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2008-08-20 10:15 PM

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Subject: Bike Course question for Chicago 1st timer . . . .
How is the bike course? Flat, fast? I've been to Chicago, but a long time ago. No real memory of Lake Shore Drive. I love the city!

Thanks, :)


Edited by BlueChip0528 2008-08-20 10:18 PM

2008-08-20 11:15 PM
in reply to: #1617894

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: Bike Course question for Chicago 1st timer . . . .

It is a flat, fast course.  Pack two spare tires though.....ruff road with debris.  I saw lots and lots of flats in 2006.  FYI


Best wishes!

2008-08-21 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1617894

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Bike Course question for Chicago 1st timer . . . .
2007 I did not see alot. You see a number of them but with 6000 people and maybe 5 - 8 flats that really is a small percent but then again I was in the last wave.

Its basicly a 2 loop course with the turn to start the second loop is very tight.
2008-08-21 9:01 AM
in reply to: #1617894

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Oak Park, IL
Subject: RE: Bike Course question for Chicago 1st timer . . . .
In my opinion, the course is flat but not particularly fast. As you mentioned, you ride on Lake Shore Drive (LSD) which is a 4-lane each direction divided highway. You will be riding in the inner two lanes with traffic (going anywhere from 40-70 mph) in the outer lanes. You will ride left and pass right which makes things confusing at there as most people are used to the opposite. Be careful passing and be sure to be really vocal about letting people know you are passing. The race is very beginner friendly and I can't tell you in just 1 email all the craziness I saw out there last year when I was officiating. A couple of examples -- some on talking on their cell phone on the bike, someone passing so far to the right they went into traffic, and tons of blocking. And depending on your race and wave, the course can be super crowded which slows things down.

The road is pretty flat with a few elevation changes in the form of bridges over the cross streets. I have had people say to me after the race that they never noticed that there were so many "hills" on LSD so take that for it is worth. The condition of the northern portion of LSD is a mess though. There are many large potholes and seams that make conditions at bit dangerous. I would definitely have a spare tube and other tools needed to change a flat. And be alert when passing or shifting your line.

Have a good day out there!
2008-08-21 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1617894

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Subject: RE: Bike Course question for Chicago 1st timer . . . .

Spinning off the above's basically dangerous as hell.  Super, crowded, with speeds ranging from the 55 year old lady on her mountian bike to the disk-wheeled tri bikes going 35 all on the same course, at the same time.  The road is hazardous due to the potholes/cracks, and TONS of water bottles that people apparently just finish and then throw on the road (i had no idea people ever did this until competing in this race last year).  I even saw 2 cars that got in an accident in the road traffic lane pull over into one of the race lanes to exchange information and everything! You really gotta be alert in this one.

 All that said, I'm doing it for the second time and will probably continue to do it for years to come, but that's the reality of it...constant passing/getting passed, and lots of things to look out for on the road. Good luck to all, and let's all try to be alert and follow the rules out there so everybody finishes safely!

2008-08-24 2:58 PM
in reply to: #1617894

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: Bike Course question for Chicago 1st timer . . . .
as expected, awful confitions on LSD. Dozens of water bottles and sponges all over the course, I bounced a CO2 during the sprint and my adaptor during the oly.

one serious accident that i know, a women crashed and appeared to be knocked out, with emergency personel on the scene.

2008-08-24 6:33 PM
in reply to: #1617894

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Bike Course question for Chicago 1st timer . . . .
As stated above, LSD was an absolute nighmare. Saw many broken wheels, flats and upset competitors. About the time you could get to a decent speed, a large bump, pothole or expansion joint appeared. IMO, Chicago is 0 for 2 in preparedness for races (Chicago marathon and this race); unless LSD is better next year, i think i will pass on Chicago...
2008-08-25 10:30 AM
in reply to: #1617894

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Subject: RE: Bike Course question for Chicago 1st timer . . . .

Yeah, it was rough out there.  Not only the cracks and potholes in the road, but soooo many people don't follow the "pass on the right" rules, or the blocking rules about staying in the left lane unless you're passing someone.  I realize getting back and forth b/w the two lanes was no picnic, but when I go to the left to get back into the left lane after passing someone, I wasn't expecting some a$$hole to be buzzing by in that lane and almost crash us both (a few times).  I always looked over my sholder when going to the right because there may be someone passing me there, but I'm not supposed to have to do that when returning to the left.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'm just going to do the sprint in Chicago next year and find a different race for the Oly.  It will allow me to go off earlier (wave 50 this year, 9:37 start time...that SUCKS finishing after noon in the heat and wind). Also doing the sprint will limit the amount of time I have to bike on that dangerous road and risk breaking a wheel (or my head).

2008-08-25 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1617894

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Subject: RE: Bike Course question for Chicago 1st timer . . . .

Congrats to everybody who survived the landmine of a course.  I didn't race it this year, but remember in the past how bad the road was.  Hopefully with them repaving LSD this fall it will be in better condition next year.  It's supposed to be fully repaved from Irving Park to the end. 


2008-08-25 11:30 AM
in reply to: #1617894

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Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Bike Course question for Chicago 1st timer . . . .

Agreement the course and passing although there were a lot of beginners out there. I had to ride the right lane sometime to avoid masses of bikers riding side by side. Honestly, I did not see ONE USAT ref on a motorcycle during the ride.

What was up with the crappy turnaround? Haveing 9000 bikers go through a small median opening? That was slack and i saw many good bikers slamming into each other to avoid the wide turning beginners...overall, the bike course was not friendly to speed nor the masses of riders.

2008-08-25 12:03 PM
in reply to: #1625813

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: Bike Course question for Chicago 1st timer . . . .
USAT only patrols the Pro Race at Accenture....not the AG race

2008-08-25 12:10 PM
in reply to: #1617894

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Bike Course question for Chicago 1st timer . . . .
Which turn around are you talking about? the far one or the start of the second loop. The start of the second loop atleast for me last year was a really differcult one. I was so glad I was in the wave last wave. Less bike traffic. The far one was not bad at all. It was tight but not too bad. I will admit I had to slow down to avoid hitting someone in the far one though. My fear was I would run into the pros there.

isn't this the same problem every race with a turn around has? One him I did had a water spot right after the turn around which means you had people either slowing down or stop right after people turned which I would think could cause problems.

2008-08-25 12:47 PM
in reply to: #1617894

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Subject: RE: Bike Course question for Chicago 1st timer . . . .

I will agree that LSD is not in the best condition, but I really have no complaints, since I had an excellent race...but I also did the Sprint, and I think everyone else that had bad things to say were in the Olympic, so that may have something to do with it.

I think Accenture does an excellent job considering how large this event is.

Good to meet my fellow BT'ers at was fun!

2008-08-26 8:50 AM
in reply to: #1617894

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New user
Subject: RE: Bike Course question for Chicago 1st timer . . . .
Overall it was a great race and I had a fast, fast bike split. With that being said, I launched my only water bottle at mile 1 - yes, mile 1. I was pretty dehydrated when I came into T2 and stopped at the water table right outside of transition and attempted to get water and g-ade in my system but I managed to experience significant abdominal cramps btw miles 1 and 3 (buckled over type cramps). I attribute it to dehydration from the bike.

Also, the condition of that road is unsafe. There are many posts here and on ST about unsafe swimming conditions but it amazes me that the RD and Accenture take on the liability that they do for this race when you factor in the road conditions. We learned of an elite triathlete experiencing paralysis from a recent triathlon bike crash and although we can never make a triathlon 100% safe, that road is treachorous! I almost hit a guy who was still spraying orange paint on the bad sections and my wave went off at 8:21!

I saw many flat tires and 1 crash. The crash was not due to the road conditions (stupid lady tried crossing the street on the bike course and the cyclist swerved to avoid her and then went down). I would guess that there were many more crashes due to the road conditions.
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