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2013-06-24 2:30 PM

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Subject: 100 Million for President's Vacation?
This seems totally irresponsible considering our current financial state. What happened to the first family going home or Martha's Vineyard for vacation? 100 Million is offensive.

2013-06-24 7:16 PM
in reply to: Batlou

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Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?

And does anyone remember when Obama got into office and passed the stimulus of nearly $700 billion? And then passed the omnibus bill with $30 billion in pork that he knew about but "promised to do better next time"?

And at the same time had the nerve to convene his new cabinet and "challenged" them to cut $100 million from the budget. Ya, million... with an"M".

But after a reelection, has no trouble with a $100 million dollar vacation... and still no pitch forks on the lawn.

Just in case nobody remembers.

2013-06-24 7:27 PM
in reply to: powerman

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?
2013-06-24 8:37 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?

You are aware that Bush made 5 trips to Africa, all on taxpayers dime. Those expense documents seemed to have vanished from the GAO though.. so no way to know how much was spent on those vacations.

Also, Laura Bush went of safari with her daughters.. 

In 1998 Bill Clinton's visit cost 48 million.

2013-06-24 9:05 PM
in reply to: KateTri1

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Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?
Originally posted by KateTri1

You are aware that Bush made 5 trips to Africa, all on taxpayers dime. Those expense documents seemed to have vanished from the GAO though.. so no way to know how much was spent on those vacations.

Also, Laura Bush went of safari with her daughters.. 

In 1998 Bill Clinton's visit cost 48 million.

While this is important info and certainly relevant, I still don't think it justifies Obama's trip. 

When I was in college and skipped class, I rarely could really enjoy it because the guilt of missing it was just too much. 

I can't imagine being able to go on that vacation knowing its cost, and knowing how so many people who I supposedly represent are struggling.  On taxpayer money?  It's really disgusting. 

Kinda reminds me of "Let them eat cake," and we all know what happened to her.

2013-06-24 9:49 PM
in reply to: KateTri1

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Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?
Originally posted by KateTri1

You are aware that Bush made 5 trips to Africa, all on taxpayers dime. Those expense documents seemed to have vanished from the GAO though.. so no way to know how much was spent on those vacations.

Also, Laura Bush went of safari with her daughters.. 

In 1998 Bill Clinton's visit cost 48 million.

Do you know why George Bush spent so much time in Africa? The legacy President Bush left for the people of Africa is one of the greatest gifts our nation has given to humanity.

2013-06-24 9:54 PM
in reply to: KateTri1

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Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?
Originally posted by KateTri1

You are aware that Bush made 5 trips to Africa, all on taxpayers dime. Those expense documents seemed to have vanished from the GAO though.. so no way to know how much was spent on those vacations.

Also, Laura Bush went of safari with her daughters.. 

In 1998 Bill Clinton's visit cost 48 million.

Perhaps you forgot.... Senator Obama criticized Bush for two straight years on the campaign trail about his wasteful spending. Once elected, he stayed on the campaign trail and continued to criticize Bush on his wasteful spending. In the middle of all that, our economy nearly collapsed. Obama was the chosen one that was going to do it all differently. He certainly told us that for long enough. He hasn't done anything different... including taking lavish trips on the tax payers dime... only problem now is that many people are still hurting and never saw any relief from all the "hope and change"... enter  Obam's Africa trip.

2013-06-25 4:17 AM
in reply to: switch

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Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?

It's unreasonable that a sitting president would go to Africa? All of the presidents have gone overseas on different trips. I know it sounds defensive of Obama, and I am not trying to say that he "deserves" the trip.

It's just that for all of the "outrage" it just seems like a bit of irony. 


2013-06-25 7:47 AM
in reply to: KateTri1

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?
Originally posted by KateTri1

It's unreasonable that a sitting president would go to Africa? All of the presidents have gone overseas on different trips. I know it sounds defensive of Obama, and I am not trying to say that he "deserves" the trip.

It's just that for all of the "outrage" it just seems like a bit of irony. 

Kate, I know you're trying to compare and contrast Obama with what other presidents have done and to an extent you have a valid point.

However, for many of us, it's about the absolute disregard for fiscal responsibility when it is called for by our leadership.  Our country is hemorrhaging financially, but few in Washington seem to care.

I own a business and I go on vacations every once and a while.  My employees don't have any issues with it because they recognize that I work hard and need a break.  However, if I lay off several employees and make the others work longer hours to make up the difference and then still take my expensive vacation it's a morale killer and irresponsible on my part.

I own the business so I can "do" whatever I want, but as a leader I need to share in the sacrifice and do everything I can to keep up morale and grow my business so I don't have to lay people off.  Going on vacation is not doing either of those things.

More broadly, as I believe has been mentioned already in this thread, Washington is out of control and the mindset of "well <insert president> did it too" is yet another justification to continue our fiscal death spiral as a country.
Politicians are screaming as if they're burning in a pit of fire about how painful the "sequestration cuts" are, but even with sequestration the federal spending is increasing an estimated $238.6 billion this year.  Think about that.

I'm not a fan of Obama, but I'm not a fan of any of the big spenders in Washington.  If we are to survive as a republic, we have got to reign in Washington spending.  It will happen eventually, it's just a matter of it being a total collapse, or a controlled reduction through good fiscal leadership.  Unfortunately it will likely be the former.

2013-06-25 7:53 AM
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Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?
Originally posted by tuwood 

Kate, I know you're trying to compare and contrast Obama with what other presidents have done and to an extent you have a valid point.

I am not attempting to compare and contrast the behavior of Obama with other presidents, I'm just comparing the response. 

It's not a "vacation" it's an official trip to discuss investment. Also, the 100 million dollars is an amount that basically came out of someone's behind, as the actual cost is not yet known. (yes that is kind of a defense)

Edited by KateTri1 2013-06-25 8:01 AM
2013-06-25 9:08 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?
Originally posted by tuwood

Kate, I know you're trying to compare and contrast Obama with what other presidents have done and to an extent you have a valid point.

However, for many of us, it's about the absolute disregard for fiscal responsibility when it is called for by our leadership.  Our country is hemorrhaging financially, but few in Washington seem to care.

I own a business and I go on vacations every once and a while.  My employees don't have any issues with it because they recognize that I work hard and need a break.  However, if I lay off several employees and make the others work longer hours to make up the difference and then still take my expensive vacation it's a morale killer and irresponsible on my part.

I own the business so I can "do" whatever I want, but as a leader I need to share in the sacrifice and do everything I can to keep up morale and grow my business so I don't have to lay people off.  Going on vacation is not doing either of those things.

More broadly, as I believe has been mentioned already in this thread, Washington is out of control and the mindset of "well did it too" is yet another justification to continue our fiscal death spiral as a country.
Politicians are screaming as if they're burning in a pit of fire about how painful the "sequestration cuts" are, but even with sequestration the federal spending is increasing an estimated $238.6 billion this year.  Think about that.

I'm not a fan of Obama, but I'm not a fan of any of the big spenders in Washington.  If we are to survive as a republic, we have got to reign in Washington spending.  It will happen eventually, it's just a matter of it being a total collapse, or a controlled reduction through good fiscal leadership.  Unfortunately it will likely be the former.

It is not a vacation.  Let me repeat that, it is not a vacation. 

Africa is a rapidly growing economy, and China is investing heavily in it while looking to expand their economic and foreign policies there.  Their president, Xi Jinping, just recently wrapped up a trip to Tanzania, South Africa, and the Congo.  Now Obama is visiting...wait for it...Tanzania and South Africa.  That is not a coincidence.

In the last dozen years, China’s trade with Africa has increased from $10 billion/yr to almost $200 billion (http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/indepth/2013-03/26/c_132263550.htm).  During that same time, our trade with Africa went from $37 billion to $100 billion (http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/balance/c0013.html#2009), and it's declining. During his trip, Xi Jingping signed a deal with Tanzania for China to build a $10 billion port.  If you look at Africa as a competition, China is winning. 

Washington should be very concerned with the direction the Africa is heading in, as well as with China’s overall economic expansion.  To say this is a family vacation is just flat out dishonest (not you Tony, I’m referring to FoxNews and the rest of the right wing pundits that are painting the trip as a vacation).  


2013-06-25 9:56 AM
in reply to: kevin_trapp

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Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?
So after researching, Obama is going on an extended trip to Africa... Still. The cost of such trips is the cost of doing business as far as I'm concerned. The first family is going as others has and a vacation is part of the trip. So when it cost tens of millions of dollars to move the POTUS to particularly underdeveloped countries, is it too much to ask the leader of our nation to "sequester" extra curricular activities while you continue to put out all the pain the sequestration cuts have cosy. Is it too much to ask our leader to lead and hold him accountable for doing what he said he was going to do?
2013-06-25 10:57 AM
in reply to: powerman

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?

Originally posted by powerman So after researching, Obama is going on an extended trip to Africa... Still. The cost of such trips is the cost of doing business as far as I'm concerned. The first family is going as others has and a vacation is part of the trip. So when it cost tens of millions of dollars to move the POTUS to particularly underdeveloped countries, is it too much to ask the leader of our nation to "sequester" extra curricular activities while you continue to put out all the pain the sequestration cuts have cosy. Is it too much to ask our leader to lead and hold him accountable for doing what he said he was going to do?

I agree with you, sort of.  Anything that Obama and his family do purely for their own amusement is a complete waste of taxpayer money at a time our country needs to be pinching pennies.  But I'm guessing it's not that black and white.  Here, business gets done on the golf course and no one would think twice if a CEO paid top dollar to take one of his clients our for an expensive round of golf to talk about a contract.  Maybe in Africa, business gets done on a safari (just an analogy, I realize the safari was cancelled due to the high cost of snipers).  My wife yaks it up with your wife, my kids run around the palace with your kids, and oh by the way let's talk about this little trade agreement here.  

And we're not just competing at the government level, it's also trying to gain public support.  China showed up with an Asian man and his wife and they wooed the people.  Now we have a black man and his wife/kids showing up to do their best wooing. If skin color is as big a deal over there as it is here, having a black president and his family making public appearances can't hurt.  I don't know how you go about putting a price on public relations.  Also, Michelle has her AIDS prevention campaign, so I imagine she'll be incorporating that with some visits to local hospitals for a little more good will.

Assuming the $100 million is the actual cost, I don't know if this trip is worth it.  That is a jaw-dropping figure for a single trip. Maybe it would have been cheaper and more effective to just buy off the presidents of the three countries.  I do know that there's a lot of money at stake in Africa and the US will keep losing it if we're not somehow aggressively pursuing it.  I also believe that the difference in cost for Obama to go alone, as opposed to with his family, would be just about negligible. Whether his wife and daughters are there or not, there's still going to be the multiple airlifts, that aircraft carrier sitting off the coast, the extreme security measures, etc.  

2013-06-25 11:19 AM
in reply to: kevin_trapp

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Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?
Obama's father is from Kenya, and he is not even visiting that country. And he has family there. 
2013-06-25 1:00 PM
in reply to: 0

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Sin City
Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?
Is this an estimate or is there an itemized breakdown for the trip?  I would be curious how you could even spend 100 million in such a short time without actually buying something, like a small nation or a dozen Abrams M1 tanks for each of the girls.

Edited by Kido 2013-06-25 1:02 PM
2013-06-25 1:01 PM
in reply to: Kido

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?

Originally posted by Kido Is this an estimate or is there an itemized breakdown for the trip?  I would be curious how you could even spend 100 million in such a short time without actually buying something, like a small nation.

air force one

secret service

pre-visit security sweeps and interviews

etc etc etc


2013-06-25 1:06 PM
in reply to: mehaner

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Sin City
Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?
Originally posted by mehaner

Originally posted by Kido Is this an estimate or is there an itemized breakdown for the trip?  I would be curious how you could even spend 100 million in such a short time without actually buying something, like a small nation.

air force one

secret service

pre-visit security sweeps and interviews

etc etc etc


Well, air force one is always active, so that shouldn't be much more.  Secret service is always on duty - but of course, need to staff up for a trip like this.

I guess if most of it's wrapped up in security, that's just the price of doing business in this violent world now - and it would be the same for any president.  Guess they could never leave the country and have people come to us?

But if it's 100 million in cocktails, excursions, in room movies, and room service?  Yikes.

2013-06-25 1:30 PM
in reply to: Kido

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Elmira, ON
Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?
Leaders always make trips like this. Every country does it, and for the most part, they are politically motivated for headlines. It gives the impression the Leader is personally making economic ties and strengthening there repsective gov'ts economy.

If there are economic trade pacts or deals being made in Africa,they have already been made or are in the works without your president going. As the leader, he's going to put a face on the US and reap the political benefits. Nothing more. Nothing against Obama in this case, every other president has done it. It's simply good politics, but apparently at quite the cost. The fact that Bush, Bush W., Clinton, Regan, or whomever else has done it doesn't excuse Obama, or any of the previous leaders.... I guess if you got wrapped up in the emotion of Obamamania and were expecting change from it this would be a disappointment. But realize that trade packs, purchases, or sales in the billions don't happen on a week excursion...they takes months, sometimes years of negotiations.

This isn't the cost of doing business. The trade pacts, and deals would have happened nonetheless. It's just your prez is making good political moves and heading over to rally the troops and like all politicians, taking some credit for it. I guess if its "what everyone does" you can't really fault him for it...right? You just have to pay for it like all the other politicians.

Our current PM in Canada has been all over Latin America and India doing the same thing over the last couple of years. The prime minister before him did the big "Team Canada" to China and announced billions in new deals and sales...of course...all of them were worked out beforehand...but...politicians need to do this for publicity. Again, whether our current PM, or past PM's had gone to these countries would not have made a lick of difference. But it makes for good publicity for there respective political parties and popular opinion in the media.

Africa as a whole has seen some pretty good economic growth along with Latin America over the recession that has hit Europe/North America. Nigeria is expected to overtake South Africa as the single largest economy in Africa....but I wonder why Obama is not spending more time hopping across South America reaping those headlines in lieu of Africa? The economy is larger, and is growing faster....

2013-06-25 1:54 PM
in reply to: TheCrownsOwn

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?

As the political climate becomes more and more toxic, the PETTINESS (sp?) of this type of argument becomes glaringly obvious.  And it's the main reason I don't frequent Political Joe as much as I'd like. 

 IMO If we, as a country, can't find a way to break this cycle and actually start to creat solutions instead of casting stones, there is virtually NO hope for democracy or our Republic. 


2013-06-25 2:06 PM
in reply to: Kido

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Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?
Originally posted by Kido
Originally posted by mehaner

Originally posted by Kido Is this an estimate or is there an itemized breakdown for the trip?  I would be curious how you could even spend 100 million in such a short time without actually buying something, like a small nation.

air force one

secret service

pre-visit security sweeps and interviews

etc etc etc


Well, air force one is always active, so that shouldn't be much more.  Secret service is always on duty - but of course, need to staff up for a trip like this.

I guess if most of it's wrapped up in security, that's just the price of doing business in this violent world now - and it would be the same for any president.  Guess they could never leave the country and have people come to us?

But if it's 100 million in cocktails, excursions, in room movies, and room service?  Yikes.

Just google. An air craft carrier has to be stationed to provide level one trauma center. 56 vehicles including 14 limos airlifted to Africa... so on and so forth. As far as the POTUS going overseas, that is the cost of doing business.

2013-06-25 2:08 PM
in reply to: kevin_trapp

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Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?
Originally posted by kevin_trapp

Originally posted by powerman So after researching, Obama is going on an extended trip to Africa... Still. The cost of such trips is the cost of doing business as far as I'm concerned. The first family is going as others has and a vacation is part of the trip. So when it cost tens of millions of dollars to move the POTUS to particularly underdeveloped countries, is it too much to ask the leader of our nation to "sequester" extra curricular activities while you continue to put out all the pain the sequestration cuts have cosy. Is it too much to ask our leader to lead and hold him accountable for doing what he said he was going to do?

I agree with you, sort of.  Anything that Obama and his family do purely for their own amusement is a complete waste of taxpayer money at a time our country needs to be pinching pennies.  But I'm guessing it's not that black and white.  Here, business gets done on the golf course and no one would think twice if a CEO paid top dollar to take one of his clients our for an expensive round of golf to talk about a contract.  Maybe in Africa, business gets done on a safari (just an analogy, I realize the safari was cancelled due to the high cost of snipers).  My wife yaks it up with your wife, my kids run around the palace with your kids, and oh by the way let's talk about this little trade agreement here.  

And we're not just competing at the government level, it's also trying to gain public support.  China showed up with an Asian man and his wife and they wooed the people.  Now we have a black man and his wife/kids showing up to do their best wooing. If skin color is as big a deal over there as it is here, having a black president and his family making public appearances can't hurt.  I don't know how you go about putting a price on public relations.  Also, Michelle has her AIDS prevention campaign, so I imagine she'll be incorporating that with some visits to local hospitals for a little more good will.

Assuming the $100 million is the actual cost, I don't know if this trip is worth it.  That is a jaw-dropping figure for a single trip. Maybe it would have been cheaper and more effective to just buy off the presidents of the three countries.  I do know that there's a lot of money at stake in Africa and the US will keep losing it if we're not somehow aggressively pursuing it.  I also believe that the difference in cost for Obama to go alone, as opposed to with his family, would be just about negligible. Whether his wife and daughters are there or not, there's still going to be the multiple airlifts, that aircraft carrier sitting off the coast, the extreme security measures, etc.  

I can accept that.

2013-06-25 3:14 PM
in reply to: powerman

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Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?

Here is actually a good read about POTUS vacations talking how both sides use them for criticism.


I don't know the source, but thought it a fair opinion.

2013-06-26 3:22 PM
in reply to: Batlou

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Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?

Originally posted by Batlou This seems totally irresponsible considering our current financial state. What happened to the first family going home or Martha's Vineyard for vacation? 100 Million is offensive.


What is the source for your "$100M" number?  sounds like utter BS to me.

Probably from some wacko right wing blogger?

2013-06-26 4:09 PM
in reply to: morey000

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Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?
Originally posted by morey000

Originally posted by Batlou This seems totally irresponsible considering our current financial state. What happened to the first family going home or Martha's Vineyard for vacation? 100 Million is offensive.


What is the source for your "$100M" number?  sounds like utter BS to me.

Probably from some wacko right wing blogger?

Google is your friend. It is the budget submitted for these things, that add up all the costs of everything involved in moving the POTUS to an underdeveloped country for an extended period of time. And this very stroy came to light, when the budget was submitted, and people started taking a closer look at what was perceived as "extras". It is estimated to cost between 60-100 million... which is exactly in line with similar trips in the past.

... or ya, it's just some wacko right wing nonsense.

2013-06-26 4:53 PM
in reply to: powerman

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Sin City
Subject: RE: 100 Million for President's Vacation?

I'm not saying that 100 mil is worth it.  I'm also no Obama fan...

BUT, in general, I stand up for anyone who I believe is unfairly judged.

If 100mil really is the cost of doing business NO MATTER who is in office, I don't think it's "fair" to spin it like the photo TUWOOD put up (maybe in jest).  I know that was satirical for the entire term, but that's what the criticism of this wants to make people believe.

Should he be leaving the country AT ALL if it costs that much?  That's one argument.

But to suggest (or let people assume and not correct them), that POTUS and family is spending 100 mil on jet ski rentals, elephant rides, Micky Mouse ears, corn dogs, room service, and on the machines that squish pennies into pictures is inaccurate if they spend that on ANY POTUS that leaves the country.

I'm sure when the next pres is in office, when they make a trip, the opposing party will complain again.  Can't wait.

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