General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Tri with collapsed disc Rss Feed  
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2015-10-04 10:06 AM


Subject: Tri with collapsed disc
Hi as anyone had success training and competing with collapsed disc? I have two in my lower back with one of them because of a herniation. I am seeing my PT this week but it has been 3 months now since my last major spasm and I haven't been able to train or move consistently.

I'm really hoping someone can share a success story of competing with a similar issue and also share what they are doing to keep the pain and spams at bay.

2015-10-04 10:20 AM
in reply to: mightiered

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Subject: RE: Tri with collapsed disc

I have had surgery twice on my lower back and once on my neck.  I have battled spinal stenosis since I was a kid.  While it's not the same as what you are going through, I would imagine your "collapsed" discs are bulged out and pressing on a nerve, correct?  My advice is to seek out the physician who handles the Pro sports teams in your area.  Those guys and gals understand the idea of getting back in the game. 

I have been able to do whatever I want even with my spine issues.

2015-10-04 5:31 PM
in reply to: #5144647

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Subject: RE: Tri with collapsed disc
I have two herniated discs. One of them will cause enough pressure that I go numb down my left leg and loose the ability to do much other than walking.

I watch my inflammation as treatment. Avoid sugar and other food based inflation causes. Stretch and core work, stand vs sitting... once or twice a year a course of prednisone. I'm trying to avoid surgery.
2015-10-05 6:52 AM
in reply to: mightiered

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Exton, PA
Subject: RE: Tri with collapsed disc
I had one herniated disc and 2 more bulging back in 2009(shown on pretty MRI pictures). It was bad enough that I could not feel my left foot for a couple of weeks. The Dr. sent me to a spine specialist who wanted to do surgery( of coarse he did because he was a surgeon). I took the only other option that was offered and that was going to a PT. The one I got happened to be really good(dumb luck finding her). She was able to tell me more about the why it all happened then the Drs. were, and within 2 weeks of treatment I was seeing some relief of the symptoms. After about 2 months the symptoms were gone and I had an understanding of why it happened and how to prevent it in the future.

Since then I have done 3 HIM and one IM, along with a bunch of sprints and OLY's. I have added a lot of stretching to my routine as well as core work, this controls the issues. I still have flair ups once in a while, however it's usually during times when I am working out less! It seems like the more I work out the less problems I have now.

I wish I could go get another MRI to see what it looks like now (6 years later) but insurance won't pay for that, and I'm not forking over the money for it.

Everyone's problems are a little different but it is possible to be racing again. I didn't even miss a season since my issue started in October, I was training again by spring.
2015-10-05 7:03 AM
in reply to: mightiered

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Fort Wayne, IN
Subject: RE: Tri with collapsed disc
I've had chronic issues with my neck and have herniated C5 and C6. I used to get physical therapy every couple of years when the tightness/pain became too severe. About 7 years ago a physical therapist suggested i get a Theracane, which is a gadget that allows trigger point massage without going to PT. It has worked well for me. The only limitation is have is I need a very tall stem as if I til my head back too far my hands go numb.
2015-10-05 11:27 AM
in reply to: mightiered

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Extreme Veteran
West Michigan
Subject: RE: Tri with collapsed disc

I have severe spinal stenosis in my lower back, multiple bulging disks and one ruptured at L5 and haven't run in nearly a year.  I've had two steroid injections, did a bunch of PT, incorporated yoga and stretching into my life and I now have a standing desk at work.  I have surgery scheduled for mid-November however I'm likely going to cancel because my issues are about gone as a result of listening to my body and my Dr. (Sports Doc - ACSM certified).  

Similar to what LB said, searching out a sports Doc is smart because typical medical conservatism will tell you to stop doing all sports activities until you're better and/or surgery right away.   In my case my Dr. is also my primary (he handles all my medical issues) so we balance long term realities with my more immediate desires to be an athlete.  

For me when my issue flared up the throbbing/aching/numbness was more than I could live with reasonably.  It impacted all aspects of my life including sleep so if I knew for sure running was the culprit, I'd likely never run again..

As for competing, I've done 3 aquabike races this summer and that helped satisfy some of my competitive juices.  I like to train so I don't need a race in order to work out however there is nothing quite like the build up to a race to keep you on task.

Good luck and definitely keep searching for answers until you feel satisfied you know how to get better and stay better.

2015-10-05 12:49 PM
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Subject: RE: Tri with collapsed disc
I badly ruptured my L4 a couple years ago and couldn't sit without intense pain for about 4-6 months. After the pain calmed down (saw excellent doctor and PT), I started triathlons because swimming and biking seemed to help.

In addition to PT, I did a lot of walking while I was injured during the early morning and at night to help stay loose and encourage healing. I now have a standing desk and that helps tremendously.

Good luck

Edited by cassowary 2015-10-05 12:50 PM
2015-10-06 11:58 AM
in reply to: mightiered

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Washington, DC Metro
Subject: RE: Tri with collapsed disc

I have no help, but offer my hopes that you fare well.


that said, I can't be the only one who thought that this thread was going to be about a banged-up Zipp Super 9 and the poster trudging out the last miles of an IM ride. 

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