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2009-12-24 9:52 PM

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Subject: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
NAME:  username-dexter / first name-Dudley to my friends and mentee "Dud"
STORY: I'm a fat old guy.  A perpetual MOP'er (middle of the pack),  Starting tri'ing after a weight challenge with my brothers.   I lost 50 pounds and needed a new goal.  We have a local tri here in town and I figured at worse I could walk the run being a swimmer and biker and running like a tree.  That was all it took i was hooked.   I still have a bunch of weight to lose but training has helped me keep it under control. 
I am married to a wonderful woman, Yvonne who supports me and even races a 5K once in a while.  Willie my son is an 18year old smart alec .  He has a neuromuscular disease that effects his muscles (duh).   He use a power chair and is slowly becoming a geek fixture in the basement.  Can't wait for the Feds to show up at my door saying he broke into some thing and erased all the data.  

At the moment I am working on my running trying to get my posterior tib shin splint under control.  I run 3 times a week with some swimming at masters and biking on rollers in the basement or outside if traffic and weather isn't too bad.  I am using a marathon plan loosely but don't check my totals.   
THIS YEAR'S RACES: Marmadaddy and I have started running in the Freezeroo series.  Cold weather running in the 10K range:  6 races, one every other weekend.  As to triathlons I hit for the cycle this year,  a sprint, Oly, HIM and IM. I also have numerous 5Ks, few 10Ks, one half mary and a full mary.   Rememeber, I run like a brick. 
2010 RACES:  A cold Marathon, Feb 21 in Albany, NY if the doc doesn't stop me.  Musselman (HIM), maybe Tupper Lake (HIM), Kueka Sprint, Sodus bay Sprint, Finger Lakes Sprint, Black fly off road tour, Freezeroo and Turkey trots.
WEIGHTLOSS: Yes please. I could stand to drop 30 more pounds or more.  I have the knowledge of nutrition just lack the will power. 
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: Don't join this group unless you are planning on doing your first sprint this year.  If you are jumping right to a half or full I don't agree with that thinking.  It took 5 years to get to my IM.  I enjoyed every minute of working up to it.  Seen too many people get injured by advancing to fast.  I blog almost every day.  I am a physical therapist so I can help you a little with aches and pains.  I will yell at you for training too much.  The body needs time to heal and strengthen.   I enjoy the sport and want you to enjoy it too.  I also am a stong swimmer. 

2009-12-27 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter I really, really dislike running Group.
Marmadaddy joining it help with the run. He'll enter stuff in about him you didn't need to know soon
2009-12-27 5:13 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
NAME: marmadaddy / Mike
STORY:  Lifelong non-athlete until I quit smoking at the age of 39. Started running a little bit, 2-3 miles a couple times a week. We moved from the Boston area to Rochester and I didn't know anyone so I figured I'd train for a Sprint triathlon to fill in the time. I
barely survived the swim, rode a 15 year old hybrid bike with a rusty chain and a kickstand, suffered miserably through the 5k, crossed the finish line and was hooked. That was in 2004 and I've since completed a total of 25 triathlons including 5 half-iron distance races.
46 year old married father of two elementary school aged girls. 
CURRENT TRAINING: Right now I'm all about consistency. I'm focusing on frequency of training more than volume or intensity. 
THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2009 was a light year for me. One Sprint, one Oly and one HIM and a few road races, but I also completed my first marathon. 
2010 RACES: 
2010 plans include a marathon, the Musselman HIM, Syracuse 70.3, at least one Sprint, at least one Oly, Black Fly off road bike race, assorted road races like the Freezeroos and some others from 5ks to half marys. Maybe a fall marathon, we'll see how the summer goes. My main race goals are to cross the finish line at least one second before Dexter at any race we both do.
WEIGHTLOSS: I'm with Dexter on this: he really could stand to lose 30 pounds.  I need to drop some weight but the wife and I are both committed to both doing so over the next few months which makes it much easier. I'm at 182 right now and I want to get down to 165. I've only intentionally tried to lose weight a few times in my life but I've been successful at it each time. It hurts. There's simply no other way to put it. Losing weight means discomfort. You don't have to suffer, but you do have to endure some discomfort for a while.
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: First of all, BT is my job. I do customer service and programming and whatever else comes up. I'm literally on here all day. So I'm pretty accessible. Second, the only thing for me that compares to the experience of crossing the finish line of that first triathlon is being able to help others who've never seen themselves as athletes do the same. I also know where Dud lives so I can go by his house and put him in his place if he gets out of line.
2009-12-27 5:54 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.

I'd like to join your group

Im Mac and I am 36 and from England. I have a brother that does Triathlon and don't know why I haven't looked at doing it in the past. I have been watching the progress of some of the UK Tri pro's such as Alaisdair Brownlee, Jodie Stimpson and off course the unbelieveable Chrissie Wellington this year and has shown me how much fun it could be, but also what a great personal challenge it would be. I enjoy bike riding and used to do plenty of Mountain biking in the past and would think nothing of going off for a 2 hour jaunt through woods and across farmland. I used to swim as a child and also enjoy it even now.

My nemesis is running!!!! I have never enjoyed it and see it as a chore. i have begun doing some training on this area over last 6 weeks on and off and can see that even after a short time you can make sizeable gains in time and distance. HOWEVER it is the area I must force myself to do. Maybe one day i will view it differently.

I am looking at doing my first sprint tri this year in April, then 3 or 4 more across the course of the summer. The first race is an intro one at 200m / 20km / 3.5km. I will then be Stepping the distances and size of event up as the summer progresses hopefully entering the Blenheim tri in June which is one of a series of large Tri events in the UK.

One of my biggest issues is consistency of training as my work means time away. I intend to use the nights away to run as it is the easiest to do any place.

On a final note i am married and have 2 girls of 5 and 10. I need to lose at least 30lbs as well. I am currently 5'11" and 235lbs.

Here's to a fun start to 2010

2009-12-27 6:10 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
OMG MAC36 its me all over.  Welcome aboard.  Glad Mike happened by as he keeps my running moving forward.   Its great you are starting small.  Enjoy the ride up to IM.  We have a Brit in our mist here in Rochester our very own Jackjack.  I hope we can help you along with your new adventure. 

Edited by dexter 2009-12-27 6:14 PM
2009-12-27 6:43 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
Me me me!
NAME:  username-hnewman/first name Heather
STORY: Athena (in a big way) who decided the way to really stick to a training program was to enroll in an Ironman... which I did (IMKY 2010). Been actively training off and on for a couple years now, but getting deadly serious. 
Married to Knewbike (here on the boards), with one adorable 9 year old girl who sometimes likes to run.  

Mostly a running program at the moment, but I take spin classes and have swim for tri classes starting after the first of the year.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: Detroit Half Marathon; various 5ks etc.
2010 RACES: 
Martian Marathon (Dearborn, MI) in April; IMKY 2010 in August; probably something Olympic before then.
WEIGHTLOSS: Ugh. Need it. Lots. Hoping the training program and tracking food (daily plate, yay!) will do it.
I'm enthusiastic, I encourage everyone, and I apply just about anything that sounds reasonable to see how it works.

2009-12-27 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2579287

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD GROUP MEMBER: I'm enthusiastic, I encourage everyone, and I apply just about anything that sounds reasonable to see how it works.

Hi Heather, used to go with a Heather.  Probably not her, huh?  Welcome aboard.  If we are going to hit that IM this year with need to make sure you are ready and training smart.  Sounds like we have some help at home with Knewbike.    Have you done a marathon? 

2009-12-27 8:20 PM
in reply to: #2577385

Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
Hello Everyone,

I would like to join this group.  I am definitely a newbie.  I have not even registered for my first race yet.  I turn 40 in May and hope to complete a sprint some time close to my bday.

2 yrs ago I started running -- actually walking and built up to running.  I could not complete .25 miles without walking when I started.  I was also about 290lbs @ 5'8".  Not good!  Within a few months I lost about 70lbs and ran a 5k.  I had never ran more than a mile at one time and that was only because I had to on the first day of football practice in HS and college.

I have trid to keep up with the running somewhat, but the eating has gotten out of control again.  I have put back on about 40lbs.

I am here to be motivated, challenged and to learn.  I am looking forward to this adventure.

I plan to start swimming in the next couple of weeks.  I am starting back to the running already (slowly though) and have an old MT bike to ride.

I have a couple of sprints in mind and plan to register in Jan.  Finding a place to swim will be the biggest hurdle.

I am married with 3 kids, I am a HS principal and I have 4 semesters (including one summer term) left towards my doctoral degree.  My life is extremely busy, but I assume everyone's is!

I hope I can bring motivation and whatever experience I might gain as I learn to this group if I can get in

I look forward to the experience.

2009-12-27 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
Hi Jon.  Welcome aboard.  Time to start moving again.  take it easy getting back into running.  Look up the masters program to find a place to swim. 
2009-12-27 9:00 PM
in reply to: #2579376

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Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
dexter - 2009-12-27 8:59 PM  Have you done a marathon? 

No, the one in April will be my first. Did the Detroit half this fall.
2009-12-27 9:26 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
Can I play?

NAME:  username-zeefraugtries aka Sharon
STORY: I had a super first year of triathlons in 2006. Did several sprint tris that year and also did a bunch of bike tours as well. I took a hiatus from triathlons from 2008/2009 for personal reasons and sort of fell of the wagon. I tend to sabotage myself when it comes to sports....I start out strong as a beginner but when I actually get a bit of experience, I beat myself up for not improving at the pace of others. Stupid I know, but I am just so competitive and sometimes at the detriment of myself. I signed up for a marathon training program last year but got injured and never finished my training. That was a bit of a downer. Recently I signed up with a local crossfit gym to get back in shape.
FAMILY STATUS: Have a wonderful partner Laura who is also getting back to triathlons.
CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently involved with Crossfit. Decided to give that a try to get myself back to some form of working out. I plan to start running in January and back to spinning and obviously back on the road again.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: Don't have one yet....but I do plan on at least one sprint triathlon this year and 5ks
2010 RACES: 
Haven't decided on which ones yet.
WEIGHTLOSS: I am back to what I was before 2006, which is obviously a disappointment. Crossfit has made me a lot stronger, but has not resulted in a lot of weightloss. I did get a BodyBugg for Christmas and will be using it to help with tracking calories and food logging and should result in some weightloss. Also will be doing a nutrition challenge at CF starting in January.....eating cleaner, paleo directed diet...should be interesting.
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD GROUP MEMBER: I log regularly and I am good at encouraging others. I'm a bit of a chatterbox when I have time online. I'm a great cheerleader for others...have to work at being a better cheerleader for myself! Oh...I know Dexter......that should count for something!

2009-12-27 9:48 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
I don't know if knowing me counts for Do need to get that first race picked out.  Even if it is a 5k for the moment. 
2009-12-27 9:59 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.

I’d like to join this group

My name is Jeff I’m  44 married for 19yrs with  3 girls. I have been a on and off runner for most my life. I’ve ran several 5k, 10k, and 2 mini marithon. (last one in 2003)  since then I’ve had neck problems that lead to a  anterior cervical discectomy in 2006.  Last year I started kart racing and was 25lbs over my class weight. So I started running and lost 16lbs.  The season finished in October and I lost my motivation and have picked the weight back up. I have now  signed up for a  sprint tri on jan 31st ( 400yrds, 6mi, 1.9mi.).  There are 3 more through spring .My goal is to finish. The run should be my strong point and the bike being my weak. I would like to lose 40 or more lbs this year. 


2009-12-27 10:47 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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New user

Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
Got room for one more?

I am a 30 year old single guy from Phoenix, AZ who started training in July 2009 for an olympic distance triathlon relay as the runner and have been running ever since and now that I can run 12 miles without stopping in 2 hours I would like to add other parts to further my athletic abilities. Season for competitions in the UBER HOT AZ is Late Sept thru Late April so I hope to be able to do a sprint in march and then early may Followed by summer training and an olympic in Late September.

I need help with a swimming regime and biking regime. Running a 5k or 10k shouldnt be an issue with exception to fatigue from doing the other parts first. I can bike and have no problem with that just need a schedule that I can work into my everyday life and stick too. I found a great running schedule that I have stuck to religiously from and have built up my mental and physical stamina through structure.

I need structure and I hope this group will help me with that.

Have Room?
2009-12-28 12:30 AM
in reply to: #2577385


Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.


I was reading your info and was interested in joining your group.

Background: Athletics throughout my life. Cycling, Running, Football, Wrestling, Hiking, Snow Skiing etc...

Name: Marc

GOALS: Lose Weight get healthy again.

STORY: back in 2003 I road Ragbrai (Registers Annual Bike Ride across Iowa) with my father (Colorado)  and his friends @ the time he was 66 and I was 36. Each day they left me way behind I was big time out of shape it motivated me to go home (Washington State)  and get into shape which I did. I lost 50 pounds and felt AWESOME. The cool thing was my wife joined me at the time and also lost 60 pounds. Unfortunately, work and life caught up with me and I got into my old eating habit etc...

FAMILY STATUS: Married to my best friend Audrey. We had never been able to have children and adopted after 5 years of marriage, but after losing the weight and 12 years of marriage my wife became pregnant. Now as we are going to have our 16th wedding anniversary next month we have 4 girls, 11,4,3,6 months and one on the way. YIKES!! *this is my very last chance for a Son. With my youngest being born with Down Syndrome it has been difficult to deal with and a lot of stress. We just completed her open heart surgery at the 1st of the month and things seem to be going well. Part of me being a better Dad is feeling good about myself and taking some time to get into shape.

Current Training: Going to the gym doing some elliptical, treadmill, weights, spinners class and of course hot tub and sauna (favorite

Races: ? Haven't looked to see what is in the area and may just start with some small 5-10ks for the summer and longer bike rides. Feel like I need to get some weight off before too much running as it hurts my knees. (Medial collateral surgery) from football accident.

Weight loss: Would like to lose 50 pounds and keep it off this time. Just need to get on paper and keep it simple.

Able to commit 5 hours weekly in January, 6 in feb, 7 in march 8 in april. Although would like to add additional time each week devoted to study and planning menus, getting ingredients and just following the plan for the week. Making things somewhat automated to keep me away from quick food at the mini marts and fast food joints ALL around me.

Ready to start just need some accountability and someone to enjoy the journey with. Which I believe this site and this group will be a great start.


2009-12-28 7:26 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
You have a great set of mentors in Marmadaddy and Dexter. To have a PT and confuser guru that is the heart of BT as mentors is a step towards a great 2010 tri season!

Good luck to all and have a Happy New Year!!

2009-12-28 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
Thanks Bob, check is in the mail. 
2009-12-28 9:11 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Northwest Arkansas
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
Room for another?

Name:  Chip (user name Snaproll - I used to do a little bit of aerobatic competition)
Story:  I'm 51 but trying to look like I'm younger.  Hard to do with a head full of gray hair.  I started trying to get into shape in June of '07.  I've been active on the bicycle and doing some running and a little swimming since then.  I'm down about 40 lbs since then and feel much better. 
Family:  My wife and I will celebrate our 30th anniversary this year.  I have two great children.  A 21 year old son who's into MMA and a 19 year old daughter attending school on a basketball scholarship.
Work:  I own interest in a few companies and have some commercial property.  I'm also a part time flight instructor. 
Current Training:  I'm working on a weight program right now (New Rules of Lifting) and riding the bike on the trainer.  I'll start running again after the first of the year.  Swimming?  Not sure.  I do hate it.
Last Year:  I did my first triathlon last summer, a sprint tri.  I loved the cycling and running... the swimming not so much.  I did my first marathon last October, the Dublin City Marathon.  I rode the bicycle from Pueblo, CO home to NW Arkansas and did RAGBRAI again. 
Plans:  I'd like to do another touring ride this summer, maybe up Florida.  Ride the Rockies is a possibility as well.  I'm signed up for two half-marathons, including the Indy Mini in May.  I'll most likely do another marathon late in the year.  Not sure about another tri, but I'll probably find a couple of duathalons somewhere along the way.  I've put on some weight since the marathon and am working hard to get rid of it.
Strengths/Weaknesses:  My cycling is my strongest event, followed by running.  Swimming tops the weakness list.  I'm fortunate that I have quite a bit of time to train, unfortunate that I often squander it.  The desire is strong but the will is weak.
2009-12-28 9:21 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
Welcome Snaproll!

We're at seven, three more to go and we're closed.
2009-12-28 9:57 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
I would like to join you guys if you have room?



Always been involved with sports and active,grew up swimming on swim teams but quit before HS,  played lacrosse in HS, play softball on a mens league, snowboard, hike, lift run, have done run some 5ks over the years(usaully just one a year) , last year did my first Sprint TRI, and two 5ks, a friend of mine got me intresetd two years ago, and fianlly started training, purchased my first road bike back in June, I did ok in my first Sprint, met my swim goal, and finsihed, what more could I want? I am 5' 10-1/2 165 pounds, looking to do a couple of tris in 2010, maybe...maybe sign up for one Olympic, I have not wrapped my head around that yet. Need some motivation, also find it is more fun to do this with a group of people. Thinking about starting a tri club out where I am at, there is one on the shore but nothing out my way.

FAMILY STATUS: Live in NJ - Just turned 49, Married to Noreen-  26 blissful years (well not always- but 90% of the time), three semi-adult children- Son Ryan 22, 2 daughters Brittany - 20 & Krista- 18, all in college (ahhhh) but they all seem to be home more then they are at college which is very cool most of the time until about 2:00 am on a work night and doors are slamming....

Signed up for one of the beginner tri programs, (see my training log) I do log everyday

2010 RACES:  Right now signed up for one Sprint in July, want to do one in May and one in Oct, I know which ones just need to get signed up. Also need to figure out races in between, maybe a few more 5ks, would like to try a 10k next year,
I would love to find some off road events, I love to run and ride trails...

I am self motivated but could use some help to navigate this site, and refine my training, like to help and encourage others
2009-12-28 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Golden, CO
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
Hey All, Not sure if you have room for a not so newbie...still feel like a newbie but i have been doing sprint tris for the last 2 summers. i am trying to move up to an olympic distance and have a race planned in vegas in may to celebrate a combination of my husband's 50th and our 30th anniversary. i live in golden, colorado, am 48 and started the tri thing a couple of years ago to quit smoking and get off the couch. i didn't quit smoking for a full year, but finally did a year ago..i ran my first 3 tris as a smoker. oxymoron? no, just moron. i would appreciate the support of a group to keep me on track and focused. my training partners have fizzled out for the most part, so it would be great to have all your advice, feedback and more than anything-your commiseration with the ups and downs of training....(and sometimes just the monotony of it!!) I know I'll need some help to reach this goal..Hope you'll take me!

2009-12-28 10:14 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
bfwhitt and Hollz are in! One more and we're closed!
2009-12-28 10:37 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.

Can I be your 1 more? 

I am working up to an olympic distance this year.  I am not a total newbie, having done a few sprints over the past 2 years, but never really trained for any of them. I have had a lot of issues over the past year that are making me go back to square one.  I learned lessons and am building slowly.  I can post more about myself later but I wanted to jump in, hoping to make your cut-off.  Please, please, please. 

Edited by jogo 2009-12-28 10:42 AM
2009-12-28 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2580081

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
and jogo makes 10!

Th-th-th-that's all folks! Thanks for playing!
2009-12-28 11:02 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
We'll need a group table with links to our training logs, I'll create it later today. I'm about to go for a short run.

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