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2018-07-30 5:15 PM

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: Separate Transitions...IM70.3 NC

I have done a couple triathlons, both with T1& T2 in the same place. This will be my first experience with them separated, sounds like by a mile or so.

Logistics for my wife and then in turn for myself
-Sounds like we take a bus from downtown to T1 and then to swim start
-Wife will find her way to T1 perhaps for a quick hello and then work on finding her way to run course?
-How do you get back to T1 & T2 to get your gear, or does the gear fairy bring it to you?
-Do we leave our Transition bags out for the night or are they collected in the morning and delivered by the gear fairy?

Anything I should consider outside the norm here?

Has anyone done this race and have comments?



2018-07-30 9:22 PM
in reply to: #5247147

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Baton Rouge
Subject: RE: Separate Transitions...IM70.3 NC
The gear fairy brought my gear from T1 to T2, mainly the wetsuit. I rode my bike with most of my other gear from T1 to T2 myself at IM Boulder.
2018-07-30 9:41 PM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Separate Transitions...IM70.3 NC

Originally posted by PigeonTri Hey, I have done a couple triathlons, both with T1& T2 in the same place. This will be my first experience with them separated, sounds like by a mile or so. Concerns: Logistics for my wife and then in turn for myself -Sounds like we take a bus from downtown to T1 and then to swim start -Wife will find her way to T1 perhaps for a quick hello and then work on finding her way to run course? -How do you get back to T1 & T2 to get your gear, or does the gear fairy bring it to you? -Do we leave our Transition bags out for the night or are they collected in the morning and delivered by the gear fairy? Anything I should consider outside the norm here? Has anyone done this race and have comments? Thanks, Steve

Just finished the swim leg of an IM branded HIM event that was point to point. They had huge white bags at T1 and gave each athlete gear bags. You put your belongings from T1 into a bag then put that bag into the huge Ironman white bag and they shuttled all your stuff back to a commons area somewhere. I was just the swim relay so I simply laid all my stuff on the beach then went and put it  back on when I was finished so I'm not sure where the pick up for full distance athletes was but IM does plan for this. 

As far as your wife finding her way to T1 - sounds like she will have to walk. SWIM:The only way to access the swim start is by  walking the two miles from Transition 1. We recommend spectators wait near the transition area to see their athletes. THERE ARE NO SPECTATORS ALLOWED AT THE SWIM FINISH BECAUSE IT IS PRIVATE PROPERTY. THIS RULE IS STRONGLY ENFORCED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER.

Originally from:

2018-07-31 7:23 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Separate Transitions...IM70.3 NC
I did a non-branded point to point 70.3 last fall. Ok, it wasn't exactly point to point, but T1 and T2 were in different places. They gave each competitor a fabric strip to put on the handle of their bag and transported gear from T1 to the finish line (which was where T2 was, but you didn't get your gear until the race was over). There was a time penalty for not putting your gear in your bag (2', maybe?). Overall, it worked fine from my perspective. It only took an additional 30" or so in T1 to put your gear in your bag (your bag, not a provided bag) and zip it up. I didn't hear of anyone losing anything in this process.

My tip for this type of situation is to think carefully about what you use in both T1 and T2 and make sure you have duplicates. If you apply body glide before the bike and before the run, make sure to have two so you can still do that. I had this realization the afternoon before my race and spent a good chunk of time running around a strange town trying to find body glide at the local stores.
2018-07-31 1:57 PM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: Separate Transitions...IM70.3 NC
Originally posted by PigeonTri


I have done a couple triathlons, both with T1& T2 in the same place. This will be my first experience with them separated, sounds like by a mile or so.

Logistics for my wife and then in turn for myself
-Sounds like we take a bus from downtown to T1 and then to swim start
-Wife will find her way to T1 perhaps for a quick hello and then work on finding her way to run course?
-How do you get back to T1 & T2 to get your gear, or does the gear fairy bring it to you?
-Do we leave our Transition bags out for the night or are they collected in the morning and delivered by the gear fairy?

Anything I should consider outside the norm here?

Has anyone done this race and have comments?



I did this race 9x - 2017 was the first time I didn't do since the race was started as Beach2Battleship. If the layout has changed since then, I couldn't tell from the current course maps but all comments below are my observations based on old data.

A couple of thoughts:

You will take a bus from downtown(if you're staying in downtown) but your wife(not racing as I understand your post) will not be able to ride the bus. It was for participants only. Also, T1 and T2 are separated by much more than one mile. Definitely not walkable...

I strongly advise reading the Athlete's Guide carefully. This point-point event has a couple of extra moving parts but it does move efficiently if you understand what you need to do. In any case, I can tell you after you finish with T1, you won't have to go back for anything; all your stuff gets moved to T2 while you're racing. T2 is next to the run finish, so your bike/bags are right there for easy retrieval.

Again, if they've meaningfully changed the race since 2016 everything I wrote above could be dead wrong..

Good luck with your training. IMNC is a great venue..
2018-07-31 3:58 PM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Separate Transitions...IM70.3 NC

I did B2B in 2014 before it became a branded race.  I also did Vineman where T1 & T2 were 20 miles apart!  

T1 is at the marina.  As I recall, limited parking but manageable as long as you aren't trying to get out of the marina area before all the bikes have cleared.  Look at the map, there's only one road/bridge leading to the marina and it'll be closed for the race!  They offered shuttle buses FOR ATHLETES ONLY from T1 to the swim start.  I *think* they offered buses from Downtown to T1, but we drove in.  

T2 is downtown (3-4 miles away?).  Parking and access are much better.  

The 1.5 mile walk from swim start to T1 may be a problem as you're swimming with the current.  I'm not a fast swimmer, and my B2B split was 48:00 for 2.4 miles due to the current.  By the time she'd see you start the swim, she *might* miss you coming out of the water!  Her best bet might be to hang out next to T1 where she can watch you get your bike and not worry about spotting you coming out of the water.  

If it's just your wife (no kids), a bicycle may be her friend.  She can park the car away from T1 and ride where she can't drive (including from T1 to the swim start).  Downtown, she can park the car and ride from the convention center (T2) down to the run course, around the park to the run turn-around, and from the run course to the finish chute.  (If she's ambitious, she can ride from downtown to T1, but more likely, she'll park on the city side of the channel and just navigate the last half-mile via other means.)  

As I recall, T2 wasn't far from the finish line (6 blocks?) and they brought my transition bag from T1, so the bike and both bags were in T2.  

I'm pretty sure I set up my bike and turned in gear bags the night before the race.  As I recall, I set up the bike and put my T1 bag with it.  I turned in my T2 bag and didn't see it race day until I got into T2.  Picked it all up after the race.  


2018-08-01 4:45 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Separate Transitions...IM70.3 NC
All good tips...Thanks.

Sounds like all the gear etc. should be taken care of, and that T2 and finish are fairly close together.

My wife may sleep through the first few hours of the proceedings and just bring a book to meet at T2 Entrance and then finish line.

I watched a video of the bike course yesterday. Looks long and straight...which can be monotonous but nice to tuck into Aero and ride it out.


2018-08-07 8:52 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Separate Transitions...IM70.3 NC

I've been away a while.  Didn't know that B2B had become branded.

I recall that bags were all delivered essentially to pretty near the finish line.  The year I did it, they were sort of dumped, roughly by number, in different areas.  If that's still the procedure, mark your bags in some unique way (think airline luggage) and you'll have an easier time finding them.

2018-08-10 9:18 AM
in reply to: PigeonTri

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Separate Transitions...IM70.3 NC
IM 70.3 Chattanooga has T1 and T2 in the same place, but we had to bus to the swim start.
Typically any races with two transitions or point to point start have logistics to get your gear in one place.

Choo you dropped all your gear in transition morning of, set up, took a morning bag on the bus to swim start.
Dropped morning bag and after the race they had an area roped off that you grabbed it from after the race.
All your other gear stayed in transition like a typical race.

IM 70.3 Kansas back in the day was 2 transitions. After the swim you had to jam all your gear into a bag they gave you and they carted them all near T2 and you picked them up after the race.

Check out the race guide as they should spell it out. Also attend the athlete briefing and ask questions if anything is unclear.
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