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2011-10-26 4:44 PM

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, Minnesota
Subject: Imported plan put stuff on wrong days

I put together a .csv file so I could import my plan.  I wanted to use the cycle program with a running program, and sadly without being able to "append" the plan I had to merge them in Excel and then re-import.

Anyway, I tinkered with the file and put the cycling days on Mondays and Fridays (just half of the plan, days 1 and 2) alng with my running scheduled.   I uploaded the plan and the cycling days got off on a totally different schedule.   The first date on my import file was 10/30 and I made sure to "start the plan" on 10/30.  I am not sure what else to do.

And it's not just that they are off by a day or two, but spaced correctly.  They are all over the place.


Also, it's frustrating that when I import a plan I don't get to the "my training plans" page OR a page that says congratulations, you imported the plan, want to look at it?    I have to go back to my Settings, etc, to find it.  There were a few other idiosyncracies I ran into in this process that I will mention when I see them again.  But basically when importing or exporting it would be nice to be returned to where I started at the very least.

2011-10-26 4:50 PM
in reply to: #3739516

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Imported plan put stuff on wrong days

I just tried again and deleted the first several days from the plan so my new plan would start on the first bike day, a Monday, which is also how I start my training week (I remember this being a problem before).   Even though the first bike workout did end up on that Monday, the following workouts were still misplaced randomly.

I will leave it be for a while now so you can look at it.  The current plan is one of my custom training plans called "Try Again."  I can certainly send/attach the .csv file if needed.

2011-10-28 4:12 PM
in reply to: #3739528

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Imported plan put stuff on wrong days
Ohferpetessake.   I looked hard again at the import file (created from an export) and there were duplicate dates!  No wonder it was confused.   I fixed it up and it's fine now.  So, never mind.    I hope the duplicate date thing was a fluke.
2011-10-29 11:23 AM
in reply to: #3742861

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Subject: RE: Imported plan put stuff on wrong days
Whew.  This was going to be my weekend project.
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