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2013-12-19 3:37 PM

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Boston, MA
Subject: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - CLOSED
GROUP FOCUS: I'd like this group to focus on beginners, either those new to the sport or those wanting to move up to a new distance

NAME: KiterChick/Sarah

STORY: I started doing triathlons in 2011 after getting bored with distance running alone. I found I really enjoyed biking as well, although I'm admittedly still a pretty slow swimmer. I've done a lot of sprints, several HIMs and one IM. I'd like to help out beginners, since I feel that my experience will (hopefully!) be helpful, but I'm still relatively new to the sport, relatively, so I also remember what it's like to just be starting out.

FAMILY STATUS: Single, although I do have an awesome boyfriend!

CURRENT TRAINING: When I'm actively training, I usually average five days a week. This past year has been pretty lax, lately with a recent move and the holidays, but I'm signed up for Eagleman in June, so I plan to get serious again by January. This past year, I took it easy and stuck to sprints, but this year, I have Eagleman and the B2B ride (148M) planned in June and the Philadelphia Marathon in November. I'll likely do a few sprints as well.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: My last race of the season was the Title 9 sprint in Hopkinton, MA. I really took this past year easy after the IM in 2012.

2014 RACES: First race of the season will be the NE Season Opener in May in Hopkinton, MA. After that, I may have one more sprint, then Eagleman in June!

WEIGHTLOSS: I put on 5-10 lbs. after my IM over a year ago and, while I haven't gained anymore significant weight, I haven't lost it either. I'm hoping when training ramps up starting in January that I'll get more strict about finally dropping the extra weight I put on.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I've mentored before and would love to do so again. I really enjoy interacting with new people and it's fun to see people improve. I'd just like to meet some new people and hopefully help some meet their 2014 goals!

Edited by KiterChick 2014-01-07 4:03 PM

2013-12-20 8:57 PM
in reply to: KiterChick

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New user
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN

Hi Sarah!!

I am definitely interested in being a part of this group.

My name is Melissa. I'm 24, living with my boyfriend and our doggie, working full time (currently on second shift 3-11P) as a process engineer.

I got into triathlons and fitness in general in 2011. I did my first sprint tri that year. The following year was 2 half marathons and another sprint. 2013 was rough as I battled against some hip pain which never was given a confirmed diagnosis. I had registered and was planning to do my first half iron distance race in the summer of this year and unfortunately had to back out.

So, I'm back in training and will be attempting to tackle that first half iron in April - Ironman 70.3 Puerto Rico. Other than the fact that I spent most of this year out of training (I'm slow to begin with, and now I'm rusty and even slower), I think the next biggest challenge will be racing in the heat while spending all my time training in the cold.

I defintely have some weight I need to lose and the holidays aren't helping that right now.

Anyway, I look forward to this group getting started up.

2013-12-23 9:32 AM
in reply to: missyw2you

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
Hi Melissa! Sorry for the delayed reply. In the past, they haven't allowed people to join a group unless it was made "active", but perhaps the setup has changed this year, so people can sign up in the staging area. Regardless, I'd love to have you join and will definitely make a point of checking in for posts more often!

Sounds like you've got a pretty solid background, and have unfortunately just been knocked back a bit by an injury, which tends to happen to us all at one point or another. Glad to hear that you're well enough to get back into training again and hopefully you'll make that HIM goal a reality this year!

Racing in PR sounds awesome! While I haven't done a race on an island, I have flown with my bike from MA to TX, so I know about some of the logistics of traveling to a race, so feel free to ask if you have any questions about that. As for training in the cold and racing in the heat, yes, it can be quite a shock to the system, but I think if you build up a good base, you should have the fitness to power through any heat related discomfort. I'll be dealing with the same situation, training this winter in MA for Eagleman in MD, which is a notoriously hot race on average.

Looking forward to chatting with you over the next few months!
2013-12-29 3:40 PM
in reply to: KiterChick

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New user
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN

I find it odd too that some forums have been moved into the open area and other's (like yours) have not. So I have to come to the staging area first, then to your forum. Oh well. Hopefully it gets moved over soon.

Thanks for the reply! Timeliness is not too much of a worry. I am pretty busy and know others are too. I appreciate your time and the fact that you are mentoring at all is great.

I definitely will be looking forward to hearing what tips you might have on traveling for a race. As of right now, I think I will be packing and shipping my bike to PR. My boyfriend's family is down there (which is the number 1 reason I chose this race location in the first place - to make it a vacation/home visit for him as a reward to supporting/putting up with me and training haha), which means I have a secure location to ship my bike to. My local bike shop said they would do the dis-assembly and pack my bike - with all packing materials and box, for 50 bucks. Then the shipping fees of course. The little bit of research I have done makes it seem like airlines really try to "punish" bikers for traveling. The airline fees seem outrageous, not to mention they aren't exactly careful with luggage.

I hope you had a nice Christmas! I did - but of course I ate too much, and I miss 2 workouts. I tend to be really hard on myself. I struggled with getting on track for training for this race for a couple months and now that it came down to crunch time, I am doing better. This week was my 2nd of my plan and I missed 2 workouts. I know it's not the end of the world but I do feel guilty and like I am behind now. However, I will keep trying my best to focus on the positive. I've done a lot better of a job these past 2 weeks with training than I have all year. But I don't have a lot of time left before my race and I have to suppress how nervous I feel about it all the time.

Talk to you again soon!


2013-12-30 11:44 AM
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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN

My name is Lacey and I would love to join your mentor group. I am a 30 year old female.

I have registered for my first sprint triathlon on July 6th in 2014. I have wanted to complete this goal of mine for several years now, but keep getting sidetracked, this year is my year.

I have a background in running and have done quite a few 5k and 10k races, but I am new to cycling as a sport (although I do ride my bike as a hobby) and swimming is definitely my weak sport. I have taken some swimming lessons, and have definitely improved but this leg of the triathlon causes me the most anxiety.

I am not looking to set any records with my sprint tri; really I just want to finish and get a sense if this is a sport I want to continue with. I have a very demanding job time wise, so I will likely only be able to train 3-4 days per week but I am committed to making those training days count.

Really looking forward to your insight and advice along the way

Edited by Lcarslake 2013-12-30 12:16 PM
2013-12-31 1:05 PM
in reply to: missyw2you

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
It looks like we're live! Hope you guys find the group now that we've moved to the main forum.

Melissa, I think it's a great that you're planning to ship your bike, and it's so nice that you have your boyfriend's family down there to ship it to. I flew with my bike when I went to Austin and it really wasn't as great as I thought it would be. First, I had to spend a lot of money on a nice case, since I didn't want them damaging my bike. Then, as you pointed out, even though it fell under the oversized weight and size restrictions, they still charged me $50 each way "because it's a bike". It made no sense! I managed to take it apart myself, but putting it back together is trickier, so I also still had to pay to have it assembled on both ends too. Basically, I really didn't get any benefits and I had to deal with dragging it around the airport too. My boyfriend shipped his bike out to IA for RAGBRAI and that seemed to work out much better!

I hear you about the eating too much this time of year, as well as missing workouts. My current log is actually up to date! I'm planning on diving in starting tomorrow though since I really have to get my butt in gear for my race in June. It sounds like you're a lot like me - very all or nothing about your workouts. Either you get them in and feel great or you miss them and that's all you can think about. I know it's hard, but you just need to move on and focus on the future workouts. You're still pretty early on too. You probably only need to worry if you start missing the really long ones. Not that I'm suggesting you slack off, just that I think you'll be okay moving forward from here.

Hi Lacey and welcome to the group! You definitely have a lot of time to get completely ready for your first tri. That's very exciting!

Sounds like you'll easily be set for the running. It's nice you have experience biking too. Racing will be a bit different, but you'll be ready by then. As for swimming, that has always been my weak link too. I ended up doing my first race almost entirely on my back because I freaked out and couldn't breathe. It was because I got too worked up about the people around me. I've since learned to just tell myself to ignore them and pretend I'm just out for a relaxing swim. Especially if you're not concerned with time, there's no reason to make this portion uncomfortable.

You should be fine training for a sprint on 3-4 days a week. Ultimately, depending on the distances, it's likely not going to take you more than two hours to complete even if you take it easy, so it's really just preparing yourself to be able to handle all three disciplines in a row. I'll be happy to answer any questions you have as they come up during your training.

Hopefully, we'll be picking up more members soon now that we're live. Looking forward to chatting more with you soon in 2014!

2013-12-31 6:47 PM
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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
Hi Sarah,

I'd love to join the group :-D

I'm a New Zealander now living in San Diego. I've done some ladies tri in NZ but none since moving to states. This past year I've done several century bike rides and finished with a 10 km run in December which was awesome as I've always struggled with running. Now I have to conquer my poor swimming form :-D

Plan is to do Olympic length tri this summer with intention of trying Oceanside 70.3 in March 2015 & crossing that of my bucket list :-D currently I'm running once a week with intention of completing 1/2 marathon in May and cycling 2 - 3 times a week with 2-3 times a week at boot camp....there aren't any indoor pools in SD so wimpy about starting swimming yet!

I'm not sure what or how to choose events to start though !

Edited by Millienz 2013-12-31 6:54 PM
2014-01-01 6:51 AM
in reply to: KiterChick

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
Hi Sarah

I'd really like to join this group. I'm a complete newbie to triathlons ... signed up for my first super sprint (31 May 2014, London) a couple of weeks ago and now the year it happens is here I'm starting to get nervous about the whole thing.

I'm 32 from Melbourne, Australia and have been living in London with my hubby (English) for the past 1.5 years after living in Vancouver, CA and Auckland, NZ for sometime.

From 2010-2013 I've done a few 5-10km charity fun runs, but apart from that I've only just started getting back to a healthier me (lost 10kg last year) and exercising more frequently. I'm not at all competitive and just want to do my triathlon as since I was a teen interested in and good at swimming I've always had a goal to participate in one...

2014-01-01 3:15 PM
in reply to: KJ-Sutts


Surrey, England
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN


If possible would like to join the group. I am also a newbie and planning to do a sprint triathlon in April and hopefully an Olympic distance in June (date TBC).

I am male and 40 in two weeks (gulp!) hence the big push to get involved in Triathlon as have spoken about it for far too long and only now focused to actually do it. I live in suburbs of London and have two children (1 and 3) so fitting training around family life is going to be my biggest hurdle I suspect.

I had not done a great deal of exercise (aside from odd game squash/golf) until Sept 2013 when I realised I need to lose some weight quickly. I started doing occasional 30-40km cycle ride (not particularly quickly!!) and am now running 5km once a week so need to step this up but at least a baseline of core fitness. I can swim 20-30 lengths breast stroke no issue but have serious issues with front crawl so need to take lessons here I suspect. Managed to lose 7-10kg but little bit further to go with Xmas festivities.

I am looking forward to this group forum and need to formulate a structured training plan and any advice on equipment to get would be useful.


2014-01-01 5:17 PM
in reply to: KiterChick


Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN

I would love to join this info is below:

Name: Anna

Story: I have always wanted to do a all 3 sports, have done quite a few 10k's,,.trained for marathon's..and did a 200km bike ride a few years back. This past year went thru a huge life change..heart break like no other..found my long term bf was having an affair..distroyed me..and now I have healed lots and have come back stronger...goal for 2014 to do all those things I have put off

Family Status: Single mum to a wonder 10 year old girl

Current just starting out.

This year races...not sure at this point..

Weight loss..hope to lose quite a bit..the last couple of years put on weight..and more since the break up..I could hide in the extra weight.

2014-01-01 5:17 PM
in reply to: KiterChick

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN

So how do you join.... Just a reply to your thread I hope.

NAME. Andy

STORY. Started to lose weight in Jan 2012. Have lost 70lb Started running Sept 2012 with the c25k and now run park runs most Saturdays. Did the bike part of a tri relay in Sept 2013 and want to have a go at doing each bit. The run and the bike do not scare me, just need to improve, but the swim is another matter. Front crawl is a whole new ball game, can only do about 50m at the moment, so have got my work cut out there



2014-01-01 5:17 PM
in reply to: KiterChick

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN

So how do you join.... Just a reply to your thread I hope.

NAME. Andy

STORY. Started to lose weight in Jan 2012. Have lost 70lb Started running Sept 2012 with the c25k and now run park runs most Saturdays. Did the bike part of a tri relay in Sept 2013 and want to have a go at doing each bit. The run and the bike do not scare me, just need to improve, but the swim is another matter. Front crawl is a whole new ball game, can only do about 50m at the moment, so have got my work cut out there


2014-01-01 9:08 PM
in reply to: #4915803

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Lakeside, California
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
NAME: hepcat09/John

STORY: I have been on both sides of the fitness fence throughout my life. I was very active as a kid through my early adult years, through 6 years in the Navy and right up to my early 30s when I did my first Duathlon in the 90's. From the mid 90s up until 2009 I became very sedentary and extremely obese and unhealthy. I found myself out of work and back in school to try to get a job in the healthcare industry and I landed a job as an Anesthesia Technician at a level 1 trauma hospital in San Diego. That's when I had a very rude awakening to what could lie ahead for me if I didn't make some serious changes in my lifestyle. Without getting into details I can say that getting that job literally saved my life. Since my hire in 2009 the preceding 4 years have resulted in a loss of 70 lbs, 4 half marathons, 3 5Ks and two Duathlons not to mention a new career as a personal trainer as of this past October. Now at the tender age of 50, soon to be 51, I am determined to do my first Triathlon and that's why I am here. One problem, just a minor one, is that I can't swim to save my life! So I am here to learn share experiences and hopefully meet my next goal of tagging "Triathlete" to my resume of fitness! If you will have me in your group I will do my very best to participate and hopefully learn from your experience to help achieve my next goal!

FAMILY STATUS: Married to my wife of 28 years who is also an endurance athlete with many more accomplishments than I

CURRENT TRAINING: run 4 days a week, brick sessions 2 days a week(covering 2 of the 4 runs) and I am adding TRX strength training a minimum of 2 days a week. I am going to have to add a swim or two in there as well.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Hot Chocolate 5K, Spring Sprint Duathlon, Rock&Roll San Diego Half Marathon, San Diego Duathlon ( worst performance of the year. Training was hindered by neck injury. )

2014 RACES: Spring Forward Duathlon, Hot Chocolate 15K, SPRING SPRINT TRIATHLON(first one ever), Rock and Roll San Diego Half Marathon, Solana Beach Duathlon, TriRock Series Triathlon (last race of the season for me.... I hope)

WEIGHTLOSS: 70 lbs over the last 4 years. Would really like to lose another 15-20 lbs and tone this body!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: your wish is my command! I have always been coachable, I played many team sports over the years and I am not ego driven. I am your humble servant and student. Teach me please!
2014-01-01 10:34 PM
in reply to: KiterChick

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
Hi Sarah! I would love to be a part of this group. I'm really excited about my first sprint tri in April. I start my actual training plan next week. In the past year I've gone from coaching recreational gymnastics and swimming to mainly the desk, since my promotion as a director. It's been good for my wallet, but not my waistline! I'm 34, have an awesome boyfriend, two dogs, and an awesome nephew. IThis race in April is really significant for me because I'll be running directly past my old address from an abusive relationship a few years ago. I feel like this is going to be a huge deal for me and I have to follow through with it. I'm looking forward to making some new friends on this site as well. I'm so excited and ready to achieve all I can! Happy New Year!
2014-01-01 11:56 PM
in reply to: #4922122

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
Hello Sarah and all,

I am interested in joining your group to meet a long-term goal of mine to complete an Olympic triathlon. I am 24,female, and a graduate student. While this keeps me busy, I need a goalto push towards to keep me going to the gym and increasing my fitness. I have completed many sprint triathlons in the past, and now want to push myself to the next level, with some encouragement.
I live with my finance, and what better way to get fit for our wedding in September? Swimming is my strongest, while running is my weakest, but I would like to get better at it. If I could join a group to keep on track, and offer any advice I can, that would be great! I am planning on completing the full length triathlon in April or May, depending on school.

Happy New Year!
2014-01-02 8:38 AM
in reply to: jjcougs


Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
Hi Sarah
Id love to join this group too. I signed up for my first tri this coming June. I am more of a yogi / boot camper /spinner but I've always wanted to do a tri- even though I despise running. So this should be a challenge for me! Im about to turn 42 and have three kids and a super athlete husband- who has been training for an imaginary tri for over a year. Unlike me he wants to jump right to an ironman. Im happy if I can just finish a sprint.
Looking forward to learning from you all.
Is there anything else I need to do to join?

2014-01-02 9:17 AM
in reply to: KiterChick


Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
I would like to join this group. I am planning my first tri in April (beaver freezer) and have heard mentor groups are good for success. Please let me know what to do to join

2014-01-02 9:30 AM
in reply to: #4922185


Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
Hi Sarah,

I would like to join this group.

Name: Rajnish

Story: I have always wanted to do a tri and have been putting it off for some time now. So I finally signed up for a sprint this April and would like to do a half marathon in December. I hate running, so that would be a challenge.

Family Status: Married with a lovely and very supportive wife and two young boys.

Current training: i am just starting out.

This year races: sprint in April

Weight loss: hope to lose quite a bit, that's one of the reason I joined this sport.

2014-01-02 9:48 AM
in reply to: Osho


Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN

My name is Cheryl, 28, from Birmingham, UK and would love to join this group.

My boyfriend and I have entered our first sprint triathlon taking place in June. We are both regulars on the bike and go to the gym about 3 times a week (or at least we did until xmas and new year came along). We wanted to step up our training, both needed a challenge and something to aim for so thought this would be perfect. Although we do go the gym and I also play netball at least once a week, we are both overweight so am hoping to lose quite a bit in the process.

We are so excited to be doing a triathlon and are both really looking for any tips from those which have completed a tri before and also to hear from other first timers and hopefully motivate each other along the way.

I look forward to hearing from you
2014-01-02 11:49 AM
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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
Whew, we've had a lot of new people join the group in the past day or so, which is awesome, but bear with me while I try to reply to everyone. For those of you who asked, you don't have to do anything special to join; if you wrote a message in this thread, you're in! Going forward, feel free to ask questions or just post updates to keep motivated. I'll answer when I can, but feel free to throw in your two cents on any issue you think you may be of help with for other group members. All that being said, here I go...

Millenz - What half marathon are you planning on doing? With that as a base, you should be good to go for an Oly this summer. As for choosing events, you can search for events you're interested in on this site: lot of them will have race reports from past participants so you can get a better idea of what you're in for.

KJ - That's exciting you've already signed up for your first race! A lot of people have anxiety regarding the swim, so you're already ahead of the game with your background. Not sure if you ever do open water swimming (OWS) though, which, unless your first tri is in a pool, you'll definitely want to practice ahead of time as it is very different from the pool.

Andy (Raging) - Happy early birthday! Swim lessons are great if you can get them since it's more technique based than the other two disciplines. As for equipment, is there anything specific you're wondering about? Not sure what you have or don't have at the moment. If you just want to try things out, you can keep your required gear minimal (swim goggles, bike, helmet and running shoes), but of course there's a ton you can add (wetsuit, tri specific clothing, clipless pedals, etc.). Let me know if there's anything in particular you wanted more input on.

Anna - Wow, sounds like you had a tough 2013. Here's hoping 2014 will be a lot better! It sounds like you have a decent base, you just need to put them all together.

Andy (Hookandy) - Congrats on the weight loss! What is it about the swim that limits you to 50m? Just curious if it's fitness or technique related. Either way, you can definitely work through it.

John - Wow, you really have been on both ends of the spectrum! Sounds like you're back on the upside now though, which is great. Congrats on all of your accomplishments thus far. We'll get you swimming in no time.

Beth - That's great you have a swimming background. I'm so jealous! The rest is easy...well, maybe not easy, but very doable. You have plenty of time to build up to blowing by your new address and feeling great about your future.

Janae - You can definitely do an Oly with your sprint experience. You'll just need to work more on your endurance and it should go great!

Rosemarie - Haha, let's try to get you to not "despise" running. I think it's great you're trying out a sprint first. If you decide you love tris, you can join your husband in a full IM, but there's nothing wrong with only sticking to sprints too. That's what I did last season. They're much more fun than the full IMs anyway!

Ben - I LOVE the name of the race you're signed up for!

Rajnish - Can I ask why you're signed up to run a marathon if you hate running? Seriously, I'm not judging, just curious. Personally, I don't really care for swimming, but I do it because there's a lot more tris than duathlons around here so I'm willing to deal.

Cheryl - That's great you have your husband to train with. I sometimes go on rides with my boyfriend, and it's definitely nice to have someone to support you and motivate you to get out there.

I think I covered everyone there. Feel free to chime in with anything you'd like. Hopefully we'll all get to know each other and keep each other motivated. Talk soon!

Edited by KiterChick 2014-01-02 11:51 AM
2014-01-02 12:47 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
Hi, Sarah and the rest of the group!

I'm not sure if I'm able to join because it looks like more than five people have responded, but I thought I'd put myself out there anyway.

ME: My name is Carolyn and I'm a 24-year-old female living in a suburb of Chicago. I currently work a job with irregular hours (nights, weekends, and overnights) in the mental health field. I live at home as I'm paying off my undergrad student loans, but I have a boyfriend of three years who lives 1.5 hours away near Milwaukee who I see as often as I can.

FITNESS: I am a beginner when it comes to triathlons and races in general; I have only done two 5K races so far (completed in 2013). I would say that biking is my strongest event and swimming is my weakest. I took swimming lessons when I was a kid, but my breast stroke technique is really weak. I'm probably going to have to enroll in an adult swim class to get it right. I'm the most nervous about the swimming part! Although my fitness routine has been way too lax during the past few holiday months, I usually do cardio and circuit training as my regular workouts with biking being more of a hobby.

GOALS: I hope to complete either a sprint or super sprint triathlon in Chicago on August 24, 2014. I'm not concerned about my time apart from not being the last finisher. Before signing up, I would like to ask a few questions of someone who has done triathlons before on if the sprint or super sprint is realistic/attainable for me. I also want to gain muscle and lose fat. I'm currently at 20% body fat and I prefer to get down to 16%. In terms of weight loss, I would like to lose five pounds.

QUESTIONS: Here are a few preliminary questions I have at the moment:

1. Is a gym membership the best way to prepare for a triathlon, especially when training in the winter months? (I currently do not have a membership or access to a pool, so I'm thinking the gym membership may be the way to go.)

2. What gear do I need for a triathlon? (I currently have a 2007 Trek mountain bike for biking and just a one-piece Nike swimsuit for swimming.)

3. How hard is it to learn swimming as an adult? (I'm nervous about this!)

4. What type of diet is recommended for sprint training? (I'm a pescetarian, which means I'm a vegetarian who eats fish. I'm always worried about eating enough protein.)

5. As a beginner, should I sign up for the easier super sprint or the sprint, both of which are Aug. 24? (I can only train 3-4 days a week because of my wacky work schedule.)

P.S. I thought I posted this last night, but then it didn't show up, so obviously I still have to get the hang of the forums here!

Edited by Carolyn24 2014-01-02 12:49 PM

2014-01-02 2:41 PM
in reply to: #4915803

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
Wow lots of people with all sorts of experiences. As I'm just starting out I'm interested in training tips... Currently my exercise is a cardio or strength training DVD 5/7 mornings. I'm planning to switch one or two to a swim and add a bike then switch another to a run when the weather permits... Will this suffice? Any recommendations welcome!

The thing that's scaring me most is the change overs & though I'm a decent swimmer the thought of swimming in a lake with all the other competitors throwing elbows around freaks me out
2014-01-02 4:03 PM
in reply to: KiterChick

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Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
I'd like to join as well, if possible. I've been running for a few years now, and have done everything from 5ks to a full marathon. This year I plan on doing the Memphis in May sprint and maybe a fall Olympic distance if I survive the first one! I also have a few half marathons on the schedule for this year.
2014-01-02 7:50 PM
in reply to: KiterChick

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New user
Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN

So glad to see a group forming here!!

Since Sarah we could chime in, that's what I'm going to do... :D

Some of the basic things....

I totally agree with Sarah on her comment to KJ - OWS is very different than pool swimming. I didn't have the chance to practice OWS before my first tri. It was a river swim, sorta horseshoe shaped. I spent so much extra energy and time on the swim because of sighting. I swam in a zig-zag pattern, probably doubling my distance! That was definitely challenging and a weak spot for me.

Don't worry too much about equiptment if it's your first tri. I did my first on a hybrid bike (not a mountain bike but not a road bike either). I actually got compliments from people on the course because with a heavier bike, I was working harder but still keeping a decent pace.

I'm a very slow triathlete, but depending on what your goals are, speed doesn't have much to do with it. Triathlon is an individual sport, so it is what you make of is. It is very easy to get intimmidate by the extremely fit, seasoned althetes with all the fancy triathlon specific equipment. But I've found triathletes to be some of the most fun, open, helpful, supportive people out there! If you can, find a local tri-club to train with. I am a member of my local club, and although I haven't had the opportunity to do much training/socializing with them in person, even over the internet (facebook and yahoo group) they are friendly and encouraging.

That's my bit for now. My training has been decent by my diet has yet to get back on track. I will be starting the MLM nonsense 24 day challenge on Monday with my boyfriend. I have a run on my schedule tonight. Since it is practically blizzarding here in Ohio, I brought my stuff with to use the treadmill here at work when I get off. I bummed around all morning so now I have to do it tonight after work. Oh well. I was using the treadmill at my apartment, but the last couple times I've used it, it's reset itself while I'm running on it! Dangerous! and not a fun experience at all.

Welcome every one and happy training!

2014-01-02 9:10 PM
in reply to: KiterChick


Subject: RE: KiterChick's beginner friendly group - OPEN
Hi Sara and every one else,

I'm not really sure how this works, but I'd like to join as well.

Name: tri-ingnewthings/Kristina

About a year ago I realized that I need to do something about my weight. I'd always been overweight and despite some athletic aspirations (I did c25k three years ago) I never kept going after the race. I did a half marathon in May (Boston Run to Remember) and my first tri in September (the Title 9 sprint in Hopkinton, MA!). I fell in love with Triathlon and I'm looking forward to doing an Olympic next season.

I was pretty busy in December and didn't have a lot of time to train so I'm trying to get back on track. My plan is to do an Olympic in April (I'm not finalized since I'll have to travel and probably rent a bike) and the half in May again.

Weightloss wise I lost 60 lb in the last year and I'm not sure how much more I have to go.
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date : June 14, 2012
author : IndoIronYanti
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MAPS is Meditation, Acclimatization, Practice, and Strategy, which are key for giving you the confidence and skills to execute the open-water swim in a triathlon well.
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Don't be scared for the swim! Gain more confidence for your open water swims with these tips
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In this Oakley Armchair Session, British triathlete Tim Don talks about a few tips to prepare you for your open water swim.
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Are you about to race your first triathlon? Here are two great tips on swimming your first open water triathlon race.
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For most age-group triathletes, getting the most out of there time for quality workouts can be daunting. Think outside the triangle to get a little more.
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Tri clubs offer all of us, from beginner to advanced athlete, a venue in which we can realign our perspective of what “fast” and “far” are, pushing us to new and greater heights of performance.
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Once you caught your breath, it occurred to you that finishing even a short triathlon might be harder than you thought. After a few "laps" you thought, "I can't believe I'm so out of shape."
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The start of the race I had the jitters. I was watching the other age groups start as they seeded the swim with over 1000 participants.