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Baker to Vegas - Run

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las vegas, Nevada
United States
63F / 17C
Total Time = 53m 15s
Overall Rank = /
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

I was scheduled to meet up with my car-mates at 2245 so DH and I had a small dinner at the hotel then relaxed watched TV and tried to catch a nap. Dinner was a nice italian meat and cheese tray shared with DH <3. At about 2215 I got a text that the car lead was on his way so I got up and got ready then headed downstairs to meet up with one other guy and wait for our ride.

We drove out to the exchange where the prior car would pick up there last runner and our first one would start. One of the people in the prior car was a classmate of mine from academy so we got to catch up for a bit. It was chilly but not unbearably so. Once our runner headed out we walked back to the car and headed to where I would take over the baton.
Event warmup:

Once we got to my start spot I signed in and waited till we got the "one mile to go" warning before I started peeling off layers. When the prior runner was close I stripped down to my singlet and shorts and hoped he would get there quickly because it was getting cold! Soon enough he came around the corner and it was my turn.
  • 53m 15s
  • 5.7 miles
  • 09m 20s  min/mile

This run was along a city street but it was pretty torn up in spots so some was paved, some was dirt, and some was really messed up pavement. I wish I'd brought another pair of trail shoes!

I first started out up a slight hill. A man from another team started slightly behind me and tried to catch me on the hill but apparently I do more hill work than he :)

The support car pulled up just as I was getting going and K, an agent from Phoenix was in the passenger seat and said hi. They dropped back and I continued on. I knew this was under 6 miles and wanted to push it without blowing up. I focused on catching the runner(s) ahead of me without going too hard.

At about a mile in K pulled up again and asked how I was doing. I told them I was fine and didn't need water. (In past years my work partner has been the support car and knows I'll let her know if I need water). I just kept pushing and usually caught people on hills.

At about 2.5 support pulled up and I slowed for a few steps to take a couple drinks from the water bottle and gave it back. Back to running. It was a great exercise in taking inventory of my body, controlling my breathing and pushing myself to just shy of too much.

They pulled up again at 4 and I took one last drink then set my sights on several teams that I knew were within striking distance. (that was a great mental picture because the mascot for this race is a rattler). One by one I picked them off, I knew it would make it more challenging for my support car but I knew they wouldn't mind. I saw the "one to go" person and gave it all I had for the last mile.

I got to the exchange, handed off the baton and was greeted by my "catcher" and an exchange station guy. He asked me my name (you'd have to be really really out of it to not know your own name), asked me where I was (um, vegas? if you need more specific than that I need a map), and what day it was (um, sunday? if you need more specific then that I need a minute). Dude, it was <6 miles, I'M OKAY!

I walked for a bit then we got in the car and headed to the next exchange.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing, this was a great way to push myself
Post race
Warm down:

We had one more exchange then to the finish line where I was the catcher for "J". We stood around and chatted for a bit but it was 0500 so everyone was ready for a nap.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Long distance training

Event comments:

This race is a great morale booster for law enforcement, at the team level and as a whole. There are teams from all over the country and around the world and it's awesome to see everyone there for this race. There are some super competitive teams like FBI, LAPD and LASO but for many of the teams its a way to come together and enjoy the weekend.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2016-01-04 12:00 AM
00:53:15 | 05.7 miles | 09m 20s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/
Performance: Good
Course: Straight along S. Fort Apache Rd from Blue Diamond Rd to Verneda Ct
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2016-03-23 11:42 AM

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: Baker to Vegas

2016-03-23 2:12 PM
in reply to: #5173490

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Subject: RE: Baker to Vegas

What a great idea for a race!  I don't know that we have any LEO-centric relay races around here, which is a shame.  Funny that you had to answer those questions, but it's a good thing you got them right!  Well done! 

2016-03-23 4:04 PM
in reply to: #5173490

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Baker to Vegas
Very nice run, way to go!
2016-03-24 9:45 AM
in reply to: #5173490

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Baker to Vegas

Way to go, TJ!! Really cool stuff to see all the different LEO groups getting together and supporting and competing like this.

2016-03-24 9:52 AM
in reply to: #5173490

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Subject: RE: Baker to Vegas

Excellent work, and what a great cause.  Nice nails, too.  Congrats, TJ!

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General Discussion Race Reports! » Baker to Vegas Rss Feed  

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date : February 5, 2010
author : CavalloHJ
comments : 5
I found a sprint, the Lake Las Vegas Triathlon, that was happening four months down the road and signed myself up; much to the surprise of friends and family.
date : April 17, 2005
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
Well I have had a knee issue and it seems to be acting up again, Nobody has really been able to tell me what it is other then a Baker’s cyst.