General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Bike Miles per Year Rss Feed  
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2015-01-15 8:42 AM

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: Bike Miles per Year

How many biking miles do you put in per year approximately?

Last year was my lowest year in the last 10 years and I probably only had 1200 miles.  When I worked out a lot and was in decent shape for a clyde, I put in two years over 6000 miles with over 2000 miles each year on my rollers while watching movies.  Longest roller day was 112 miles with breaks for water refills.



2015-01-23 11:43 PM
in reply to: flip18436572

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Bakersfield, California
Subject: RE: Bike Miles per Year
Well since cycling is my sport and my gateway drug to tri, I get lots of miles. I actually did 10 centuries along with my first tri one year. I will do around 200 miles a week in training and commuting. Then mix in the weights and pool. I am focused on Aquabike now, so it will be back to this soon.
2015-01-26 8:54 AM
in reply to: dborradori

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: Bike Miles per Year

So you put in 10,000 miles per year on average?  WOW.  I spend probably 6 months of the year on a trainer or my rollers, because of crappy road conditions and cold temperatures.  Thanks for the motivation.


2015-01-26 3:23 PM
in reply to: flip18436572

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Bakersfield, California
Subject: RE: Bike Miles per Year
No. I coach football and wrestling. Therefore, during the late fall and winter time my riding gets cut WAY back. It becomes commuting and just the occasional weekend ride.
2015-01-26 6:20 PM
in reply to: dborradori

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Bike Miles per Year

In my peak biking years, when training for HIMs and RAMROD (Ride Around Mt Rainier in One Day)  which I did twice, I was putting in about 150-200 miles per week during the spring and summer.  Normally I would guess that I do about 500 miles per month May-Sept and probably 200-400 in the off months. I can't do math.  I know I got close to 10,000 miles a few years ago, though.  I have slacked off over the winter and have been trail running a ton, but not biking.  Got back on the road today though and am looking forward to another summer of centuries and then I expect the numbers to escalate pretty quickly.  I also do velodrome and cyclocross so those are lower miles but lots of .

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