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2012-03-20 8:49 AM

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Subject: Blog: Masters Swim Workouts

I saw this posted on ST.  It is a blog from the NTC Masters, coached by Sarah McClarty, that posts their workouts.  It lists A/B/C workouts.  Also, if you're not an experienced swimmer (like me), it has a good definition section to help you figure out what in the world some of the stuff means.  If you're looking for some workouts, here you go:



2012-03-20 9:26 AM
in reply to: #4104408

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Blog: Masters Swim Workouts
Great site! Believe I and others have posted it here before. I have been doing the "B" Monday "endurance" workouts (on Saturdays) pretty much every week since last fall. Now that we have no master's program in my part of Saigon, it's nice to have workouts with a consistent format online, and B just happens to fit my pace. Kind of like having a master's group in virtual reality. I know some like simpler workouts,  but for 3000+ meters with the pool to myrself most of the time, I need the workout to have a little complexity, or I'll go start-raving mad!
2012-03-20 11:50 AM
in reply to: #4104408

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Blog: Masters Swim Workouts
New to me!  Bookmarked!  Thanks!  =)
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Blog: Masters Swim Workouts Rss Feed