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2009-01-01 10:05 AM

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Edited by JeepFleeb 2009-01-08 9:59 AM

2009-01-02 6:21 AM
in reply to: #1880994

, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
I'm not a beginner triathlete, but more of an experienced middle-of-the-pack guy who has just done this for fun. Now I'd like to take it to that next level, where I start to consciously consider and plan nutrition, training, equipment, etc. I don't presume to know much of anything about triathlon, other than recognizing that the mental component is just as important as the physical.

I'm looking for a group where I can ask 'how, what and why' types of questions. Motivation to do a race is not a problem. Unless it's cold and raining, and I'm not preregistered.

I'm 43, married, contemplating a change in career, and live in hilly southwestern Pennsylvania. My weight consistently fluctuates over the same 15 pounds throughout the year. I'd love to see my abs again.

In addition to local events, I've done the Florida 70.3, IMLP, Escape from Alcatraz, and the Chesapeake Bay Swim. I'm registered for the Providence 70.3 in July. My athletic 'bucket list' includes qualifying for Clearwater and the Boston Marathon.

During my time at BT, I've read some of your posts and know that you love the sport. If you're willing to have me, I'd like to join your group.

2009-01-02 5:26 PM
in reply to: #1882280

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2009-01-06 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1880994

, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
Great! Let me know when you are officially open for questions.
2009-01-06 3:51 PM
in reply to: #1880994

New user
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN

Sounds like this group isn't open yet but when it does open up I would like to join. I was starting to think I wouldn't find a good fit for a mentor until I read your post.

NAME: icychacal/Ryan

STORY: I will be competing in my first triathalon in April....just a sprint to start out with. I have been very active all of my life in football, basketball, weight lifting, etc. and have been considering joining the ranks of triathaletes. I have been toying with the idea for the past year and am ready to pursue this. I don't want to just compete in an Ironman, I want to win one. I will put in the work and the time and want to see results. I want to push my body to new limits by keeping precise training and nutritional logs. I am ultra competitive and am excited to start competing in a new arena.

FAMILY STATUS: I am single and have a 4 year old son named Maverick (who is a stud)

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been hit and miss with my gym routine over the past year. I play basketball at least once a week and hit the pool every so often.

2009 RACES: I have signed up for a sprint on April 11th. There are several other races in Washington and Idaho that I am eyeballing but have not made the move yet. How often can I compete? Is it what my body can handle or should I have more of a method to my madness?

WEIGHTLOSS: I would like to lose about 10-15 pounds. I weigh 215 and am 5'11" but would like to get down around 2 bills and 10% body fat which I think could benefit my performances.

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I have made the decision to jump in with 2 feet. My lifestyle allows for plenty of training time and a new hobby/lifestyle change. (no girlfriend haha) I need someone to help keep me accountable during my initial push and to provide insight, advice, etc. as I am a fish out of water. I know practically nothing about equipment I will need, proper training, etc. What I do have is the desire and the physical ability. I am still considering what type of membership will be most beneficial to me here on BT. An opportunity to be mentored by you would be great!

2009-01-06 6:29 PM
in reply to: #1890305

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2009-01-06 7:54 PM
in reply to: #1880994

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN

NAME: Aaron

This is my second full year of triathlon. I completed my first in the fall of 2006, and fell in love. I am training for 2 'A' races this year, Timberman (70.3) and RI70.3. My main goal is to go 5:00 in one of the races, the faster the better. I would like to run at least 1000miles, bike 4000miles and swim 170.4miles. I think that I could add to the group through motivation. I work an odd schedule, have my daughter and girlfriend. I am constantly busy, but fit everything in and sleep hen I can.

This past year my training suffered, because I changed jobs, and a ton of things just in my life.

I will eventually go longer, and hopefully do some bike racing, but my time is fairly restricted as a single father with a job.


Working with my coach for a few months now, everything is pretty solid.

Some road races, HIM, sprints, and a du, I got injured during the year and was out for awhile.

2009 RACES:
Registered for RI 70.3 and Timberman, ideally qualify for Clearwater, but I think I am a year from that still. I will do a handful of other races as well. I am in a run focus right now leading up to a 13.1.

Maintain.  Maybe lose 5lbs, it wouldn't hurt, but I would be happy to maintain.
2009-01-06 8:16 PM
in reply to: #1890930

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Edited by JeepFleeb 2009-01-06 8:17 PM
2009-01-06 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1880994

Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
Im in if you'll have me.  I'll give my bio later.  In a hurry right now....Sesh told me to get in your group!  Gotta run!
2009-01-06 9:30 PM
in reply to: #1891029

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2009-01-06 9:34 PM
in reply to: #1880994


Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
I'd love to join if y'all will have me. Plus I may actually run into JeepFleeb somewhere in TX.

NAME: 3guysdad / Greg

I started multisport training in 2007 after running a half marathon in January. Like JeepFleeb, nothing but running was too hard on my body. I got on a spin bike and by April bought a road bike and did my first spring in June 2006.

I'm now pretty addicted to the workouts and want to work up to HIM's and maybe an IM.

A former athlete in high school and college, mostly baseball but played almost every sport for a season. I'm a slow runner, probably average on the bike and better than average swimmer. Not much potential on the run (although my pace is almost 1 min/mi faster than 2 years ago) but I think I can really crank it up on the bike by building a stronger base.

Married. 3 kids. Uh, boys. 9, 7 and 5.

Basic maintenance workouts with an emphasis on the run (cause I'm slloooooww) and some functional strength training. Targeting a more formal plan for March or so.

CapTexTri Sprint in Austin. I'd planned on doing an Oly in 2008 but some family circumstances got me off solid training in June and July.

2009 RACES:
TBD in general, but definitely an Oly. Possibly the CapTexTri (Memorial Day) and Austin Tri (Memorial Day) Oly's and maybe Toyota in Dallas in the fall. Some sprints in between to keep me honest.

FULLY qualified Clydesdale. I'd like to drop about 10 lbs over the season and 5 lbs is definitely a goal. Oh, I'd still be a Clyde.

2009-01-06 10:20 PM
in reply to: #1880994

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN

Hi! Can I be the first girl in the group?

NAME: Marcy 

 This will be my second year of triathlon. It all started last January when I decided to work with a swim coach to re-learn how to swim. After I had the strokes down, a number of friends encouraged me to give triathlons a try. I took on a training plan mainly as a way of seeing how far I could go. I had assumed that that I, as a single working mom, could probably get to the race events, but probably couldn't keep up a training program to be successful at those events. But I found my favorite thing about triathlons was the training. It's the daily challenge of trying to get the training in.

This year my challenge will be more about training around injuries and potential injuries. I wore my shoulder out swimming last summer and my knees are acting up as well. I've been in physical therapy since September and I am just now trying to build back into the tri sports. The trick is that I have to get it done pain-free, so it's been just little bits at a time.

That said, I'm really excited about this season and to see what it will bring me. I'll go as far as I can go without getting hurt.

 Single with 5 yr old daughter

 Just beginning a cycling program that meets once per week thru March. This will be my first formal cycling training. Easing myself back into swimming after the shoulder injury. Trying out a new tri coach to see how she can help. She is giving me some more strength training to guard against future injuries. That strength training will be my focus in January. I'll get any SBR in between that I can.

LAST YEAR'S RACES: All sprints: Rockton Triathlon, Chicago Super-Sprint, Kickapoo Valley Reserve Dam Challenge. Several 5Ks and 10Ks

2009 RACES:
 Galena, Chicago Olympic

 I like to keep the fat % low, but my real aim is to maintain rather than to lose.


2009-01-06 10:46 PM
in reply to: #1891143

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2009-01-06 10:54 PM
in reply to: #1891216

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2009-01-06 10:55 PM
in reply to: #1880994

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN

Hey Aaron, hope you have room in your group.

 Name: Big_D/Derek

 Story:  Have always beet intrigued with the ironman, but never thought I could do a marathon, much less biking and swimming too.  Never realized all the different varieties and distances out there.  This summer, my friend at work told me that he was training for a triathlon and I grew interested.  Decided to get off the couch and see what I could pull off in 12 weeks.  Ended up doing the last 12 weeks of a 20 week program and competed in my first Sprint last summer.  And I got hooked.  Crammed in 2 more sprints before the end of the season.

 My training:  I am a pretty strong swimmer with a lot of potential on the bike and run.  In my last race I realized (on the second lap) that I was biking a race course instead of racing a bike course.  So now my main focus will be getting up to speed on the bike while maintaining my swim and also working on my run.

 Last Year Races:  Pretty much covered it already, 3 sprints in a couple months at the end of the season.

 2009 Races:  My A race is going to be the Austin Longhorn Ironman 70.3.  My other target race will be the Playtri in July, the olympic distance.  I am going to mix in at least 2 sprints in the spring, and one olympic between the July and October race.

 Family Status:  Married with 3 kids.

 Weight loss:  Lost 40 lbs last year, and put about 5 on in December (holidays and resting some nagging injuries).  This year will probably drop 10 lbs and get my race weight to about 190.

 I am really excited about this upcoming season and doing a 70.3.  I have read your races and bio and know I could learn a lot from you and think this year could really be off the charts for me.



2009-01-06 11:03 PM
in reply to: #1891261

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2009-01-06 11:27 PM
in reply to: #1880994

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
Thanks Aaron.  Looking forward to a great season.  Not sure if you remember, I did meet you right before the Monster Tri.  You helped me with where to head out on the bike, I was all turned around that morning and confused (had signed up for the race that week and hadnt looked at the courses yet)  Good lesson learned on being prepared.  Pretty excited, picked up a fluid trainer tonight so no more excuses about it being too late, too dark, too cold, too hot, too whatever....going to improve my bike tremendously this year.
2009-01-07 6:19 AM
in reply to: #1880994

Quebec, Canada
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN

NAME: rlejeune / Robert

STORY: 2008 was my first year of training. I decided to start riding my bike to get back in shape back in april or so, bought a trainer and started in the basement till the snow melt. Then I started riding outside, strugling to finish 20km. The more the summer was coming the better I was getting, and one day a friend of mine got me into trying the relay duathlon that was at the begining of July. So I started to do more and more bike to make sure I would be able to finish the bike leg, which was 90km Surprised Me and my duathlon partner decided to participate into a sprint one two weeks prior to our plus to at least have an idea how a duathlon works since we both had no idea. We did both and finished not last so we were happy After that I asked my partner to do another one but he couldn't. So being who I am, I decided to start running and to do it by myself. And that's what I did. I did another one during the summer. I also ran a 5k, a 10k and a half-mary. I got some injuries because I didn't take the time to slowly increase my distance during the summer and had to stop running for 6 weeks during fall after my half-mary. In september I decided to start swimming since I want to finish a triathlon, so I did and I will be doing my first tri in May 2009.

FAMILY STATUS: I have been with my wife for 20 years and I have two kids of 12 and 15 years old.

2009 RACES: I have started to work on my 2009 race schedule, I want to complete 1 or 2 half-mary, maybe a mary. Some sprints and a Oly to finish the season.

WEIGHTLOSS: I wouldn't mind losing another 5-10 to get my bodyfat lower. I was at 200lbs when I started to train in April, I am now at 171lbs.

Thank you for your time Aaron and I hope that you still have room in your group

Edited by rlejeune 2009-01-07 7:53 AM
2009-01-07 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1880994

Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN

Hey Aaron would like to join if there is still room.


Story:Essentially a noob.  I have been interested in Tris for the past few years from watching friends compete at eagleman and kona.  Friend finally convinced me to sign up for a sprint which is days away (750m swim, 20k bike, 5k run).  I have always been active and in relatively good shape.  I started running again for running's sake over the summer.  I have played soccer most of my life.  Started biking again after ~10yr hiatus.  I also started swimming again sans freedive fins.  Swimming is my weak point so I joined a masters group which has helped.  Looking for motivation, answers to questions, and training advice.

Family Status:34, Single, 7yr old chocolate lab

Current Training:Swim two nights a week, Bike: sprint workouts with cycle team, long rides on the weekends, Run: two-three times a week speed and endurance work

2009 races:  1/11/09 sprint tri, Waiting to see how this one goes before scheduling the next one,  probably run various 5k's want to get under 20min.   Would like to do an olympic distance race this year if my swim improves enough.

Weightloss: Maybe reduce %fat

2009-01-07 8:08 AM
in reply to: #1880994

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2009-01-07 8:17 AM
in reply to: #1880994

Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN

You all have a great mentor in Aaron!! His experience at the IM distance and the transformation he has taken himself through will carry over and benefit all of you. Not trying to give him a big head or anything but I have a lot of respect for him and look forward to racing with him in June!!

(One thing though, don't let him jinx you by throwing a statement about being the fastest BTer at any race. ) That being said, I think JeepFleeb will be the fastest BTer at Eagleman 70.3!!

2009-01-07 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1891598

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2009-01-07 8:38 AM
in reply to: #1880994


Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN
Can I be the second girl to join I am a 32 year old mother of 3 children under age 4. I work full time so one of my biggest challenges is finding time to exercise more than 30 minutes/day. I am a former D-I soccer player and am trying to get back into shape. I'm an average runner (5K around 23 minutes, 10K around 48 minutes, never competed any further but would love to try a 1/2 mary this year), OK cyclist and TERRIBLE swimmer....which is where I need some help. Any thoughts?
2009-01-07 8:43 AM
in reply to: #1891654

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2009-01-07 9:45 AM
in reply to: #1880994

Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: JeepFleeb's mentor group - OPEN

Hi Aaron - I'd like to be the third tri-chick to join.  I've have heard good things about you/followed you at IMAZ (along with lots of other BTers) and have read your blog from time to time.  Don't have time right now to post my story but I can at lunch if there is still room.


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