General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 08.06.2019 Tuesday Training Rss Feed  
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2019-08-06 8:01 AM

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: 08.06.2019 Tuesday Training
Still riding the train,

Put 7 miles down this morning with mile times going down each mile. Legs felt good and it was a route that I haven't done for a long time. I have a little nagging stiffness in my lower back from the wet suit swim (I remember feeling it during the swim from sighting and generally bobbing around like a fool).

All's well that doesn't end...

Stay strong out there, BT.

2019-08-06 9:23 AM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 08.06.2019 Tuesday Training
My back always feels tight after swimming in the full wetsuit. I think the buoyancy holds your legs in a higher position than you may be used to when swimming without it. That can be great for people who are weak swimmers and "swim uphill", but maybe a bit unnatural and uncomfortable if your normal swimming does not involve dragging legs. I tried out my new sleeveless suit last night, and was surprised that I didn't notice my back feeling tighter than usual. I don't see what that would have to do with arms/no arms, so guessing maybe the material on the legs in the new suit is a little less thick/buoyant than on my full suit.
2019-08-06 11:35 AM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: 08.06.2019 Tuesday Training

5:15 AM I got the day started with 1hr 15 minute on the bike trainer.  The main set was 6 x 6' intervals at 110% FTP.  After doing 60-minute rides for the past 9 months the extra 15 minutes seem like forever.  I didn't feel like I had finished very strong, but looking back through the data I did better than I thought I had.  I haven't decided is I am going to do the 1 hr 30-minute trainer ride tomorrow or to do my 12-mile run.  It is a toss up.

Have a great day!

2019-08-06 8:55 PM
in reply to: #5261555

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Subject: RE: 08.06.2019 Tuesday Training
5 mile run in my sauna of a workout building. The extra heat and humidity in there is a bonus
2019-08-06 9:32 PM
in reply to: Parkland

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 08.06.2019 Tuesday Training
Had hoped to get my workout in earlier while it was still fairly cool but had to tackle a ton of errands and moving-related stuff. 1:20 FTP workout from hell (thanks, Coach) with 30 minutes worth of intervals at 88-95%. Ouch! By the time I finished that, it was about 2 PM and 96 degrees. The 30 minute brick run that followed felt like it was done inside the brick kiln.
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 08.06.2019 Tuesday Training Rss Feed  

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