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2012-05-16 9:33 AM

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Melon Presser
Subject: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Carry on, Manatees.

2012-05-16 10:51 AM
in reply to: #4212573

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Woohoo!  I get to break-in the new thread! 

Not sure about what training I'm going to do today.  I've completely abandoned my plan at this point. haha.  There is a "Ride of Silence" today that the local bike club is putting on that I may try to participate in.  I really should run though.  I'm also thinking about signing up for a spring tri this weekend.  All of this depends of childcare though.  Augh. Speaking of, I'm dying here today.  Eleanor, my 3-year old, was getting a bit hyper yesterday and was jumping around the living room.  Jumped right into the piano bench and caught the edge with her right brow.  Put a nice gash in it.  3-hours at the ER and a traumatized kid later, we're getting home at 11:30pm and trying to get her to calm down and get some sleep.  Of course my 7month old decides that now is a good time to start waking up a 3am again.  Since mom is with Ella, I get to calm down Rex. Then back up again at 6am to start the day.  I'm suprised I'm still somewhat coherent.

2012-05-16 11:07 AM
in reply to: #4212832

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
wushunut - 2012-05-16 10:51 AM

Woohoo!  I get to break-in the new thread! 

Not sure about what training I'm going to do today.  I've completely abandoned my plan at this point. haha.  There is a "Ride of Silence" today that the local bike club is putting on that I may try to participate in.  I really should run though.  I'm also thinking about signing up for a spring tri this weekend.  All of this depends of childcare though.  Augh. Speaking of, I'm dying here today.  Eleanor, my 3-year old, was getting a bit hyper yesterday and was jumping around the living room.  Jumped right into the piano bench and caught the edge with her right brow.  Put a nice gash in it.  3-hours at the ER and a traumatized kid later, we're getting home at 11:30pm and trying to get her to calm down and get some sleep.  Of course my 7month old decides that now is a good time to start waking up a 3am again.  Since mom is with Ella, I get to calm down Rex. Then back up again at 6am to start the day.  I'm suprised I'm still somewhat coherent.

Oh no, sorry about your little one.  I remember my kids at that age.  Heh, always on the go and constantly climbing and jumping onto things.  I hope she's recovering well.  I don't envy your "early" wake up call from your 7 month old,  but it will pass.  Hang in there.

Yanti, I'm sorry to hear about your Mom.  Prayers to you and your Mom.  Travel safe.

I rode 32 miles today and felt great.  My foot doesn't hurt when I ride, but I feel a twinge on the outside of my foot just below the ankle bone when I go to unclip from the peddle.  I know I need some new running shoes.  They are very expired.  If my injury is due to the shoes, it's my own dumb fault for procrastinating.  I'm notorious for waiting till the last minute to do things.  Lesson learned.  Duh. Embarassed

Edited by cggale 2012-05-16 11:08 AM
2012-05-16 11:21 AM
in reply to: #4212573

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Morning all.  Sorry to hear your Mom is unwell, Yanti.  I hope you are able to be with her.

I had Masters I mean Swim this morning.  We were doing some crazy drills that had me swimming, and laughing, underwater.  Actually, it wasn't that bad, I like the drills.  So after the warm up it was

15x50 with fins

First 50 in each set was dolphin kick

second 50 was swim with paddles

third 50 in each set was

a. fingertip catch up

b. twisted fist

c. high elbow scull

d. twisted fist

e. high elbow scull. 

Really got to work on the the catch and pull!  And interestingly, we next did 2x200 strong, and I could feel the difference in my stroke.  Good stuff.

2012-05-16 11:22 AM
in reply to: #4212880

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
cggale - 2012-05-16 9:07 AM
wushunut - 2012-05-16 10:51 AM

Woohoo!  I get to break-in the new thread! 

Not sure about what training I'm going to do today.  I've completely abandoned my plan at this point. haha.  There is a "Ride of Silence" today that the local bike club is putting on that I may try to participate in.  I really should run though.  I'm also thinking about signing up for a spring tri this weekend.  All of this depends of childcare though.  Augh. Speaking of, I'm dying here today.  Eleanor, my 3-year old, was getting a bit hyper yesterday and was jumping around the living room.  Jumped right into the piano bench and caught the edge with her right brow.  Put a nice gash in it.  3-hours at the ER and a traumatized kid later, we're getting home at 11:30pm and trying to get her to calm down and get some sleep.  Of course my 7month old decides that now is a good time to start waking up a 3am again.  Since mom is with Ella, I get to calm down Rex. Then back up again at 6am to start the day.  I'm suprised I'm still somewhat coherent.

Oh no, sorry about your little one.  I remember my kids at that age.  Heh, always on the go and constantly climbing and jumping onto things.  I hope she's recovering well.  I don't envy your "early" wake up call from your 7 month old,  but it will pass.  Hang in there.

Yanti, I'm sorry to hear about your Mom.  Prayers to you and your Mom.  Travel safe.

I rode 32 miles today and felt great.  My foot doesn't hurt when I ride, but I feel a twinge on the outside of my foot just below the ankle bone when I go to unclip from the peddle.  I know I need some new running shoes.  They are very expired.  If my injury is due to the shoes, it's my own dumb fault for procrastinating.  I'm notorious for waiting till the last minute to do things.  Lesson learned.  Duh. Embarassed

Claire, I know I get soreness when I need new shoes, but as soon as the new ones are on, I'm good.  Hope it is that way for you too.  Rest and ice!

2012-05-16 11:24 AM
in reply to: #4212832

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
wushunut - 2012-05-16 8:51 AM

Woohoo!  I get to break-in the new thread! 

Not sure about what training I'm going to do today.  I've completely abandoned my plan at this point. haha.  There is a "Ride of Silence" today that the local bike club is putting on that I may try to participate in.  I really should run though.  I'm also thinking about signing up for a spring tri this weekend.  All of this depends of childcare though.  Augh. Speaking of, I'm dying here today.  Eleanor, my 3-year old, was getting a bit hyper yesterday and was jumping around the living room.  Jumped right into the piano bench and caught the edge with her right brow.  Put a nice gash in it.  3-hours at the ER and a traumatized kid later, we're getting home at 11:30pm and trying to get her to calm down and get some sleep.  Of course my 7month old decides that now is a good time to start waking up a 3am again.  Since mom is with Ella, I get to calm down Rex. Then back up again at 6am to start the day.  I'm suprised I'm still somewhat coherent.

Oh, sorry about your daughter, and your lack of sleep!  I put my poor parents through that scenario many a mom tells me they knew us by name at the ER by the time I was 3...


2012-05-16 11:50 AM
in reply to: #4212573

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Dang! We are one crazy banged-up pod of Manatees and Co. right now! (I shall get back to Claire and Keye shortly ... )


Y'all ... I'm breaking down here a bit.

I'm kinda strained to the limit and it is exhausting to have to remember, research and make these complicated medical decisions (and try to coordinate ones already made, including a lot of bad drug-interaction errors) from a distance and the ER docs keep changing and they do not have her history there and are not writing down what I tell them. Then they call me and ask me what to do.

Neurologist, cardiologist, pulmonologist, tropical medicine specialist, pharmacologist. I'm dying trying to assimilate the information (thank you, NIH MedlinePlus), highlight the important parts, relate them to her history and presentation (and changing conditions), and translate a bunch of it into Indonesian.

God help me. I'm exhausted, I've got no breaks, and the fever (mine!) is between 100 and 101 again. She's probably not going to die between now and tomorrow morning, otherwise I'd have been on a plane before this, but geez Louise.

Sorry. Someone remind me that this is exactly why I returned to Indonesia, and thank God I am here and CAN do this. The timing's just a bit off with me still being ill and my sister recovering from dengue/typhoid herself.

On a far more delightful note, I was able to have a really beautiful birthday dinner with a pseudoshhhhboyfriendtype piglet and my two closest friends here (husband and wife. Not mine. They're married to each other). When times are tough, it's amazing who shows up (and one especially finds out who the worthy piglets are) and these three have been so incredible, concerned, and helpful.

Here is said piglet. May I add that he is the only piglet in Bali (I absolutely kid you not) who does not smoke or drink, he is a marathoner and mostly vegetarian (occasionally fish).

2012-05-16 12:06 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
ArielLIlB - 2012-05-14 2:47 PM

It's official - according to my definition, I AM A TRIATHLETE!!! I had a really good race yesterday (other than the swim, OMG ugh!! Hello sidestroke, I love you because I can breath while I do you!) and had a great time, which is what mattered most to me. We had perfect weather, warm but not hot, and overcast. i just finished my RR. I finished 250m swim, 10 mile bike, 3.5 mile run and 2 transitions in 1:22:22! I was 127 out of 250, not too shabby! And if I was still 29, I would have won my age group (there was only one woman in 25-29, but 13 women in 30-34, of which I was 11th).

So, I've got some work to do on the swim and I'll really need to step up with some brick work to help me improve my run time, but my goal was to get through the swim, average over 15pmh on the bike and run 35 minutes or faster, so all goals met! Laughing



Brilliant stuff. so pleased that you enjoyed it and hit all your goals.

2012-05-16 12:08 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Asalzwed - 2012-05-15 5:53 PM
TriAya - 2012-05-15 11:48 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-05-16 12:28 AM


{{{{Huge melon presses}}}}



If you're promising huge melon presses, you better not have let go yet ... thank you, my Salty love!

It is a milestone birthday to me because I am a Dragon (in many, many ways, not just Chinese zodiac) and this is a Dragon year. It is otherwise still an extremely auspicious life and calendar year for me ... and so far, I feel it has been so, not the least because the MANATEES ARE THE BESTEST EVER!!!



Ooooh, I'm a rat, so I think that makes us compatible. I'll bet Allen is something not compatible maybe a Rooster, since he's a...Surprised



Rat suits.

2012-05-16 12:09 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Tripopo - 2012-05-15 7:39 PM

So I'm back from the trip, had a great time overall, but now dealing with family issues.  My shoulder hurts like a dickens from the ride, it was sore along the trapezus muscle but then caused some burning pain while helping my parents out with some stuff and is just painful at this point so easy on the swimming me thinks this week will try tomorrow I think.


Need Manatee thoughts and prayers for my Wife's father who is in the hospital, he had a cough for over 6 months that he never got checked out and was recently diagnosed with walking pnemonia which my wife didn't think sounded right, always trust nurses.  It wasn't he got winded walking to the mailbox and then got real sick sunday night and they took him to the hospital where they diagnosed him with congestive heart failure.  My wife just called and asked me to research flights to Cleveland, there is news but not sure what- she is leaving work early to head up there.



Thoughts are with you and your family. Great job on the bike by the way.

2012-05-16 12:15 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

So sorry to have missed your birthday Yanti, from one more dragon to another, I hope you have a sparkling year.

Nice to see you share your leadership of this group with those lower down the food chain than ourselves.

Will be thinking you and your mum as you deal with the difficulties you are facing right now.

2012-05-16 12:15 PM
in reply to: #4213042

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
ukweeble - 2012-05-16 12:08 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-05-15 5:53 PM
TriAya - 2012-05-15 11:48 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-05-16 12:28 AM


{{{{Huge melon presses}}}}



If you're promising huge melon presses, you better not have let go yet ... thank you, my Salty love!

It is a milestone birthday to me because I am a Dragon (in many, many ways, not just Chinese zodiac) and this is a Dragon year. It is otherwise still an extremely auspicious life and calendar year for me ... and so far, I feel it has been so, not the least because the MANATEES ARE THE BESTEST EVER!!!



Ooooh, I'm a rat, so I think that makes us compatible. I'll bet Allen is something not compatible maybe a Rooster, since he's a...Surprised



Rat suits.

Rat that another British vocabulary phrase I can add to my list? Never mind, don't answer that. I am adding it anyway. 

2012-05-16 12:16 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Yanti!  I will be continuing to pray for you and sis and mom.  And holy-cow-hold-on-to-the-marathon-piglet!!!!!!!!!!!

 Tongue out

2012-05-16 12:18 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

FIL had the procedure this morning, no blockadge which my DW expected and she is there now so I think that will help, she and her youngest sister are the only medical types so it can be confusing without an interpreter with all the medical jargon.  So the plan is mostly cardiac rehab and medication while watching his lungs and clearing out the fluid/pnemonia.  So GOOD NEWS for the most part


Yanti I'm so sorry your mom is sick sending good vibes and prayers your way.  You are an immensly strong person and I know you can do this.  We are here if you need us.

2012-05-16 12:19 PM
in reply to: #4213057

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
ukweeble - 2012-05-16 1:15 PM

So sorry to have missed your birthday Yanti, from one more dragon to another, I hope you have a sparkling year.

Nice to see you share your leadership of this group with those lower down the food chain than ourselves.

Will be thinking you and your mum as you deal with the difficulties you are facing right now.


Good to see you back on the motivating salty train...

2012-05-16 12:19 PM
in reply to: #4212992

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
TriAya - 2012-05-16 11:50 AM

Dang! We are one crazy banged-up pod of Manatees and Co. right now! (I shall get back to Claire and Keye shortly ... )


Y'all ... I'm breaking down here a bit.

I'm kinda strained to the limit and it is exhausting to have to remember, research and make these complicated medical decisions (and try to coordinate ones already made, including a lot of bad drug-interaction errors) from a distance and the ER docs keep changing and they do not have her history there and are not writing down what I tell them. Then they call me and ask me what to do.

Neurologist, cardiologist, pulmonologist, tropical medicine specialist, pharmacologist. I'm dying trying to assimilate the information (thank you, NIH MedlinePlus), highlight the important parts, relate them to her history and presentation (and changing conditions), and translate a bunch of it into Indonesian.

God help me. I'm exhausted, I've got no breaks, and the fever (mine!) is between 100 and 101 again. She's probably not going to die between now and tomorrow morning, otherwise I'd have been on a plane before this, but geez Louise.

Sorry. Someone remind me that this is exactly why I returned to Indonesia, and thank God I am here and CAN do this. The timing's just a bit off with me still being ill and my sister recovering from dengue/typhoid herself.

On a far more delightful note, I was able to have a really beautiful birthday dinner with a pseudoshhhhboyfriendtype piglet and my two closest friends here (husband and wife. Not mine. They're married to each other). When times are tough, it's amazing who shows up (and one especially finds out who the worthy piglets are) and these three have been so incredible, concerned, and helpful.

Here is said piglet. May I add that he is the only piglet in Bali (I absolutely kid you not) who does not smoke or drink, he is a marathoner and mostly vegetarian (occasionally fish).

I first have to not that you never RANT OFF-ed So I am going to assume you can jump back in with your rant at any time.

pseudoshhhhboyfriendtype!?!?!?!?! I hope he brought a gift! Smile

Also, so sorry about your mom!! Ahem, this is exactly why you returned to Indonesia, and thank God you are  there and YOU CAN do this. I just sucks you are having to deal with it while you are not doing well yourself. 


2012-05-16 12:23 PM
in reply to: #4213071

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Tripopo - 2012-05-16 12:19 PM
ukweeble - 2012-05-16 1:15 PM

So sorry to have missed your birthday Yanti, from one more dragon to another, I hope you have a sparkling year.

Nice to see you share your leadership of this group with those lower down the food chain than ourselves.

Will be thinking you and your mum as you deal with the difficulties you are facing right now.


Good to see you back on the motivating salty train...

Yes, as am I. Something just didn't feel right. 

Speaking of not feeling right, my right arm is hardly movable today. It was decided that in order to settle a debate last night, I was to arm wrestle. We were perfectly matched and after about 6 minutes we called it a draw.

Who settles debates with arm wrestling anymore anyway? Me.  

2012-05-16 1:17 PM
in reply to: #4212992

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
TriAya - 2012-05-16 11:50 AM

Dang! We are one crazy banged-up pod of Manatees and Co. right now! (I shall get back to Claire and Keye shortly ... )


Y'all ... I'm breaking down here a bit.

I'm kinda strained to the limit and it is exhausting to have to remember, research and make these complicated medical decisions (and try to coordinate ones already made, including a lot of bad drug-interaction errors) from a distance and the ER docs keep changing and they do not have her history there and are not writing down what I tell them. Then they call me and ask me what to do.

Neurologist, cardiologist, pulmonologist, tropical medicine specialist, pharmacologist. I'm dying trying to assimilate the information (thank you, NIH MedlinePlus), highlight the important parts, relate them to her history and presentation (and changing conditions), and translate a bunch of it into Indonesian.

God help me. I'm exhausted, I've got no breaks, and the fever (mine!) is between 100 and 101 again. She's probably not going to die between now and tomorrow morning, otherwise I'd have been on a plane before this, but geez Louise.

Sorry. Someone remind me that this is exactly why I returned to Indonesia, and thank God I am here and CAN do this. The timing's just a bit off with me still being ill and my sister recovering from dengue/typhoid herself.

I'm so sorry about your mom. It's tough being far away when they aren't doing well. I'm glad you are at least in Indonesia.

On a far more delightful note, I was able to have a really beautiful birthday dinner with a pseudoshhhhboyfriendtype piglet and my two closest friends here (husband and wife. Not mine. They're married to each other). When times are tough, it's amazing who shows up (and one especially finds out who the worthy piglets are) and these three have been so incredible, concerned, and helpful.

Here is said piglet. May I add that he is the only piglet in Bali (I absolutely kid you not) who does not smoke or drink, he is a marathoner and mostly vegetarian (occasionally fish).

Drool. That is all.

2012-05-16 1:18 PM
in reply to: #4213066

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Tripopo - 2012-05-16 12:18 PM

FIL had the procedure this morning, no blockadge which my DW expected and she is there now so I think that will help, she and her youngest sister are the only medical types so it can be confusing without an interpreter with all the medical jargon.  So the plan is mostly cardiac rehab and medication while watching his lungs and clearing out the fluid/pnemonia.  So GOOD NEWS for the most part

Great news. I hope he begins feeling better very soon.

2012-05-16 1:42 PM
in reply to: #4212832

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
wushunut - 2012-05-16 11:51 PM

Woohoo!  I get to break-in the new thread! 

Not sure about what training I'm going to do today.  I've completely abandoned my plan at this point. haha.  There is a "Ride of Silence" today that the local bike club is putting on that I may try to participate in.  I really should run though.  I'm also thinking about signing up for a spring tri this weekend.  All of this depends of childcare though.  Augh. Speaking of, I'm dying here today.  Eleanor, my 3-year old, was getting a bit hyper yesterday and was jumping around the living room.  Jumped right into the piano bench and caught the edge with her right brow.  Put a nice gash in it.  3-hours at the ER and a traumatized kid later, we're getting home at 11:30pm and trying to get her to calm down and get some sleep.  Of course my 7month old decides that now is a good time to start waking up a 3am again.  Since mom is with Ella, I get to calm down Rex. Then back up again at 6am to start the day.  I'm suprised I'm still somewhat coherent.

Yeah ... lack of sleep really gets you! I can't imagine, with two lively young 'uns.

I like JFT 'plans.' (Just Froggin' Train)

2012-05-16 1:49 PM
in reply to: #4212880

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
cggale - 2012-05-17 12:07 AM
wushunut - 2012-05-16 10:51 AM

Woohoo!  I get to break-in the new thread! 

Not sure about what training I'm going to do today.  I've completely abandoned my plan at this point. haha.  There is a "Ride of Silence" today that the local bike club is putting on that I may try to participate in.  I really should run though.  I'm also thinking about signing up for a spring tri this weekend.  All of this depends of childcare though.  Augh. Speaking of, I'm dying here today.  Eleanor, my 3-year old, was getting a bit hyper yesterday and was jumping around the living room.  Jumped right into the piano bench and caught the edge with her right brow.  Put a nice gash in it.  3-hours at the ER and a traumatized kid later, we're getting home at 11:30pm and trying to get her to calm down and get some sleep.  Of course my 7month old decides that now is a good time to start waking up a 3am again.  Since mom is with Ella, I get to calm down Rex. Then back up again at 6am to start the day.  I'm suprised I'm still somewhat coherent.

Oh no, sorry about your little one.  I remember my kids at that age.  Heh, always on the go and constantly climbing and jumping onto things.  I hope she's recovering well.  I don't envy your "early" wake up call from your 7 month old,  but it will pass.  Hang in there.

Yanti, I'm sorry to hear about your Mom.  Prayers to you and your Mom.  Travel safe.

I rode 32 miles today and felt great.  My foot doesn't hurt when I ride, but I feel a twinge on the outside of my foot just below the ankle bone when I go to unclip from the peddle.  I know I need some new running shoes.  They are very expired.  If my injury is due to the shoes, it's my own dumb fault for procrastinating.  I'm notorious for waiting till the last minute to do things.  Lesson learned.  Duh. Embarassed

Sweet Claire. Thank you. Glad you had a good ride ... baby that foot, may just be post-race shakeout and needing new shoes.

2012-05-16 1:57 PM
in reply to: #4213073

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Asalzwed - 2012-05-16 10:19 AM

I first have to not that you never RANT OFF-ed So I am going to assume you can jump back in with your rant at any time.

pseudoshhhhboyfriendtype!?!?!?!?! I hope he brought a gift! Smile

Also, so sorry about your mom!! Ahem, this is exactly why you returned to Indonesia, and thank God you are  there and YOU CAN do this. I just sucks you are having to deal with it while you are not doing well yourself. 


Isn't the important question did he bring anything to eat??

2012-05-16 1:59 PM
in reply to: #4213066

User image

Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Tripopo - 2012-05-16 10:18 AM

FIL had the procedure this morning, no blockadge which my DW expected and she is there now so I think that will help, she and her youngest sister are the only medical types so it can be confusing without an interpreter with all the medical jargon.  So the plan is mostly cardiac rehab and medication while watching his lungs and clearing out the fluid/pnemonia.  So GOOD NEWS for the most part


Glad it is good news and that your wife is able to be there. 

2012-05-16 2:12 PM
in reply to: #4213061

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Asalzwed - 2012-05-16 6:15 PM
ukweeble - 2012-05-16 12:08 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-05-15 5:53 PM
TriAya - 2012-05-15 11:48 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-05-16 12:28 AM


{{{{Huge melon presses}}}}



If you're promising huge melon presses, you better not have let go yet ... thank you, my Salty love!

It is a milestone birthday to me because I am a Dragon (in many, many ways, not just Chinese zodiac) and this is a Dragon year. It is otherwise still an extremely auspicious life and calendar year for me ... and so far, I feel it has been so, not the least because the MANATEES ARE THE BESTEST EVER!!!



Ooooh, I'm a rat, so I think that makes us compatible. I'll bet Allen is something not compatible maybe a Rooster, since he's a...Surprised



Rat suits.

Rat that another British vocabulary phrase I can add to my list? Never mind, don't answer that. I am adding it anyway. 

Suits as in 'suits you'

A better one would be ' if the cap fits, wear it'

2012-05-16 2:15 PM
in reply to: #4212992

User image

Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
TriAya - 2012-05-16 11:50 AM

Dang! We are one crazy banged-up pod of Manatees and Co. right now! (I shall get back to Claire and Keye shortly ... )


Y'all ... I'm breaking down here a bit.

I'm kinda strained to the limit and it is exhausting to have to remember, research and make these complicated medical decisions (and try to coordinate ones already made, including a lot of bad drug-interaction errors) from a distance and the ER docs keep changing and they do not have her history there and are not writing down what I tell them. Then they call me and ask me what to do.

Neurologist, cardiologist, pulmonologist, tropical medicine specialist, pharmacologist. I'm dying trying to assimilate the information (thank you, NIH MedlinePlus), highlight the important parts, relate them to her history and presentation (and changing conditions), and translate a bunch of it into Indonesian.

God help me. I'm exhausted, I've got no breaks, and the fever (mine!) is between 100 and 101 again. She's probably not going to die between now and tomorrow morning, otherwise I'd have been on a plane before this, but geez Louise.

Sorry. Someone remind me that this is exactly why I returned to Indonesia, and thank God I am here and CAN do this. The timing's just a bit off with me still being ill and my sister recovering from dengue/typhoid herself.

On a far more delightful note, I was able to have a really beautiful birthday dinner with a pseudoshhhhboyfriendtype piglet and my two closest friends here (husband and wife. Not mine. They're married to each other). When times are tough, it's amazing who shows up (and one especially finds out who the worthy piglets are) and these three have been so incredible, concerned, and helpful.

Here is said piglet. May I add that he is the only piglet in Bali (I absolutely kid you not) who does not smoke or drink, he is a marathoner and mostly vegetarian (occasionally fish).

Sorry you're feeling overwhelmed by everything, but things can only get better, right?

Oh, and nice sorta boyfriend

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