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2008-05-20 9:19 AM

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Subject: When do I stop losing weight?
I know this is an irritating question, but it's a legitimate one for me. I hope people don't take offense.

I started training about a year ago at 6' 1" and 212 lbs. I weighed this morning at 178. My weight loss has been clock work. I lose about 4 lbs a month. I graduated from highschool at 165. I'm 33 now. I thought I'd get down to 185 and hold there, but I keep losing weight. I'd taken that to be a good thing, but I'm not slowing down. How much should I lose before I've got to start eating more? I haven't done a body fat test, but I'm prettty lean. Should I go off body fat or hold at a certain weight. This is a dilema I never thought I'd have, but my wife says she's worried about my weight. At this rate I'd be 141 lbs next year. Ideas?

Edited by browntown 2008-05-20 9:20 AM

2008-05-20 10:49 AM
in reply to: #1413226

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Golden, CO
Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?

I went through the same thing last year.

I am 6'4" and went from 225 down to my current weight of 175.  I had spent the better part of 20 years at over 200 lbs and never though that I would get back down below that level.  When I first broke through the 200 lb level, I begin to wonder whether or when I should stop.  Basically, what I did was to look in the mirror.  At the time, I still had some obvious excess fat around my mid-section, so I set a new goal to lose 5 more lbs.  When I reached that goal, I did the same thing again.  When I reached 180 lbs., the excess fat was pretty much gone, and I stopped trying to lose weight.  I have continued to lose weight, but at a much slower rate.

Are you eating healthy?  Are you hungry all the time?  Are you tired all of the time?  If you are eating healthy, you are not starving yourself, and have enough energy, I wouldn't worry too much.  As your weight goes down, your body burns fewer calories.  Your weight will eventually stabilize.  You could try eating just a little more, and see how you feel.  If you end up with more energy, you probably needed the extra calories.

2008-05-20 2:16 PM
in reply to: #1413226

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Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?
I eat pretty well. I'm not hungry to any extent, and I'm pretty careful about getting a varied diet. My wife makes sure we have healthy food in the house. I'm just surprised that the weight hasn't slowed down more. I'm guessing it will any minute. Maybe I'll look into getting a body fat scale. I'm just barely starting weight training now to help increase muscle strength from the waist up. Can you train yourself into anorexia? I really don't think that under 160 lbs is safe for me under any circumstances, but that's my projected weight in about six months. Thanks for the post, btw. It looks like a lot of people are looking, but not posting.
2008-05-22 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1413226

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Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?
you men and your ability to drop weight! you're killing me smalls! i'd love to have that problem! 
2008-05-22 1:01 PM
in reply to: #1413226

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?

browntown - 2008-05-20 7:19 AM I know this is an irritating question, but it's a legitimate one for me. I hope people don't take offense. I started training about a year ago at 6' 1" and 212 lbs. I weighed this morning at 178. My weight loss has been clock work. I lose about 4 lbs a month. I graduated from highschool at 165. I'm 33 now. I thought I'd get down to 185 and hold there, but I keep losing weight. I'd taken that to be a good thing, but I'm not slowing down. How much should I lose before I've got to start eating more? I haven't done a body fat test, but I'm prettty lean. Should I go off body fat or hold at a certain weight. This is a dilema I never thought I'd have, but my wife says she's worried about my weight. At this rate I'd be 141 lbs next year. Ideas?

Its very difficult to give any advice based on what you provide, so dont be suprised about all of the views, its not that we dont want to help. When you say pretty lean, how are you measuring that? When you say you eat pretty well, what are you eating? I would have a bodyfat test if you are worried about your weight, that way you will have an idea if you are burning bodyfat or muscle. If you are burning fat and are becoming leaner, I dont think you should worry too much, your body will let you know when its time to consume more calories, you can bet on that, Ive had my bodyfat at 5% and was going insane craving food and very tired! If your body is feeding muscle I think you would be having performance issues and possible injuries, which does not seem to be the case.

I say keep doing what you are doing and I believe you will discover soon what weight you are comfortable at. 

2008-05-23 10:10 AM
in reply to: #1413226

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Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?

How well I'm eating or how much extra fat I'm carrying exactly is unknown and probably subjective. Sorry about being vague. I have had suspiciously poor/spotty performance lately. I'd guess I'm getting about 2500 calories a day. My weight is dropping fast. I need to find a way to get my body fat tested without spending a ton of money. I've heard the scales are near-worthless, though, depending on your hydration. I'm more worried about dropping below 160 in 3-4 months than anything. I've taken weight loss as a good thing, but I'm not slowing down. I need to pay more attention to body fat percentage, but I don't know the best way to test it.

2008-05-23 10:22 AM
in reply to: #1419276

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?
nmp - 2008-05-22 9:46 AM
you men and your ability to drop weight! you're killing me smalls! i'd love to have that problem! 

x2! Grrrrrr...

2008-05-23 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1421300

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?
browntown - 2008-05-23 11:10 AM


How well I'm eating or how much extra fat I'm carrying exactly is unknown and probably subjective. Sorry about being vague. I have had suspiciously poor/spotty performance lately. I'd guess I'm getting about 2500 calories a day. My weight is dropping fast. I need to find a way to get my body fat tested without spending a ton of money. I've heard the scales are near-worthless, though, depending on your hydration. I'm more worried about dropping below 160 in 3-4 months than anything. I've taken weight loss as a good thing, but I'm not slowing down. I need to pay more attention to body fat percentage, but I don't know the best way to test it.

Since this appears to be affecting your performance, I would advise increasing calories before working out, during workout (especially on the bike) and 30 minutes after workouts. Do you start out strong then fade as the workout goes on? Have you just had general poor performances? My coach and several other reputable triatheletes have told me there is a 30 minute window of opportunity after a long workout (over 2 hours) or particulary intense workout (such as a race) to refuel. They recommend protein whether that is in the form of a recovery shake, chocolate milk, a 3 oz. can of tuna, peanut butter, whatever. They said that this helps your body repair damage done during the workout so you are fresh for the next one. Do you consume water during workouts or a sports drink? If it's water, maybe switching to a sports drink will help bump your calories, slow you wight loss and increase your performance. Good luck. I hope to have your problem one day

2008-05-23 10:59 AM
in reply to: #1413226

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?

If you're not feeling well/energetic during workouts and if you're tired a lot that's probably a sign that you are not eating enough.

I'd say at 2500 calories you are probably too low (checked your logs and it looks like you're at about 5-6 hours per week) - try upping it to around 3000-3500 and see how you do.  Seriously, you need to start tracking what you are eating better so you know EXACTLY what breakdown of nutrition you are getting, and I would think at this point going and getting a professional bodyfat % test would be a good thing.

When you look at yourself in the mirror - do you look too skinny or ok?  If your wife is worried, I'd take that as a sign that you might be getting into the too skinny range.

Trying to maintain weight while doing tri training is just as hard (I think) as trying to lose.  Some people have one problem some the other - but at 6'1" I'd say you're getting close to where you're going to be losing muscle mass.  

2008-05-23 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1413226

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Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?
I had two workouts in the last week where I seriously blew up. I got about 15 minutes into the workout and my body came to a screeching halt. I think we all know various forms and degrees of hurt, but on these two occasions my body just stopped (I just slumped over the handlebars and couldn't get my feet back in the clips). I figured losing weight was good, but maybe it's a little too fast. I'll try harder to avoid missing meals too, that's screwing me up.

BTW, I am so sorry if this thread is bugging people struggling with weight loss. This is something important to me, and I hope to offend as few people as possible. Thanks for all the input. This has been really helpful to me. It's hard to see the forest through the trees, especially when you're talking about body weight. Again, what are your favorite body fat tests?
2008-05-23 1:25 PM
in reply to: #1413226

Germantown, TN
Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?

I have to commend you for having the courage to post this question.  I've had the same question but didn't want to post it out of fear that people would think I was bragging.

I can't say I have the correct answer, but I can share what has happened with me.  I am 5'11" and similarly lost the weight quickly, starting at 202 pounds in June 2007 and hit 160 pounds by December 2007.  At that point the weight loss just stopped, and my weight has fluctuated in a tight range ever since.  While the weight is not coming off anymore, I have been pretty happy with the mirror test as I have really started to notice more muscle definition.

I'm glad that I'm not the only one whose wife is worried about how skinny they are.  Except with me I also get it from the rest of my family and my co-workers.  Funny thing is that I eat as much as all of them, I just move more than they do.

2008-05-23 7:06 PM
in reply to: #1413226

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?

You know another thing is WHY are you trying to get to your high school graduation weight?  That is probably WAY too skinny, especially at 6'1".  Guys especially tend to graduate high school at a "bony" weight and then put on a few pounds after and look a WHOLE lot better. Honestly, IMO, 165 and 6'1" is TOO THIN.

Comparison - my daughter is 6'2" and weighs between 175-180, and she looks good and definitely thin at that weight. 

I'd think you'd want 170 to be your absolute minimum on weight, with somewhere between 175-185 as a better range.  And yeah, if you don't have enough fuel and your body is low on what it needs, what you described on workouts is what happens.  You just can't do it.

Here's a basic guideline I found some time ago (sorry, I don't have the source.)


Calories: 12-30 calories per pound


12-14 cpp rest
15-17 cpp 1 hr training
18-24 cpp 1-2 hr training
25-30 cpp over 2 hrs training

So - at say a weight of 175,you should be eating between 2100 -  5250 calories per day.

(rest day vs. over 2 hours training day

Although 2500 is plenty for a regular person - for an athlete at a normal weight - it's probably not enough.  Again, strongly recommending you check out some of the sports nutrition books out there or even go talk to a sports nutritionist and get some feedback.


2008-05-23 8:20 PM
in reply to: #1421643

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?
browntown - 2008-05-23 12:48 PM

I had two workouts in the last week where I seriously blew up. I got about 15 minutes into the workout and my body came to a screeching halt. I think we all know various forms and degrees of hurt, but on these two occasions my body just stopped (I just slumped over the handlebars and couldn't get my feet back in the clips). I figured losing weight was good, but maybe it's a little too fast. I'll try harder to avoid missing meals too, that's screwing me up.

BTW, I am so sorry if this thread is bugging people struggling with weight loss. This is something important to me, and I hope to offend as few people as possible. Thanks for all the input. This has been really helpful to me. It's hard to see the forest through the trees, especially when you're talking about body weight. Again, what are your favorite body fat tests?

What did you eat before the ride? Had it been hours since lunch? That is definitely not good when you are slumped over your handlebars only 15 minutes into a workout. One of my favorite breakfasts or pre-ride/run snacks are Cliff Bars. 250 calories, lots of good carbs, protein and a little fat. I eat one 30-45 minutes before a workout and am usually in good shape. Also, for a ride lasting longer than an hour and a half, I will eat every 30 minutes on the bike. This is either a gel, or a serving of clif blocks. My tummy can't handle a lot of solids on the bike, but Skittles are one of my favorite treats when I need a little pep.

I don't think anyone is offended, just jealous I don't want to make light at all of your problem because if you have that little energy, this is not a good thing. I know this is a little far-fetched, but you may want to have your thyroid levels checked by a doc. An over-active thyroid will cause rapid weight-loss, fatigue and other bad symptoms. So if eating more isn't helping, a trip to the doc may be in order.

Body fat tests. Hmmm. KathyG had one of those water volume tests. Supposed to be pretty accurate, but I think it's pretty expensive. I don't like the caliper ones because your results vary depending on who is testing you.
2008-05-23 9:37 PM
in reply to: #1422495

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Golden, CO
Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?
cadreamer - 2008-05-23 6:06 PM

You know another thing is WHY are you trying to get to your high school graduation weight?  That is probably WAY too skinny, especially at 6'1".  Guys especially tend to graduate high school at a "bony" weight and then put on a few pounds after and look a WHOLE lot better. Honestly, IMO, 165 and 6'1" is TOO THIN.

Comparison - my daughter is 6'2" and weighs between 175-180, and she looks good and definitely thin at that weight. 

I'd think you'd want 170 to be your absolute minimum on weight, with somewhere between 175-185 as a better range.  And yeah, if you don't have enough fuel and your body is low on what it needs, what you described on workouts is what happens.  You just can't do it.

Here's a basic guideline I found some time ago (sorry, I don't have the source.)


Calories: 12-30 calories per pound


12-14 cpp rest
15-17 cpp 1 hr training
18-24 cpp 1-2 hr training
25-30 cpp over 2 hrs training

So - at say a weight of 175,you should be eating between 2100 -  5250 calories per day.

(rest day vs. over 2 hours training day

Although 2500 is plenty for a regular person - for an athlete at a normal weight - it's probably not enough.  Again, strongly recommending you check out some of the sports nutrition books out there or even go talk to a sports nutritionist and get some feedback.


I really don't think the generalizations about what the OP should weight, especially when you haven't seen the OP, are really very helpful.

FWIW, I am 3 inches taller than the OP, weigh 3 lbs less, and I am definitely not TOO THIN.  Any sort of generalizations about what someone should weight are just that, a generalization that can't be applied to an individual. 

According to your chart and based on the hours of exercise from the OP's logs, it suggest the OP needs about 2600 calories, but that is also a generalization.  If the OP is taking in 2500 calories, its obviously not enough to maintain weight.

To the OP:  My suggestion would be to go by what you see in the mirror, how you feel, and how your workouts are going.  If you are feeling good, I wouldn't worry too much, and let your weight settle out wherever it does.  If you are not feeling good or you are having trouble with your workouts, I would definitely eat more.  Since you are concerned, you could just eat a little more as an experiment and see how you feel.  If you feel better and more energetic, you probably needed the calories.



2008-05-24 1:51 AM
in reply to: #1413226

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Penn Valley,
Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?

My suggestion is to go to the doctor and get a physical.  Tell the doctor about your weight loss, your training routine, and what you are eating.  See what the doctor thinks would be a good weight for you.


2008-05-24 4:42 AM
in reply to: #1413226

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brummie land
Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?
don't skip meals! saw that in your post and that set off all sorts of alarm bells.

2008-05-30 2:39 PM
in reply to: #1413226

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East Lansing
Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?

I am not a nutritionist or personal trainer but I have also lost a significant amount of weight over the past year. I ST 3-4 days a week and I always make sure to eat before and after workouts. I also have had great success with EAS whey protein and myoplex. 100% of the time I will have a protein shake after ST and something with lighter/more natural protein before. When im endurance training I have light carbs before and protein after.

These are the only supplements I use and I am convinced they have helped me build and maintain muscle.  As a side note I am 6'0 and weigh 174 and I easily have 10-15 pounds of body fat to give. 


Edited by sundevil2005 2008-05-30 2:43 PM
2008-05-31 1:06 PM
in reply to: #1434007

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Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?
sundevil2005 - 2008-05-30 1:39 PM

I am not a nutritionist or personal trainer but I have also lost a significant amount of weight over the past year. I ST 3-4 days a week and I always make sure to eat before and after workouts. I also have had great success with EAS whey protein and myoplex. 100% of the time I will have a protein shake after ST and something with lighter/more natural protein before. When im endurance training I have light carbs before and protein after.

These are the only supplements I use and I am convinced they have helped me build and maintain muscle.  As a side note I am 6'0 and weigh 174 and I easily have 10-15 pounds of body fat to give. 


That sounds like a good idea. My calorie needs vary so much from day to day, it's hard to keep it straght. If I have an eating routine as part of my workout routine that shoule help a lot.
2008-07-11 3:52 PM
in reply to: #1413226


Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?

The best money I have spent was on a personal trainer and the diet information provided was worth the money. Steady weight training three times a week + daily cardio has given me a blueprint,  motivation,  and somebody looking over my shoulder. Also, a physical is a no brainer. The bloodwork/visit I think was $200.

In mid May I did bloodwork for my physical and they determined my BMI(?) at 26% while I tipped the scales at 193. (I'm 5'9 and typical middle aged paunch)

Late June...  after a daily dose of cardio and not enough calories, I tipped the scale at 180 and a 23% BMI according to the personal trainers calculations.

 Another two weeks and five more pounds under supervision, I'm having a hard time eating the prescribed 1900 calories and keeping my bloodsugar in check(type 2).

It's taken time to get a handle on my diet, and actually eating enough. I feel great, look better and hope to reach 165 and a BMI of 13%. My blood sugar has never been under such control and once I add a second daily session of cardio I may be off the meds.

 Off to the gym...  


My goal is

2008-07-16 9:35 AM
in reply to: #1419276

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Chatham, Ontario
Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?
nmp - 2008-05-22 12:46 PM

you men and your ability to drop weight! you're killing me smalls! i'd love to have that problem! 

Me too.....the more I workout the more I eat. Therefore, I never seem to loose and lbs unless I am counting calories brunt vs consumes. Portion control is very key for me and not to overeat!
2008-08-15 10:08 AM
in reply to: #1413226

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Western Kentucky
Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?
I've had the same problem lately. I think one of my main problems is fear of gaining weight back makes it very hard to increase calorie intake. Even though you realize you need more food, in the back of your mind you are remembering the love handles. Most all of the advice you've been given is good. Make sure you eat an hour or so before your workout, and the first thing you should do when you finish is be refueling with some carbs and protien.

tabbs- Two tricks I used for portion control were smaller plates(no second helpings) and pre packaged meals.

2008-08-15 10:53 AM
in reply to: #1422772

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Lafayette, CO
Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?

sappho96 - 2008-05-24 4:42 AM don't skip meals! saw that in your post and that set off all sorts of alarm bells.

Yep, me too.  Skipping meals, especially when you are training hard is really hard on your body.  Food is fuel.  Would you skip filling your gas tank before heading on a trip?  

And, yes, while I am jealous that you're at this point you deserve to be, you've worked hard for it!  I'm 47lbs from my goal as of this morning (about 30% of the way there) and I worry about finding that balance when I get there between not loosing any more but not gaining it back.  

2008-08-18 4:10 PM
in reply to: #1413226

Subject: RE: When do I stop losing weight?
If you're loosing weight you don't want to loose you simply need to start increasing your calories slowly to where your weight levels out. If you want to know your approx bodyfat % for free, head over to forums and post a pic, those guys are pretty spot on to a couple of % at estimating, or just post here. for daily calorie intake/expenditure logs. As other guys have said cutting your pre/post workout nutrition is an absolute no-no. Cut the calories from other places if you can. GL and congrats on the weight loss, awesome job.

Edited by ex-buzz 2008-08-18 4:11 PM
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