General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 2.8.16 Monday Morning Rss Feed  
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2016-02-08 7:13 AM

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Subject: 2.8.16 Monday Morning

Good morning BT!

OFF day today--30 minute walk though just to move.  Good game last night and it is good to see Manning get the trophy.  I imagine there will be a bunch of 'friendly banter' in my classes today--I had about equal numbers going for each team. 

Have a great day and here's to another wonderful week!


2016-02-08 12:26 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Subject: RE: 2.8.16 Monday Morning
Thought there might be a Year of the Monkey reference today Kim. So, as not to let the BT side down, I'm out to eat my own body weight in Chinese food.
2016-02-08 1:48 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: 2.8.16 Monday Morning
Hey there!!

SO HAPPY the Broncos won last night!!! And everyone is seeing what a crybaby Cam Newton is!

9:30am - 45 min spin class
30 min core and PT exercises
2016-02-08 11:01 PM
in reply to: Shakeybear

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 2.8.16 Monday Morning
Well, I could say, "Chuc mung nam moi!" (Happy New Years, in Vietnamese) or, "Xin nan kuai le!" (same in Mandarin) to everyone. A quiet, festive day here, with most locals out of town; those that were here slept in and then seemed to head straight for the few cafes that are still open or to the riverfront across from my place, where there is a kind of pedestrian zone with lots of Tet-related photo backdrops.

Hexed myself additional times today by taking out some garbage (just too gross--my cat puked all over a cardboard box and it had to go) AND chopping veggies. For good measure, I did boil some dumplings and stir-fried round cabbage and carrots for dinner (at least for Chinese, those are auspicious foods). Figured I had to do something to make up for owing two debts, chopping veggies, throwing out garbage, AND killing a wasp last night. Maybe they will balance out at the karma bank.

Training-wise, one-hour trainer ride with some high cadence spin-ups and something devised (or at least sent) by my coach called a Core Plank Rotation, which resulted in my entire core and upper body being sore. Then spent about an hour trying to find somewhere with an available table for breakfast.
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 2.8.16 Monday Morning Rss Feed  

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