knowing that if I did, they would. And it felt a little weird. So maybe I'm less consistent about that than I like to think.

2004-11-08 1:31 PM
in reply to: #79487

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Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car

I follow the same rules of the road that apply to auto driving.  And I'm always on the defensive--because they weight about 2000 pounds more than me and my bike!!!!


2004-11-08 2:02 PM
in reply to: #79487

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car
I try to follow the rules of a car. I am guilty of rolling thru stop signs most times. It seems safer to me sometimes-I can get thru the intersection quicker since I don't have to unclip-plus I don't have to acclerate from a stop. I do err on the side of caution-I'd rather stop than get hit.

2004-11-11 9:38 AM
in reply to: #79487

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Cole Harbour, NS
Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car
I bike to and from work everyday, typically I follow the rules as they apply to cars. However, on a quiet street at 6:30 am a shortcut or two never hurt, especially if it takes me off roading for 100 - 200 meters.
At the end of the day on the road I follow car rules.
2004-11-11 10:45 AM
in reply to: #79487

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car
What about when you are the only person at a stop light? All of the lights around me a pressure sensitive. If I stopped at it and waited for it to turn green, I'd have to wait until a car came up behind me to activate it.
2004-11-11 10:25 PM
in reply to: #79487

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Frisco, Texas
Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car

I always follow the rules of the road...just like I was in a car.  I stop for lights, hold my place in the line (don't roll up the right side to the front) and wait my turn.  I may roll a stop sign, but always slow to check traffic.  Basically, I act like a car.  I even hold my place on the road by riding in the right hand tire track.  I never ride in the 'gutter' of the roadway...that only encourages drivers to squeeze betwee you and oncoming traffic. 


2004-11-11 10:30 PM
in reply to: #82040

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Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car
zia_cyclist - 2004-11-11 9:25 PM

I never ride in the 'gutter' of the roadway...that only encourages drivers to squeeze betwee you and oncoming traffic. 


Very good suggestion! That's so right.
2004-11-12 8:56 AM
in reply to: #79487

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car
As a commuter, I follow the rules of the road because a bicycle is a bona fide road vehicle. I will, however, merely slow down at stop signs when it is clear that there is no traffic coming.

2004-11-12 9:38 AM
in reply to: #82040

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Extreme Veteran
Kennesaw, GA
Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car
zia_cyclist - 2004-11-11 10:25 PM...hold my place in the line (don't roll up the right side to the front) and wait my turn....

What's everyone's thoughts on going to the front of the line. I will keep my place in line on a 2 lane red light or stop and go traffic. But if it is a 4 lane road or major intersection with a large shoulder and a long line at the light, I will more often than take the shoulder to the front right. I justify this a little because I will ride the shoulder on these major roads because they are wide enough for me and since I turn it into somewhat of a bike and I treat it like no one is ahead of me in my lane.
2004-11-12 7:37 PM
in reply to: #82131

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Cole Harbour, NS
Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car
Way cool graphic where did you get it and who can I do something like that!
2004-11-12 10:53 PM
in reply to: #82131

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Frisco, Texas
Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car

If there is a shoulder, then I use the shoulder and cruise up to the front and to the light.  But, if there isn't a shoulder then I ride in the right tire track and hold my place in line.  As a motorist (I drive a car sometimes), I get frustrated with cyclist that I must pass several times because they keep going to the front of the line at every red light.  Other vehicles can't/won't/it's illegal pass on the right and go to the front of the line, so why should cyclists.

The courtesy thing works both ways.  We can give cycling a good image by being courteous and following the rules of the road.


2004-11-13 9:13 AM
in reply to: #79487

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Elite Veteran
northern Illinois
Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car
I go to the front of the line, but it's because I don't want to breathe the exhaust of the cars in front of me. I'm always careful, though, about the driver that's at the front of the line that might be wanting to turn right. I try to hang far enough back that he can do that, if he wants.

2004-11-16 12:37 AM
in reply to: #82413

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Beautiful Sonoma County
Subject: RE: Bike vs. Car
Andrea - 2004-11-13 6:13 AM

I go to the front of the line, but it's because I don't want to breathe the exhaust of the cars in front of me. I'm always careful, though, about the driver that's at the front of the line that might be wanting to turn right. I try to hang far enough back that he can do that, if he wants.


I too go to the front, if possible. Besides avoiding the fumes, I feel it's safer there since everyone can see me, including on-coming traffic that may want to turn left across my lane. If I'm back behind a car, they may think it's an opening.

I refuse to ride in the gutter. I don't know what the law is in California (but you can be sure I'll check now). I know in Oregon, bikes are allowed full use of the lane, so if they WANT to ride down the middle they can. Personally, I think I'm safer taking an agressive position. People in cars, myself included sometimes, don't tend to see anything other than cars unless it's right in front of them.


My BF likes to tell the story of a cyclist riding home along a windy country road after dark. A car passes by too closely too fast and nearly runs the poor cyclist into the ditch. The cyclist curses the driver, but goes along. About 20 minutes later, the cyclist comes up on the same car, pulled off the road with a flat tire. He takes the moral high road and offers the driver some assistance. After helping the person he says, "You know... You should be more careful and look out for cyclists on this road. You nearly ran me over back there."

The driver was apologetic and said, "I'm sorry. I just didn't see you."

The cyclist then said, "You know, in about 2 minutes you're going to feel pretty stupid having said that."

He then turned, got on his bike and rode away. That's when the driver saw that he had 3 flashing red LED lights, and several hi-visibility reflective strips across his back.

Moral of the story: if you're not a car, they don't see you.

Edited by madkat 2004-11-16 12:47 AM

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