Other Resources 2023 Beginner Triathlete Mentor Program » Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN Rss Feed  
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2022-12-20 1:35 PM

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

GROUP FOCUS: Everything related to endurance sports, we have sprint-focused and IM-focused triathletes and a cyclist, a competitive swimmer, and people that dabble in other sports to keep the legs moving

NAME: jmhpsu93 / Mike

STORY: I've always been an athlete, from cross-country and track in high school, to basketball and volleyball through my 20s, soccer here and there, and finally got into endurance sports in my late 30s when I couldn't do competitive sports as much.  I've completed 5 HMs, about 20-30 5/10Ks, 10+ triathlons (mostly sprints).  I've been through some back and knee injuries (with the surgery scars to go with them) so I have to really manage my volume and what I do to my body.  2022 was a strong return to triathlon with 2 completed races, one sprint and one Oly.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 20+ years to a former triathlete, 20 YO daughter in college who was a competitive swimmer and faster than me in the pool by the time she was 11.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm in base training for 2023 right now, with a full schedule of sprint and Olympic triathlons, plus some bike races through the summer.  Hoping to qualify for Age Group Nationals in June.

UPCOMING YEAR'S RACES: Clermont Sprint Triathlon (March), Rock Hall International (June), Lums Pond Sprint (August), Patriot's Olympic (September); maybe a couple of time trials and criteriums as time permits

WEIGHTLOSS: Currently weigh around 205, racing weight is 195 - it's easy for me to drop to 200, the last five are brutal and take real commitment to nutrition which I'm terrible at.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I've been a mentor or mentee for over a decade, and with this group I think about seven years.  We're a great group welcoming of all newcomers and we all mentor each other.  We have members in several countries which makes for some great perspectives. 

2023-01-01 4:29 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

NAME: drfoodlove / Gretchen

STORY: I was an active child--basketball, tae kwon do, swimming (not competitively!), running amok on a farm, etc., but then into high school slowed down to just a couple of sports--volleyball and track (throwing, not running). In college, all activity pretty much stopped, with the exception of the 12oz curl. Lack of activity plus lots of drinking (and eating!) led to weight gain, which caused me to not want to workout, which caused weight gain...rinse and repeat for 10-15 years. Got into triathlon in 2012 after seeing it in the London Olympics broadcast and thinking...that doesn't seem hard, I can do that. Turns out, I was right, but it was pretty hard.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 23 years to the most supportive woman who simply does not understand my obsession with hobbies that 1.) could kill me and 2.) involve so much sweating and laundry. Dog mom to one super cute and sweet, but exceedingly dumb mutt.

CURRENT TRAINING: Jan 1, 2023 begins base training for season in earnest. Have been kinda slacking over the last couple of months as work has been intense, but with the new year, the routine and dedication have to return.

UPCOMING YEAR'S RACES: signed up for 140.6 at Michigan Titanium to defend my national championship! That's the only race I'm signed up for right now, but likely will do at least one my tri in early September and I spent a bit of this morning looking for races in Cairo/Egypt to see if I could squeeze one in somewhere while I'm over here.

WEIGHTLOSS: In 2021/22 I lost ~160lbs. Currently maintaining that loss and looking to drop another 25, but I'm not sure that is a physically realistic goal. Have been stuck at current weight for months, so it may just be my body's happy weight, whether I like the number on the scale or not.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I've been a member of this group for some number of years now...maybe five? Not sure...I can't remember exactly when I finally saddled up and joined a mentor group. I'm generally active on the boards and consistent in my training. Love the international perspective we have in this group, along with the diversity of backgrounds and focuses.

2023-01-01 4:42 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Happy New Year BDASers!

Does it count as getting back into a training routine if 1/1/23 (or 1/1/23 for Andrew and Nathalie...:D ) is a Sunday and therefore a scheduled rest day? Spent yesterday doing a ramp test (ouch)--extra ouch after I saw the results and associated drop in FTP since MiTi in August. I guess it is something to work on! After that, I updated my TP account with my training plan all the way until MiTi 2023 in August. This year, I opted for an 80/20 plan (again), but level 2 this year (opposed to level 1 last year). Also have put in the strength training plan for the year. MiTi is hilly, so I really need to work on my leg strength. I'm determined to blow those hills out of the water this year...or something like that.

2023 Fitness Goals
1.) Improve time on MiTi--would love to get to the goal times I had for 2022 race
2.) be able to do a full push-up (i.e., not on my knees, not on a wall, etc.) by end of year
3.) improve core strength (this one doesn't have a measurable outcome...improve...all the ways to quantify core strength sound terrible to me)
2023-01-01 7:39 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Yay new 2023 forum!!!  Welcome to those new and returning members!  Goals for 2023:

  • ramp up running volume safely
  • maintain strength and core gains from the past year
  • qualify for Age Group Nationals at Rock Hall in June
  • 3000 miles biking, 500 miles running, 200K yards swimming
  • keep having fun doing it!
2023-01-01 8:05 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
NAME: Nathalie

STORY: My first sport at the age of 5 or 6 was swimming, my parents had me join the local club to learn how to swim and I stayed on for a few months (years?). I remember my first competiton was a 50m race in a 25m pool but instead of turning around at the end of the first length, I simply came out of the pool, arguing that there was no point in swimming back as I was not going to win anyway….

Then I did judo until I discovered ball sports at the age of 12 and played football (soccer) and European handball for the next 25 years or so, then back to martial arts for a few years (karate this time) until the knees gave up. Nothing for a few years (except gaining weight).

First tri in 2014 and 3 years later, I was hooked. Since then I’ve done a few races a year, all sprints except one oly in 2021. Won 2 small village races (2018 and 2021) and in 2019 I finished 3rd in my AG at the Swedish National Duathlon Championship (no need to mention that we were 3 in my AG and I was 20 minutes behind the first 2, nobody wants to know that )

FAMILY: one husband, one 18 year old, one dog, 2 cats. Husband, son and cats are not interested in triathlons but the dogs keeps me company during some runs.

CURRENT TRAINING: been building up some consistency again after a prolonged break at the end of the season last year due to illness. Ready to step up to do some proper training which will make me better/faster but not sure how to go about it.

2022 races: many (10 or so) sprints and 10 ks.

2023: hoping for as many as last year. One tri will be an oly and I have signed up for my first half marathon in May.

WEIGHTLOSS: lost 12kg in 2017, half of which have been creeping back in the last 3 years. Time to put a stop to that. To kick off the weightloss, I am doing dry January in the hope that I may want to stay off the booze longer after that.

OTHER INTERESTS : music (I play drums in a little amateur band with my husband on guitar), golf (I suck) and supporting my local ice hockey team.

2023-01-01 10:04 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by Rollergirl

NAME: Nathalie

STORY: My first sport at the age of 5 or 6 was swimming, my parents had me join the local club to learn how to swim and I stayed on for a few months (years?). I remember my first competiton was a 50m race in a 25m pool but instead of turning around at the end of the first length, I simply came out of the pool, arguing that there was no point in swimming back as I was not going to win anyway….

Then I did judo until I discovered ball sports at the age of 12 and played football (soccer) and European handball for the next 25 years or so, then back to martial arts for a few years (karate this time) until the knees gave up. Nothing for a few years (except gaining weight).

First tri in 2014 and 3 years later, I was hooked. Since then I’ve done a few races a year, all sprints except one oly in 2021. Won 2 small village races (2018 and 2021) and in 2019 I finished 3rd in my AG at the Swedish National Duathlon Championship (no need to mention that we were 3 in my AG and I was 20 minutes behind the first 2, nobody wants to know that )

FAMILY: one husband, one 18 year old, one dog, 2 cats. Husband, son and cats are not interested in triathlons but the dogs keeps me company during some runs.

CURRENT TRAINING: been building up some consistency again after a prolonged break at the end of the season last year due to illness. Ready to step up to do some proper training which will make me better/faster but not sure how to go about it.

2022 races: many (10 or so) sprints and 10 ks.

2023: hoping for as many as last year. One tri will be an oly and I have signed up for my first half marathon in May.

WEIGHTLOSS: lost 12kg in 2017, half of which have been creeping back in the last 3 years. Time to put a stop to that. To kick off the weightloss, I am doing dry January in the hope that I may want to stay off the booze longer after that.

OTHER INTERESTS : music (I play drums in a little amateur band with my husband on guitar), golf (I suck) and supporting my local ice hockey team.

Wait...other interests? We're supposed to have other interests?!?! :P

2023-01-01 10:30 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
No you don’t have to have other interests Gretchen, it’s OK . Sometimes I wish I didn’t have so “many”, I may get good at it if I only had one.

Goals for the year:

Lose some weight (again)
Beat all my best times from previous years
Get on the podium in my AG at the Swedish Nationals
Run my first half marathon under 2h30
Hit the pool and the gym once a week.

Today 1/1 (or 1/1 ), a group ride on Zwift for 86 minutes.

Happy new year!
2023-01-02 12:39 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Settling into the new year over here...actually have written 2023 in my journal on both days, which feels like a real accomplishment. Yesterday I started working in the office I will be using for the rest of my fellowship. It is weird to be sharing space with someone I'm not married to again...work wife.

Hit the gym this morning for just under four miles on the treadmill, followed by strength training. I was really impressed with my run--Training Peaks gave me 10 gold medals. Then I realized they were bests for the year, so the fact that I was on my first run of the year made getting those medals pretty easy. Something to strive to improve, I suppose. Question for you treadmill users out there. How close to actual road running am I getting in terms of pace and distance? For example, after my run today, my watch said 3.56 miles and the treadmill said 3.87 miles. I've never thought my garmin did a very good job with indoor tracking, but that was when I was using my old 920. Now I have the 935 and I don't think I ran with it inside before. With the 920 I did a number of runs on an indoor track of known length and it was always short changing me. It is a Life Fitness machine, if anyone is familiar with those. Today I did a run in Tuscany, racing a bunch of folks I'll never meet.
2023-01-02 6:15 AM
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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

RE:  treadmills.  They vary widely on speed accuracy so you never know what you're getting, and the Garmin watches tend to underplay your pace when only using your armswing as a measurement.  Get a footpod...they're only like $50 and make a big difference in accuracy.  The accelerometer in those can be much more accurate because it's reading where the rubber meets the road so to speak (or I guess literally in this case ) vs. using your armswing 3-4 feet away as a proxy.  Like the armswing method, it needs to be calibrated outside while you run to achieve the best accuracy later on the treadmill.  

Lifefitness treadmills are about as good as you're going to get in a gym, and I would imagine the belt speed is at least close to what's it's saying.  Remember incline matters, too.  For me 5.7 mph @ 3% incilne is 9:50/mile or so and that's my E pace (I also incorporate a 5/1 or 6/1 run/walk ratio).  Daniels has a whole table on speed/incline and perceived pace that I'll try to dig up when I'm at my regular computer.

Good on you for slugging through 4 miles...that's about my limit indoors.

ETA the table (this isn't Daniels - his paces for us are laughable):

Optimize Race Performance with Treadmill Running | Running on treadmill,  Treadmill, Incline treadmill




Edited by jmhpsu93 2023-01-02 7:02 AM
2023-01-02 6:22 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Week 2 is in the books for me.  Seven straight days of training mostly easy stuff though I let it rip in the pool for a few lengths on Friday.  Those speed skill sets are fun - all out with lots of recovery so you're not sucking wind.  I broke 42 seconds for an off-the-wall 50 yard sprint at about 95% effort on one of them.  My PR for the OTW 50 is like 39.5 but that was years ago.

Planned day off today then back at it 6 AM tomorrow.

2023-01-03 4:08 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Yesterday I did a FTP test on Zwift before starting a training plan on there. Not sure if my trainer is 100% calibrated correctly or if I have done something else wrong but I got a result anyway. 128. Doesn’t mean anything to me but I am hoping Mike will explain.

While checking the app right now I realised that my weight was wrong, as I inputted it 3 years and 4kg ago. Do I have to do the test again?

Today is swim on the plan but I really, really don’t want to go.

Dry January is going well so far and I am managing to stay under my calories goal (easy, when at least 300 don’t get wasted on booze)

I have drawn up a training plan for the few weeks ahead. what do you think?

Monday: run + 15 minutes home strength/stretch
Tuesday: alternate swim / strength every other week. I hate both pool and gym so I think I’ll have a better chance of getting my arse there if I only plan it once every 2 weeks.
Wednesday: run intervals with club
Thursday: zwift intervals. 15 minutes home strength/stretch
Friday: off
Saturday: social slowish run (10k to start, increasing). 15 minutes home strength/stretch
Sunday: longer Slowish zwift (90 min)

2023-01-03 8:05 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

@Nathalie:  I have some good news for you - no need to retest!! 

Your FTP number is simply a metric Zwift will use to set your target paces.  So if you're doing a Z2 (slowish) ride Zwift will probably tell you to ride around 70-72% of that for an hour or whatever.  I can't remember if you have a smart trainer...if you do and use ERG mode (I think that's the default when doing a Zwift workout) it'll set your trainer to that resistance no matter what gear you're in or what cadence you pedal, within reason.  For intervals it'll depend on the type of interval but it's usually a certain number of minutes at 100+X% of FTP, then a recovery of like 40-60%, repeat a few times. 

As for your weight, it's part of your watts/kg metric but nothing Zwift uses (except to make sure you're not cheating while racing, and you'll see it in the box where you're with all the riders around you). 

The Plan by Nathalie looks good to me from a base training perspective.  I'd go to the pool more but I'm not dying on that hill arguing with you about it.  I'll consider you getting there a few times before your lake thaws a win.   

2023-01-03 8:12 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

This morning was rough, up pretty late Sunday watching the Ravens debacle (seems to be a weekly theme) then watching the Penn State Rose Bowl game (much better result), then the horrifying Monday Night Football game where one of the Bills players had a cardiac arrest on the field.  Reminded me of Christian Ericksen last year at the Euro Cup soccer match.  Awful.  

Got to the gym anyway at 6 AM and slogged through a treadmill workout, then a strength workout that went much better but I took forever getting through it.  Pool was closed so no cool down swim but frankly I didn't feel like it anyway.  Sprint bike workout tomorrow morning.

2023-01-03 9:36 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by drfoodlove  I was really impressed with my run--Training Peaks gave me 10 gold medals. 

I only got nine this morning. 

2023-01-03 10:34 AM
in reply to: #5283710

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Started my day with a 45’ Z2 bike while I watched the horror of that Buffalo/Cincinnati game. A bit later I was at the pool for 1600m of 50s at pace—ugh. There are a lot of things that kinda suck about training for 140.6 in Egypt, but outdoor swim training in January ain’t one of them!
2023-01-04 12:01 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by drfoodlove  I was really impressed with my run--Training Peaks gave me 10 gold medals. 

I only got nine this morning. 



2023-01-04 12:06 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Hour long interval ride this morning. The pre-workout notes say "This activity may seem cruel." It wasn't that bad, in honesty. Only 4 2.5' intervals in Z4 with lots of rest in between. Far from cruel.

Later today, I'll do some strength training. I'm trying to spread the load out more evenly than I have been.

Any advice to get my saddle to quit slipping so it tilts up at the nose? I have a carbon bike and am using a torque wrench to tighten it to the 12nm indicated. I tried moving the saddle back a bit, but then the fit gets funny and I don't feel as comfortable. Can I use something like lock tight on a bike screw? I'm wondering if the screw is just somehow worn out--can that happen? Of course, I have no idea where I'd get locktight, but it is worth an afternoon of searching hardware stores in Cairo with my broken and insufficient Arabic if I could get my saddle to not need adjusting 2-3 times per ride.
2023-01-04 11:51 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by drfoodlove Hour long interval ride this morning. The pre-workout notes say "This activity may seem cruel." It wasn't that bad, in honesty. Only 4 2.5' intervals in Z4 with lots of rest in between. Far from cruel. Later today, I'll do some strength training. I'm trying to spread the load out more evenly than I have been. Any advice to get my saddle to quit slipping so it tilts up at the nose? I have a carbon bike and am using a torque wrench to tighten it to the 12nm indicated. I tried moving the saddle back a bit, but then the fit gets funny and I don't feel as comfortable. Can I use something like lock tight on a bike screw? I'm wondering if the screw is just somehow worn out--can that happen? Of course, I have no idea where I'd get locktight, but it is worth an afternoon of searching hardware stores in Cairo with my broken and insufficient Arabic if I could get my saddle to not need adjusting 2-3 times per ride.

I'm really bad at following torque instructions and typically tighten a little past what it says because I'm a big guy.  When you have to move it around during a ride, does it seem like the screw has loosened?  Loctite might be your answer if that's the case, but make sure to get the blue one vs the red or you'll need a blowtorch to unlock it (which I would definitely NOT recommend ).

2023-01-04 11:57 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

An hour on Zwift this morning in high Z2 with 4 high cadence sprints every 10 minutes or so, flamed out on the last one.  Still can't spin up my legs past 120 on my bike.  Maybe I should jump on my wife's Echelon bike to see what I can do without falling off or breaking something.  Also got in another strength session and @#$@#!! planks. 

2023-01-04 3:10 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Florence, Arizona
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

I probably didn't read the instructions properly but I'm hoping to join in the group. 

My goal race is a little sprint at the end of March & hopefully be able to lose weight (again). I used to be really good at motivating myself but as the years go by, well, that motivation seems to be waving good-bye! I was here oh, waaaay back around 2008 when I was training for ironman & I was back last year for the sprint tri in my area, so I'm dusting off my gear & doing this again. I keep getting injured & I seem to use that as an excuse to sit on the couch and do nothing but eat chips. Crossing fingers I can stay injury free so I can earn my beer (and chips)!!!

Maybe I can keep motivated after the sprint & do the half I've had my eye on for years. Who knows. 

Anyway, nice to read about you all. BT used to make me laugh so hard back in the day, I'm sure there will be some good laughs over the next few months. 

Off to do my gigantic 10 minute run and 12 minute swim now...hopefully I don't burst a seam!







2023-01-04 3:22 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Well done on getting so many gold medals both of you

Never tried to spin that fast on Zwift, I don’t think I could. What’s an Echelon, is it like a Peleton? (I could google it, just making conversation)

So I did make it to the pool yesterday, intent on buying a passing card loaded with 12 entry fees. I thought they were valid 12 months but they’ve changed it to 3 so that’s no good. Also on the way there around midday (I was off work8, I realised that if I want to swim before work, I will be right in the middle of the rush hour so I would have to get up even earlier to get there in time.
The universe doesn’t want me to go tothe pool, it’s as simple as that.

Had a good session while I was there, just 100s, at various paces.

2023-01-04 3:49 PM
in reply to: Helen120

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by Helen120

I probably didn't read the instructions properly but I'm hoping to join in the group. 

My goal race is a little sprint at the end of March & hopefully be able to lose weight (again). I used to be really good at motivating myself but as the years go by, well, that motivation seems to be waving good-bye! I was here oh, waaaay back around 2008 when I was training for ironman & I was back last year for the sprint tri in my area, so I'm dusting off my gear & doing this again. I keep getting injured & I seem to use that as an excuse to sit on the couch and do nothing but eat chips. Crossing fingers I can stay injury free so I can earn my beer (and chips)!!!

Maybe I can keep motivated after the sprint & do the half I've had my eye on for years. Who knows. 

Anyway, nice to read about you all. BT used to make me laugh so hard back in the day, I'm sure there will be some good laughs over the next few months. 

Off to do my gigantic 10 minute run and 12 minute swim now...hopefully I don't burst a seam!


Welcome, Helen!  I've been through the injury wringer a few times myself.   Glad to have you here.


2023-01-04 4:30 PM
in reply to: Helen120

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by Helen120

I probably didn't read the instructions properly but I'm hoping to join in the group. 

My goal race is a little sprint at the end of March & hopefully be able to lose weight (again). I used to be really good at motivating myself but as the years go by, well, that motivation seems to be waving good-bye! I was here oh, waaaay back around 2008 when I was training for ironman & I was back last year for the sprint tri in my area, so I'm dusting off my gear & doing this again. I keep getting injured & I seem to use that as an excuse to sit on the couch and do nothing but eat chips. Crossing fingers I can stay injury free so I can earn my beer (and chips)!!!

Maybe I can keep motivated after the sprint & do the half I've had my eye on for years. Who knows. 

Anyway, nice to read about you all. BT used to make me laugh so hard back in the day, I'm sure there will be some good laughs over the next few months. 

Off to do my gigantic 10 minute run and 12 minute swim now...hopefully I don't burst a seam!







Welcome to the group Helen, good to have you here. Can you write a few words about yourself, your background and stuff?
2023-01-05 12:21 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by Rollergirl

Originally posted by Helen120

I probably didn't read the instructions properly but I'm hoping to join in the group. 

My goal race is a little sprint at the end of March & hopefully be able to lose weight (again). I used to be really good at motivating myself but as the years go by, well, that motivation seems to be waving good-bye! I was here oh, waaaay back around 2008 when I was training for ironman & I was back last year for the sprint tri in my area, so I'm dusting off my gear & doing this again. I keep getting injured & I seem to use that as an excuse to sit on the couch and do nothing but eat chips. Crossing fingers I can stay injury free so I can earn my beer (and chips)!!!

Maybe I can keep motivated after the sprint & do the half I've had my eye on for years. Who knows. 

Anyway, nice to read about you all. BT used to make me laugh so hard back in the day, I'm sure there will be some good laughs over the next few months. 

Off to do my gigantic 10 minute run and 12 minute swim now...hopefully I don't burst a seam!







Welcome to the group Helen, good to have you here. Can you write a few words about yourself, your background and stuff?

Welcome Helen!
2023-01-05 2:18 AM
in reply to: #5283819

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
30’ Z1 run this morning, which I did outside on the streets of Cairo. It wasn’t bad, although when your turn around point is blocked by a guy taking a dump on the street, you might want to rethink your route.

1700m swim at 9…the pool was steaming because of the temp difference betweeen it and the air.

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KloOfyRoLaNd's Coach/Mentor Group for Newbies -- OPEN

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2023-01-26 2:30 PM kloofyroland