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2008-04-26 9:31 PM

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Subject: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!
NAME: maggyruth/Peggy

STORY: I'm a slug turned triathlete. I was the fat girl who avoided gym class at all cost. At my highest, I weighed over 300 lbs (328 was my highest documented weight). I started Weight Watchers when I was 24. Then again at 25 and 26. Three years later (Yes, that makes me 29...according to USAT I'm 30) I've lost 90 lbs. 2 years ago, a friend did a triathlon, and that sparked in me a well filed memory...I remember watching IM Kona on TV thinking those people were crazy, but man, did that look cool. So, I did some searching, found BT, and the rest is history. I have one season of tris under my belt and am looking forward to many more...

FAMILY STATUS: single as they come...2 fur babies and a bike baby

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm still doing a lot of base building...I started training from triathlons basically at zero. Right now, I use one of the training plans from BT. Sometimes it's a struggle to get all the workouts in for me (long hours at work, long commute) but I'm getting there. I'm not fast, but I'm persistent and getting faster.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Last year was my first tri season. I did 3 sprint tris and a number of 5ks.

2008 RACES: Here's what I'm shooting for this year:
June 1 Lakes Mills Sprint
June 22 High Cliff Sprint
June 28 Elkhart Lake Oly (my first!)
July 19 Spirit of Racine sprint
August 17 Pleasant Prairie Tri Oly

I'm also planning on doing more 5ks, some 10ks, and, sometime within my 30th year (which technically doesn't start until October, no matter what USAT says), I'm going to do a 1/2 mary

WEIGHTLOSS: I've lost 90 lbs in the last 3+ years...about 20 of those after I started tris. I have somewhere between 40 and 50 lbs to lose, but will ALWAYS be Athena (I'm 6'1" and would look sick under 150)

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I've learned a lot in the past year and a half. I'm far from being an expert, but I'm never afraid of research and asking questions. That's part of the fun of triathlon for's a never ending learning experience. I think I could be a good mentor to real beginners...I NEVER thought I would like anything athletic. I'm proof there is hope for anyone.

Edited by maggyruth 2008-05-02 8:33 PM

2008-04-30 12:45 AM
in reply to: #1364089

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-OPEN

Hey PJ, that is very cool that you decided to host a mentor group.

You have a lot of very valueable experience to share and I hope that you have as much fun doing it as I did

2008-04-30 11:35 AM
in reply to: #1371317

Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-OPEN
Great going Peggy
2008-05-01 2:30 PM
in reply to: #1364089

New user

Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-OPEN

Hey Maggyruth!  I found this site and it seemed to fit what I want to do.  I am a newbie, and am interested in becoming a triathlete.  Your story echos mine, as I am also overweight, and am trying to lose it and become more active at the same time.  I am 38, 185, and 5.1.  I have a treadmill and a YMCA membership.  I am looking forward to the change!



2008-05-01 6:36 PM
in reply to: #1375925

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Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-OPEN
Oh, I'd like to join if that's OK.

Like you I started as a 300+ couch potato, but being only 5'5 it certainly wasn't a pretty picture. This is my first Tri season with a sprint slated for July and an Oly in Aug. I've lost 103lbs so far and I'm still working on another 50lbs or so.

I'm on week 4 of the 20 week 3x balanced Oly BT program.

2008-05-01 10:11 PM
in reply to: #1364089

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Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-OPEN

Oo, oo, pick me! pick me! I am looking to join a another mentor group. I joined one late last year to get my first tri under my belt and am looking to get a couple of few more in this season. I too am on a weight loss venture as well as just being over all more active. I have lost 25 pounds so far and looking to lose another 50. I have been sick these last couple of months and am still getting over it a bit, so I feel like I am starting all over again!

2008-05-02 2:36 AM
in reply to: #1364089


Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-OPEN

Hi there, my name is Elana and I am  based in the UK.

I have never been a very active person and would love to start. I decided to jump in with both feet and go for triathlons. My eldest brother is based in SA and does numerous events and loves every minute of it and I guess he really has inspired me to get off my bum and give it a go.

To be honest, I have no idea where to start and I think I may not stay motivated if I don't have some sort of imput.

Would where I am based be a problem or could I join your group and how do I go about it?

2008-05-02 5:53 AM
in reply to: #1375925

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-OPEN
EJsmilee - 2008-05-01 2:30 PM

Hey Maggyruth! I found this site and it seemed to fit what I want to do. I am a newbie, and am interested in becoming a triathlete. Your story echos mine, as I am also overweight, and am trying to lose it and become more active at the same time. I am 38, 185, and 5.1. I have a treadmill and a YMCA membership. I am looking forward to the change!



Welcome EJ! Thanks for joining! Triathlon is a great (if not addictive) sport to get into. You'll be amazed at the support you'll find.  This site is also great in all the tools it has for you to use.   If you haven't yet, make sure to take a look at the training plans available...and make sure to use your log to keep track of your workouts.  If you have any questions on how to do that, let me know!  The logs/blogs are a great feature here on BT!

Edited by maggyruth 2008-05-02 5:55 AM
2008-05-02 5:57 AM
in reply to: #1376577

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-OPEN

IdealMuse - 2008-05-01 6:36 PM Oh, I'd like to join if that's OK. Like you I started as a 300+ couch potato, but being only 5'5 it certainly wasn't a pretty picture. This is my first Tri season with a sprint slated for July and an Oly in Aug. I've lost 103lbs so far and I'm still working on another 50lbs or so. I'm on week 4 of the 20 week 3x balanced Oly BT program.

Hi! Welcome!! 5'5" is quite a bit different from where I am, but weight is weight, and we know how hard it is to get off.  I see that you're doing the Danskin and the Accenture.  Great races!  Also, looking at your blog, I almost might say you may be better at this then I am!  Very nice and consistent in your training...that's looking awesome!  I should only be so good!

Edited by maggyruth 2008-05-02 6:01 AM
2008-05-02 6:04 AM
in reply to: #1376980

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-OPEN
zenkimm - 2008-05-01 10:11 PM

Oo, oo, pick me! pick me! I am looking to join a another mentor group. I joined one late last year to get my first tri under my belt and am looking to get a couple of few more in this season. I too am on a weight loss venture as well as just being over all more active. I have lost 25 pounds so far and looking to lose another 50. I have been sick these last couple of months and am still getting over it a bit, so I feel like I am starting all over again!

Hi! Welcome! Thanks for joining. Congrats on the 25 lbs! I certainly know what it feels like to start over again...lord knows I've done it plenty of times! I know for me, it's a matter of learning from what mistakes I've made in the past, but not dwelling on them (since you can't change them anyway!) Hopefully you are feeling better now, and will have to opportunity to focus on your goals. the avy...makes me giggle "Who flung poo?" 

Edited by maggyruth 2008-05-02 6:05 AM
2008-05-02 6:08 AM
in reply to: #1377149

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-OPEN
orleanonano - 2008-05-02 2:36 AM

Hi there, my name is Elana and I am based in the UK.

I have never been a very active person and would love to start. I decided to jump in with both feet and go for triathlons. My eldest brother is based in SA and does numerous events and loves every minute of it and I guess he really has inspired me to get off my bum and give it a go.

To be honest, I have no idea where to start and I think I may not stay motivated if I don't have some sort of imput.

Would where I am based be a problem or could I join your group and how do I go about it?

Hello to a friend on the other side of the pond!  Welcome!  Location is nothing with the wonderful world of the internet at our disposal!  Like I said to EJ above, if you haven't already, peruse the site, look at the training programs and utilize the logs!  They are great tools that can really help you along in your goals.  I understand the motivation part...I struggle with it too.   

2008-05-02 1:32 PM
in reply to: #1364089

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-OPEN
I'd like to join too if that's okay. My name is Karen and I am 40 years old and this will be my first year doing tris. Sometimes I think I am crazy for starting at my age - but then I just say who cares what other people think or how slow I am - at least I am trying! (At least I try to say that when I need some motivation or think "What the he!! are you trying to do Karen?")

I have done a couple of 5k races the past two years but my problem is that I did some races then nothing over the winters for the past two years - including this past winter. So I have not been progressing any because of my lazy attitude!!

My weight? Well that is always an issue. My highest was 288, my current is 168, and has been there for about 1-1/2 years. I am hoping to get to about 150. (If you've lost that much weight, you may understand my other problem - way too much skin!! So even if I have developed any muscles you really can't see them! Oh, and I have to use a lot of body glide!!)

My main concerns now are continuing motivation so that I make this my new life - not just a couple months of dedication here and there. One of my biggest questions is about nutrition - I am completely ignorant in that area and feel like I could really use some good help, advice, and guidance!

I'll stop talking now, I'm looking forward to this mentor group.

2008-05-02 3:30 PM
in reply to: #1378327

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Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-OPEN
Gadget - Wow what a loss! That's fabulous! I love to hear about people maintaining their losses like that... Do you find it harder to maintain the loss over the winter when you're less active or is it just that you don't see forward progress? BTW I don't think people starting later in life is that uncommon. I'm 34 which isn't old by any means, but sorta old to be discovering there is an athlete in this never athletic body. Skin. Sigh. I'm starting to have those issues as well.

Maggy - Yeah, my workout log is fairly full because when I started this weight loss thing once again I decided working out was going to be a daily thing. That way I don't get the chance to argue with myself if its a workout day or not. Plus I need all the help I can get with calorie deficit because I'm not really very good at keeping below 1500 so I need those exercise calories.
2008-05-02 7:15 PM
in reply to: #1364089


Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-OPEN
Hi Peggy! I would love to be mentored!

Your profile seems like ideal inspiration for me. I have been athletic on and off over the years but since gaining 40 lbs at age 19, I have battled weight most of my adult life. I lost 72 pounds in 2003 on a medically supervised liquid diet and have since put back on 45 pounds. I have decided the only hope to get myself down to a healthy, attractive weight is to follow a clean diet that doesn't starve me endlessly - and matching athletic goals with that round-the-year sort of nutrition so that I will be motivated to continue and hopefully cement PERMANENT lifestyle habits! I can't do another quick fix diet and I'm guilty of not exercising when I have had a crummy eating day.

I am going to lose 70 pounds slowly and carefully - and patiently - and healthily - (wow, novel concepts for me!)...and as I turn 40 this December, I figure I better give up and realize that dramatic exercise crash courses have to be a thing of the past. he fireworks always fade after a few weeks! I begin my triathlon training tomorrow - I did a sprint tri when I was in my early 20s.

My background is swimming, I like to run, and I have never loved biking (but hopefully that will change - all attitude-driven!). My ultimate goal is to do a Half Ironman in New Orleans in the spring of 2009!

2008-05-02 8:38 PM
in reply to: #1378327

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-OPEN

gadgetlaw - 2008-05-02 1:32 PM I'd like to join too if that's okay. My name is Karen and I am 40 years old and this will be my first year doing tris. Sometimes I think I am crazy for starting at my age - but then I just say who cares what other people think or how slow I am - at least I am trying! (At least I try to say that when I need some motivation or think "What the he!! are you trying to do Karen?" I have done a couple of 5k races the past two years but my problem is that I did some races then nothing over the winters for the past two years - including this past winter. So I have not been progressing any because of my lazy attitude!! My weight? Well that is always an issue. My highest was 288, my current is 168, and has been there for about 1-1/2 years. I am hoping to get to about 150. (If you've lost that much weight, you may understand my other problem - way too much skin!! So even if I have developed any muscles you really can't see them! Oh, and I have to use a lot of body glide!!) My main concerns now are continuing motivation so that I make this my new life - not just a couple months of dedication here and there. One of my biggest questions is about nutrition - I am completely ignorant in that area and feel like I could really use some good help, advice, and guidance! I'll stop talking now, I'm looking forward to this mentor group. Thanks, Karen

Hello and welcome Karen! Congratulations on the awesome weight loss!  I totally understand the lack of motivation over the winter...I live in a frozen tundra! Talk about not wanting to leave your bed, much less the house to do something constructive!

I've learned a lot about what is good for your body while losing weight. I'm by no means an expert, but like I said in my intro, I'm not afraid of research! Together we'll figure out answers to questions...hooray for learning!

Edited by maggyruth 2008-05-02 8:40 PM
2008-05-02 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1379035

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-OPEN

Christy1210 - 2008-05-02 7:15 PM Hi Peggy! I would love to be mentored! Your profile seems like ideal inspiration for me. I have been athletic on and off over the years but since gaining 40 lbs at age 19, I have battled weight most of my adult life. I lost 72 pounds in 2003 on a medically supervised liquid diet and have since put back on 45 pounds. I have decided the only hope to get myself down to a healthy, attractive weight is to follow a clean diet that doesn't starve me endlessly - and matching athletic goals with that round-the-year sort of nutrition so that I will be motivated to continue and hopefully cement PERMANENT lifestyle habits! I can't do another quick fix diet and I'm guilty of not exercising when I have had a crummy eating day. I am going to lose 70 pounds slowly and carefully - and patiently - and healthily - (wow, novel concepts for me!)...and as I turn 40 this December, I figure I better give up and realize that dramatic exercise crash courses have to be a thing of the past. he fireworks always fade after a few weeks! I begin my triathlon training tomorrow - I did a sprint tri when I was in my early 20s. My background is swimming, I like to run, and I have never loved biking (but hopefully that will change - all attitude-driven!). My ultimate goal is to do a Half Ironman in New Orleans in the spring of 2009! ~Christy

Hello and welcome, Christy!  Great to have you!

I'm going to put this out there've hit the nail on the head.  The only way to healthfully lose weight and maintain it is to have an entire life style change.  Is it hard?  Yup.  Does it suck?  At times.  But, I have to say, I like my life and how I feel much better NOW then I did when I ate for crap all the time and didn't exercise.  For those who are new to triathlon, let me tell you, it's not just a's a lifestyle in and of itself!  It's about efficiency and endurance and finding out the best way to prepare and fuel your body to perform.  It's hard work, but so rewarding.  Woo-hoo!! 

A 1/2 HIM is a great goal...but what are you planning on doing this year?   

2008-05-03 7:38 PM
in reply to: #1364089

New user

Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!

Hi Peggy,

Is this the mentoring group?  Do I just keep coming back to this chat?  I'm the one that lives near you.  I am 5'5' 149 pounds.  I have always been active, but started working out again in Feb.  I lost 6 pounds (getting married in Sept).  My goal is 140, which I don't think I will have trouble. actual goal is to do my first triathlon.  I just started on the treadmill (which I hate running) and I can push hard and get 38-39 min. (3 miles) I am struggling though.  I can't  imagine doing the bike and swimming on top of that.  I would appreciate ANY advice on how to pursue this.  At this point I am just strengh training 2 times a week and running 4 times a week.  The charts say to run or bike 25/30 min a day......I do about 40-50....and I KNOW I am not ready for a triathlon.  I am actually looking for a 5K in our area to see what I can do, if you know of any I would love to do one with you.



2008-05-03 7:41 PM
in reply to: #1378327

New user

Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-OPEN

WOW Karen,

If you can loose all that weight, you can sure do Triathlons!!!  I am struggling with a 5K.  You should really be proud of that weight lose.  Keep can do it.


2008-05-03 7:42 PM
in reply to: #1380114

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!
pmiller240 - 2008-05-03 7:38 PM

Hi Peggy,

Is this the mentoring group? Do I just keep coming back to this chat? I'm the one that lives near you. I am 5'5' 149 pounds. I have always been active, but started working out again in Feb. I lost 6 pounds (getting married in Sept). My goal is 140, which I don't think I will have trouble. actual goal is to do my first triathlon. I just started on the treadmill (which I hate running) and I can push hard and get 38-39 min. (3 miles) I am struggling though. I can't imagine doing the bike and swimming on top of that. I would appreciate ANY advice on how to pursue this. At this point I am just strengh training 2 times a week and running 4 times a week. The charts say to run or bike 25/30 min a day......I do about 40-50....and I KNOW I am not ready for a triathlon. I am actually looking for a 5K in our area to see what I can do, if you know of any I would love to do one with you.



Yay!  You found it, Trish!   Welcome!  Like I've said to others, try looking at the training plans they have here for's a great start!

With Trish joining, we're full up! 

2008-05-03 9:47 PM
in reply to: #1364089

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!

Alrighty, folks!  This group is all full up!  Lets start with some basics so we can keep track of one another, and then we'll go from there...

First things first...use your training logs!  That's the easiest way for me to check in and see how you are progressing, moving along, and inspire you!  And we can all peek in on each other and encourage one another (I'm not opposed to encouragement to the mentor...I need it, too!!)

Second...add your fellow members to your friends list in said training log via your control panel.  Here's a list of everyone:


And of course, yours truly, maggyruth (aka Peggy-but never Peg )

If anyone knows how to make those nifty tables that we could put in our logs, feel free...I'm not quite sure how to do that. 

Third-I see that quite a few of you are newer to the site, or at least to posting.  I know it can be overwhelming at first before you get used to the site.  Therefore, I recommend using the the email notification to let you know when there has been a new post made to this thread.  The email will give you a direct link to the thread, so you don't have to worry about trying to find it.  To do this, click on the "Toggle e-mail notification" link that below the last post on the thread on the right hand side...right under the reply button. 

Lastly (for now) for those who aren't sure where to start...I highly recommend taking a look at BT's Training Plans.  They have just about something for everyone...from Couch to 5k, Couch to Sprint to full on IronMan distance training plans.

I look forward to having a good group! 

2008-05-04 1:05 AM
in reply to: #1364089

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Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!
MaggyR -

Thanks so much for starting another group. I came to BT right after the new-year batch mentors had started so I missed out on those, and by the time I noticed the May ones nearly all of them were full and what was left didn't click with me. I've absorbed a lot just from reading the forums the past few months, but there is so much to learn before ones first tri!

I added everyone to my friends list which was pitifully almost empty. I don't really know that many people around here despite having quite a few posts already, so I look forward to peeking in on everyones logs now and then.

I've had a bad run of weeks the last 2 weeks and haven't been eating as well as I should. I think I got to the 200/199 number and hit this mental wall in my head... I'm ready to move past it now and buckle back down.

Maggy do you have any opinions on training groups? I've been looking at one that starts later this month but after all the $$$ I've spent... I'm not so sure.

2008-05-04 7:20 AM
in reply to: #1380334

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!

IdealMuse - 2008-05-04 1:05 AM  I've had a bad run of weeks the last 2 weeks and haven't been eating as well as I should. I think I got to the 200/199 number and hit this mental wall in my head... I'm ready to move past it now and buckle back down. Maggy do you have any opinions on training groups? I've been looking at one that starts later this month but after all the $$$ I've spent... I'm not so sure.

Debb-I totally understand the mental block.  Last year, I hit a plateau that lasted for the better part of a year (something like 8 was ridiculous bouncing around the same 5 lbs for that long).  For me, the problem was that I was unable to visualize myself any smaller.  I'd had an image in my head, and when I got to where I looked like the image, I couldn't get past it.  I still struggle with it, which is why it is still taking me so long to get the weight off.  I'm happy to say that I'm at a new low right now...currently down 91.6 lbs from my highest.  Yipee!!  Like you, I just have to buckle down.  It just seems like I have to buckle down a lot...heh.

Group's a lot of fun.  I don't do it that often because I tend to be the slowest of the slow, but I have a great time when I do (and get past the fact that I might be screwing up someone's workout...that's the big thing for me.)  What kind of group workout it is?  Running?  Biking?  Swimming?  You can definitely learn a lot, and expand your circle of knowledgeable individuals.    One of the tri clubs I belong to has group workouts...I haven't done any yet as they haven't worked with my schedule, but I certainly am looking forward to some of them.

As far as the $$ is concerned...the sport we've selected is anything but cheap.  I haven't even been at this for 2 full seasons and I have no want to tally up how much I have spent on clothes, equipments, lessons, etc.  I'm a bargain shopper, and have found some pretty good deals, though (got my tri bike through that sale Javelin had...I got some strange looks from my non-tri friends when I told them I paid $800 for a tri friends were impressed for the most's a nice bike.

2008-05-06 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1364089

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!

Alrighty...we need to get this place hoppin'!  I'm going to send every one PMs with the link to the thread...I want to hear from everyone how/what they are doing, how they'd like me to help them...I'm seeing that some of you are newer to the site, so I know it can take some getting used to, but please make sure to participate.  This group will only be as good as the effort we put into it!

See you on the tri-side! 

2008-05-07 9:08 AM
in reply to: #1364089

New user

Subject: Trish's story and routine

OK, I'm going to get used to his.  Peggy, I peaked at your log and saw you did 2 loops around Lake Andrea in 1hr and 5 the rain..  I THINK THAT IS GREAT.  I'm going to struggle running 1 loop this weekend.  I did the "cancer walk" there 3 weeks ago (before I decided to do this) and we walked the 5K in 50 min.  So you doing it 2 tmes around in another 15 min is a goal for me.

For everyone else, here is my story....I just decided to train for a sprint triathlon 3 weeks ago.  At that time I stepped up my "normal" workout.  I am very scared and feel I will never get through this as I can't even run 1/2 mile straight on the treadmill.  I get to .3  .4 and then walk at a pace of 4.0 mph for .1 miles then run thing is................oh, I'm quiting smoking....hey, that MAY help.. LOL....  I have been trying all week.  I'm on my way, there is no way, I can make this doing that.  I just joined the Y this week for the swim part. 

This is what I am currently doing.  I'm not looking to win, I'm looking to finish and not in last place.

RUN--- I will do 3 miles (my best is 38 min- and I STRUGGLED).  LIke I said I just started running.  I think I can do 40 min for 3 miles but a 5K is more than 3 miles.

Weights-- I used to do machines 3 times a week.  Since I started this, I am down to 1 time a week and more cardio.

Biking- I just got the bike down this weekend.  I did 7 miles (33 min)-- I think, I would have to look at my training log.  I know I could go longer, I just got bored and wanting to get home.  I got a fancy computer for it with cadence, heart rate, and speed.  Anyone training with cadence?

Swim- Haven't started and would like some recommendations.

What I would like.....hhmmm...get me through this...LOL...I need to know HONESTLY if I am WAY behind or on target.  I feel I could never do all 3 in a reasonable time.

With all us keeping track of eachother, I think it would be good to provide everyone with how much we are doing because if I see so and so (that just started) doing WAY more than me, I better get my butt going.  I just started using the training logs, which is easy once you know what you are doing.  After you get home just click (put it under favorites) it and put what you did. 

I would like to know where everyone else is on their may tell me.....I am way out there.

Looking forward to a great hoppin group!


2008-05-07 2:44 PM
in reply to: #1378673

New user

Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-OPEN

Hi there,

 I'm Trish, I am in your group.  I see you bought a cateye with cadence.  I just got mine.  I really like it.  Also, I took a peak at your training log.  My god, you do have some endurance going for you.  I think I better get my butt going for longer periods of time.  You sound like you are doing great.


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