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James Lamb Memorial Scholarship 5 Mi. Road Race - Run

View Member's Race Log
Taunton, Massachusetts
United States
Coyle-Cassidy Athletic Association
48F / 9C
Total Time = 50m 26s
Overall Rank = 83/90
Age Group = masters
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Up early doing family things. Ate breakfast and had a Cliff Bar on the drive to race.
Event warmup:

About 15 minutes before race, ran about 10 minutes with a couple 30" accels. I saw some people I knew from track workouts I did two years ago..great way to distract my mind.
  • 50m 26s
  • 5 miles
  • 10m 05s  min/mile

Goal to be under 55 minutes hoped to be under 52:30 with secret goal of under 50 minutes. My first 5 mile race I was 58:00.

At the start within 2:30 everyone that was running passed me including the stroller moms who turned out to be runners. I worked hard at keeping positive and after about 1/2 mile I could see many runners so they weren't all pulling away plus I saw some people I thought in time I could pass:)

At mile one I was suprised and happy to see 9:47 but a little concerned that the pack encouraged me to go to fast. I kept thinking Will says the pace I run for 3 miles I should be able to go for an hour so basically I should be able to go all out the whole time.

Between mile one and two I was able to pass the heart tatoo on her lower back women...did not look good from my view point. Glad to be in front of her....4 more in sight. It is hard for me to run all out and mentally I need to be tough to push myself. Get to the half way point I thought. Mile 2 I slowed down a bit and I wondered if I really could keep this pass...came in at 10:00m/m which I was pleased with. I sort of checked my body how I was doing and what if anything would cause me to slow down. I was breathing all out very hard surprise passes by me as I sound like I'm having an asthma attack and my legs felt good...good place to be.

I pass this guy he passes me back...he runs and walks....he talks to me I nod...I can't talk. At 25 minutes I figured I had a shot of under 50...really need to keep my miles close to 10 m/m. Mile three is 10:15 so I'm at exact 50 m/m pace. Need to speed up to make it..need to negative split Kathy. It gets tough here as I'm not quite in the zone, I have a slight side stitch and my legs don't want to go fast. I push knowing it just me against the clock. I pass three more people...get a nice downhill but lots of wind. Hit mile 4 10:20...darn...will really need to push it to get under 50. Bit of a hill and then downhill the last bit. Wish I had Rob with me pushing to go faster. I work on fast cadence and trying to increase my arm swings...I had almost given up at mile 4 of trying for 50, but I dig deep and push myself. Run as fast as I can...finish in 50:26...a little bummed not under 50...but wow that was fast for me...PB by 7:34...just 4 months later...nice improvement.

I felt victorious in that I pushed hard, kept positive, had my mind on the race 99% of the time and raced me against the clock all things that in the past I struggled with. I focused, kept positve and mental did well for me. I know learning that I can push myself more than I think I can will help me do so in Tris this summer. I'm trying to learn to embrace the feeling which I tend to find unpleasant when I push myself it is needed for me to go faster.

What would you do differently?:

Not much...keep working on improving.
Post race
Warm down:

Walked around, caught my breath, ate banana, bagel, drank gatorade, water, did leg drains, won a Dunkin Donuts gift card, and went home.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

The war between my mind and body...mind wants body to go faster, body doesn't. Same old...being 44, needing to lose some weight, side stitch, wind lots of it, but happy with how I did. I see sub 50 just around the corner....wohoo!! I'm getting fast!

Last updated: 2006-03-07 12:00 AM
00:50:26 | 05 miles | 10m 05s  min/mile
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/90
Performance: Good
9:47, avg HR 161 10:00, avg HR 175 10:15, avg HR 180 10:20, avg HR 184 10:03, avg HR 189
Course: From the school out and through neighborhoods ...sort of a lollipop course. Not great roads lots of broken glass and cracked roads.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Not enough
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 3

2006-03-26 12:22 PM

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Subject: James Lamb Memorial Scholarship 5 Mi. Road Race

2006-03-26 1:25 PM
in reply to: #379700

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: James Lamb Memorial Scholarship 5 Mi. Road Race
Awesome race Kathy!!!! You did a fabulous job pushing through. You are a runner. Cool
2006-03-26 3:57 PM
in reply to: #379700

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Subject: RE: James Lamb Memorial Scholarship 5 Mi. Road Race

Another great race, kathy.  You're getting much faster now.

heart-tatoo-on-lower-back.... heehee.... I saw a guy yesterday with a heart tatoo on his THROAT!

2006-03-26 4:29 PM
in reply to: #379700

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: James Lamb Memorial Scholarship 5 Mi. Road Race
WOOHOO Go did AMAZING  Hope I can be that fast one day too
2006-03-26 5:12 PM
in reply to: #379700

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Extreme Veteran
northeast Ohio
Subject: RE: James Lamb Memorial Scholarship 5 Mi. Road Race

Congratulations!!!!!  What a great race and report.  It is so fun watching everyone get faster and faster.


2006-03-26 6:29 PM
in reply to: #379700

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Gulf Shores, AL
Subject: RE: James Lamb Memorial Scholarship 5 Mi. Road Race
Your improvements are inspirational!!! I love reading your race reports and think you are a "Poster Girl" for the sport.

2006-03-26 7:40 PM
in reply to: #379700

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: James Lamb Memorial Scholarship 5 Mi. Road Race
...............................YEAH!!!!!! KATHY YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!..........................................................
I am wishing I had put this race on my radar- would have LOVED to get you to that 50:00 "secret goal"!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU TOOK 7 & 1/2 MIN oFF your time in a matter of months- DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW GREAT THAT IS ?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh yeah- H A P P Y D A N C E ...!!!! Hope you did one, girl- !!!!!!!
2006-03-26 9:09 PM
in reply to: #379700

Subject: RE: James Lamb Memorial Scholarship 5 Mi. Road Race

Congrats, wow you're only seconds away from going under 10:00 / mile...a nice warm day and a couple of BT-ers with you to help out and piece of cake!!

Well, it was a good day, the Dunkin Donuts prize was worth it!!


2006-03-27 9:21 PM
in reply to: #379700

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Subject: RE: James Lamb Memorial Scholarship 5 Mi. Road Race

Thanks everyone for the kind words.

I sit in amazement that I really improved that much in 4 months. It is as if after running almost for the last two years (consistently for the last year) everything has clicked into place.

I see lots of possibility for more improvement...can't wait to see what the summer brings...yes Max and Joanne...having some BTers to run with or to cheer me home will help bring that time down a few seconds to get sub 50....maybe I can get under 47:30 this year....Thanksgiving race is 5 miles, right?

The best part, is I really like running now after not for a long time.

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