General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2014-03-28 3:45 PM

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Fernley, NV
Subject: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
Alright everyone looks like we are 10 weeks out. This is my first HIM, how is training going and lets pray for decent weather.

2014-03-29 6:01 PM
in reply to: mrajki

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
My first HIM as well. Training is going well. The YMCA swim fit class is really helping my form and endurance. The weather is warm enough (kinda) to move all my rides outside. Running doesn't hurt my knees too much.

I'm getting the mileage in that my simple plan calls for. I am confident I could complete the race if it were next week, but it would hurt
2014-03-31 1:46 PM
in reply to: Mtnwesttri

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New user
Fernley, NV
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
I'm in the same boat I feel like I could finish right now no problem but it would not be pretty. I have to make some more progress in the swim but it is starting to come around.
2014-04-01 12:56 AM
in reply to: mrajki

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Coeur d' Alene, ID
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
it must be time to start training. Yes on the prayers for good weather.
2014-04-22 8:17 PM
in reply to: mark.evans

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
45 days to go! How's the training coming along?

I spent a bit of time at the pool this morning, and busted out a 3000yd workout. Then jumped on a trainer for the next 3 FREAKIN hours. All I gotta say is *ouch*. I think I've decided running is my favorite part of triathlon. At least when I run I can breathe at will, or don't feel like a pretty man in prison.

That is all.
2014-04-24 9:43 AM
in reply to: Mtnwesttri

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New user
Fernley, NV
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
The Training is coming along nicely I need some more time in the pool and need to get a couple of OWS in, but the water is still a little cold here in Northern Nevada Hoping for a couple of warm weeks by memorial day so it is at least tolerable.

2014-04-24 10:49 AM
in reply to: mrajki

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Coeur d' Alene, ID
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
43 days and all is well.
2014-05-03 11:51 PM
in reply to: mark.evans

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
5 weeks left

This was a big training week, and I am glad it'sover. Rest day tomorrow, then recovery week. My legs were totally fried for my long run today, somehow slogged through a 15.16 miles (was only scheduled for 14, but it was a point-to-point run)

I suspect I'll be in a lot better shape next Saturday. I'm following this weeks training plan to the letter. No extra runs, or extra mileage/yards (honest)
2014-05-05 1:02 PM
in reply to: Mtnwesttri

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Fernley, NV
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
I'm getting there, 56 on the bike Saturday followed by 13.1 Sunday. I really fell of the last 2 miles of the run but still averaged a decent pace. Now if the water would only warm up I need some OWS.
2014-05-08 11:14 AM
in reply to: mrajki

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
There is a big group going up from my triclub for this race I am really considering it. I had a horrible horrible STG 70.3 last Saturday where I ended up with heat exhaustion and am thinking of doing this race as a redemption race.
2014-05-08 5:40 PM
in reply to: mrajki

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Chandler, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
First post to the group with only about 4 weeks to go...The first year I did Boise the thread was a good 20 pages long this close to race day. I can tell you that the water will not be warming up. Expect low 50's...I wore neoprene booties and a cap when I did two years ago and it wasn't terrible. (Although the people who were taken out of the water because they couldn't move probably would disagree) The year I did it was when they had to shorten the bike course to 15 miles or something like that...The guy who won it did the bike in his wetsuit! (not joking) They had to shorten it because the outdoor temps were in the low 40's with wind, rain and snow on the course. It was miserable...

Boise weather is weird...In fact, by the time I got on the run the sun was out and it was in the 70's. The next day was completely blue skies...I guess what I'm trying to say is hope for the best, but plan for the worst. I grew up in Boise too, so I'm pretty familiar with the course. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask. Training is going okay...Felt pretty good on my long workouts last week and hope to get another couple of hard weeks in before I start to taper.

Happy training!

2014-05-09 1:08 PM
in reply to: JasenGuy

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
Originally posted by JasenGuy

First post to the group with only about 4 weeks to go...The first year I did Boise the thread was a good 20 pages long this close to race day. I can tell you that the water will not be warming up. Expect low 50's...I wore neoprene booties and a cap when I did two years ago and it wasn't terrible. (Although the people who were taken out of the water because they couldn't move probably would disagree) The year I did it was when they had to shorten the bike course to 15 miles or something like that...The guy who won it did the bike in his wetsuit! (not joking) They had to shorten it because the outdoor temps were in the low 40's with wind, rain and snow on the course. It was miserable...

Boise weather is weird...In fact, by the time I got on the run the sun was out and it was in the 70's. The next day was completely blue skies...I guess what I'm trying to say is hope for the best, but plan for the worst. I grew up in Boise too, so I'm pretty familiar with the course. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask. Training is going okay...Felt pretty good on my long workouts last week and hope to get another couple of hard weeks in before I start to taper.

Happy training!

I have had a miserable miserable two half ironmans the last 2 years at Saint George. I am really contemplating this race because I think I need a change of venue (I'm from St. George) and the ease in comparison of the two. I have heard that the bike is only half the elevation gain you see at STG and the run is flat flat flat and shaded. What kind of hills do you see on the bike?
2014-05-10 10:40 PM
in reply to: sirdizzy

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
Originally posted by sirdizzy

Originally posted by JasenGuy

First post to the group with only about 4 weeks to go...The first year I did Boise the thread was a good 20 pages long this close to race day. I can tell you that the water will not be warming up. Expect low 50's...I wore neoprene booties and a cap when I did two years ago and it wasn't terrible. (Although the people who were taken out of the water because they couldn't move probably would disagree) The year I did it was when they had to shorten the bike course to 15 miles or something like that...The guy who won it did the bike in his wetsuit! (not joking) They had to shorten it because the outdoor temps were in the low 40's with wind, rain and snow on the course. It was miserable...

Boise weather is weird...In fact, by the time I got on the run the sun was out and it was in the 70's. The next day was completely blue skies...I guess what I'm trying to say is hope for the best, but plan for the worst. I grew up in Boise too, so I'm pretty familiar with the course. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask. Training is going okay...Felt pretty good on my long workouts last week and hope to get another couple of hard weeks in before I start to taper.

Happy training!

I have had a miserable miserable two half ironmans the last 2 years at Saint George. I am really contemplating this race because I think I need a change of venue (I'm from St. George) and the ease in comparison of the two. I have heard that the bike is only half the elevation gain you see at STG and the run is flat flat flat and shaded. What kind of hills do you see on the bike?

My google-fu is strong.....

St. George,
Basically 5 climbs of 150 to 300 ft all at around 150ft/mile (just a SWAG) Then one monster 1000ft in 8 miles. 4042 ft gain.

Basically 4 climbs of 300 ft, 2 of them over 1-1.5 miles, and 2 of them over 5-6 miles. 1335 ft gain.

I've ridden the first 10 miles of the course backwards, and didn't find it overwhelming. I am not a strong cyclist.

This is my first attempt at Boise (shoot it's my first tri longer than a sprint), so I am not an expert. I do live in the area and here is what I do know. Wind is likely. Weather is anyone's guess it could be 30-90 F. The water will be cold. I tried an OWS in a smaller warmer reservoir this week, and it did not go well. Unless we get some hot weather bring your booties and gloves for the swim.

In other words, it's gonna be a great day. Weather, wind, cold or heat, and all else will be conquered
2014-05-10 10:53 PM
in reply to: Mtnwesttri

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
12 weeks of my official training plan in the books. 4 to go. Just finished my last recovery week before the taper.
S: 7000 + yds
B: 75.65 miles
R: 20.34 miles

Pretty happy with the numbers, and how I felt after training this week. I get to pump up the mileage and intensity a bit in the new week.

Spent some money this week on a few little items for the race. Nothing big, some calf compression sleeves, new shoes (probably won't wear them in the race, they are a little too minimalist), speed laces, assorted gels to try out, cheap sunglasses so I can wear my contacts for the swim, and just race in them..

Actually unwrapped and ate a powerbar on my long ride this week without stopping, for me that's progress. In fact it was my fastest ride to date. Strava gave me a 20.4 mph average over 45 miles . My tri suit did chafe a bit on that ride. Body glide is in order.

Not getting too nervous yet. I have a half mary this coming saturday. That will give me a focus, and a great training run.
2014-05-12 11:34 AM
in reply to: Mtnwesttri

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New user
Fernley, NV
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
Well my last couple of weeks have been crazy busy but productive my volume is lower than I would like it to be. I have a sprint this weekend that I plan on racing all out, I am looking forward to this race it can't come soon enough.
2014-05-12 12:03 PM
in reply to: sirdizzy

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Chandler, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
Originally posted by sirdizzy

Originally posted by JasenGuy

First post to the group with only about 4 weeks to go...The first year I did Boise the thread was a good 20 pages long this close to race day. I can tell you that the water will not be warming up. Expect low 50's...I wore neoprene booties and a cap when I did two years ago and it wasn't terrible. (Although the people who were taken out of the water because they couldn't move probably would disagree) The year I did it was when they had to shorten the bike course to 15 miles or something like that...The guy who won it did the bike in his wetsuit! (not joking) They had to shorten it because the outdoor temps were in the low 40's with wind, rain and snow on the course. It was miserable...

Boise weather is weird...In fact, by the time I got on the run the sun was out and it was in the 70's. The next day was completely blue skies...I guess what I'm trying to say is hope for the best, but plan for the worst. I grew up in Boise too, so I'm pretty familiar with the course. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask. Training is going okay...Felt pretty good on my long workouts last week and hope to get another couple of hard weeks in before I start to taper.

Happy training!

I have had a miserable miserable two half ironmans the last 2 years at Saint George. I am really contemplating this race because I think I need a change of venue (I'm from St. George) and the ease in comparison of the two. I have heard that the bike is only half the elevation gain you see at STG and the run is flat flat flat and shaded. What kind of hills do you see on the bike?

This course is great! (Minus the unpredictable weather and the sure-to-be freezing swim) Yes, there are a few hills on the bike, but they're all at the beginning of the ride and the whole second half of the ride is essentially ALL down hill. I couldn't ask for a better run course...Along the Boise river, flat and covered in trees the entire way. 2 loops, great for spectators and crowd energy. T2 and the finish line are right downtown. You will not regret doing this race...(Unless mother nature ruins it all like it did for me two years ago!)

2014-05-12 1:11 PM
in reply to: JasenGuy

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Morgan Hill, California
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
The finish line and environment in Boise is awesome. You come up to the finish area and the noise just seems to echo off all the buildings. Makes it really fun! Enjoy everyone!
2014-05-13 1:08 PM
in reply to: kmac1346

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
I am very likely in just getting the final logistics worked out. I booked my hotel yesterday downtown as I won't have a car and will be likely be biking or walking everywhere (my hotel is half a mile from t2). I have almost everything figured out the last thing i will do is register because thats a lot of dough if not everything works out.

Man that bike course looks easy 1300 feet is all wow, and I know the run is flat flat flat STG run is like 1800 feet elevation gain where as boise I think is 9 feet.

Really looking forward to this race.
2014-05-13 11:07 PM
in reply to: sirdizzy

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
I just checked accuweather. They have it as 80 deg, mostly sunny. No monsoon, no snowstorm, no gale force winds. A little warm, but livable.

I got the weather report I wanted, no reason to go back and check it anymore That way if it is raining, sleeting, or gale force winds I can just ignore it and say, nope it's sunny and 78
2014-05-13 11:24 PM
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Chandler, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
Originally posted by Mtnwesttri

I just checked accuweather. They have it as 80 deg, mostly sunny. No monsoon, no snowstorm, no gale force winds. A little warm, but livable.

I got the weather report I wanted, no reason to go back and check it anymore That way if it is raining, sleeting, or gale force winds I can just ignore it and say, nope it's sunny and 78

A little cute.

I'll be coming from 105-110 by that time...80 degrees is our winter!!

Edited by JasenGuy 2014-05-13 11:24 PM
2014-05-14 10:29 AM
in reply to: JasenGuy

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
It was 95 at STG when I finished and I had heat exhaustion I can live with 80. And a weather report this far out is not going to be accurate at all. I barely trust 10 day weather reports.

2014-05-14 10:51 PM
in reply to: JasenGuy

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
Originally posted by JasenGuy

Originally posted by Mtnwesttri

I just checked accuweather. They have it as 80 deg, mostly sunny. No monsoon, no snowstorm, no gale force winds. A little warm, but livable.

I got the weather report I wanted, no reason to go back and check it anymore That way if it is raining, sleeting, or gale force winds I can just ignore it and say, nope it's sunny and 78

A little cute.

I'll be coming from 105-110 by that time...80 degrees is our winter!!

One of my 10k's this winter was ran at about 16 degrees, with a refreshing ice fog that made the road slick especially running back down the hill..

We have had two days so far this year over 80. Funnily enough they were both on my 60 mile bike ride days, but that makes up for the 50 milers when it was in the low 50's

I'm not complaining. I've enjoyed every single freezing run and frigid bike rides. Just like I enjoyed today's 60 miler, even with the constant headwind sapping my energy, The challenges are what make any endeavor worthwhile.
2014-05-15 11:29 AM
in reply to: Mtnwesttri

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Chandler, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
Originally posted by Mtnwesttri

Originally posted by JasenGuy

Originally posted by Mtnwesttri

I just checked accuweather. They have it as 80 deg, mostly sunny. No monsoon, no snowstorm, no gale force winds. A little warm, but livable.

I got the weather report I wanted, no reason to go back and check it anymore That way if it is raining, sleeting, or gale force winds I can just ignore it and say, nope it's sunny and 78

A little cute.

I'll be coming from 105-110 by that time...80 degrees is our winter!!

One of my 10k's this winter was ran at about 16 degrees, with a refreshing ice fog that made the road slick especially running back down the hill..

We have had two days so far this year over 80. Funnily enough they were both on my 60 mile bike ride days, but that makes up for the 50 milers when it was in the low 50's

I'm not complaining. I've enjoyed every single freezing run and frigid bike rides. Just like I enjoyed today's 60 miler, even with the constant headwind sapping my energy, The challenges are what make any endeavor worthwhile.

Every time I visit a cold climate area I tell myself that if I ever lived there I would become a couch potato...I'd take 105 on a ride any day over 50! I don't know how you guys do it!!
2014-05-15 1:23 PM
in reply to: JasenGuy

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
That was the thing with STG I was like man I am used to the heat no problem I have done tons of bricks in 110 degree temps no problem. Then I started to overheat on the bike at mile 41 and I was in full down meltdown mode half way through the run and ended up with heat exhaustion. I laid in the splash pad at the finish literaly laid in it.

I am in for Boise should be exciting and is going to be a complete adventure. I am deadheading on a truck so I won't have a car and plan to just bike or walk around boise. My hotel is half a mile from T2 the only hurdle will be getting my bike out to T1.
2014-05-18 5:33 PM
in reply to: sirdizzy

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Boise : Official Thread
Another week closer

Great training week, it was almost only good, but ended up being great. Constant headwind on my long ride slowed me down almost 3 mph, I didn't get enough hard yds in the water. I replaced two swims with OWS, and they are valuable, but I did not get in the quality hard yds that I know will pay off in the washing machine. On the plus side, I now know my wetsuit is too large, and have a smaller one on the way.

As far as run training goes, AWESOME. I got in three good 4-6 mile runs during the week. Then Saturday I ran a half mary. Ended up with a smoking fast time (for me) averaged 7:24 a mile. Only managed that speed because a great lady racer started using my GPS for pacing. We ran the race together, and that girl wanted to go fast!

Three weeks to go, the last reservoir temp was 52 deg but it should be coming up, we have had some great weather and sun to warm the water this week.

Hey sirdizzy, I've seen your other posts about lack of mojo. Keep in mind I haven't done a single HIM yet, but here's what I would do.

This week, follow your taper week training plan in reverse. That gets you back into SBR.
Next week, Follow your 2nd or 3rd to last weeks training plan in normal order, that should kickstart your fitness again.
Race week, normal taper, enjoy yourself, enjoy the journey, and race!
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