General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 9.12.16 Monday Morning! Rss Feed  
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2016-09-12 7:27 AM

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Subject: 9.12.16 Monday Morning!

Good morning BT!  Back to the grind!

4:45am:  :45 mins on the trainer

5:30am: :40 minutes lower body/core

So glad I did my trail run early yesterday--we hit 95 yesterday afternoon, I have to say I'm kind of over the heat!  

Here's to a stellar week!


2016-09-12 7:40 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 9.12.16 Monday Morning!
Good night!

It was actually (kinda sorta) cool here today....Grey and drizzly all day and the sun never really came out. I think the high was 80. Surprised the government didn't put out a "cold weather" alert. My students were all complaining they were getting various illnesses because of the "cold" weather and asked me to turn down the AC. But I was happy with it!

3000m of swimming--just choosing random workouts I want to do. Pleasant in the water, but it actually felt a bit nippy when I got out!

Now I am debating if "2 weeks off from structured training" means I don't have to ride the trainer if I don't want to! Seriously, I don't even want to look at Rover for a while (planning an MTB ride on Sunday, though, if the trails aren't all flooded) and I may well throw the wretched Garmin out the window in a blind rage if I so much as look at it. I came very, very close to pitching it into the surf last week.

Never did figure out why it wouldn't start at Worlds--I've had it for nine months, and that has never happened! I had charged it. Sure there is some rational explanation, like it didn't charge properly because plug adaptor wasn't properly engaged with the socket, or some contact point got wet in transit, but I just felt/feel like I was cursed!
2016-09-12 9:10 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: 9.12.16 Monday Morning!

Bummer about your Garmin. I think you're right, it may have just gotten wet somewhere in transit somehow. I had my beloved little ipod shuffle take a tragic trip through the washing machine the other day. The poor little thing had accompanied me on thousands of miles of runs in several countries over 7 years.

4 mile run tonight with some fartleks in the dark to continue beating the heat. Night everybody

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