General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Hotels for Pinehurst Rss Feed  
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2009-08-27 3:50 PM

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Subject: Hotels for Pinehurst
Anyone have a hotel they prefer?

2009-08-27 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2374916

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Johns Creek, Georgia
Subject: RE: Hotels for Pinehurst
Man, I may just stay home and go from here.  But again, that's 1 hour drive tim e but I did same for Kerr Lake, it will give me time to get my head on straight.  If you find any good deals though I may be game
2009-08-27 4:40 PM
in reply to: #2374916

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Chapel Hill, NC
Subject: RE: Hotels for Pinehurst
Pinehurst is driveable in one day. You will get lost on the way to the site. Every year I do. I even had really good directoins from someone on BT last year, and still got lost!

Here's what I wrote in 2007 race report about pre-race stuff...

"My alarm went off at 4:45am. I got dressed, loaded my bike and gear bag onto my car, and mixed up a thermos of oatmeal to eat en route. I was on the road by 5:15. It was a 1.5 hour drive to the race site.

I got a little lost on the way. The directions on the Setup Inc site are sketchy, and Google maps is not much better. To top it off, I didn’t see any other vehicles with bikes as I neared the race site. That got me real worried. Usually, once I get close to a race site, I can just follow the caravan of bike-laden cars to the site.

I finally arrived at about 7:10am. Race time was 8am, my wave started at 8:24. The instructions said packet pickup closed at 7am, but I wasn’t too concerned because I think they just tell you that to encourage you not to get there at the last minute. I filled up my tires, greased my chain, loaded up my gear onto my back and rode the 1/2 mile from the parking to the transition area. Not much interesting happened during race prep. I did hit the porta potty about 8:05 am, 20 minutes before my start time."
2009-08-27 4:43 PM
in reply to: #2374916

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Subject: RE: Hotels for Pinehurst
I know I could drive, but my wife and children are going to come watch this one (their first) and if we stay in a hotel they can sleep in while I go through the prerace prep. So, I will be staying somewhere near by. The race limk gives some suggestions, I was just hoping someone had some good info on one hotel relative to the others.


Edited by DougRob 2009-08-27 4:44 PM
2009-08-27 5:14 PM
in reply to: #2375059

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Chapel Hill, NC
Subject: RE: Hotels for Pinehurst
gotcha. it is a lovely place for spectating (and racing). Your family should have a great day!
2009-08-27 6:47 PM
in reply to: #2374916

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Subject: RE: Hotels for Pinehurst
I am staying at the Homewood Suites. They are decent. According to googlemaps the race site is 3-4 miles from the hotel.

The Pinehurst resort is a little too fancy for me, besides I have to use my Hilton points for something.

2009-08-27 9:09 PM
in reply to: #2374916

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Subject: RE: Hotels for Pinehurst
homewood is good, you can even look into the aberdeen area...its not too far from the marina either...

I'm goin to be stayin at the parents house in Sanford- figured i'd cut the drive in half and stay for free.
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