General Discussion Triathlon Talk » IM what made it happen? Rss Feed  
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IM what made it happen?
Nutrition34 Votes - [20.61%]
Pacing33 Votes - [20%]
Bike/shoes/wetsuit/etc1 Votes - [0.61%]
Training strategy/plan39 Votes - [23.64%]
Mentor/Coach5 Votes - [3.03%]
Heart15 Votes - [9.09%]
Tapering1 Votes - [0.61%]
BT (logging the workouts and friends)3 Votes - [1.82%]
Support (friends and family)11 Votes - [6.67%]
Connections1 Votes - [0.61%]
Training Volume10 Votes - [6.06%]
Injury Prevention12 Votes - [7.27%]
This is a multiple choice poll.

2008-09-04 6:59 PM

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San mateo California
Subject: IM what made it happen?

Ironmen and IronWomen...   I am preparing a presentation called what does it take to IM? This is  to inspire other triathletes.     

Please take a look at the answer list and select the three most important factors that made it possible for you to finish an IM distance race. Thanks...


Sister Madonna Budder finishing one of her many IM's


Edited by velasqu7 2008-09-04 7:00 PM

2008-09-04 7:07 PM
in reply to: #1651029

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: IM what made it happen?

Not on your list but I mine would be:

1) Training: following a plan and/or hiring a coach, doing the right load, training weaknesses/polishing strengths, tapering etc.

2) Consistency/management: fit training around work/family/social schedule and get in sessions week after week after week.

3) Execution: pacing, nutrition, resiliency

2008-09-04 7:08 PM
in reply to: #1651029

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2008-09-04 7:22 PM
in reply to: #1651057

Subject: RE: IM what made it happen?
JeepFleeb - 2008-09-04 8:08 PM

Consistency would have been a nice option.

I voted: nutrition/pacing/training

Having a coach keeps you consistent..but I agree that would be a good option.

I opted for nutrition/pacing/coach....

2008-09-04 7:34 PM
in reply to: #1651029

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: IM what made it happen?

Being alive, signing up/registering for the race, and then the rest.

2008-09-04 7:34 PM
in reply to: #1651029

Subject: RE: IM what made it happen?
I voted Heart/Support/and Training

Heart: I have never met an Ironman without it.
Support:Without the support of my wife I would have never toed the start
Training: Heart and support allowed me to train.

2008-09-04 9:33 PM
in reply to: #1651029

Royersford, PA
Subject: RE: IM what made it happen?
Execution-pacing, nutrition, and staying calm and adapting when the hard times come. No matter how well you are prepared, messing this up will cause you to fail when you are sooo close to the prize.
Training-You need to put in the work to get you to the starting line confident you are prepared and have the ability to finish. You don't have to put in mega hours/miles/laps, but you have to do enough work or even perfect execution won't save you.
Confidence/Heart- Standing on the beach/ floating in the water prior to the start, is very intimidating and somewhere during the course of the 140.6 mile journey, after all the adrenlin has worn off, when you are tired, when you legs hurt, you will ask yourself if you can do that moment you need heart and confidence that you have done the work and are executing the plan, so you can fight through that moment and finish what you started.

For me that moment and what happens next is really what Ironman is all about. You learn more about yourself in that moment than anything else I have every done.
2008-09-04 11:24 PM
in reply to: #1651029

Perth, Oz
Subject: RE: IM what made it happen?

My order was

1 Heart

2 training

3 support.

without the heart/motivation/determination, you wouldn't make the choice to commit to an IM race, commit to the training and commit to showing up on race day.  and most importantly commit to keep going when the going gets tough be it in training or on race day.

training for obvious reasons if you don't do the training you don't get through the race.  I can't remember who told me but last year someone said. think of each training session as a brick.   Bricks all pieced together strategically create a wall.    A wall can still stand or be strong with a few bricks missing here and there.   However that wall can't stand with the majority of the bricks mission or the mid section or bottom etc.     I've thought about that many many times since.

and lastly support,  if you don't have family or friends support I think it would be really tough to get to the startline.  I find it a bit hard being a single girl living on my own.  got to be super super organised,  but still thingsl ike the garden fall by the wayside. 

2008-09-04 11:29 PM
in reply to: #1651029

Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: IM what made it happen?
I went with Training Plan/Strategy and Support because I could not have gotten as close to the training plan as I did without the support of my wife and kids.
2008-09-05 3:51 AM
in reply to: #1651029

Subject: RE: IM what made it happen?

Wow that is very tough because I have gone through all of the phases on my way to becomming and IM, IMLOU> FINISHER 2335

With out this site .... I could not have made it ...

1. Desire .... mental toughness

2. Training Plan ... it is way to difficult to do on you own ... I had to trust that the begginer IM program would work and it did. Makes more sense now...

3. Coaching ... there is too much to learn and we get all the support for each other and the experts here on the site

4. Pain Management ....... comming from a sprint to IM in 1 year this was huge ... I am 50

5.Nutrician ... I found this out along the way Crampped at the first HIM need to add salt for example ... sweat rate .... cals pacing .... one gel per 30m on run ex.

6. Support ... 6 weeks before the IM the training is very tough and without a good suspport system of encouragement you could crack at this point. The weekends were long 15 hrs of training.

7. Pacing .... I set up a plan for race day and stuck with it .... 2/100y swim ... 16mph bike and 11min per mile run ... 14hrs and done with a smile and no pain .... sprinted last 1/2 mile of run. It was 93F and windy that day.

So what I would say is that during your journey the priority shifts as to what the top three needs are but if pushed reverse the order but wait I could not have got here so keep the order but wait pain management was the toughest but ......


2008-09-05 5:25 AM
in reply to: #1651029

Subject: RE: IM what made it happen?

1.  Training

2.  Hydration

3.  Fuel.  Here is where I differred from a lot of people.  I trained going long w/o fuel.  My theory was that I was conditioning my body to use body fat stores and not have to rely on what was in my stomach.  I did this up till about 3 weeks prior to my taper and then I worked on my nutrion plan.

I'm sure there will be those that will say my stragedy of going long w/o fuel was stupid but, in my profession we have a saying: one test is worth a thousand expert opinons.  I PR'd this IM by almost an hour and half.

Disclaimer:  We are all different and your mileage may vary.



2008-09-05 4:27 PM
in reply to: #1651029

No excuses!
Subject: RE: IM what made it happen?
I voted for the 3 that previously didn't have a vote. They were lonely Wink
2008-09-06 1:13 AM
in reply to: #1653816

San mateo California
Subject: RE: IM what made it happen?

Shermbelle - 2008-09-05 3:27 PM I voted for the 3 that previously didn't have a vote. They were lonely Wink

 I wish you did not vote then.   I am really trying to get some serious feedback here.  sorry you wasted your vote..  

2008-09-06 4:18 PM
in reply to: #1651057

Subject: RE: IM what made it happen?
JeepFleeb - 2008-09-04 7:08 PM

Consistency would have been a nice option.

I voted: nutrition/pacing/training

2008-09-06 11:43 PM
in reply to: #1651029

Portland, OR
Subject: RE: IM what made it happen?
For me after 2 Ironman finishes it was:

Training Plan - Both years I followed the beginner IM plan from BT and it worked awesome and I loved it. It was easy to adapt and gave plenty of recovery time for someone just starting on going long.

Pacing - I trained with a specific pacing strategy in mind and I stuck to it, first in training then on race day and it worked great. I was able to run the whole marathon both times and this year I actually sped up by almost 2 minutes per mile over the last 10k.

Nutrition - IM can go horribly wrong if this isn't fine tuned. Everybody has different needs, requirements and cravings. I think I'll go down in history as the only IM with marshmellow peeps and Cheetos in SN but dang they were yummy!

It was tough not to give a spot to BT. For many of us without a Tri-Club or a coach or a training partner the support and camraderie and feedback of BT is just invaluable. It was an amazingly special experience to surround myself with other future IM last year as we all prepared for CDA and supported, cheered and struggled together.
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