General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Anybody here use UCAN nutrition Rss Feed  
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2013-08-08 8:15 AM

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Subject: Anybody here use UCAN nutrition
I have placed an order but would love to hear experience of others for long training.

2013-08-08 10:10 AM
in reply to: KeriKadi

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Subject: RE: Anybody here use UCAN nutrition
Generation UCAN Lemon is my go to race fueling ... love it! No GI distress and a nice constant flow of energy. That in a combination with Amrita bars and I am all set. 
2013-08-08 10:14 AM
in reply to: KeriKadi

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Morton IL
Subject: RE: Anybody here use UCAN nutrition
I like the recovery. The pre mix does give me steady constant engery so I like that... The 16.9 ounces of fluid (or whatever it is) sometimes makes me have to pee though! I have only tried it in training and think it has worked well. I am afraid to try it in a race. I hate the gel roller coaster but dont want to have go either.
2013-08-08 11:27 AM
in reply to: Paulford8

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Subject: RE: Anybody here use UCAN nutrition
I mix my pre-race UCan into much less water to prevent the sloshy feeling of downing a full bottle 45 minutes from the start.
2013-08-08 9:24 PM
in reply to: d3term1ned

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Subject: RE: Anybody here use UCAN nutrition
Thanks guys. Thought of trying it out for a trainer ride/run brick tomorrow.
Website says to drink UCAN 30-45 minutes before but it does not say WHICH UCAN to drink.
I picked up some of the cran raspberry sports drink and some of the vanilla and chocolate protein drink.

Seems it would be the sport drink before but then there are testimonials where athletes drink the protein drink before.
I'm confused.
2013-08-08 9:56 PM
in reply to: KeriKadi

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Athens, GA
Subject: RE: Anybody here use UCAN nutrition
I wouldn't describe it as a sports drink. It is more of an opaque suspension of the starch that makes up the fuel. I know some people use the protein version pre-workout, but generally the non-protein is intended for pre, protein for post. I haven't tried the protein versions but I also hear that some people find them more palatable, one reason they might use them for pre-fueling instead of the fruity or plain flavors. And I, too, mix with way less than the 16 oz of water - 8-10 oz per packet for me.

2013-08-09 8:55 AM
in reply to: KeriKadi

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Anybody here use UCAN nutrition

Originally posted by KeriKadi I have placed an order but would love to hear experience of others for long training.

I use it.  Used it for all my Kona training and then the race (with some other things too...can't have just one thing all day).

I didn't like any of their flavors so what I did was use the plain UCAN and "flavored" it with NUUN tablets.  Their flavors were too fake for me.

You cannot super concentrate the bottles because the stuff is pretty thick.  I could put two packets into one bike bottle at most.  1.5 is better.  Of course, half the point is that you don't need as much. :D

I liked to freeze mine the night before...went down easier that way.

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