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2005-08-19 1:35 PM

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Subject: randy moss likes pot

So I was enjoying my cocoa puffs on my day off this morning, and happened to switch over to Cold Pizza on The Deuce (sportscenter went to commercial) and they have some team lawyer for the Vikings on there, talking about the HBO interview that Randy Moss did, where he supposedly admits to smoking (or at having done it in the past) marajuana.  This lawyer goes on to say something to the effect of, and I'm not quoting because I can't remember exactly, "What's the big deal?  So he smoked pot in high school."

Great message for the Vikings and the NFL to promote.

2005-08-19 1:57 PM
in reply to: #229093

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New City, New York
Subject: RE: randy moss likes pot
uh, Moss is on the Raiders now. Maybe coming from them it's not so bad

Edited by rollinbones 2005-08-19 1:57 PM
2005-08-19 2:04 PM
in reply to: #229093

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Subject: RE: randy moss likes pot
On the "Ocho" they showed him doing bong loads with Ricky Williams and Lenny Cravitz.....
2005-08-19 2:16 PM
in reply to: #229115

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Subject: RE: randy moss likes pot
rollinbones - 2005-08-19 2:57 PMuh, Moss is on the Raiders now. Maybe coming from them it's not so bad
ummm, thats what I meant. Clearly i had too many burritos today.
2005-08-19 2:34 PM
in reply to: #229093

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
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Subject: RE: randy moss likes pot
So I ask, "What's the big deal?  So he smoked pot in high school." Any kid that's using Moss as a role model already has some huge deficiencies. Other than that, who cares what someone did ten years ago?

Edited by the bear 2005-08-19 2:35 PM
2005-08-19 2:51 PM
in reply to: #229125

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2005-08-19 3:03 PM
in reply to: #229165

Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: randy moss likes pot
JeepFleeb - 2005-08-19 1:51 PM

HA!  You kill me Bill.

I don't care if Randy Moss smoked pot in high school or last week.  It's not a performance enhancing drug so I see nothing wrong with him smoking if he wants.  But I'm also one of those nutty Libertarians who doesn't think the government should prohibit any drug.

Especially one as innocuous as marijuana.

2005-08-19 3:25 PM
in reply to: #229093

Two seat rocket plane
Subject: RE: randy moss likes pot
Hell, if smoking pot turns you into as much of a reeking sphincter as R. Moss, then we don't need any more effective anti-drug propoganda from the gov't....
2005-08-19 4:11 PM
in reply to: #229156

Ann Arbor, MI
Subject: RE: randy moss likes pot
I just don't care about pot. I know, I know but I don't. I know a lot of kids who didn't and I know a lot who did. I am much more bothered by people who do drugs or drink and get behind a wheel of a car.
2005-08-19 5:21 PM
in reply to: #229093

Subject: RE: randy moss likes pot
Big deal Randy Moss has hit the ganja.
2005-08-19 6:38 PM
in reply to: #229093

portland, or
Subject: RE: randy moss likes pot
While I haven't seen the interview, or the piece you're referring to on Cold Pizza, I did read a report on the episode in today's Times. It kwotes Moss as saying "I have used, you know, marijuana since I've been in the league.''..."But as far as abusing it and, you know, letting it take control over me, I don't do that, no.''

When asked if he still uses it, Moss said, "I might. I might have fun. And hopefully I won't get into any trouble by the NFL by saying that. I have had fun throughout my years and, you know, predominantly in the offseason.''

A little more incriminating. His agent, or attorney (forget which) is accusing HBO of baiting him, or some such nonsense.

Personally it doesn't matter to me. Of course there was a time when I was frequently "having fun".


2005-08-22 12:07 AM
in reply to: #229093

Subject: RE: randy moss likes pot
For all you non-raiders fans, maybe you would wish that he sparked up before every game.

Would make wide receiving interesting....very interesting.

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