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HQBN Sprint Triathlon - TriathlonSprint

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MCB Kaneohe , Hawaii
United States
Marine Corps Community Services
75F / 24C
Total Time = 1h 10m 34s
Overall Rank = 72/270
Age Group = M25-29
Age Group Rank = 14/42
Pre-race routine:

About as bad as you can get for a pre-race routine. I didn't work out Friday, but we had a potential triple header softball game after work. Of course, we won the first two games, which meant we did play all three, and drank 5 beers in the process. Didn't get home till about 10:30 pm and didn't get to bed till almost midnight.

Woke up at 3 am...which in hindsight was about an hour too early. I still had to do packet pickup at the race site, so I figured I needed to get there early. Race was supposed to start at 6:30, so I got there around 4:20. They weren't even set up yet. At about 5am, the pickup tent was open, got my chip, body marked and then got a prime transition location (being I was the first one there). It was right near the bike exit/entrance.
Event warmup:

I was still tired from last night's softball games so no point in warming up...just stretched out a bit.
  • 11m 21s
  • 547 yards
  • 02m 05s / 100 yards
Comments: my first tri was a month and a half ago. With current and waves. It was also 250 meters I figured this would be a piece of cake. My swimming has also drastically improved since then, so I was expecting a pretty good performance for my standards...maybe 1:55 per 100 yards. Hmmm...not sure what went wrong. From the start I felt okay, but about a minute later my HR spiked and I started to panic. There was tons of contact and I felt like I had to slow up everytime I ran into someone, or someone swam over me. I was getting passed as I normally do, but there was just no room to maneuver. Never at any point did I feel that I was swimming. It was simply 500 meters of water survival. That being said...I was still slightly faster than my first tri's pace. I think part of it was that I could have swam much faster if I just didn't keep running into people. It's not so much that I was passing tons of people...but people were passing me, and it seemed like everyone who did pass me, did so by cutting me off or swimming over me. I think I should have started farther back and too the outside at the start. I was about in the middle and inside...but it was so not worth it.
What would you do differently?:

Start in the middle back of the pack and the outside to avoid getting run over. Maybe punch people who tried to pass me so they would stay out of my way...=)
Transition 1
  • 01m 8s

Coming out of the water, my legs felt like crap. I don't know if it was because I was kicking too much during the swim, or simply because I was tired from last night. I "jogged" to my spot, and things went well from there...until I actually got on my bike.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing really.
  • 31m 18s
  • 11.12 miles
  • 21.32 mile/hr

Ok...since this happened right after T1, I suppose it's part of the bike comments. But as soon as I jump on my bike, I realize my speed cadence sensor has been knocked and the speed sensor is hitting my spokes. I drop an F bomb then jump of my bike and take about 5 seconds to readjust it. I figure I lost about 20 seconds total having to slow down and get back up to speed. I checked my wheel before racking my bike, so not sure how it got knocked off line. GRRR!!! Not the best confidence booster after a bad swim.

Anyway...I digress. My legs are still not feeling it, and I'm struggling to go 17 mph on a slight incline into the wind. But after a few minutes, the legs loosen up a bit and I'm going about 21-22. At one turnaround point, my left calf cramps. I reach for some endurolytes I had in my tri short pocket...but it's not there. Oh well, water will have to do. It subsided and never really came back. When the winds were finally at our back, I was flying down about 28 mph. It didn't last long, but it was fun while it lasted. I was passing people by the bunches, and everyone who passed me, I eventually passed back on the second lap. In a way I knew they would pass me on the run...but I wanted my small victory over them.
What would you do differently?:

Fill up the PD aero bottle a little more...I ran out of water the last 2 miles. Other than that...I smashed the bike...almost top 15% even with the 20 or so seconds I lost.
Transition 2
  • 00m 43s

Not a bad T2. Not blazing...but no major foul ups. My race belt did I had to stuff it in my back pocket. No real time lost.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing...but make sure my race belt clip doesn't come off.
  • 26m 5s
  • 3.14 miles
  • 08m 17s  min/mile

Since I ran out of water on the bike, I decided to take a small water bottle with me on the run to make sure I didn't cramp up again. I reach down for a GU I had in my pocket...but it's not you see a trend building??? I'm getting passed, but going along okay. There were no mile markers, so I had no idea what pace I was going. But judging from HR...I was not pushing enough. I was int he low 160's and I wanted to race closer to LT at around 170. So I force myself to up the effort during the uphill portion. As we're coming back down, my running legs start to come back a little. My HR is closer to 170, and I try to convince myself to eat the punishment of the last mile. It doesn't really work body doesn't respond. However, during the last 500 yards or so, I pick up the pace along with another guy...we both kick it up into another gear, but eventually I somehow shift into overdrive and take him the last 100 feet. I nearly took out a guy taking off his timing chip after the finish line...whoops.
What would you do differently?:

Run the first half harder. The fact that I had enough energy to break out into a sprint tells me that mentally I am not pushing myself hard enough in the beginning of the race.
Post race
Warm down: my endurolytes go missing...then my GU. I had them in different pockets of my new 4 pocket desoto tri shorts. I used them on the bike before, but never during the swim. So I get back to transition and OH SH! car key is gone too. In fact, there is nothing in my pockets. The pockets are very deep...about 3 inches, so I figured no way it could come out. I had my key in my zoot tri short pocket before with no problem. I guess I should have just left it in transition or in my bento box...but I was scared that during a race, if I flatted, I might rip everything out of that bag and lose my key on the course...instead...I lost it in the water. Called my mom who had a spare key, and she came by about an hour later.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Need to do more full contact swimming. Going to take off the speed/cadence computer and move it back to my road just doesn't fit well on my tri worked fine once I readjusted it, but I had doubts that it could move and hit the spokes. Go harder on the run. Don't try anything new...tri shorts with stuff in pockets in the water. If this was my Oly last would have been a nutrition disaster.

Event comments:

I gave this race a 4 because it's only $40. What do you expect for such a deal. It was on a marine corp base, so the marines were most of the support crew. Awesome job by them...there must have been at least 75 of them helping out.

Last updated: 2010-04-29 12:00 AM
00:11:21 | 547 yards | 02m 05s / 100yards
Age Group: 18/42
Overall: 110/270
Performance: Below average
Suit: Tri Top/Shorts
Course: Triangle swim in a bay. Very little current, and no waves
Start type: Wade Plus: Waves
Water temp: 78F / 26C Current: Low
200M Perf. Below average Remainder: Bad
Breathing: Bad Drafting: Average
Waves: Navigation: Good
Rounding: Good
Time: 01:08
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Bad
00:31:18 | 11.12 miles | 21.32 mile/hr
Age Group: 6/42
Overall: 43/270
Performance: Good
Wind: Some
Course: Course was a two loop around the marine base. Roads were somewhat smooth, but had some rough patches. Winds were pretty strong for the morning...about 15-20 steady.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Good
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Not enough
Time: 00:43
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes
Jumping off bike
Running with bike Average
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:26:05 | 03.14 miles | 08m 17s  min/mile
Age Group: 33/42
Overall: 137/270
Performance: Average
Course: Out and back...going out was uphill, then downhill to a flat finish.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 3
Good race? Ok
Course challenge Too easy
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? No
Post race activities: Below average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2010-05-08 3:43 PM

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Subject: HQBN Sprint Triathlon

2010-05-08 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2846102

Subject: RE: HQBN Sprint Triathlon
That was a heck of a kick you had at the end there!! I was about 10 back when we got into the hangar area and hoped to catch a few guys, but nobody really had anything...until I came up on you that is.  Good race!
2010-05-08 5:48 PM
in reply to: #2846102

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: HQBN Sprint Triathlon
Wow!  Sometimes the hardest part of a race has nothing to do with the race at all.  Good job on pushing through it.  I'm sure you will have a better race next time.
2010-05-08 5:58 PM
in reply to: #2846102

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Subject: RE: HQBN Sprint Triathlon
yeah...when I realized my key was in the bay...I kind of freaked out.  Overall, I had a good race all things considered.  1:12 was my goal, and sub 1:10 would have been awesome.  I would rate my performance a 7.5/10.  The mistakes I did make did not cost me that much time.  A flat would have been much worse.  Just makes me think how perfect I did my first race.  You don't realize what can go wrong till they actually do.
2010-05-08 8:16 PM
in reply to: #2846238

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: HQBN Sprint Triathlon
Hey great job.  21+ on the bike is smokin in my book.
2010-05-08 11:28 PM
in reply to: #2846102

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Subject: RE: HQBN Sprint Triathlon
Great job on the bike and run especially with the winds this morning.

2010-05-10 1:50 PM
in reply to: #2846102

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West Grove, PA
Subject: RE: HQBN Sprint Triathlon
Great job.  With all the mishaps, you stuck it out and still came in with very impressive splits.  Well done!
2010-05-11 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2846102

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Kailua, Hawaii
Subject: RE: HQBN Sprint Triathlon
well done !!  

I think the swim is tough because for (1) its really murky, you can't see a thing, (2) that damn sun was in my face on the outside leg, and (3) mosh pit for most of the way.

bike was confusing, and of course that damn wind...I felt like my bike legs were struggling to keep pace.

run was decent and fast..

are you doing Honolulu this weekend ?
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