Subject: First time swimsuit experience - and question Good afternoon all,
I was able to swim in my swimsuit for the first time last night at the pool, and I have to say....loved it. Not only does this thing keep me afloat, I felt so much faster in it. Barely had to kick at all. Did half my workout before I stripped down to my normal trunks. Of course, that sucked because then I felt like I slowed to crawl (a front crawl no less, SWIDT? ).
Anyway, my suit is tight, but I think it's fine. I did a 250m warm up, and then the first 5x100m in the suit, and I think all is good to go. My question, how quickly would you notice the shoulders being too tight and fatigue in your arms? These things can tend to get in my head, so I hope to clear it all out now.
Thanks for the feedback!