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2008-08-12 12:16 PM

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!
On Sunday I rode the Verona loop of the IMWI. Did it twice for a total of 91 miles.
I've had limited hill training and it showed. YIKES those hills were wicked! I found myself struggling up some a 6mph. (one particularly LONG winding hill we dubbed the "Just shoot me now" hill ) and then was screaming down another at 40 mph. That scared the **** out of me. All I can say is I hope the roads are dry on race day or I'll wear out my brakes.
After the first loop I was averaging 16.6. After the second loop. which included a flat for me, and several stops because my friends chain fell off twice and then his legs began cramping, my average dropped to 15.7. Those with experience...that's not horrible is it? I wasn't completely trashed after, so I guess that's a good sign. I'm in the women's 45-49 age group and from what I saw from last years race results it does put me toward the back of the pack. In shorter races I'm usually more toward the front. I hope to ride the it again this weekend.
I just love adding to my IM worry list. It's getting longer and longer and......

2008-08-12 12:23 PM
in reply to: #1597390

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!

Welcome to my neck o' da woods. Glad you experienced the course. I like riding it.

That's about my average since I don't like to push the course but finally started to enjoy working the spin on the uphills.

How'd the nutrition plan go and did you frequent some potty breaks along the way?  This is crucial.

2008-08-12 12:23 PM
in reply to: #1597390

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!
The long winding hill, is the first of the three sisters....I actually like that hill as you can tap out a rhythm. I do not like the second hill ( hill) or Midtown road. I'll be at the long hill screaming at you to get up that hill!!

The hill climbing into Mt Horeb is no picnic either.....

IMOO is a very slow bike course. The out section to Verona is flat but the ride back those little rollers are a pain in the butt.

I went 6:52 last year, riding easy to not destroy my run.

It doesn't matter what you're bike split is without a run to back it up....that is where you'll lose time. Walking miles and miles is far worse than riding 15/20 mins slower on the bike.

2008-08-12 12:32 PM
in reply to: #1597408

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Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!

That winding hill was the only one I really felt any strain on last year.  Cranked it up the 25-tooth cog, sat back, and spun up it at whatever speed I could muster.  If you try and attack any of the hills and you'll pay for it later.

On race day, there's a nice party going on that hill, at least.  You'll have people ringing cowbells, cheering, and wearing all kinds of costumes.  Last year, there was a guy in a SuperGirl costume and a group in cheerleader outfits.

Sit back.  Spin what you can.  Most of all, enjoy it.

2008-08-12 12:36 PM
in reply to: #1597405

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!
1stTimeTri - 2008-08-12 12:23 PM

That's about my average since I don't like to push the course and I slow down to look at algae in the ditches but finally started to enjoy working the spin on the uphills.

2008-08-12 12:52 PM
in reply to: #1597405

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!
1stTimeTri - 2008-08-12 12:23 PM

Welcome to my neck o' da woods. Glad you experienced the course. I like riding it.

That's about my average since I don't like to push the course but finally started to enjoy working the spin on the uphills.

How'd the nutrition plan go and did you frequent some potty breaks along the way?  This is crucial.

After the first loop I realized that I had not had enough nutrition or hydration, and could feel it. I was trying so hard to keep up with the group I was with (me and 4 guys) that I fell off my plan. On the second loop I hung back with another guy and was faithful to what I had planned as far as eating, but the drinking was not the best as I had only 1 potty break. For my HIM on other century rides I had my timer on my watch set for every 20 minutes. I drank something at each and rotated the nutrition I'm one of those people who forgets to eat and drink and I know that would be deadly at an IM, thus the timer reminder. I will definitely drink more on race day.

2008-08-12 1:01 PM
in reply to: #1597390

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Extreme Veteran
McHenry, IL
Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!

I tell's a LOT more fun on race day...well, at least during the first loop.  Those hills will be lined with spectators, cheering you all the way up.  It really helps take your mind off the hard work.  The spectators thin out a bit by the time you get to the hills on the second loop, but there will still be folks there giving you some love :-)

You must have gotten lost coming up with 91 miles over two Verona loops?  Each loop is about 41 miles.  Did you add some sightseeing ;-)

You'll be fine.  Just make sure to keep the effort level set to "easy" over the first ~60 miles or so.  Pushing too hard early on the bike has wrecked a lot of folks' IM race days.

2008-08-12 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1597390

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Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!

suzimmer - 2008-08-12 12:16 PM On Sunday I rode the Verona loop of the IMWI. Did it twice for a total of 91 miles. I've had limited hill training and it showed. YIKES those hills were wicked! I found myself struggling up some a 6mph. (one particularly LONG winding hill we dubbed the "Just shoot me now" hill ) and then was screaming down another at 40 mph. That scared the **** out of me. All I can say is I hope the roads are dry on race day or I'll wear out my brakes. After the first loop I was averaging 16.6. After the second loop. which included a flat for me, and several stops because my friends chain fell off twice and then his legs began cramping, my average dropped to 15.7. Those with experience...that's not horrible is it? I wasn't completely trashed after, so I guess that's a good sign. I'm in the women's 45-49 age group and from what I saw from last years race results it does put me toward the back of the pack. In shorter races I'm usually more toward the front. I hope to ride the it again this weekend. I just love adding to my IM worry list. It's getting longer and longer and......

Next time you ride it, it won’t be that bad...  I have ridden it four times and each time that I do, my average speed goes up.

This last weekend there was a BMC Sponsored athlete from New Zealand who on the first of the three sisters flew up the hill at over 20MPH he blew by some people like they were standing still. Also count your blessings that you were not out there Saturday morning, we were caught in the rain on the descents between Mt. Horeb and Cross plains it made it VERY interesting.

I agree with Hayes… You need to make sure you have enough gas in the tank to get you through the run. My advice is you need to dial in your nutrition and hydration ASAP. 25 days until race day and you need to practice it before hand so it is not new to you and your body on race day. My 2 cents….




Edited by jhouse4 2008-08-12 1:10 PM
2008-08-12 1:08 PM
in reply to: #1597390

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Tiger's Den
Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!

If you averaged that, you'll be ahead of me!

My plan is to spin up the hills, and push the downhills and do what i can in between. Oh, and have fun!

What is the overall climbing on the course? I've seen the comparison to the other courses, but didn't know what the overall # was...


2008-08-12 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1597390

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Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!

Fun isnt it?! I rode the whole course on Sat.  Rain mustve came down early before I got there and all the roads were wet the first loop.  I went down that hill w/ the wet roads.  Fun...lets you know your still alive.

Dont worry too much about it.  Keep your cadence above 90 and sit n spin right up those things.

2008-08-12 3:05 PM
in reply to: #1597458

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!
Birkierunner - 2008-08-12 12:36 PM
1stTimeTri - 2008-08-12 12:23 PM

That's about my average since I don't like to push the course and I slow down to look at algae in the ditches but finally started to enjoy working the spin on the uphills.

For an quiet ol' man, you sure are funny.

2008-08-12 4:07 PM
in reply to: #1597578

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!
Steve in IL - 2008-08-12 1:01 PM
You must have gotten lost coming up with 91 miles over two Verona loops?  Each loop is about 41 miles.  Did you add some sightseeing

We started a few miles out so that's where the extra miles came from
2008-08-12 4:36 PM
in reply to: #1597390

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Mt. Morris, IL
Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!

You are already in good shape since you have ridden the corse and you realize those hills can take it out of you.  Listen to what many have said about pacing yourself.  In 06 I went out too fast on the first loop and I paid for it on the second one and the run.  IM is a long race, but you can blow it up in no time at all.  In 06 it was wet (very wet), and it did slow the down hill a little, especially if there were others around me.  We are getting close people!

25 days, 14 hours, 27 minutes (wow we are close)

2008-08-12 4:39 PM
in reply to: #1597390

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!

Pedal the downhills to carry you up a lot of the rollers. It's a fun course, I went right into a yard taking a left turn too fast. I can't remember the road but the volunteer at the corner remembered me on the second loop!

Nutrition plays a huge roll on that second loop. Stay focused and drink before you're thirsty!!  

2008-08-12 5:09 PM
in reply to: #1597390

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!
I'm not a very strong cyclist so you'll be ahead of me too.

You'll definitely have a benefit having ridden the course. I was much faster the second time I rode it. Along with what everyone else said, nutrition and pacing are key. Now that you have some experience on the course, you can develop your strategy.
2008-08-12 7:20 PM
in reply to: #1597390

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!

I have no idea how people can "stay comfortable" on those hills..... seriuosly??

Ill ride it for the 4th time this weekend- hopefully it will be easier.

25 days....   AAAAHHHHHH!!!!

2008-08-12 7:59 PM
in reply to: #1597390

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!

As others have said, spin up the hills and stay in your saddle.  People will take off really fast and don't get caught up in it.  Ride  your race, not someone elses.  Take the first loop easy and THEN see if you want to pick up the pace.  But not until you start the second loop.

I'm a big fan of resting your legs on the downhills.  But start pedaling before you get to the point where you lose your speed.  It's a fine balance.  Even in 06 with the wind and cold, you can still get good speed by being smart. 

See you there! 

2008-08-12 8:53 PM
in reply to: #1597390

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Westland, MI
Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!
i was out there a few weeks ago and average 16 over those 91 miles. At Steelhead I averaged 19.5 last year and based upon my research the 3.5 mph difference between IMMOO and a flat Half Ironman is pretty normal. Get a 12-27 if you don't already have one IMHO.
2008-08-16 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1597390

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!
How many more days, MOOSTERS??!!
2008-08-17 9:27 AM
in reply to: #1608351

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Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!

1stTimeTri - 2008-08-16 9:27 PM
How many more days, MOOSTERS??!!

Not enough.

2008-08-17 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1608351

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Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!

1stTimeTri - 2008-08-16 9:27 PM How many more days, MOOSTERS??!!


I think 20...

2008-08-17 9:39 AM
in reply to: #1597390

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Just rode the IMWI course - OMG!
Lat day of training taper from tomorrow....Can't wait!
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