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2010-10-16 1:15 AM

Subject: I need new hobbies
Apart from triathlon and work I don't really do much with my time. I'm 22 years old and male and live in New Zealand. 

I get along just fine during the week keeping busy but in the weekend afternoons after I've done my training in the mornings I get quite bored around home. I'm also pretty tired from the morning training so don't exactly feel like doing more exercise like hikes, etc.

What are some ideas? I like fishing but don't have a boat and this is only really available in the summertime. I like pretty much all sports, but am generally too tired from training and also love the outdoors. 

I'm also drifting apart from my school and uni friends because all they want to do is stay up late and drink/party but I want to get up early and train. Which kind of sucks. So somewhere to meet new people would be good too. 

What are some non-physically demanding hobbies you all get up to in the weekend?

Edited by Flying Kiwi 2010-10-16 1:17 AM

2010-10-16 1:54 AM
in reply to: #3155473

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: I need new hobbies

I sew or knit - most guys aren't into that. DH plays guitar. Learn an instrument? Read? Is there something you've thought about trying? I've taken various types of craft classes. Didn't like them all as ongoing hobbies, but had fun during the classes. You might meet some new people too. Learn beer brewing? That's a lot of wait-and-see, but fun. Are you a fly fisherman? You could tie flies. Volunteer?

2010-10-16 5:30 AM
in reply to: #3155473

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NOVA - Ironic for an Endurance Athlete
Subject: RE: I need new hobbies
You are in NZed and like the outdoors and you don't know what to do for a hobby?

Wow.  I'd be on a trout stream every free moment that I was not working or training.  And tramping.
2010-10-16 6:04 AM
in reply to: #3155473

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Subject: RE: I need new hobbies
I'm learning to play the bagpipes. Extremely challenging for my first instrument ever. Loads of fun.
2010-10-16 6:18 AM
in reply to: #3155473

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: I need new hobbies
Magic: The Gathering

I used to play (almost) at the pro-level. Lots of fun, mentally challenging, time consuming, and hey, most importantly, you could make a boatload of money being only relatively good. I made over $5k one summer on my "hobby"

Edited by Leegoocrap 2010-10-16 6:18 AM
2010-10-16 8:04 AM
in reply to: #3155473

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Subject: RE: I need new hobbies
Shuffleboard. All the cool kids are doing it!

Seriously. Old school fun. Not strenuous but you still get to compete. And, our court allows booze, so we usually have a couple of beers or drinks with our festivities.

I've also taken up sailing; first class in 2 weeks. If you crew for someone, it's not strenuous - it's heaven.

2010-10-16 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3155572

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: I need new hobbies
hiking, kayaking, photography, mountain biking, archery.....lots of stuff out there.
2010-10-16 8:47 AM
in reply to: #3155473

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: I need new hobbies

I was going to say go visit strip clubs, but, I don't think you want to throw out your money.

One of the most relaxing things is probably getting into reading.  Are there bookclubs around near you?

Find a topic, like electricity/being an electrician, and then surf the Internet and educate yourself?

Edited by 1stTimeTri 2010-10-16 8:54 AM
2010-10-16 8:53 AM
in reply to: #3155610

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: I need new hobbies
strip clubs need electricity too..... two great tastes that taste great together...so to speak
2010-10-16 9:45 AM
in reply to: #3155473

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: I need new hobbies
2010-10-16 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3155473

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Subject: RE: I need new hobbies

Golf.  Ride a cart and all you have to do is swing the club.  You'll meet new people, because normally you can't golf alone, especially on the weekends.  The clubhouse is going to place you with another group that is short one or two golfers.

It's a very mentally demanding sport, and can be as physically demanding as you make it.  Seriously, look at all the senior citizens that still have fun playing golf.  Which brings up another good thing about golf: even when your Ironman days are over, you can relive the glory days over a beer with your buddies after 18 holes.

2010-10-16 9:53 AM
in reply to: #3155473

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: I need new hobbies
But on a more serious note...
If you have the interest, learning how to make violins is one of the more captivating hobbies I have encountered. Fascinating history. Unending learning. Great opportunity to use hands, learn new skill sets, create. Wonderful and helpful people. Can help local school who can't afford pros fixing their instruments. And violins/violas/cellos/(even basses) are cool...a few pieces of wood slapped together 300 years ago with hide glue can elevate your mood to the places beyond understanding...or just play a really simple but moving tune... 
2010-10-16 10:23 AM
in reply to: #3155473

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: I need new hobbies
Something non-physically demanding that you could do on the weekends?

So almost any new skill requiring proficiency to really enjoy (like playing an instrument) is out because it would require more than just weekends to learn. 

Is there a volunteer program you'd  be interested in? Visiting shut-ins, or elderly veterans? Adult literacy programs? 
2010-10-16 3:49 PM
in reply to: #3155473

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Extreme Veteran
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: I need new hobbies

  Seriously, racing sailboats is a blast, not too taxing, and boat owners are always looking for crew. It's a healthy, social, and fun sport that is not too taxing and most people love it who try it.

And as to the not drinking your face off every weekend with the buds, good on ya. I wish I had grown out of that sooner than I did.   

2010-10-16 4:06 PM
in reply to: #3155473

Subject: RE: I need new hobbies
If you like movies, check around and see if there is a movie club in the area where people get together, watch a movie, than head out for dinner to discuss it.

Get a playstation, Xbox or Wii...play video games.

Check to see if there is a theater nearby that teaches improv classes.

If you are artistic - paint, sculpt, take photos.

See if the local bike shop is looking for some help.

Look into skydiving and getting certified.

2010-10-16 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3155473

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: I need new hobbies
 2 a days.

2010-10-16 6:04 PM
in reply to: #3155473

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: I need new hobbies
on weekends. read, play some video games maybe. I play music every day and on the weekends I have longer gigs/practices. photography is a nice hobby too.
 you could probably find some tri- related friends that know what it is to go to bed early?
2010-10-16 6:52 PM
in reply to: #3155871

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: I need new hobbies
blairrob - 2010-10-16 4:49 PM YOU'RE A KIWI MAN, GO SAILING!

  Seriously, racing sailboats is a blast, not too taxing, and boat owners are always looking for crew. It's a healthy, social, and fun sport that is not too taxing and most people love it who try it.

And as to the not drinking your face off every weekend with the buds, good on ya. I wish I had grown out of that sooner than I did.   


I would have said that...but figured he had already figured that one out?!?!
(Of course most sailors have got a pretty good handle on tossing a beer down)
Wish I lived down there...still thinking about it... 
2010-10-16 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3155473

Subject: RE: I need new hobbies
Ok everyone, thanks heaps for the advice!

Had a 110k cycling race this morning, so this afternoons hobby is going to be a sleep I think.  
2010-10-16 11:14 PM
in reply to: #3155473

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Extreme Veteran
Las Vegas
Subject: RE: I need new hobbies
I second learning an instrument.  My guitar has been my best friend for over 40 decades.  It was there for my best times, as well as my worst times.  It can allow you to express yourself in ways that you have no other way to do so.  When no one else is there for you your instrument loves you and allows you to love it back.

Another excellent hobby is stained glass.  To make something out of nothing can be one of the most satisfying feelings ever.  Hanging or giving someone a completed project with the sun shining through your work of art is awe inspiring.

Ok so I'm a left over hippie still into peace love and happiness.
2010-10-17 7:15 AM
in reply to: #3156168

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: I need new hobbies
SWIM2LIVE - 2010-10-17 12:14 PM I second learning an instrument.  My guitar has been my best friend for over 40 decades.  It was there for my best times, as well as my worst times.  It can allow you to express yourself in ways that you have no other way to do so.  When no one else is there for you your instrument loves you and allows you to love it back.

Another excellent hobby is stained glass.  To make something out of nothing can be one of the most satisfying feelings ever.  Hanging or giving someone a completed project with the sun shining through your work of art is awe inspiring.

Ok so I'm a left over hippie still into peace love and happiness.

Dang, Methuselah.

2010-10-17 5:56 PM
in reply to: #3155473

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the Alabama part of Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: I need new hobbies

Here are my non-sport hobbies (past and current): reading, movies, quilting, knitting,cooking, photography, sewing, woodworking, stained glass, piano, guitar, painting, gardening. When I was in college, I used to paint lead miniatures as well, and I had a cousin who was into model trains.

I can't imagine being bored in life, or needing to find something to do. I am always up to try anything.

2010-10-17 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3155473

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Dirt Road
Subject: RE: I need new hobbies

Join a dive club. 
2010-10-17 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3156923

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: I need new hobbies
Karibu - 2010-10-18 8:30 AM SCUBA

Join a dive club. 

Because with triathlon, he still needs another expensive, gear-heavy sport???
2010-10-18 8:38 AM
in reply to: #3155473

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Subject: RE: I need new hobbies

Kayak, fish, snorkel, they can all be done in a relaxed manner.

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