Subject: RE: Gut check...what would you do? At the least, I would've done what you did. I might've asked the truck driver who he was, too.
Actually, I've had something similar, but I was also with a coworker (female ). The child, however, was not in the yard, but wandering up and down the street. He had managed to get out a door somehow, while mom was distracted or napping or something. Anyway, mom was freaked out, and very grateful to have kid back in the house.
I think, though, that being male has some impact on handling situations with kids. I and my male friends have discussed this, and we're all sort of of the same mindset that if the kid is a stranger, we are much more distant than, say, our wives would be. I tend to not get close enough to touch the child (unless really necessary ). Self-protection sort of thing, you know? |