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2009-04-15 1:28 PM

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Nashville, TN
Subject: $1.79's Mentor Group FULL of fast people
NAME: Andrew Dollar, Dollar, $1.79, Buck and Change
Atlanta, GA
This is my fourth year in the sport.  I have competed in a number of other multisport races aside from triathlons.  I have also competed at every distance in the triathlon spectrum.   I typically race about 8-10 times a year and can be found all around the nation attending races in support of other friends. 
FAMILY STATUS: Single but currently taken by another BTer (at least this week)
CURRENT TRAINING: I typically train 8-12 hours a week which is an added relief from the 14-18 in years past.  I train with both a heartrate monitor and a powermeter.  I am currently coached by Endurance Concepts. 
PRIOR YEAR'S RACES: Triple T Triathlon, Buster Britton Sprint, Ameliaman Olympic, Ironman Florida, Powerman Alabama, World Long Course Duathlon Championships, Georgia State Time Trial. 
2009 RACES:  Check out my BT page for my entire list of races.  My goals for the season are to consistently swim under 1:30 for my t-pace, increase my watts on the bike and consistently race at sub-8 on the run. 
WEIGHTLOSS: I am blessed with a crazy metabolism from years of overactivity.   
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: This is my second year mentoring athletes.   I am particularly interesting in athletes that have a few races under their belt but need more direction or help achieving their goals or jumping to the next level in distance.  I am very laid back and sarcastic but real at the same time.  I tend to take a conservative route with advice, encouraging others to strive toward high goals but understand that one doesn't have to rush things.  I also believe this sport needs to balance in your life.  We are all busy and life gets in the way.  I encourage others to think about how this sport can aid you in achieving other outcomes in lif
e.  As a mentor and athlete, I believe you get out what you put in.  That goes for this thread too.  I will help carry the conversation but I need you to ask questions and steer the group to help you too!  

If you are interested in joining my group, copy the profile from above and fill it out so I know more about you.  I will likely cap this group around 7 participants. 

Edited by ADollar79 2009-04-27 7:00 AM

2009-04-17 3:04 PM
in reply to: #2086538

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)
Hey Andrew - I'd like to join your group.  I have to go "suck it up buttercup" and do my run LT test right now but will post my bio tonite!

Lisa B
2009-04-19 8:34 PM
in reply to: #2086538

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)
Ok - better late than never - you probably know most of this about me but I'll share anyway for those that join and don't:

NAME: Lisa B
 I have been an athlete all my life.  Was a gymnast for 7 years and competed at the University of Michigan.  I have been a serious body builder (almost competed but had kids instead), kick boxer and compulsive runner, 5-6 days a week for years.  During my running obsession I did two marathons – NY and San Diego RockNRoll and too many half marathons to count.

Fast forward to my 46th year of life (3 years ago) and I was to the point where I could not stand up or walk for more than 10-15 mines at a time (of course I was still running).  The day I realized that I was in too much pain to take my kids to the new aquarium that was opening up here in Atlanta I made the decision to go ahead with L4-L5 lumbar fusion.  Surgery went great and I fought my way back to fitness.  Where there is a will there is a way…

First year after surgery I was allowed to lift weights and begin spinning classes after 6 mos.  At a year I desperately missed the endurance training and bought myself a bike during spring time.  During that first season of biking I did the MS150, my first century and 3 Gap 50 miler (through the N. GA Mountains).  When I began riding I was looking for company and found a local group of triathletes and the rest is history.

That first season that I was mainly a roadie I did two all women sprint tris without any training.  Realized how much I loved it, began training in earnest and like crazy last season.
Single with two teenagers (9th and 11th grade), 1 cat and 1 dog
CURRENT TRAINING: I have the same mean coach as $1.79 and love him!  I train by heartrate only at this point.  
PRIOR YEAR'S RACES: Tundra Time Trial, 3 State 3 Mountain Century, Indian Springs Spring, Macon RockNRollman Sprint, West Point Sprint, Iron Girl Atlanta Sprint, Chattanooga Oly, Acworth's Women's Sprint, Tri Ptree City Sprint, Tugaloo Oly,  SC HIM Relay (bike) Georgia State Time Trial. 
2009 RACES:  Didn't think I'd ever be able to "go long" again but my back doc gave me permission to do half marathons and half ironman.  I did my first half mary since preback surgery in March, ING Atlanta.  My A race is my first HIM which will be Augusta 70.3 in September.  My first race for this season is next weekend and is a sprint (and I can't wait!).  I am planning on doing 3 Sprints, 3 Olys and an Aquabike.  Check out my BT page for the list of my races.  My goals for the season are to be consist, learn self control so I don't blow up on the longer distances, swim without panicing in OW and give every race everything I have.  Oh - and faster than last year!
Lose a few pounds and some BF, maintain, but mostly learn to eat well all the time.  I am a lifetime weight watchers member and I have a tendency to go up and down 5-10 lbs (which I’m tired of).  

Thanks for having me Anderw!  Looking forward to learning from a guy with a great attitude and a lot of success.

Edited by Lisa B 2009-04-19 8:36 PM
2009-04-20 5:14 PM
in reply to: #2086538

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)
Thanks Lisa.  Now we need to get this party started!
2009-04-20 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2098229

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)
ADollar79 - 2009-04-20 6:14 PM Thanks Lisa.  Now we need to get this party started!

Heck yeah!  Maybe if they posted your group in the "Open Mentor Groups" thread that would help.
2009-04-22 7:30 AM
in reply to: #2086538

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)
Hey Andrew - can you address OWS,  panic issues and strategies for staying relaxed?  I'm doing Tanner this weekend and have had issues in the past that are always lurking in the back of my mind.  I'm be glad to get this race under my belt and want to have a postive swim experience to set the stage for the season.


2009-04-22 8:00 AM
in reply to: #2086538

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)
Good question Lisa.  I think it is a couple of things.  I would encourage you first, to get into open water as much as you can (I have some ideas for an upcoming workout that I want to coordinate).  I know that sounds simple but it is vital.   Second, when you are in open water you need to figure out what it is that you are fighting and focus on the swim itself. 

I suspect many people struggle with the pool to OWS switch.  And the problem is simple.  In the pool we are calm and collected.  That is because we are processing and focusing on internal things....heartrate, stroke cadence, form, breathing, the black line.  There is no need to panic.  We are in a controlled environment.  Put someone else in your lane with you and your focus shifts....a little.  You have to make sure you don't hit them and have an awareness about you the entire time.  An open water swim takes this to the 10th degree.  You no longer have your internal controls.  There is chaos everywhere.  No black line, no site, no direction.  And then dozens of people all around you.  So now you are focused 100% on the externalities around you. 

When you focus on have lost the focus on swimming.  Swimming is too technical to constantly worry about external things.  Think about when you are in the pool and you mind wanders.  Maybe you are thinking about your children or the stress of the day.  I am willing to bet you pace slows and you lose count of the laps you are on. 

IMO, the key to OWS is staying focused on...well....swimming.  For a sprint like Tanner, I encourage you to develop a mantra.  Something silly but useful is 400y and I AM a good swimmer.  Repeat it in the water. (I often repeat...only a few more minutes, only a few more minutes.  Even in an IM)  Focus on YOUR swim and ONLY your swim.  You will have to make adjustments in the water.  You may get hit, splashed, take on too much water.  But this happens in the pool all the time.  Except in the pool you make an adjustment and continue with the workout. 

Don't be afraid to pause in the water and breast stroke.  I know how strong you are and your breast stroke is likely faster than some peoples freestyle.  Take this moment to regather yourself and then push forward.  I do this ALL the time on longer races when I lose the feet I am drafting off of.  It helps me regain composure. 

Finally, warming up properly is essential.  A lot of people panic when their body goes horizontal (heh).  Your blood flow changes...the water is colder than expected....the wetsuit is tight.  Get in the water for 15-20 minutes prior to the race and work out these kinks so that your body is ready. 

(I think you just gave me a blog topic)
2009-04-22 11:29 AM
in reply to: #2102023

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)
My problem is not what is going on around me or even the people that hit and kick me, its being afraid of not being able to put my feet down and drowning which I mentally know if crazy.  It think you know this, but just in case, last year I did my first race in a wetsuit that I had never worn before nor had I been in a lake for the season (season before I only did two tris and didn't even swim and was happily oblivious).  Wetsuit was "choking" me and I stupidly unzipped it while swimming and pulled it down to my waist.  Dumb move as it created major drag and I had to swim from boat to boat and felt like I was going to drown the entire time.  Screwed me up mentally and I'm having trouble shaking it.

I did go to MAP last weekend and get in my wetsuit and swim for a little bit.  I welcome any and all chances to practice OWS so lemme know if you go.

So thanks for your email below.  I will read it often before races cause it makes so much sense and gives me something to think about besides fear.  I especailly like your mantra idea.  And the idea to focus on swimming. 

2009-04-22 11:51 AM
in reply to: #2086538

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)
Certainly a bad experience can haunt you.  I could always do what my mom did to me as a child.  Just throw you in the water and you will learn to swim quick

On the wetsuit, I see where you have gotten into it once already.  I suggest you soak it for a few hours tonight or tomorrow.  The thing about wetsuits is that they are a sponge.  When they dry they shrink.  It may take a few days for it to fully expand.  I forgot this before NOLA and mine was REALLY tight. 
2009-04-22 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2086538

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)

Already soaked it overnight end of last week - Marvarnett reminded!

Funny about your Mom throwing you in the water.  We had a good family friend that taught me and my brothers to swim.  My brother wouldn't get in the water, much less swim and he, just like your Mom, threw my brother in the water.  My Mom talks about freaking out to this day.  But my brother is the one who now scubas all the time, lives in CO and is a white water rafting freak.

As for me, I know my fear is completely unfounded and based on one bad experience and shows me how strong the mind can be.  I was born and raised in Miami and LIVED in the water.  Water skiing all the time and a pool in the backyard.  I need to remember what you said - that I'm strong and that nothing is going to happen.  I am hoping that Saturday will go so well that I'll be finally over this!

2009-04-22 7:22 PM
in reply to: #2086538

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Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)
Need to bump this group up...  and I want to join !!

I'm heading into my 3rd season of tri and am actually going to try to follow a plan instead of winging it on my own.    I've actually been a mentor in spring '08 and jan'09 but I feel like I need a mentor to help me reach my goal this year of taking an hour off last season's 70.3 time.
Will post full bio tomorrow.

2009-04-22 11:08 PM
in reply to: #2086538

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)

Hey all!!  I would like to join this group!

NAME: Melissa, age 23
LOCATION:  Kirksville, MO, (but will be in MI for half of June and all of July)
  This is my second year of triathlon.  I've always been athletic, but didn't play an organized sport in college.  Discovered tri my senior year, and love it!  I have a classic "do-or-die" Type A personality.  On top of that, I'm currently a first year med student.
FAMILY STATUS: Boyfriend out in Seattle, going on 2.5 years
CURRENT TRAINING: Whenever I can.  I don't have a solid guess on my hours per week, but I'm currently following the Beginner IM Plan and am on week 4.  I definatly hope to get some direction for the more experienced folks during my journey. Just got a KILLER new bike, (pics in log...can't help it...I'm so pround)
PRIOR YEAR'S RACES: Mostly sprints, one olympic at the end of the year. I'd describe myself as a MOP, but I've placed in my AG in all but one of my races last year.
2009 RACES:  Um... may have gone a bit crazy and signed up for IM Lou. Other than that, couple planned olys, and 2 half-marathons. Attemping to fit in a half IM in June, but I'm not sure where I'm going to be due to school.
WEIGHTLOSS: People hate me for my metabolism, (no joke...

Honestly, I have one major goal for this season: I want to finish Lou smiling.  It is sooo hard to do this while I'm in school, especially lately.  And I know I'm slightly nuts for jumping into this so fast, but if I didn't do it this year it would be at least 2 years before I could give it a shot.
I really need to get my bike training going, I know that's what's going to make/break me.  For being this far out from d-day, I feel my running is on point, and swimming is there too, (slow though...).  Did a half-mary this past weekend (2:02), and had a blast! First tri, (sprint), in two weeks!

Can't wait to "train" with all of you!! :0)

Edited by Pegasus1731 2009-04-22 11:25 PM
2009-04-23 6:20 AM
in reply to: #2086538

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)
Welcome Cathy & Melissa. 

I certainly can help motivate and help you both achieve your goals this year.  And Melissa, enjoy the new bike while you will soon be time to get it dirty.  Also, I used the BT IM plan for IM CDA a couple of years ago.  It will get you to the finish line with PLENTY of time to spare.  Feel free to dig through my old logs as I made the journey.  Plus, I will be up at IM LOU to yell support you for 26.2 miles
2009-04-23 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2086538

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Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)
Hi Andrew, I would love to join your group, if you have room for 1 more. I first joined BT (about 8 months ago) in an attempt to get in shape and lose weight, but have yet to run my 1st triathlon. There is a Sprint Tri in my city this Sunday, that I really should sign up for. I know I can go the distance, I just have to get out there and do it.
Corpus Christi, TX
43 years old, Registered Nurse. Working 4-12hr night shifts a week, try to get in my workouts in the morning after work.
FAMILY STATUS: Married with 4 grown children.
CURRENT TRAINING: Try to get in 3 runs, 3 bike rides and 3 swim workouts a week. Problem is that lately I have been so wiped out after work, that my only good workouts are on my days off.
PRIOR YEAR'S RACES: 2 half-marathons last fall/winter.  
2009 RACES:  Corpus Christi Triathlon (sprint 4/26), Beach to Bay relay marathon (5/15). probably another sprint and possible Oly. I would love to be able to complete the Longhorn 70.3 in Austin this October, just hope it isn't sold out by the time I decide I'm ready.   
2009-04-23 9:25 AM
in reply to: #2086538

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Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)
 NAME: Cathy
LOCATION:  Eastern Ontario, Canada

STORY: Running since 1998. First tri was as a runner on a relay team in 2006.  Took swimming lessons in Oct '06. Bought a bike in Feb '07. Did 6 tri's in '07  from sprint to HIM distance.
FAMILY STATUS: Married 30 years. Have 2 grown kids and one grandchild.
CURRENT TRAINING:  Starting the BT free 20 week HIM plan on Monday.  My work schedule is  rotating 12 hour shifts , 4 on, 5 off, includes working weekends so I'll be doing lots of tweaking to the plan and may miss a few swims in the first month until the water warms enough for OWS here.
PRIOR YEAR'S RACES: 2008 I ran one half marathon and did two tri's - local sprintish  and a 70.3.
2009 RACES:  My A race is the same 70.3 I did last year with a goal to cut an hour off my time.  Not sure about other races.. will depend if I can get the days off work.
WEIGHTLOSS:  Would be nice to drop 10 lbs before Sept.

Edited by cathyd 2009-04-23 9:27 AM
2009-04-23 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2086538

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)
Looks like we're forming a nice group of Tri Chicks for Andrew!  Looking forward to getting to know everyone. 

Sounds like I'm the lucky one without work/school time contraints and am free to train most days 2x.  I have been with my bosses for over 25 years (I'm 49, so my entire adult life) and am very lucky to work 8ish to 4ish.  My oldest kid has a car so she can pretty much drive the younger one around.  They play the same sport so that's good.  Which by the way is over so I won't even be going to any games anymore.  They are also working together this summer as lifeguards and if I'm truly lucky will have pretty much the same hours.

Jennie (I am assuming your bt name nursejennie = jennie) - sign up for the race! 

2009-04-23 12:24 PM
in reply to: #2086538

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)

You have room for more people in this group?

2009-04-23 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2086538

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)
Welcome Jennie.

Dan I still have room though you are throwing off my guy to girl ratio
2009-04-23 12:48 PM
in reply to: #2104940

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)
nursejennie - 2009-04-23 10:04 AM Hi Andrew, I would love to join your group, if you have room for 1 more. I first joined BT (about 8 months ago) in an attempt to get in shape and lose weight, but have yet to run my 1st triathlon. There is a Sprint Tri in my city this Sunday, that I really should sign up for. I know I can go the distance, I just have to get out there and do it.

Do it.  Right now you are just scared of the unknown.  Go out, make mistakes, have fun and we can work on things from there!!!
2009-04-23 6:08 PM
in reply to: #2105747

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)

ADollar79 - 2009-04-23 12:46 PM Welcome Jennie.

Dan I still have room though you are throwing off my guy to girl ratio

Well, if you can stand the guy girl ratio change:

Name: Dan Adams


Loc: Davenport, IA

Story: Got into the whole triathlon thing last year.  Started 8 races, (7sprints, 1oly) finished 7...stupid flat tires.  Have some definite love for the sport, it's a great challenge.  Before this I motorcycled a lot, not competitively in any way, and was told that biking was a great way to get into shape for that.  So started biking, friends talked me into trying a triathlon, shortly thereafter stopped motorcycling, and now spend most of my time thinking about/training for/racing tri's. 

Before that I was a heavy drinker, and triathlon is helping me kick some of those bad habits. 

Family status: Single.

Current training: Trying to follow the 20wk Beginner HIM program here.

Prior year's races: 6 regular length sprints, one long sprint (1K, 40K, 8k), one Olympic.

2009 races: 5 Sprints, 2 Olympics, 1 HIM.  Just had my first sprint of the year last Sunday, cut 7:20 off of last year's time to finish 64/566, and something like 12th in my AG.  Set PR's in both the bike and the run.  It was a good race.  Next race is May 2nd, with one more Memorial Day weekend (I think), and then two at the end of June.  Half in August (yeah, well thought out...first HIM in August in Iowa), and an Oly to round out the tri year at either the end of September or the beginning of October, whichever I'm really feeling.

Weightloss: I have no idea what weight I should actually be shooting for.  I'm at roughly 10.5% body fat right now, and as much as it sounds like a great idea to be below 190lbs, I don't know how much muscle I would end up with at that weight.  Currently 196ish @ 6'4"

Glad to be a part of the group.

2009-04-23 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2086538

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)

Hey Dan! I just finished that plan a few weeks ago. Definatly solid, but i think it could a have used a couple more long bikes.  Hope it's working out!

2009-04-23 9:25 PM
in reply to: #2106814

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)

Pegasus1731 - 2009-04-23 7:58 PM

Hey Dan! I just finished that plan a few weeks ago. Definatly solid, but i think it could a have used a couple more long bikes.  Hope it's working out!

Hey Melissa,

So far so good.  Except for week two when I kinda forgot to follow the plan.  A few more long bikes shouldn't be a problem, that's one of my three favorite parts of triathlon.  The thing I'm trying to figure out is how to incorporate my other races into the training plan.

Edited by Sprint_DA 2009-04-23 9:27 PM
2009-04-24 11:09 AM
in reply to: #2086538

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)

Hey $1.79 good luck in your race this weekend!

2009-04-24 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2107958

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)
Sprint_DA - 2009-04-24 12:09 PM

Hey $1.79 good luck in your race this weekend!

Thanks.  Anyone else have anything big going on this weekend (hint Lisa B)
2009-04-24 11:31 AM
in reply to: #2086538

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: $1.79's Mentor Group (open)

Lisa B, good luck to you on back to back days.  Nice!

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