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2008-12-17 4:51 PM

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: kenj group - Closed

NAME: kenj/ Ken

STORY: I'm a 44 year old, 3 years removed from the couch.  I live outside Rochester NY in the Finger Lakes region.  As part of a weightloss program I started running and found that I actually enjoyed it.  While training for a 5K I decided to add biking as a cross training tool and while looking around on line for some information, I stumbled upon BT.  After posting in the new member forums I met some local BT'ers that have become great friends.  I love the social aspect of the triathlon community and racing in general.  It helps me get out of bed in the morning!

FAMILY STATUS: Married to my current wife, Connie for 13 years, I have two children from my first marriage, my daughter who is 19 and in college and a son who is 20 that runs his own business.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently focusing on gaining speed on the bike and run.  I am using pace to improve the run and hr on the bike.  I swim with a local masters group once or twice a week.  My goal by spring is to improve both the bike and run speed prior to building distance later in the winter. My goal is to improve my time at Lake Placid next summer.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: This past season I did a sprint in the spring, Ironman Lake Placid in July and an Oly in September.  It was my second full season of triathlons.

2009 RACES:  My A race for 2009 will again be Ironman Lake Placid.  I will also do a couple of sprints and the fall Oly again.  I am also planning a spring marathon as well as a handfull of 5 and 10k's.

WEIGHTLOSS: Prior to becoming a triathlete, I had lost about 100 pounds (of which I have put about 10 back on!).  My weight will always be a challenge for me as I have to pay attention to what I eat. Did I mention I like to eat?  I am working on taking the 10 pounds back off plus another 10 by spring to help in improving my time in Lake Placid.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I am gratefull for the things I have learned here.  I have often said that losing the weight was easy, keeping it off will be the challenge.  Triathlons and running keep me active and motivated to maintain a health lifestyle.  While I have more to learn than I probably know at this point, I think I have at least figured out where to go to get the information I don't know.  And while I joined prior to the official mentor program, I accomplished the things I have in my short triathlon career due to the informal mentor program the people I have met on this site have provided.  If it hadn't been for these friends, I may have not stuck around and accomplished the things that I have so far.

I have also used many of the training plans that are available here and think I have a pretty good idea which direction to point people once I understand what thier goals are.  Additionally, I like to train and I like to talk about training.  With this, I think I can give a litlle something back to a group of people just starting out on their tri journey. 

Edited by kenj 2008-12-23 9:23 AM

2008-12-21 9:00 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Extreme Veteran
Middleville, MI
Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN


I would like to join your group.  A little about me:

 I am 40 years old, father of two kids, 10 year old girl, 6 year old boy.  Married for 14 years.  I work as a fire protection engineer in the insurance industry.  I live near Grand Rapids, Michigan.

I started running again about 4 years ago when I got on the scale and saw a number I was very unhappy with, 260 lbs.  I used to run a lot in college but I hadn't done any real excercise on a regular basis for more than 10 years.  I was mainly running 2-3 miles for the first couple years.  I did some local 5ks.  I happen to live on a lake and once a year on my lake there is a sprint triathlon.  For 2 years, I would take my kids up to watch the people run by.  The whole time I would be watching, I would be thinking in my head, that should be me doing that.  So 2008 roles around and I start thinking, if I am ever going to do this, I am not getting any younger.  I turned 40 in July so many people I know chalked this up to a mid-life crisis.  I finally decided in early June that I was going to do this triathlon in July.  Problem is, I am a horrible swimmer.  First time I went out to swim, I probably made it 25 yards.  Well living on a lake has its advantages so for the next month, every single night I went out and swam.  Mixed in the running and the biking and I thought I was ready for my first tri.  Well, I finished that triathlon but I was one of the last people out of the water and one of the last to finish the race.  I did another tri in August and did even worse as I hadn't been training as hard after the first one.  OK, now its time to get serious about this. 

Since that time, I got rid of the old Schwinn and bought a Giant Trinity tri bike.  I have picked up the mileage....or did at least until the snow machine started.  As for the swimming, well lets just say I need some serious help.  I am down to 230 lbs.  Still a big number but I am 6'5" and have a large frame.  I think I want to lose about 10 more pounds by next spring to make myself a bit faster. 

 For 2009, I want to do at least 4 sprint tris.  My goal is to break 2 hours in the tri on my lake....last year, I finished in 2:39.  Yeah thats a big improvement but hey, goals should be hard.  I would like to be part of a group where we can encourage eachother and have someone to ask who has been there done that. 



2008-12-21 10:10 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN

Great to have you in our group Craig!  Swimming is a challenge for me as well.  Fortunately I have found the local masters group and with their help and some time in the pool, I have at least gotten respectable.  With any luck, maybe we will get a swimmer in our group that can pull us along!

I see that you are doing a great job logging your workouts here.  That will be a help.  Have you considered using one of the winter training plans from BT?  I have found that they are a big help in keeping focused during the cold dark snowey winters we go through.

2008-12-21 9:40 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Extreme Veteran
Middleville, MI
Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN


I started logging my workouts here on October 1st.  I have never followed a training plan so perhaps I should look into that.  To date, I do not have an upgraded membership, do you need that to access the training plans?

2008-12-22 4:27 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN
You do not need to upgrade to have access to some of the plans.  There are some that are limited to the upper level memberships, but there are plenty of good plans available for free.  I do believe, however, that you can only print the plans rather than importing them into your logs.  The good thing about using a plan, is that it gives you a guide to help in reaching your goals.  Even if life gets in the way and you miss a workout, you can just pick up the schedule for the next day and keep going.
2008-12-22 7:47 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Charlotte, North Carolina
Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN

I would like to join your mentor group.  I am 55 and beginning the couch to sprint plan after 2 years of low activity.  Prior to this, I ran extensively in 2005-6 and completed several half and full marathon but got burned out with just running.  I want to complete a sprint tri in June here in NC. 

Initially, Im just trying to build a solid base of fitness and drop excess weight.  Will you help?

2008-12-22 8:06 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN

I'd like to join your group. I'm 48 yo, married with 2 boys (sr in high school and sr in college). I'm a physician (general internal medicine) in Memphis TN.

I was busy with kids, career, etc and had neglected exercise. When I turned 40 I was weighing in at 256 and decided it was time to do something about it. I started working out at a gym and walking. About 5 years ago I began cycling and found that having a long term fitness goal was very helpful. I did a metric, then a MS 150, then a century and in 2007 did a "challenge" century (3 state 3 mountain in Chatanooga, TN). After that I was looking for a new challenge, so I signed up for the Memphis in May (oly) triathlon which I completed this year. I've lost about 40 pounds and am in the best shape I've been in in years.

Since completing Memphis in May, I've been kind of drifting. I was hoping to start training for a half ironman, but I'm having some issues with running. After I got up to over 5 miles, I began having knee pain and had to back off my running. I'm doing about 3 - 4 miles 2-3 times a week (I haven't been as good about logging recently, but will start back).

I think being in a group and having some accountability would be helpful. I'm still hoping to get my running better, and would like to at least run a half-mary this year, as well as complete the Memphis in May again. I salso have a friend who wants to do the 3 state century, so I may also do that.
2008-12-22 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1866923

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN
kweezen - 2008-12-22 8:47 AM

I would like to join your mentor group.  I am 55 and beginning the couch to sprint plan after 2 years of low activity.  Prior to this, I ran extensively in 2005-6 and completed several half and full marathon but got burned out with just running.  I want to complete a sprint tri in June here in NC. 

Initially, Im just trying to build a solid base of fitness and drop excess weight.  Will you help?

Welcome to our group!  That is one of the things I like about tri's! If you don't feel like going for a run, you can hop on the bike or go for a swim. 

2008-12-22 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1866947

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN

y2kdad99 - 2008-12-22 9:06 AM Ken, I'd like to join your group. I'm 48 yo, married with 2 boys (sr in high school and sr in college). I'm a physician (general internal medicine) in Memphis TN. I was busy with kids, career, etc and had neglected exercise. When I turned 40 I was weighing in at 256 and decided it was time to do something about it. I started working out at a gym and walking. About 5 years ago I began cycling and found that having a long term fitness goal was very helpful. I did a metric, then a MS 150, then a century and in 2007 did a "challenge" century (3 state 3 mountain in Chatanooga, TN). After that I was looking for a new challenge, so I signed up for the Memphis in May (oly) triathlon which I completed this year. I've lost about 40 pounds and am in the best shape I've been in in years. Since completing Memphis in May, I've been kind of drifting. I was hoping to start training for a half ironman, but I'm having some issues with running. After I got up to over 5 miles, I began having knee pain and had to back off my running. I'm doing about 3 - 4 miles 2-3 times a week (I haven't been as good about logging recently, but will start back). I think being in a group and having some accountability would be helpful. I'm still hoping to get my running better, and would like to at least run a half-mary this year, as well as complete the Memphis in May again. I salso have a friend who wants to do the 3 state century, so I may also do that.

It will be great to have you as part of our group too!  I understand completely about losing focus after completing your A race for the season.  I struggled with that myself after Lake Placid last summer. 

We'll do our best to help you with your knee issues and get your run mileage up where you want it to be.  A couple of thoughts that you may or may not have already tried.  Make sure you are warming up good, one of the things that I like to do (although I have never had knee issues) is to kind of half squat with my hands on my knees and rotate the knees in a circle both directions to loosen them up a bit.  The other would be to try and get to 4 short runs a week and build your weekly mileage slowly.  Once you get a good month or more of this behind you, take one of your weekly runs and add 10% or less every couple of weeks. 

2008-12-22 8:54 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN

One of the things that I think this site offers as a valuable tool is the inspire feature.  I would like to see all of us add each other to thier friends list and every day or two drop by a couple of us and send a note of encouragement.  I know it helps me getting out of bed in the morning to do my workouts knowing that my friends will be checking in on me from time to time.  And if you notice someone slipping a bit, a nice prodding along doesn't hurt either!

I know some of you are fairly new to the site so if you don't know how this feature (or any other for that matter) works, let me know.

2008-12-22 7:32 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN

Hey guys.  I'd like to join in as well.

I am a 34 year old father of two living in Sarasota, FL.  I have a 7-1/2 year old boy and a 2 week old girl (yeah...whew).  My wife and I have been married for a little over 10 years now.  I own a company that designs and manufactures custom automation and robotic equipment.

I did several trirs and runs back when I was in HS and early college.  I then discoevred the joys of drinking and smoking and went down hill quick.  I entered college at 185lbs with 4% body fat.  I left at 240lbs with close to 35%BF.

I quit smoking about 6 years ago and started to run again.  I'm down to about 210-220 now (I'm 6' 4" not your typical triathlete) and would like to be sub 200.

Last year I did a few sprints and St. Anthony's Olympic.  I threw in some random 5ks and trail runs as well. 

Unfortunately around Oct I got struck with a string of injuries.  I first sprained my ankle pretty badly on a training run, then had a kidney stone that got stuck and had to have surgery (real bad news, remember to hydrate).  Finally, I just recently got over a real bad chest cold that hung on for weeks.  So I have been out of action for almost 2 months now.  Gained back about 15lbs during that time.

I let my Bronze membership lapse during that time but am going to get signed back up.

Running a business, recovering from injury and a new baby (hmmm should I run or get more than an hour's sleep tonight) and my challenges are clear. 2009 is all about a new start for me.  The base is there but I need to recover that fitness.

I am signed up for St. Anthony's again this year and will pick up a few sprints early in the season.  Depending on how things go I might attempt a HIM late in the season.

Edited by TriRSquared 2008-12-22 7:32 PM

2008-12-22 8:02 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN

Hey Ken,

I'm Melissa and I would like to join your group. 

A little about me.. I'm a 22 year old med student in a small town in Missouri!  I started triathlons last year, and was quickly hooked.  I ran in 4 sprints and an oly, placing in my age group twice! I also ran in half-marathon in October and plan on two more, (april and may 09).

My new big adventure is training for Ironman Louisville 2009.  Some people tell me I'm crazy to try to do it while in med school, but I've never been one to turn down a challenge!  

I'm on BT as much as time allows, and could not have made it this far without the support from everybody!

2008-12-22 9:38 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Northwest Arkansas
Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN


This looks like it might be a good group for me.

I’m Chip, a 50 year old father of two and live in Northwest Arkansas. I started getting serious about getting into shape on mid-2007. I’m 6’1” with a small frame but weighed 220, so all the weight was in my belly. I started running quite a bit but ran into an injury that put me on a bicycle for the first time in years. I absolutely loved it and ride whenever I can.

I started thinking about my first triathlon in September of this year and started running again, doing brick workouts, and swimming. I’ve got to say that swimming took all of the fun out of working out and I lost interest in the whole tri idea.

With the cold weather I’m off the outdoor bike and have focused on the weight room for the past month or so. I’m down to 190 now (185 when I’m riding a lot) and the triathlon keeps popping into my head as a way to meet like minded folks and have some fun. So with the new year I thought I’d give it one more try.

I’ve found an indoor lap pool here in town and am hoping to get my stroke together before heading to the lake again this summer. I’m a slow but steady runner and should be OK on the bike, but in the lake I’m pretty much a rock.


Ps.. I have no idea what the “inspire” feature is but if you could point it towards me I’d appreciate it.

2008-12-22 10:01 PM
in reply to: #1868509

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN
TriRSquared - 2008-12-22 8:32 PM

Hey guys.  I'd like to join in as well.

I am a 34 year old father of two living in Sarasota, FL.  I have a 7-1/2 year old boy and a 2 week old girl (yeah...whew).  My wife and I have been married for a little over 10 years now.  I own a company that designs and manufactures custom automation and robotic equipment.

I did several trirs and runs back when I was in HS and early college.  I then discoevred the joys of drinking and smoking and went down hill quick.  I entered college at 185lbs with 4% body fat.  I left at 240lbs with close to 35%BF.

I quit smoking about 6 years ago and started to run again.  I'm down to about 210-220 now (I'm 6' 4" not your typical triathlete) and would like to be sub 200.

Last year I did a few sprints and St. Anthony's Olympic.  I threw in some random 5ks and trail runs as well. 

Unfortunately around Oct I got struck with a string of injuries.  I first sprained my ankle pretty badly on a training run, then had a kidney stone that got stuck and had to have surgery (real bad news, remember to hydrate).  Finally, I just recently got over a real bad chest cold that hung on for weeks.  So I have been out of action for almost 2 months now.  Gained back about 15lbs during that time.

I let my Bronze membership lapse during that time but am going to get signed back up.

Running a business, recovering from injury and a new baby (hmmm should I run or get more than an hour's sleep tonight) and my challenges are clear. 2009 is all about a new start for me.  The base is there but I need to recover that fitness.

I am signed up for St. Anthony's again this year and will pick up a few sprints early in the season.  Depending on how things go I might attempt a HIM late in the season.

Congratulations on your new daughter!!! I bet sleep is a rare commodity right now!

I understand what your saying about finding the time with a young family and a busy business to run.  My family owns a fairly large logistics company.  One of the motivations for joining this crazy sport was the end result of living healthy so I could enjoy my own family and be more productive at work.  One of the side benefits is the time management skills I have figured out to get it all in! 

I was planning on doing St. A's last year (my inlaws live in Winter Haven), but due to scheduling conflicts I had to back out, but some day I want to do that race.

Welcome to our group!

2008-12-22 10:07 PM
in reply to: #1868544

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN
Pegasus1731 - 2008-12-22 9:02 PM

Hey Ken,

I'm Melissa and I would like to join your group. 

A little about me.. I'm a 22 year old med student in a small town in Missouri!  I started triathlons last year, and was quickly hooked.  I ran in 4 sprints and an oly, placing in my age group twice! I also ran in half-marathon in October and plan on two more, (april and may 09).

My new big adventure is training for Ironman Louisville 2009.  Some people tell me I'm crazy to try to do it while in med school, but I've never been one to turn down a challenge!  

I'm on BT as much as time allows, and could not have made it this far without the support from everybody!

Hi Melissa and welcome!!! 

A lot of people said I was crazy when I signed up for Lake Placid, for differant reasons.  Mainly I had only done 2 sprints at the time.  I have no concept of what going to med school is like, but I am pretty sure there is never a perfect time to take on the challenge of ironman!  But if you don't try, you will always wonder "what if"!  You will do great!

Congratulations on your success last year!

2008-12-22 10:14 PM
in reply to: #1868672

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN
snaproll - 2008-12-22 10:38 PM


This looks like it might be a good group for me.

I’m Chip, a 50 year old father of two and live in Northwest Arkansas. I started getting serious about getting into shape on mid-2007. I’m 6’1” with a small frame but weighed 220, so all the weight was in my belly. I started running quite a bit but ran into an injury that put me on a bicycle for the first time in years. I absolutely loved it and ride whenever I can.

I started thinking about my first triathlon in September of this year and started running again, doing brick workouts, and swimming. I’ve got to say that swimming took all of the fun out of working out and I lost interest in the whole tri idea.

With the cold weather I’m off the outdoor bike and have focused on the weight room for the past month or so. I’m down to 190 now (185 when I’m riding a lot) and the triathlon keeps popping into my head as a way to meet like minded folks and have some fun. So with the new year I thought I’d give it one more try.

I’ve found an indoor lap pool here in town and am hoping to get my stroke together before heading to the lake again this summer. I’m a slow but steady runner and should be OK on the bike, but in the lake I’m pretty much a rock.


Ps.. I have no idea what the “inspire” feature is but if you could point it towards me I’d appreciate it.

Great to have you with us Chip! 

I share your love of swimming!   Fortunately I really enjoy triathlons, so I have learned to get myself to the pool and push through the workouts.  Maybe looking into a masters group or a triathlon club that has weekly swims will help if you can. 

The inspire feature is on the top right hand corner of your daily workout log.  Click on the inspire of your log and you will see the messages left for you, click the same button on someone elses blog and you can leave a message for them.  When you have an inspire it turns red!

2008-12-22 10:19 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN

All right guys! I'll leave this open for a little longer and hopefully we get to 8 of us, give or take.  Then we will get to work helping each of us reach our goals!  In the mean time if you have any questions or things you want to discuss, fire away!

I know the next week or so will have us all busy with the holidays (plus I have a couple of running races)! But after that, I would like us all to post our weekly workout plans and maybe a comment or two about how the previous weeks workouts went.  The good, the bad, and the ugly!  We are here to help get through the rough spots, and there will be plenty, and to celebrate the successes together!

2008-12-22 10:27 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN
Hey Melissa,
I think IM is do-able in med school esp given your running talent. I think it is really helpful to have something outside school to clear your mind -- med school can be all-consuming if you let it.
2008-12-22 11:00 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN
Hey Folks!!

I'm hoping there is room for me. =)

My name is Sara. I'm 25 and my husband and I live in Upstate NY. Currently, I'm working full-time as a pharmacy technician, finishing up my MS in Nutrition at Marywood University and training for my first 1/2 IM.

This will be my 3rd season of triathlon. I started out with a duathlon on my husband's Mongoose mountain bike in Vermont (I was drawn to the Harpoon Brewery sponsored event because there was a beer in it for me) and I'm completely hooked. I plan on working my way up to a full IM in the next 4 years.

I definitely like to work hard and play hard. I've done great at training solo when I had tri-geek buddies that I regularly chatted with. But, now I have moved away from them (and some have moved away from me) and I'm losing my mojo. Hence, what lead me to look into this mentor program!

I plan on training most days of the week. My goal is to get nice and comfy with the distances for the 1/2 IM, but I also want to get back into regularly strength training and keeping better track of my nutrition.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Edited by WittyCityGirl 2008-12-22 11:01 PM
2008-12-23 4:44 AM
in reply to: #1868801

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN

WittyCityGirl - 2008-12-23 12:00 AM Hey Folks!! I'm hoping there is room for me. =) My name is Sara. I'm 25 and my husband and I live in Upstate NY. Currently, I'm working full-time as a pharmacy technician, finishing up my MS in Nutrition at Marywood University and training for my first 1/2 IM. This will be my 3rd season of triathlon. I started out with a duathlon on my husband's Mongoose mountain bike in Vermont (I was drawn to the Harpoon Brewery sponsored event because there was a beer in it for me) and I'm completely hooked. I plan on working my way up to a full IM in the next 4 years. I definitely like to work hard and play hard. I've done great at training solo when I had tri-geek buddies that I regularly chatted with. But, now I have moved away from them (and some have moved away from me) and I'm losing my mojo. Hence, what lead me to look into this mentor program! I plan on training most days of the week. My goal is to get nice and comfy with the distances for the 1/2 IM, but I also want to get back into regularly strength training and keeping better track of my nutrition. Happy Holidays everyone!

Hi Sara! Welcome to our awesome group!

I see in your logs that you are planning on doing the musselman!  Awesome race! I don't live far from there, but I have never done the half, only the sprint.  This will be my last year for a while doing Lake Placid and one of the reasons is I want to do musselman next year.  There is a large contingent of BT folks there for that race, plus we have ran the aide station for both the sprint and the ITU pro race on Saturday!  Loads of fun!

Speaking of racing for beer, have you ever done the Boilermaker 15K in Utica?  Great race that ends at the Saranac Brewery.  Probably too close to Musselman for this coming year but if you get a chance someday you would probably enjoy it!

2008-12-23 8:17 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN

Hi, if there is still room, I would like to join your group. Just turned the double nickel and for 09 want to move from sprints the last 2 years to an HIM in the fall. My biggest limiter has been swimming and hope to get some tips from you and the group. As a non-swimmer its been the toughest challenge!!

I've been cycling for a few years, completing the MS150 several times and have finished 3 marathons, last one in San Antonio this year. At 6'2", 225, i've dropped 90 lbs over the last 4 years but have reached a plateau this year.

For me as a back of packer, I'm in it for the fun, fitness, to improve in all three sports and stay motivated throughout the year.


2008-12-23 9:18 AM
in reply to: #1869056

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN

wakehr - 2008-12-23 9:17 AM Hi, if there is still room, I would like to join your group. Just turned the double nickel and for 09 want to move from sprints the last 2 years to an HIM in the fall. My biggest limiter has been swimming and hope to get some tips from you and the group. As a non-swimmer its been the toughest challenge!! I've been cycling for a few years, completing the MS150 several times and have finished 3 marathons, last one in San Antonio this year. At 6'2", 225, i've dropped 90 lbs over the last 4 years but have reached a plateau this year. For me as a back of packer, I'm in it for the fun, fitness, to improve in all three sports and stay motivated throughout the year. Wayne

Great to have you Wayne!  Congrats on the 90 pounds lost, that is certainly an accomplishment.  If I was as tall as some of you guys I would be in great shape!  We will all work together on the swimming.  Unless you swam competitively as a kid, I think it is the hardest discipline of tri's to learn and become competant in.  Fortunately it is usually the shortest part, unfortunately it is the most intimidating!

2008-12-23 11:15 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

Ok gang!  I have closed us down for now.  We have 8 plus me, which I think will be a good size group.

So what is everyone doing for the holidays?  For me, it is a pretty laid back as we do an extended family party Christmas Eve and another family gathering late Christmas day.  So I'll still get my trainer ride done in the morning, have a late breakfast and relax for a while.  The farthest I have to drive is 10 miles!

2008-12-23 3:19 PM
in reply to: #1869434

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
Very similar laid back holiday season at our household. Christmas eve service, one present alllowed to be opened on Christmas eve; traveling about 30ish miles to the in-laws on Christmas Day. I have a half marathon race on New Years Day....only one held across USA they tell me. It provided a reason to keep training and keep a lid on the extra helpings during the holidays. Right now its 65 degrees, it was 32 two days ago. God Bless Texas.

2008-12-23 4:42 PM
in reply to: #1868743

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: kenj group - OPEN

y2kdad99 - 2008-12-22 10:27 PM Hey Melissa, I think IM is do-able in med school esp given your running talent. I think it is really helpful to have something outside school to clear your mind -- med school can be all-consuming if you let it.

Definatly, I agree 100%.  Great to "meet" you!

Edited by Pegasus1731 2008-12-23 4:43 PM
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