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2009-04-30 7:42 PM

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Corpus Christi, TX
Subject: Runny nose while biking.

I have a slightly embarrassing problem just about every time I go on a bike ride over 15 miles... My nose runs almost non-stop, especially in races.

I know there are a few simple solutions to this. I could employ the use of "snot rockets" but I always end up getting the rocket all over my face or jersey. Tissues would be an option as well, but are a pain, especially during races and because I would need to use so many.

I don't think it's an allergy problem, since I have it all year round and don't generally suffer from allergies. Also, my nose doesn't run at all during runs.

I guess my point to this post was to see if anyone experiences something similar and if anyone would have any tips or things I could take to deal with it?

2009-04-30 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2122323

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Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.
The only reason I wear gloves is for the little fleece pad on the thumb to wipe my nose with.  You gotta learn the snot rockets.   Leave JoshKaptur an inspire and ask him for the technique.  He taught me, but i've only done it a few times....only successful once.  Takes practice and you have to be moving is what he taught me.
2009-04-30 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2122323

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.

Perhaps this?

And the treatment:

"This can be treated using a prescription nose spray call Atrovent nasal (generic name: ipratropium), available in 0.03% or 0.06%. The only symptom this medication controls is runny nose."

2009-04-30 8:21 PM
in reply to: #2122323

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.
When it is cold my nose is buisy on the run and the bike.  When it warms up it is no longer an issue.  I just jetisen the excess off to the right, well unless I have a strong cross wind that would make that manuver unwise.
2009-04-30 8:22 PM
in reply to: #2122323

Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.
Swine flu for sure.
2009-04-30 8:26 PM
in reply to: #2122415

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Corpus Christi, TX
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.
Can't be swine flu... I've been wearing those medical masks 24/7, even while training!

2009-04-30 8:29 PM
in reply to: #2122323

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Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.
It happens to me but also when I run. I'm an expert at snot rockets. One reason I don't like running on treadmill no snot rockets. It embarrasses my family as now I tend to do them whenever outside when not in big groups.

My dad is a retired doc and he explained it has do with mucus membranes swelling when we exercise.

I have exercise induced asthma and I've tried different drugs and have a new one waiting for me at the pharmacy to see if that will help my drippy  nose.
2009-04-30 9:22 PM
in reply to: #2122432

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Sunny Southern Cal
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.

KathyG  I'm an expert at snot rockets. One reason I don't like running on treadmill no snot rockets. It embarrasses my family as now I tend to do them whenever outside when not in big groups.

LOL, it's downright dangerous.  You get so comfortable firing away on the bike that at other times you can easily forget where you are and who is around when you get ready to shoot a snot rocket.

2009-04-30 10:11 PM
in reply to: #2122359

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Delaware, OH
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.
gopennstate - 2009-04-30 9:00 PM The only reason I wear gloves is for the little fleece pad on the thumb to wipe my nose with.

OMG!  I'm not alone!  I only BUY gloves with the little fleece pad so I have somewhere to wipe my nose!
2009-04-30 10:20 PM
in reply to: #2122323

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Corpus Christi, TX
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.

Yea, I currently use the soft part of my gloves as well, but this usually means washing them after every ride. Plus there's only so much that the glove can absorb.

Sounds like perfecting my snot rocket technique would be my best bet. I'll keep at it and try doing it while moving.

Hopefully I won't have to go the medicinal route, but if snot rockets don't do the trick, I may have to try it out.

Thanks for the help everyone!

2009-04-30 10:43 PM
in reply to: #2122323

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Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.
Yup its swine flu for might want to go to your doctor and get checked out for a runny nose...(sarcasm) I can't believe people are resorting to masks. Wow. Talk about the news sending everyone into a panic...calm down people and live your life.

2009-04-30 11:00 PM
in reply to: #2122323

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Corpus Christi, TX
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.

I was also being sarcastic about the mask; however, on the train on my way to work in Philly someone was actually wearing one. I literally laughed out loud when I saw it.

It's amazing what the media can do to whip up public panic in a flash.

2009-04-30 11:13 PM
in reply to: #2122323

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Extreme Veteran
Long Beach, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.
I'm a girl... I find that gloves take too long to put on during a race... so, I stock my bike bag with tissues (It sits on the bar, so easy to reach... I also load it with nutrition) , then put the dirty ones in my bike shorts pockets... I haven't figured out snot rockets... but I'm willing to learn.
2009-05-01 6:54 AM
in reply to: #2122323

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Southwest Chicago 'burbs
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.

Same problem here!

I've taken to carrying a bandana with me - even during races, I'll shove it into my back pocket.  Absorbs more than gloves (and then I don't have to worry about gloves in transition) and much less messy than tissues.  I enjoy the bike so much more when I'm not swiping at my nose nonstop!

I've tried snot rockets and am sad to say that this talent utterly eludes me.  

The upside of the bandana is that if you're careful you can use it to wipe sweat out of your eyes, too.  Like I said - just pay some attention as to what you're wiping where.  

2009-05-01 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2122323

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Whispering Pines, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.

Snot rockets are an art. Takes time to learn. I can rocket one over the left or right shoulder now, and not get dirty, and hit a penny on the ground. One time, going 30mph+, i missed and it was headed to my shirt and, amazingly, it kind of went with the airflow around my sleeve/shoulder.

don't bother with tissues or gloves, learn to snot rocket.

2009-05-01 8:05 AM
in reply to: #2122323

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Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.
I'm going to ask an ignorant question- can Sudafed be safely used for long bike rides (3+ hours)?  I hate the runny nose that comes with biking, as it greatly affects my breathing, especially when hydrating.  I've considered Sudafed, and I was wondering what the potential side effects might be or if it would even be effective against the cornucopia of goo.

2009-05-01 8:34 AM
in reply to: #2122323

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.
I have the same problem.  I now take one of those blue paper shop towels that come on a roll with me and stuff it either in my Bento box or one of my jersey pockets.  Fortunately, the problem goes away when the temps get warmer.

The problem I have that is more embarassing is that my larynx gets dry when I am working hard on the bike after about 30 minutes or so and if I have to give any sort of shout out to other riders, my voice frequently cracks and I sound like I am dying or an adolescent kid whose voice is changing.  I have learned to just point and use hand signals a lot more.

2009-05-01 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2123123

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Extreme Veteran
New Port Richey, FL
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.

kagoscuba - 2009-05-01 9:05 AM I'm going to ask an ignorant question- can Sudafed be safely used for long bike rides (3+ hours)?  I hate the runny nose that comes with biking, as it greatly affects my breathing, especially when hydrating.  I've considered Sudafed, and I was wondering what the potential side effects might be or if it would even be effective against the cornucopia of goo.

I don't see a problem with Sudafed, other than that it's a decongestant, and will not fix your runny nose problem (could even make it worse). You'd want an antihistamine to dry things up, such as loratidine, cetirizine, diphenhydramine, chlorpheneramine. Problem is, the ones that work best will make you drowsy, and the non-drowsy ones often don't work all that well.

2009-05-01 12:03 PM
in reply to: #2122323

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Alpharetta (until we find a home)
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.
sorry-pharmacist add in here
the anti histamine drugs will do nothing for a runny nose that is not caused by allergies (histamine release mediated by mast cells)

pseudophed may work but it is a systemic agent and does cause hypertension and vasoconstriction- the last things that you probably need during a race

Other than wiping you could try an vasoconstrictive nasal spray (anything containing oxymetazoline, ex Afrin). This exerts the effect (constricting blood vessels reducing fluid leakage through the membrane making snot) locally rather than across your whole body. The only issue you might run into is rebound congestion when the drug wears off in 10-12 hours or bloody noses if you dose too high or for too long. 

I dont mind running and biking with snot on my face or wiping on my shirt. I am sure my wife appreciates it as no woman will ever want to talk to me with snot on my hands and face. Laughing
2009-05-01 12:03 PM
in reply to: #2122323

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New user
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.
I only recently got better with the snot rocket.  Like someone said above, it does take time to learn proper technique; but once you have it down it's a great skill!  Pre snot rockets, I would just blow my nose on into my hand and do a quick whip to the side to get rid of the chunks, the clear wet stuff I'd just wipe on my pants or shirt! 

I was thinking as I was riding this morning - sweat dripping all over the frame of my new bike, snot all over the hoods of the brakes along with snot all over my face, jerzy and pants that I really felt pretty proud of who I was(am)!

2009-05-01 1:15 PM
in reply to: #2122323

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Katy, TX (West of Houston)
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.

I got this in an e-mail from someone I ride with:

Most cycling skills are simple to acquire.

Want to climb better? Ride up hills, fast. Don't eat foods that contain
fats, sugars or, well, calories. Make sure you were born with lungs the size
of air bags.

Want to descend better? Ride down hills, fast. Don't eat foods that will
make it back up past the lump in your throat. Make sure you were born with a
brain the size of a ball bearing.

But one biking skill is agonizingly difficult to pick up. It requires hours
of practice and demands iron discipline. Many riders labor for years but
never attain proficiency.

I'm talking about nose blowing.

Part art, part science, nostril cleansing marks the successful practitioner
as a true cyclist. The others just blow.

You've seen these proboscis posers. They discreetly pull a tissue from their
jersey pockets and dab daintily at their nose. Or they pretend to wipe their
sweaty brow on their shoulder when they're actually honking into an armpit.

This is just wrong, people. Here, possibly for the first time in print, is
the right way:

A. Tilt head to one side of bike. When clearing left nostril, tilt head to
left side. And vice versa.

B. Clamp right thumb over right nostril with fingers slightly curled.
(Well-bred riders may extend the pinky if so desired.)

C. Forcefully exhale through left nostril. Don't namby-pamby it, or you'll
decorate the top tube.

I heard recently from a reliable source that it's possible to empty both
nostrils at once. Apparently people with an equestrian background excel at
this, because you get penalized if you remove a hand from the reins in

And I thought horseback riding was just a backwater sport populated by
people wearing funny hats and tight pants. Unlike cycling.

2009-05-01 1:19 PM
in reply to: #2122323

New user
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.

i have the same problem if the temp is below 60 degrees.  after a good ride, my arm warmers look like a pack of snails went to town on them.

2009-05-01 1:56 PM
in reply to: #2124072

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Katy, TX (West of Houston)
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.

BRinSM - 2009-05-01 1:19 PM

i have the same problem if the temp is below 60 degrees.  after a good ride, my arm warmers look like a pack of snails went to town on them.

OK.....nasty.....just blow. please.

2009-05-01 2:20 PM
in reply to: #2122323

New user
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.
blowing doesn't work since my nose is more like a leaky faucet than anything.  it would actually make a bigger mess if tried to blow that stuff out.  but if i get some good thick stuff brewing, i shoot it as far as i can (sometimes trying go take out small birds Wink). 
2009-05-01 2:21 PM
in reply to: #2122323

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Evergreen, CO
Subject: RE: Runny nose while biking.
Ha!  Great email Joe!

I'm a very proficient snot rocketer, but can't spit worth a darn.  We all have our shortcomings.

Edited by skarl 2009-05-01 2:22 PM
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