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Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon - Run

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Virginia Beach, Virginia
United States
Shamrock Sportsfest
31F / -1C
Total Time = 4h 56m 27s
Overall Rank = 450/598
Age Group = F35-39
Age Group Rank = 71/98
Pre-race routine:

Actually got to bed at a fairly reasonable time, and even slept a little. Was up at about 4:50, took a shower to wake myself up and then choked down a really bad bagel. Also took some immodium to try and head off any intestinal issues ... which didn't quite work.
Event warmup:

Walked down to the starting line to see my friend Sue off on her first ever half marathon -- she started 30 minutes before me. Then, as we worked our way to my marathon starting line, I saw a sign being held by a couple of kids and went over and asked who they belonged to. :) And that's how I met up with Mary Ann (mtnchick13) and had a running partner for the first 16 miles of the race.
  • 4h 56m 27s
  • 26.2 miles
  • 11m 19s  min/mile

I don't even know where to start. So - forgive me for rambling. :)

Met up with Mary Ann before the race, and decided that we would try running together since we had approximately the same goal time. Our first mile was a little fast, but I never really felt like I was pushing the pace at all. Slowed it down after that, and we were pretty good about hitting 10 minute miles for a good chunk of time. There was a quick potty break at around mile 6, but otherwise, we cruised along, walking through water stops but otherwise pushing ahead.

Running through Camp Pendelton base was great -- that was around mile 8 or 9 and it really provided a nice boost. They men and women were out cheering us on, and all I was thinking about was that what I was doing was easy compared to what they were doing.

Just after mile 10, we had to go up and over the Rudee Bridge again ... but this time, the wind was in our faces and FEROCIOUS. The climb up that hill was nasty...this was one of the many spots where running with Mary Ann really paid off, because I wouldn't have even hesitated to walk if she hadn't been there pushing me along.

And then - up the boardwalk - WOW. Again - WINDY. Luckily that was only from 5th street up to 22nd street. One more block and I do believe that I would have thrown myself into the ocean in despair. :)

Around mile 12 saw all my friends! My friend Sue had kicked some major butt on her first half marathon ... I gave her a big hug and then headed back on my way while they went back to the hotel to nap (I was so jealous!).

Finally got to the halfway point, and Mary Ann made a good point -- at that point, the finish line was just two training runs away. One 6-miler against the wind, one 7-miler with the wind at our backs. Good way to look at it!

Fast forward to mile 16 or so. For the past 3 or 4 miles, I knew I was going to be having some problems. By mile 16, things got bad. My intestines were SO not happy with me. Attack of the runner's trots. Damn. Running at a normal pace was all but impossible. I sent Mary Ann ahead without me -- I hated leaving her, but knew I wouldn't be able to keep up.

Okay - by this time, along with the intestinal issues, I was starting to seriously fatigue. Stopping at every port-a-potty didn't help -- I found it really difficult to get going again after having been sitting down. The miles from about 19 on were as difficult as I've ever experienced...I suppose that's the whole "hitting the wall" thing that people talk about. At that point, it wasn't even about wanting to be done, I just wanted to stop. Of course, I knew I couldn't, and there was even still a flicker in the back of my head of really needing to beat the 5 hour mark. So - onward I plodded.

Oooo -- around mile 21 or so -- Coke Classic on the course. Liquid heaven. Sure, probably not the best thing for runner's trots, but at that point, I was stopping at every port-a-potty anyway, so what was the difference, right?

By the last miles, the only thing I was doing was calculating in my head how fast I had to run to break 5 hours. That's all that mattered by that point. And I did it. Pulled out a 10 m/m around the 23 mile mark, one more quick potty break, then trotted it in. "Sprinted" the last .2 with my friends cheering me on. Had about 3.5 minutes to spare, in fact.

Crossed the finish line and wasn't at all prepared for the wave of emotions. The main one? "Thank god I'm finally done". And that it was the hardest thing I've ever done. My friends got to me, and I just broke down -- I'm generally not very emotional, so they didn't even really know what to do with me. :)

And after all this: I'm a marathoner. :) Despite all the whining, I'm pretty proud of myself. :)
What would you do differently?:

Train better. I did all my long runs, but I didn't always get in my weekly runs. Felt like maybe I didn't have enough base mileage.

Figure out what I need to do to avoid runner's trots. This was hard enough, but adding that in really marred this race for me. Probably added a good 10 minutes of strictly port-a-potty time to my time, and that doesn't take into account the fact that I had to slow my pace between the port-a-potty stops.
Post race
Warm down:

Walked around trying to kind of gather myself and get my bearings. Went into the beer tent, got a beer for one of my friends that had been out there cheering me on. Then, walked back to the hotel where my friends and I celebrated with some beer and hot tub time!

(oh, and I did ice my quads and take an ice bath before hitting the hot tub, which seemed to help with some of the soreness).

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Runner's trots. And not to sound wimpy - the wind really sucked a lot of energy out of me. Essentially there was about 13 straight miles of running into the wind.

Event comments:

This was really a well-run race. The course was flat and scenic. More than enough drink stations and volunteers were out in full-force.

Last updated: 2005-12-02 12:00 AM
04:56:27 | 26.2 miles | 11m 19s  min/mile
Age Group: 71/98
Overall: 450/598
Performance: Below average
The split data from the website (I think the 6 mile split is actually a 10k split, but hey, who's counting?): 6 miles -- 1:01:39 (10:17 m/m) 13.1 miles -- 2:13:44 (10:13 m/m) 18 miles -- 3:12:21 (10:42 m/m) 26.2 miles -- 4:56:27 (11:19 m/m)
Course: South onto Rudee Inlet, through Camp Pendelton, up north on the boardwalk (REALLY REALLY REALLY WINDY) then cut over to Atlantic and keep heading north. Headed into a wooded area, finally got to the turnaround around mile 19 or so and had the wind mercifully at my back. Then back south on Atlantic and over onto the boardwalk for the finish!
Keeping cool Below average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Below average
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Ok
Course challenge
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2006-03-21 8:40 PM

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon

2006-03-21 10:03 PM
in reply to: #376051

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon


Great job!  What an acheivement AND you did it in sub-5!!!  Way to stick it out.  Bummer about the wind.  You'll have to do ANOTHER ONE just so you can do one without the wind!

2006-03-22 6:13 AM
in reply to: #376051

Noblesville, Indiana
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon
Laura,   Great Job by you!!!! Stomach issues/tough wind conditions and you hung in there!!! How does it feel to be a MARATHONER? You should be proud (I'm proud of you too) of yourself most people (including me) would have quit at Mile 21 with all the issues.  That piano on your back for the last 5.2 miles is hard to carry, but you did it!! Get some rest before the Country Music 1/2 marathon, still going? I'm still thinking about it.  Fantastic Marathon!!!!  <---- just figure out how to do this, I'm such a dork!
2006-03-22 7:10 AM
in reply to: #376051

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon
What a great job Laura!!  And YES, now you are a marathoner!!  Great job sticking with  it through really tough conditions!!
2006-03-22 7:18 AM
in reply to: #376051

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Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon

Way to go, my friend!!!!

I wish I had been there to cheer you on. I think I would have packed it in, more power to you for keeping on!!!! let me know when you find the cure. I understand that problem all too well...

2006-03-23 12:09 AM
in reply to: #376051

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Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon

laura - you're so awesome!  your dedication and persistence are inspiring - you go girl! 

2006-03-24 8:23 AM
in reply to: #376051

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Extreme Veteran
coastal NC
Subject: RE: Shamrock Sportsfest Marathon

Congratulations--you did it, marathoner!!!!!  Very, very impressive gutting it out with the gut issue   Thanks for the race report, too--I want to run my first marathon next year, and that kind of info is good to have.

I wish we could have met up. I did the half, my first, too! 

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