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2014-12-17 9:46 AM

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Subject: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
GROUP FOCUS: Triathlon's of all distance with a strong focus on consistency in training. Without consistent training across all disciplines your potential will not be met.

NAME: Trisuppo / Mitch

STORY: Like everyone else - I am busy. Between a wife, three girls (ages 16, 12 & 4), a house, a job and a dog I feeling like I'm running on fumes a lot. Endurance sports have become my outlet that is supposed to help me maintain my sanity.

I got into triathlons about 7 years ago after getting 20+ pounds overweight and realizing that there were triathlons that weren't Ironman distance. My first love before triathlons was cycling - and I absolutely hated running. I have since become an avid runner and feed off of the runner's high. My wife can tell when I haven't run for a few days. I'm continually working on improving my swim.

With the kids at home, the last few years have been tough from a training and racing perspective. I was mentored by Ernesto, a BT member, a couple seasons ago and he taught me to listen to my body and train smarter. In 2012, I PR'd an early season HM, was on my way to PRing a 2nd HM in June and ended up with a stress fracture. i spent the summer of 2012 doing some swimming and biking and started to rehab my leg in August. i ran a sprint tri in Sept, my first tri since 2009. I really live by the phrases "run a lot, mostly easy and sometimes hard" and "your easy is never easy enough and your hard is never hard enough". That shift in philosophy allowed me to increase my volume and increase my overall fitness. In 2013 life got in the way of my triathlon plans but I managed to run more than I ever have a PR'd my end of season HM by 5 minutes. In 2014 I focused on consistency of training across all three disciplines and capped my triathlon season with my first 70.3 distance tri. The key is being consistent with your training.
Additionally I am ex-Military for those who may enjoy that affiliation.

FAMILY STATUS: See above. My wife doesn't quite get my passion and thinks I go overboard at times. As long as my training doesn't impact the family too much she is fine. That requires me to get creative at times and to work out mostly in the mornings. I have a treadmill and bike trainer set up in the basement which is imperative due to living in Michigan.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am working on consistency in all three disciplines. I am a proponent of training with power and a huge fan of I am currently taking a break from running due to a late season bout of Plantar Fascitis. I hope to begin running again on January 1st. For swimming I am trying to get to three days at the pool per week and then begin adding distance to each of those workouts. I have also begun strength training to ensure that I maintain some semblance of an upper body.

THIS YEAR'S RACES (2014): Tawas HIM (early Sept), Detroit HM (Oct)

2015 Races: At least one HIM and at least one HM

WEIGHTLOSS: In early 2007 I weighed in around 183 (5'9"). I got down to 151 for my end of season HM and it was definitely a contributor to my performance. I am currently around 157 but am trying to get to high 140's to see how that feels. I try to track my food intake to ensure that calories are in balance with my daily activities.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I've grown as an athlete over the last few years. I've overcome injury, my stubborn nature, and life's curve balls. What I've gained is an appreciation for our differences and the ability to listen and find an optimal path forward. I have an insatiable appetite for knowledge and am ready to share a lot of what I've learned with others. There are a group of us who have trained together via Ernesto's mentor group the last few years. Some of them plan to join this team and will supplement my knowledge. Some have completed Ironman races. Some are accomplished runners. What we have together is perseverance and a consistent approach to getting faster and stronger. This group is truly a team effort. All abilities are welcomed and I pledge that you will get out of his group what you are willing to put into it. I can't make you get up in the morning and head to the pool or lace up your running shoes. However, collectively we can give you the tools to make sure that when you do train you are doing it with eyes wide open and hopefully in an optimal fashion.

2015 GOALS: (1) Maintain consistency in training for Swim, Bike and Run; (2) Swim 3 times per week; (3) run healthy; (4) Bike four times per week; (5)Complete another HIM;

Edited by trisuppo 2014-12-30 10:50 PM

2014-12-29 12:09 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
NAME: Ellen

STORY: I'm 22, and started exercising in November 2014. So far I've been able to stay consistent, which I know is thanks to this group. I really do want to get in shape and be healthier, so I've decided to not make excuses anymore.
Outside of that, I'm not in college but am taking some extra schooling on subjects I enjoy, while deciding what to do next. I also volunteer once a week at a therapeutic horseback riding facility (part of the reasons I want to be in better shape).

FAMILY STATUS: I live with my parents and sisters in north Texas.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm working through the Beginner Exercise Program on this site. I can't swim yet, so for now its biking/walking/eventually running.

WEIGHTLOSS: My goal is to get from 180ish to down around 130lbs.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I'm willing to learn!

2015 GOALS: (1) Finish the training program I'm in. (2) Keep a diary so by next year I'll have some data to use for planning. (3) Pay more attention to diet/nutrition.
2014-12-29 12:59 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Mitch- I would to to be part of the mentor group.

NAME: JBacarella/ Jim

STORY: I've been doing for about 6 years now, but my story starts a few years earlier. When I was 39 I had a physical where everything went bad. I was 30 lbs overweight, my BP was pre-hypertensive and all of my tests came back badly. It got to the point that I asked the nurse was anything good, and she said your cholesterol was 199, I asked what is bad and she told me 200. I needed to make changes.
I started the "Don't Eat Like a Pig" diet. Basically eat normal foods, just don't eat like a pig. I don't need to eat half a pizza, but I can have 2 slices. Then I started walking. I was losing weight, but wanted more. I tried softball (drinking beer Thursday nights) and it just wasn't for me.
Our town hosts a triathlon every September. As we were driving through town on "Triathlon Day," the athletes were transitioning from swim to bike. As we watched them cross the road to T1, I turned to my wife and said I'm going to do that next year. She said ok. Then I turned to her and said "will you teach me to swim." She said yes.

FAMILY STATUS: I have been married for 21 years. My wife is supportive, but doesn't get the draw. I have 4 teenagers, 3 girls 19,18, and 15, and a 14 year old son. The three youngest have done triathlons. The 18 year old loves them and competes with me, her longest distance is OLY. My youngest daughter is a State qualified runner and likes all 3 sports, but not at the same time.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am the king of the Runch (lunch time run), because of family obligations and hatred of morning exercise, I do most of my work on my lunch. Swimming is a challenge. I live in a rural town and don't have a pool easily available. I do the bulk of my swimming in Lake Huron between May and September, once the water hits 50 F. Like Mitch, living in Michigan, I spend a lot of time being creative and riding my bike in my basement. I love The Sufferfest videos and am new to trainer road.

THIS YEAR'S RACES (2014): Tawas HIM, Oscoda HM, AuSable Canoe 10k and several 5K's

2015 Races: Tawas HIM, Hubbard Lake Oly, Oscoda HM and Midland Marathon.

WEIGHTLOSS: In 2005 I was 199. For the past 7 years I have maintained around 170 +-. This fall I went a little crazy with eating. I was kind of on the "Eat like a Pig" diet, So I need to put the don't back on it and lose 8 lbs.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I love the sport and found I do better, when I am involved in a group working on the same goals. I like sharing about this sport.

2015 GOALS: (1) Regain form from last season (2) remain consistent (3) build up for an Iron distance race;
2014-12-29 1:44 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN

Hello BT-ers! 

STORY: Started triathlon in 2006 because my 60+ year old dad said "you should do the Vineman Half with me." And I said "Ok."  Stayed with the sport thru 2009 and slowly fell off the circuit due to various injuries and eventually due to having twins.  It's time to get back into the greatest sport on earth on a more regular basis.  Hoping this group will give me that extra kick to get start/thru my workouts.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with twin boys (4), two dogs, two birds, and a partridge in a pear tree.

CURRENT TRAINING: Zilch. Will start this week at around 2-3 hours/week.

2014 RACES:: Various 5ks. 

RACES PLANNED FOR 15: Augusta 70.3

BEER PREFERENCE: IPA (I stole this heading from the Beer mentor group...just seemed like an important. detail)

WEIGHT LOSS: Lost 21 lbs one year after the boys were born.  Gained 6 back, then lost 5, then gained 5. You get the picture.  Currently need to drop some weight, but if I focus on the sport, weight loss will follow.


Edited by emlavigne 2015-01-01 4:45 PM
2014-12-29 2:05 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Central VA
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Hi all,

NAME: PVFD304/Brian

STORY: My road to fitness began nearly six years ago when my daughter was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes at the age of 10. I was totally blown away at the the change of lifestyle. I decided to start exercising for two reasons. First of all I wanted to give my daughter a positive role model of how to live a positive life by healthy eating and being active. Second, I found that exercise was a good way for me to deal with he stress of dealing with all the diabetes related baggage that comes along with the diagnosis. She's 16 now and doing well. Driving and dating has now started so my stress level seems to be going up by the day. :-)

FAMILY STATUS: I have been married for 20 years we have one daughter.

CURRENT TRAINING: No real training plan. Swimming has been a challenge, pool at the Y has been closed due to a broke heater for 3 months (Long Story), it is fixed now so I hope to get back in the pool. Have to dodge the local swim team practice which is scheduled for the time I get off work.

Last year was a good year for my biking which is my real love. I was slowed down by a broke rib (fall accident at work) which caused me to miss my September sprint tri that I had planned.

PAST RACES: 6 Sprint distance Tri's, Two Metrics and One Full Century Rides and a bunch of 5K's over the past few years.

2015 PLANS: First sprint is in April, have to deal with the rest of the year depending on funds. Still waiting to get the first insurance bill with a 16 year old driver. (Anyone want to buy a Camaro?)

WEIGHTLOSS: Lost 40 pounds about 5 years ago and now it's creeping back up. I'm 6'4" and got down to 205, normally weigh in around 225-230. I hit 240 during Christmas break. Need to get back down to 225. I'm getting heavier but not fatter if that makes any sense. Looking back at old photos I looked really thin and frail at 205. I'm sure the years of training have gotten me in better shape. Feel like I'm in better shape now than any point in my life.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: Hope that this forum will give me the motivation to keep training, I have found out that as long as I have signed up for a race, I don't have any problem making my training goals.

2014-12-29 2:16 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Count me in!

NAME: Beth (sillygal)

STORY: I am a super shy swimmer. Last year was my first triathlon year and it went way better than I could have hoped -- though now I’m getting lonely training by myself. Previously I've tried training for running races (15k and half marathon) but have only injured myself because you can’t train running like you do swimming. I bought my first bike in August and I was shocked that it costs just as much as my 150 cc scooter! I mention that I’m super shy because I've been reading these boards for well over a year and have an irrational fear of joining. So this year’s first goal is to join a virtual group. Check!

FAMILY STATUS: I have a very supportive boyfriend who cheers me on and keeps me humble. He likes to bike and run but won’t swim.

CURRENT TRAINING: I’m mid-long run training. I signed up for the 15k that took out my hip 2 years ago. This time I’m going turtle slow on the training runs. In addition to the running, I try to get 1 spin class, 1 long bike, 1 short bike, and 1.5 swims per week. Some weeks are better than others.

THIS YEAR'S RACES (2014): 1 Aquathlon (Little Elm) and 1 sprint tri (Stonebridge) and a 5k where I got my first sub 30 min PR! ?clearly not a runner!

2015 Races: Hot Chocolate 15k (Feb 7th), Caveman sprint (April 19), Aquathlon (June) and the Stonebridge sprint (September).

WEIGHT-LOSS: I hate this part, so I’m now back in Athena category but hopefully not for long. Ideally I should be around 146 realistically I’d be happy to see 150. I love food and sugar specifically. I love myfitnesspal.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I love to read and learn and share with friends. My boyfriend and best friend are really tired of hearing about triathlon training so maybe I need some friends with similar interests. ?

2015 GOALS: (1) Run strong without injury. (2) Join a real life club and participate in the open water swims and group rides. (3) improve on last season’s races. (4) race competitively – trying for a 3rd place ?

2014-12-29 2:48 PM
in reply to: trisuppo


Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Can I join?

NAME: Lisa

STORY: About 7 years ago I started running to lose the extra pounds after having my second child. I fell in love with the sport but my body could not handle the stress from running. I decided to start swimming and soon after included cycling into my routine. I have been exercising pretty consistently over the past 7 years. However, last year was a bit of a struggle for me. The stresses of life took over. Those stresses are behind me now and I hope to move forward and have a good season next year.

FAMILY STATUS: I am married to a very supportive husband and have two children - aged 7 and 8. While my husband is supportive I try to fit in workouts when it will not impact family life. This means early morning workouts. I am also trying to include my kids in more of my training like taking them out for a bike ride while I run.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have jumped back into training and am trying to build up volume. My plan will start next week.

THIS YEARS RACES: I completed one sprint tri which was done on minimal training and one half marathon. The half marathon was a complete fail. I was hoping to go under 2:05 but the day was a fail. It was the hottest day of the year and my body just did not adjust to the tempuratures.

2015 RACES: I have decided to stick to shorter races. I have two sprint tris on the schedule and 1 olympic. I also want to run a bunch of 5km.

2015 GOALS: One of my big goals is conquering the OWS. I have joined a local tri group which does a lot of OWS starting in the spring. I also would like to become more comfortable in the water. I would also like improve my speeds at all distances.

2014-12-29 3:08 PM
in reply to: exercisegirl

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
I'm in again Mitch. Will post later - heading out for some night skiing.

All - welcome to the group. There's a core of us here who have been together for a while and have some good experiences with training, racing, injuries, etc. None of us are qualifying for Kona (except maybe Jackie) so please feel to ask any question.
2014-12-29 3:12 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
I'd love to join everyone!

NAME: Melissa

STORY: I am 24 years old and a graduate student working on a masters in social work. I've been a runner for a few years, mostly marathons but shorter distances as well. After I spent last summer laser-focused on improving my marathon time (and I succeeded!), I knew that I needed to diversify my exercise regime to keep things interesting. I have done one tri in the past and loved it, so it's time to take the plunge. Since I have all summer off, I plan on working my butt off in training for a half iron.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for about a year, no kiddos. The hubby will be my partner in training this season!

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm working with a local tri group to get into the pool and on the bike a few times a week. I majority of my solo workouts have been runs, and will continue to focus on this until I finish my final marathon of the season in two weeks.

2015 RACES: June - Sprint; June - Olympic; July - 70.3 in Door County, WI

WEIGHTLOSS: No weightloss goals. I'd like to put on a few pounds of muscle.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I love the support of the tri community and am eager to share in that experience by receiving and giving support within this group.

2015 GOALS: (1) Finish my 70.3; (2) Keep swimming, running, and biking long after the 70.3
2014-12-29 4:59 PM
in reply to: Sillygal

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Extreme Veteran
Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Congrats on joining the virtual group Beth! I hear you when you say that training is getting lonely. I used to train with a tri group in person but no longer have the time to dedicate to workouts that aren't near/in my house due to work/kids. So I'm turning to all you awesome virtual peeps to train/share with. Here's to many great experiences in 2015!
2014-12-29 10:10 PM
in reply to: emlavigne

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
STORY: This was a few years ago now but a doctor recommended I try running to reduce stress. I started that fall, ran a 5k, bought a road bike a week or two later and signed up for a 70.3 for the next fall before ever doing a triathlon of any distance. I lost a lot of weight in the process topping out at over 20hrs per week of training. I promised myself that I would never let myself get out of shape again. Well.... family illness, a career change, a long commute and office job didnt/dont help so I am back on focus and looking to regain some lost ground.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 14 year with a 12yo son and 9 yo daughter.

CURRENT TRAINING: heavily cycling focused towards the Tour of Sufferlandria then a standard tri plan will follow in Feb. "Work out facilities" include my basement with my bike set up on trainerroad and a treadmill. I have a projector hooked up to a laptop so training time = TV time. I also work about 10minutes from a pool that has weekday lunch hour lane swims.

2014 RACES:: uhhhh.. a charity run of 5k, Tour of Sufferlandria , thats about it.

RACES PLANNED FOR 15: Tour of Sufferlandria, Xterra ParrySound, Xterra Mine over matter, possibly a local Sprint or Oly

WEIGHT LOSS: 5;8 190lbs so some work is in order there. Hope to race at about 170lbs.

2014-12-29 10:42 PM
in reply to: #5075288


Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Can I join?
Name: Morgan
STORY: Have now been running off and on for several years and have completed a couple half marathons and one full. With being in school for masters, wife etc I stopped running as much and recently decided I wanted to do an ironman eventually so I have picked up running again and have been biking on mtb and 2 months ago started swimming with a masters group (it is not fun being the slowest)

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 dogs and first kid due in 2 months (finding time to train after that will be fun)

CURRENT TRAINING: running 3 or 4 times a week/ swimming 1-3 times a week and biking occasionally. All not very consistent

RACES PLANNED FOR 15: A January 5k and haven't booked it yet but want to do the texas Olympic tri in May.

2015 goals; 1. Be consistent in training 2. Become a competent swimmer. 3. Become a triathlete!


WEIGHT LOSS: 2 years ago I lost 30 lbs from running/switching to paleo/gf and have now put back on 10 but with consistent training I know I can lose it back.
2014-12-29 11:22 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN

STORY: I’m almost 40 -- yikes. I started triathlons about 3 years ago. My training and racing has been sporadic --which is why I really need to be in this group. So far, I have completed one Olympic and 3 sprint tris. This year I am going to do my first HIM on May 2, 2015 at St. George Utah. I plan on completing one Oly to prep and tough mudder. Unfortunately the mind is willing but the body is not always on the same page. I have really bad knees from over seven years of jumping out of airplanes in the Army.

FAMILY STATUS: Married no children.

CURRENT TRAINING: I just started doing the beginner 20 week program -- cannot believe the race is now 19 weeks away.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Malibu triathlon.

2015 RACES: Super Seal (Oly March 2015); HIM St. George May 2, 2015, Malibu Tri September 2015

WEIGHTLOSS: Weight loss has not been an issue for me.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I will try to help out where I can and strive for consistency.
2014-12-30 7:12 AM
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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
The Tour of Sufferlandria is upon us. For the uninitiated, Sufferfest creates simply the toughest indoor cycling videos that will hurt and punish you, make you want to hurl and will leave you in great cycling shape. The videos can be purchased at and can only be shown on a computer/smartphone - no DVDs. To optimize use, you can pair the vids with program that is simply the best program for indoor cycle training. Trainnerroad now works via iPhone and requires Bluetooth cadence and HR monitor. The computer program supports Bluetooth and ant+ technology. Mitch has set up a group on trainerroad that allows us to share our workouts. Ask questions and we can walk you through it.

Now, the ToS started Jan 24th and is 8 straight days of torture using prescribed workouts. Participation is worldwide and raises money for the Davis Phimney foundation which supports Parkinson's research. It's a great way to get in shape, raise money for a great cause and suffer with our brothers and sisters across the globe. This year's lineup is as follows(days 8&9 are beyond cruel):

Stage 1, Sat, 24 Jan: Elements of Style* + The Long Scream
Duration: 1hr 10mins
Grunter von Agony wants a classy peloton this year, so Elements of Style sets riders up with the form, efficiency and style critical to 9 days in the saddle. And then The Long Scream rips it to pieces with a 30 minute time trial through the Sufferlandrian flatlands.
Stage 2, Sun, 25 Jan: Blender
Duration: 1hr 40mins
The first long stage of the Tour will require Sufferlandrians to face off not just on the road, but also in the dirt and snow. Endurance, skill and speed will all be tested. The (in)famous Pain Shakes shall be served. Cold.
Stage 3: Mon, 26 Jan: Fight Club
Duration: 1hr
The relatively predictible and steady Suffering of the first two stages gives way to a stage designed for scrappy, aggressive racing. Expect Cadel Evans, in one of the final races of his career, to give it a go for victory today.
Stage 4: Tue, 27 Jan: Nine Hammers*
Duration: 1hr
But you still have to do the stage.
Stage 5: Wed, 28 Jan: Angels**
Duration: 1hr
Out of the Valley of Nine Hammers, the ToS route heads upwards for our first mountain stage. Three staggeringly difficult climbs fill out the 2nd half of the stage, with a brutally steep finish. Riders who make it this far...well, still have a long way to go, really.
Stage 6: Thu, 29 Jan: Local Hero
Duration: 1hr 25mins
A mixed bag of a stage, riders will be faced with criterium racing, time trials, flats and short climbs. And a brief stay in a Thai prison. Heavy legs are no reason not to pursue as much GLORY as possible. You might not win the ToS today, but you could lose it if you're not up for the terribly unnecessary sprints that finish today's stage.
Stage 7: Fri, 30 Jan: The Rookie
Duration: 1hr
It has been your performance in past Tours of Sufferlandria that captured the attention of the world's best professional cycling teams. Today is the day you show them you deserve all the attention over the course of three very difficult sections.
Stage 8: Sat, 31 Jan: Revolver + Violator + Half is Easy (Dame Alissa Memorial Stage)
Duration: 2hrs 25mins
Our youngest Knight of Sufferlandria, Dame Alissa Schubert, was killed earlier this year when she was hit by a truck while out cycling. Revolver was her favourite video. We dedicate this stage, the hardest stage ever to feature in the ToS, in her memory. We also dedicate it to her parents who also became Knights of Sufferlandria with Alissa. A true Sufferlandrian's stage. Crush it.
Stage 9: Sun, 1 Feb: ISLAGIATT
Duration: 2hrs
It will be a weary, weary peloton that faces the final mountainous stage of the Tour of Sufferlandria. Only the hardiest of souls - and that means you - will be capable of making the moves necessary through the fabled lava snow of Mt. Sufferlandria. VICTORY - and another full year of bragging - await those who make it this far.

Edited by JoePetto 2014-12-30 7:13 AM
2014-12-30 8:18 AM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Originally posted by JoePetto

The Tour of Sufferlandria is upon us.

Stage 8: Sat, 31 Jan: Revolver + Violator + Half is Easy (Dame Alissa Memorial Stage)
Duration: 2hrs 25mins

that truly is evil
2014-12-30 8:29 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Hello all, I'd like to join if there's still room!

NAME: dgconner154/David

STORY: I played a bunch of sports growing up, including ice hockey in high school and college, but real life started to get in the way after college and I got out of team sports for many years. I got into running about 10 years ago as a way to stay in shape and do something competitive, and ran my first HM in 2008 as a fundraiser for the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America. Since then I've run lots of races from 4k - HM, although I've never had a strong desire to do full marathons. Four years ago I started doing CrossFit and almost immediately I began to PR races across all distances. Three summers ago a friend convinced me to do my first sprint tri and I managed a decent time despite no swim or bike training whatsoever. Since then I've done a handful of sprints and duathlons, but this past season is when I really got bitten by the tri bug. I completed my first Oly tri this past November and now I'm hooked. I just bought my first TT bike and I'm looking forward to focusing my training and competing in 5 races this season.

FAMILY STATUS: I've been married to my beautiful wife Nicole for almost 10 years and we have our first child due this March (scary!). My wife also thinks I'm a little overboard but she's gotten used to it over the years.

CURRENT TRAINING: I still do CrossFit on a regular basis despite the seemingly strong anti-CF sentiment throughout the triathlon community. In my opinion and experience, the benefits far outweigh the risks if it's done smartly. I currently swim 2x per week in a local Masters program (I just started this over the summer in preparation for my Oly so I'm relatively new to organized swimming). I run a couple times per week, mostly low intensity, but I mix in high-intensity track workouts when the weather allows. I just picked up a bike trainer and plan to get on a focused bike regimen this winter (possibly Trainerroad?). In the spring I plan to back off the CrossFit and increase my SBR volume for the race season. I also play hockey once a week but will probably have to give that up with a baby on the way and the increased tri training.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 1 sprint, 1 Oly, and a handful of running races.

2015 RACES: My goal is to complete 5 tri's this season - 3 sprints, an Oly and a HIM - along with the usual smattering of running races (mainly 5k's and 10k's).

WEIGHT LOSS: Generally this isn't an issue for me. My diet is pretty good and I stay fairly lean, although I'll be looking to drop a few extra holiday pounds over the next couple weeks!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I'm always looking to learn and I appreciate and value the advice of others who are more experienced. I've been a mentor in a running group so I understand the value of sharing personal experience with others. I have no biking background so this will probably where I have the most questions and need the most advice.

2015 GOALS: Increase swimming to 3x/week in-season; bike 2-3x/week consistently with a focused training plan; complete my first HIM (time goal TBD!)

2014-12-30 9:35 AM
in reply to: molivi311

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New user
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
NAME: Scott - Michigan native - Navy Veteran

STORY: Like everyone- I am busy. Between a wife, 2 kids (ages 4 and 2), a house, a job, when\where\how do ya fit training in?

I got into triathlons about 2 years ago. Started out with Duathlons and quickly got the bug to attempt a Tri. Ended up doing 2 tri's in 2013 and only really 3 tri's in 2014. Was signed up for 5, one turned into a Duathlon for safety reasons and the other I missed because my 2 yr old was in the hospital the night before the race.

With my kids at home it's tough making the time to train. Period. Anyone with kids knows this. Consistency for me has been my downfall. It's been non-existent. I ran a marathon 6 weeks before my youngest was born and haven't been able to get into a good consistent rhythm since. I'm hoping/planning on changing that in 2015. I've been training mainly after the kids are in bed, but that isn't working anymore and have started to shift to mornings. It's been tough (more on me) but it seems to be working.

FAMILY STATUS: See above. Like yourself, my wife doesn't quite understand why I like run or race or do triathlons, but does seem to support some of my habits. I have a trainer that is getting used more now that winter has set in and I'll probably have to use it even when summer rolls around to get my mid-week rides in and keep the family happy. I have a treadmill that needs work and it hasn't been really bad enough outside yet for me to want to spend the money to either fix it or replace it. I'm winter warrior anyway, run all winter long outside if at all possible. Treadmill really would only be used for speed workouts or if it's the only way to get a run in.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm working on a base for all three disciplines. My swim needs work. I'm always one of the last few out of the water. I do feel like I'm making progress and hope to be somewhere in the middle of the pack vs the back of the pack. One of my drawbacks is I have limited access to a pool. Main access is to an "endless pool" via work. Lap pools are 30-45 minutes away. Biking, again working on building my base through the winter months and with consistency expect to see huge gains here. I don't have the ability to view my power outputs, everything is done by effort and/or HR. I'm working in 2 strength sessions per week as well. Not my favorite thing in the world to do.

THIS YEAR'S RACES (2014): Holly Oly June, Caseville Oly (turned Du) July, Holly Oly September, Caro Tri October.

2015 Races: See 2014 races plus hopefully 2 more Tri's, At least 2 HMs and a few but limited 5, 8, and 10ks.

WEIGHTLOSS: Late 2009 I ran my first marathon weighing in at 212 (6'2). I've since dropped done and can easily maintain 180s. I have been as low as 175 but would like to get down to 170. I also try to track my food intake to ensure that calories are in balance with my daily activities, but cravings/temptations have been winning most days this month.

2015 GOALS: Improve my swim performance through consistency and working on improving my "technique". (It needs work) Biking, will come with time in the saddle through the winter months and running will always be my favorite part and will not be a problem. When in doubt, run.

Looking forward to the upcoming season and putting in the proper work to have a great time!

2014-12-30 11:51 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN

Mitch- I would to be part of the mentor group because I need consistency!

NAME: JFord2309/ James 

STORY: I have been doing triathlons for about 5 years and I have worked my way through indoor tris to sprints, to Olympics, to HIM and finished my 1st IM in 2013. I basically took all of 2014 off, but I am ready to run again. I struggle on the run the most and that frustrates me the most. I can/could hit a 22 minute 5K, but I cannot get a decent marathon time to save my life. I am 43 and starting to feel it with the knees and arthritis and such.

FAMILY STATUS: I have been married for 18 years. My wife is supportive, and has even gotten into the sport. I have 3 boys ages 15,13, and 5. All three have done kids triathlons, so we are an active family when I can get the kids off XBOX.  

CURRENT TRAINING: I like to hit my workouts in the morning, I can do treadmills for only so long and I actually like using the trainer on my bike. I have a great place to swim and once it warms up, I can actually get to a lake to swim. I am getting ready to start a sprint plan next week, but I am debating on when to start my IM plan. Last time I think the plan was too long and it took a toll on me.

THIS YEAR'S RACES (2014): Elvis Presley 5K (25:45), St Jude half marathon (2:31)

2015 Races: Memphis in May sprint & Redman 140.6, and maybe some other short distances if I feel like it

WEIGHTLOSS: Currently I am 6ft and 195lbs.  I really want to get down to around 180 by the time my 140.6 is here, but I suck at monitoring my diet.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I love the accountability of a group. I have led mentor groups before, but I need the accountability on consistency going for another 140.6 (as I am racing  fellow BTer at this race and I want to win)

2015 GOALS: (1) Beat my 140.6 time of 15:53 (2) remain consistent (3) beat Brad at Redman

2014-12-30 2:53 PM
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2014-12-30 4:35 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
Hi Everyone, I'd like to join if there is spots open!

NAME: tmoran07/Todd

STORY: I grew up a baseball player and runner. I started running XC in 5th grade and went through HS and a few years after and my body just changed on me. Suddenly I was bigger and I couldn't keep muscle off. I couldn't keep the fat off either. I got married 7 yrs ago and ended up gaining the freshman 15 and went from 6' 185lbs to 240lbs. My wife and I got into tris about 5 years ago and I did mainly sprints up until 2 years ago and did the St George 70.3 which almost killed me. Over the last 2 years I've really dedicated myself to triathlon specific training and keeping my lifting to a minimum. I completed 2 HIM at Silverman and HITS Palm Springs. Now, I'm around 205lbs & am looking at completing my first 140.6 at IMAZ in Nov '15.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 kids (3 & 1) and the wife and I train together or support each other 100%.

CURRENT TRAINING: I've started the RPE full Ironman training plan from BT and am repeating the first 4 weeks through the holidays and to start the new year. My wife was a college swimmer and we have access to her coaches so swimming is good to go, The summer months I ride to work 3-5 days a week and get 40-60 miles a day during that time frame so my cycling form comes around during that time. My struggle is with the run. I know consistency is the key and i struggle with that with running.

WEIGHTLOSS: Ultimately I'd like to get under 190lbs in time for IMAZ but I haven't been that light for 7 or 8 years. I would be happy with 195-200lbs.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I'm coach-able. I know I don't know everything and am willing to hear suggestions and ideas on how to improve. I want to be a more complete athlete and there are many of you that are much more knowledgeable than I am.

2015 GOALS: Be as consistent as possible with my training plan. Drop 10lbs. Complete IMAZ coherent.
2014-12-30 6:26 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

New user
Los Angeles County
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
I'm looking forward to being accepted into the "Consistency Equals Success" group... =)

NAME: David

STORY: I'm 43 years old living in Los Angeles area. I've been doing sprint triathlons for a couple years now and wanting to really focus on building endurance, strength, and speed to do my first Olympic distance triathlon with hopes to continue into 2016 with a 70.3 and who knows from there. I really want to push myself to levels that I haven't been able to do since high school, swimming and water polo. With some success in 2014, I know that the reality is there, but requires consistency and drive; my body can recover here-n-there and I know that now.

I'm looking forward to a successful 2015 year with high hopes of it being injury free and full of goals being completed successfully =)

FAMILY STATUS: I'm married with 3 children, ages 21, 19, 17. My boys, 19 and 17, have does the sprint triathlons with me. We have been competing against each other with one person beating out the other depending on course, health, and environment. They definitely helped with motivating me to get to a level that I thought wasn't possible at first; for example, I'm a horrible runner with a 35+ minute 5K run when I first started, but in 2014, I not only successfully ran the whole 5K, 2nd time ever in my life, I also ran it at 24 minutes which was only a couple minutes behind both my sons.

CURRENT TRAINING: Bicycling from work daily regardless of weather. I usually bus to work now cause of being too sweaty once I get to work. Going to start getting into the pool again and start stretching out my legs for running.

2015 Races: Nothing in the books yet, but most likely doing the same sprint triathlons that I did in 2014 along with the Herbalife triathlon in September. I already have a couple bicycle rides in the books. Tour de Cure Century ride in Long Beach, CA. Tour de Cure Metric Century ride in Rancho Santa Margarita. Big Bear Century ride. And, looking into more rides...

WEIGHTLOSS: I just need to eat healthy. I know that I'm exercising quite a bit, but still eating junk food and/or over eating. I'm at a "maintaining" weight level. Weight loss is an added benefit and not really a "goal".

2014-12-30 6:38 PM
in reply to: trisuppo


Philly, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
I'd also like to join if there is still room for another newbie

Name - microdoc aka Kevin

Story - Have always been athletic but never an athlete. Baseball, swimming and running growing up, actually did a sprint triathlon when I was 16 with no real training and vividly remember getting passed like I was standing still riding my 10-speed mountain bike. Didn't really do anything in college, but got back into running in grad school starting with 5ks and eventually working up to a marathon. I have yo-yo'd back to the other end with not doing anything and am looking for accountability to be consistent as I work towards my 2015 goals (more on that later).

Family - Married for 6 years to my wonderful wife, no kids, but a dog who is an outstanding running partner (he never talks back though)

Current training - Have started to get back into running shape in preparation for a March HM. Got a new bike and trainer for X-mas and will start swimming at the University in the next couple of weeks.

2014 - Broad street 10 Miler and a bunch of 5ks
2015 - Tobacco Road HM (March) - French Creek Oly (May) - Philly Tri (June) - Princeton HIM (if it ever opens - Sept)

Weightloss - Definitely at the wrong end of the yo-yo about 30-40 lbs more than I want to be, I know if I train consistently I can drop the weight I need to

Why I will be a good mentee - I'm in a profession (medicine) where you rely on the collective expertise and experience of others to achieve the best outcomes for the patient everyday. I know I can apply that same attitude towards my own outcomes and the outcomes of the group.
2014-12-30 7:08 PM
in reply to: [email protected]

Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN


STORY: I'm 56 and live in Sendai, Japan. I ran on and off (weekend warrior type runner) for the past 30-35 years and I always thought triathlons would be something I would like to get into if I had the time.  So when I stopped working about 6 years ago, I bought a bike (no cycling for 35 years) and started hitting the pool (no swimming for more like 40 years).   My first Oly was in 2009 and since then I've done 3-4 races per year.   I have done the HIM distance 3 times (2011-2013), did my first iron distance this year and the rest of my races were all Olys.   I continue to struggle with the swim but the wetsuit helps me get through the races in the open water - my age group performance is actually not bad, but I never feel comfortable.    My running was my strongest discipline until this year.  I ended up tearing a muscle near my hip and could not run for about 6 weeks.  I'm still trying to get back to where I was pre-injury.     My cycling has slowly improved and is actually almost on par with my running relative to others in my age group.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with two sons from my wife's previous marriage. We have 5 grandchildren.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am in the pool 4-5 days per week and spend way too much time on technique.   I still struggle with getting the breathing right.   Cycling - on the trainer 3 times/week through the winter and doing intervals (following an EN plan).  I run outside as long as the weather is half way decent and get out at least 3 days per week and ideally 4.    

2014 RACES: 3 Olys and my first full distance event - the Sado Astroman (3.8 km swim, 190 km bike, 42.2 km run, i.e., the bike is 10km longer than an ironman).  I ended up finishing in 13:46:11 which was good enough for 327/955 overall and 11/73 in the 55-59 age group.

2015 RACES:  Still thinking about this, but likely 1-2 Olys and the same full distance event.  I am very likely going to do a 30 day bike tour in the May-June timeframe (south -> north Japan) and am still trying to figure out whether I should attempt the full distance event.  More on that later.

Weightloss: I'm currently at 134 pounds and usually down around 128 during the summer months.  I know the extra pounds will come off as soon as I start ramping up my training again, i.e., next week.    

2014-12-30 7:53 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - OPEN
NAME: Patrick (Cass)

STORY: I'm 33 and I live in Rhode Island. I started swimming last year after recovering from a devastating back injury. After a while I added bicycling and running to the mix then completed two sprints over the Summer and love it. Last year I couldn't swim more than 50 yards and now I can swim 2,000 yards. While I've improved a lot, I still get a sinking nervous feeling every time I drive to the pool.... for some reason swimming continues to intimidate me, but the relief after getting through each workout makes it worth it.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 wonderful daughters.

CURRENT TRAINING: Aim for 5 workouts per week in all 3 disciplines. Sometimes I go early morning before work (5AM) or try to get in short workouts during my lunch break.

WEIGHTLOSS: Stay between 165 and 170.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I love the training.

2015 GOALS: 1) Don't get injured, 2) Half Marathon, 3) Ironman 70.3 Timberman in NH, August 2015.
2014-12-30 10:49 PM
in reply to: cassowary

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Everyone who has posted so far is in. I'm going to close the group for now until I see who from my current group decides to re-up. If we have more room I will re open.

Couple things. FredD - longtime BT member and a mentor of another group has a policy in his group that I want to implement here. That is that everyone needs to supply a first name. Various reasons but I think it's good for everyone to know who you/we are. Over the next day I'll compile a list with everyone's first names and user names and focus in on the info you have provided and some thoughts I might have.

I view this as a Team and expect and want all to contribute. Take advantage of the experience here and ask lots of questions.
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date : March 12, 2014
author : TeamMPI
comments : 1
The majority of new triathletes see the open water swim as their biggest stumbling block. Here are four steps to help you have a better swim experience in your first (or next) triathlon.
date : June 14, 2012
author : IndoIronYanti
comments : 4
MAPS is Meditation, Acclimatization, Practice, and Strategy, which are key for giving you the confidence and skills to execute the open-water swim in a triathlon well.
date : September 15, 2011
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Don't be scared for the swim! Gain more confidence for your open water swims with these tips
date : October 20, 2008
author : EnduRight
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Training is often a lonely proposition and sometimes we are our own worst enemies. Finding good training partners can provide you with that extra external motivation to bring out your best.
date : September 1, 2004
author : owie
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Your training plan is a guide but you don’t blindly follow it. You shouldn’t know exactly what you are going to do until the day you are to do it.