Subject: four years ago today... i was already in labor with my dear ella. she will be four years old tomorrow. how did that happen? she is growing into a beautiful, articulate, goofy, creative, caring young girl. for her birthday, we are heading out to a friend's farm for the day, to help transplant. then we'll be going to one of her favorite restaurants for dinner - andy's garage, a 50s style dinner w/ burgers and fried and a free inflatable flamingo and malt on your birthday. on sunday, we are having a grand royal ball at our house. the princesses and princes will be feasting on 'salami' pizza and carrot cake....and hopefully playing outside if the rain stays away. my husband and i will dress up, take lots of pictures, and be constantly amazed that our baby is now a little girl.
here is ella as a baby, and ella holding a baby (our friends' new baby daughter ) Edited by autumn 2005-05-20 9:09 AM
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