Canadian Triathlon Forum Ontario » Winter is coming... so now what? Rss Feed  
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2012-09-18 2:07 PM

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Subject: Winter is coming... so now what?

What do you folks do in the wintertime? 

- spin class?

- run?

- pool lengths?

- strength train/weights?

- drink heavily?

- sleep????

For me, getting a trainer is out of the question this year.  I'll be lucky to find an affordable road bike for the spring...I'd enjoy hearing what others do to keep up the fitness and motivation when the snow comes.


2012-09-18 2:34 PM
in reply to: #4416992

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Ontario Canada
Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?

 For me 1,2, 3 , 4,& 6 some more.

Other then a 2 to3 week rest period over christmas & new years my training volume actually will increase, at least it did last year and I dont see why it won't do the same this year as well. I was actually in peak shape last year in April / May. and sort of slacked off over the tri season. I run more in the cooler winter weather, get on the trainer a lot more then I would ride in the summer and add more strength& core workouts.

I checked  my log for  last year  and this, oct thru march I was  training 215 to 260 miles / month + 6 hrs of Core/ strenght., from May to now I have been doing 125 to 160 / month with No core or strength, so quit an increase for me once it gets cold and snowy.

Edited by RRH_88 2012-09-18 2:36 PM
2012-09-18 5:37 PM
in reply to: #4416992

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Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?
Personally I am going to try and stave off winter for as long as possible. I'll continue to run outdoors as I find the conditions rather peaceful. If I can I'll ride outdoors as well but if not I'll be in the pain cave pushing through an assortment of "the sufferfest" videos. Would like to start out next season stronger at the beginning. Also plan on incorporating more strength training this winter as well. Need to build a stronger core, little niggling aches have made their way into my season.
2012-09-18 6:18 PM
in reply to: #4416992

Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?
September is my "easy" month so I cut back a little. But once October gets here I'll be on the trainer almost every day until April or May when the season starts again. Running will be next to none until injuries are gone.

And I do sleep more.

2012-09-18 8:13 PM
in reply to: #4416992

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Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?

This winter?  Make a baby

The last two winters I have focused on working on the bike.  I had never really worked at becoming a better cyclist for the first several years of doing triathlons.  Over this time, I greatly improved my biking ability.  Biked 6:53 at Florida on one of the easiest IM bike courses out there in 2010.  Bike 6:51 at Wisconsin the other day. If you know anything about these two courses, that is a HUGE improvement.  (I think I would do 6:15 if I were to do that race rather than Florida).

I also usually train for a spring half marathon.

Keep up swimming about 2 days a week, but this is essentially what I do all year long.  I'm naturally a good swimmer so I would probably have to put in too many hours to really improve there.  not worth it at this point for me.

2012-09-18 9:05 PM
in reply to: #4416992

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Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?
Great to hear from folks, that really just keep doing what you are doing, but sleep more.   Daffodil, GOOD LUCK!  Enjoy the adventure...

2012-09-18 10:27 PM
in reply to: #4416992

Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?

Swim. A lot. Then double it. And then swim some more. Cycling is the easiest of the 3 to make gains, and running is easy to maintain with frequency. I'll be training my weakness & trying to turn it into a (relative) strength.

2012-09-19 5:14 AM
in reply to: #4416992

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?
Alright...being in Timmins I am going to chime in as the winter subject matter expert hear. I honestly love running on snow covered sidewalks and trails, a good crisp morning run at -30 is one of the best ways I know of to start a day. The pool lanes start getting more crowded and Masters class starts again, spin instructors become more and more a sadistic each year. Maybe there aren't any tri's in the winter and perhaps no hockey even this year!?! But as Canadians this is our time to flourish, so break out your flannel jackets and enjoy!
2012-09-19 2:51 PM
in reply to: #4416992

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?

ALL of the above!

but in all seriousness... while I do have my fair share of fun, I also keep training with my running group & master's swim club.
(the sort of friendly competitive spirit between the lot of us keeps the motivation coming!)
My cycling, however, needs some serious work.
may join a group that trains on computrainers over the winter....
what can I say....? I'm a joiner Tongue out
2012-09-20 6:57 AM
in reply to: #4416992

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Elmira, ON
Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?

so just a question based on this thread....winter a treadmill, mag trainer and pool ok?

Anyone have any great cross training ideas that will help keep the current fitness level before starting back into tri's in the new year?

What are some of the options out there for us "noobs?"  I will admit...after all the running, swimming, biking every day this year...I'm getting a bit tired of it and could use a change for a bit...but don't want to lose that level of fitness / speed come next May.  I would like to maintain what I have...and build on that in the new year.  Is there a way to do that?

2012-09-20 7:50 AM
in reply to: #4416992

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?

I like to cross country ski if we get snow - I think I'll travel more to do that this winter (London usually has more snow than we do). 

I P90X every winter - starting about end of November through February.  Plus spin class.  I have rollers for at home.  I run outdoors almost all year with the exception of when our sidewalks get so iced over that it's lethal to get out.  (They don't seem to salt/sand them here.)  I swim a couple times a week usually - although I've been less interested in the pool this year.  I started yoga 3x a week this summer and will continue that through the winter - although I'm thinking of starting to go to the hot yoga class now that the temps are dropping.

Pilot_e I may be getting rid of my mag trainer if I can find a fluid trainer - I'll message you.

2012-09-20 8:53 AM
in reply to: #4419875

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?
TheCrownsOwn - 2012-09-20 7:57 AM

so just a question based on this thread....winter a treadmill, mag trainer and pool ok?

Anyone have any great cross training ideas that will help keep the current fitness level before starting back into tri's in the new year?

What are some of the options out there for us "noobs?"  I will admit...after all the running, swimming, biking every day this year...I'm getting a bit tired of it and could use a change for a bit...but don't want to lose that level of fitness / speed come next May.  I would like to maintain what I have...and build on that in the new year.  Is there a way to do that?

Definitely all are okay for winter training. We still have lots of nice weekends though for riding.  And I definitely recommend getting outside for running - all winter. It will make you feel like you are super tough! Treadmill is great - but get really tedious. I know I miss all the fresh air I get from running outside (though the dark evenings and mornings are pretty tiresome as well). It's just about finding what works for you!

As for building other fun things: I think like silver_wlf was talking about doing something like P90X.  Maybe also  pre-registered boot-camp or yoga class might be good motivation to do something else once or twice a week for an 8-10 week session.

Although not as regular in the off-season we try to get out for some fall hikes and in the winter so skating at a nearby park.  You know, fun stuff

Edited by juniperjen 2012-09-20 8:55 AM
2012-09-21 2:11 PM
in reply to: #4416992

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Ontario Canada
Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?
I agree the TM is ok but My preferance is to continue to run outside all winter, I usually only get forced in on my Treadmill maybe 3 or 4 times over the entire winter because conditions that are just too icey or bad, if its at all possible it's outside for me, I even managed a couple  of rides out on the bike last year in the last week of december the weather was so nice here and there wasn't any snow down on the ground  yet gonna see about  getting some neoprene booties for this year so I can stay on the bike a bit longer.

Edited by RRH_88 2012-09-21 2:13 PM
2012-09-21 4:56 PM
in reply to: #4416992

Waterloo, Ontario
Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?

Last winter I did 400kJ (20-25 minutes) on the trainer and 4-5km running each day.  I'll probably do something similar this winter.

Also going to do the fighting koala indoor tri series, which is a great way to keep the competitive juices flowing in the winter.

Edited by AHare 2012-09-21 4:57 PM
2012-09-21 5:56 PM
in reply to: #4422802

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New Hamburg, Ontario
Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?
AHare - 2012-09-21 5:56 PM

Also going to do the fighting koala indoor tri series, which is a great way to keep the competitive juices flowing in the winter.


What is "fighting koala indoor tri series"??

2012-09-22 11:21 AM
in reply to: #4422876

Waterloo, Ontario
Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?

Here's last year's schedule/outline:'s/Winter%20Triathlon%20Series.pdf (at least I think it is last year's).  Eric Grieg was telling me at the Lakeside race they're planning on a more robust signup/registration setup this year.

You swim in the morning at the waterdown YMCA, then head to Down Under Cycling's computrainer studio for the bike, then run a 5K in the waterdown suburbs.  It's a ton of fun, you get to meet other local triathletes, and it's a good way to spend a cold winter morning.

Edited by AHare 2012-09-22 11:36 AM

2012-09-22 1:42 PM
in reply to: #4416992


Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?
swim and spin class M to F off on the weekends. Short runs up to 5K right after spin class.
2012-09-22 2:17 PM
in reply to: #4416992

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New Hamburg, Ontario
Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?
Sounds like fun...I will have to look into that!
2012-09-24 2:31 PM
in reply to: #4416992

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Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?

I love running outside in winter... except for that brutal 4-week period in Jan or Feb when I inevitably get sick and can't shake it! After my 1/2 marathon next month I hope to keep up a weekly 10-miler plus some shorter runs through the week. I am also going to dip my toe into (literally) Master's swims this winter, just once a week to start, and try for another swim during the week on my own. I have a trainer in the basement and I can usually fit in some time on that too. It's best if I record a favourite TV show or two and only allow myself to watch it if I'm on the trainer at the same time. I almost never run on the treadmill though, unless the weather is really awful.

I also eat a whoooole lot of Halloween chocolate bar minis and Christmas cookies. Tongue out

2012-09-25 10:10 AM
in reply to: #4416992

Niagara Region
Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?
Focus more on runningGet a bike trainer for January to start prepping for springSkiing, and p90x over the winter
2012-10-06 12:43 PM
in reply to: #4416992

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Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?
I recently bought a tri-bike after riding a mountain bike all summer - so I plan to be doing a lot of indoor trainer rides this winter to work on drills, bike specific stregth and to get some time in the saddle. Then, hopefully I'll be in okay bike shape come spring and just need to get used to riding on the road with clipless pedals (Terrifying thought). For a change of pace, I also bought a spin package off Groupon for a cycling studio around the corner from my house -- I've never done spin classes before - so we'll see how it goes.

I'll also be swimming twice a week at the community centre pool around the corner from where I live. Since I just did a beginner tri this past summer - and I was a decent swimmer to begin with, I didn't really worry about swim training. Now I want to do some Olympic races next year, I figure I need to be more proactive about getting to the pool.

Running for me will be inside on a treadmill. I have asthma and the cold air gets into my lungs and I end up coughing for weeks. I'll stay outside as long as possible - but when it drops below zero, I'll move indoors.

I also do strength and core work twice a week with my trainer (who also keeps me accountable for all my other work). I'll keep that up through the winter for sure.

2012-10-29 9:36 PM
in reply to: #4416992

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Northern Ontario (near Lake Superior)
Subject: RE: Winter is coming... so now what?

1. Not available locally. I'll be on the trainer in the basement logging miles. 

2. Yes. Try and get my distance up and keep running outside.

3. Have to drive 1 1/2 hrs so I hope to do this a few times during the winter. 

4. Getting into cross fit training doing this a couple times a week.

5. Just the odd time after pickup hockey.

6. no more no less.

Edited by Jigger 2012-10-29 9:37 PM
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Canadian Triathlon Forum Ontario » Winter is coming... so now what? Rss Feed