General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Rear end chafing Rss Feed  
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2016-07-18 1:10 PM

Subject: Rear end chafing
I have a huge problem with rear end chafing. On longer races, like a full Ironman, it moves beyond standard chafing to dark red visible marks and possibly open sores. I've tried various no chafe sticks and ointments to no avail. I think it all has to do with stitching and seams. Every garment I have found, mainly compression shorts and a couple pairs of tri-shorts, have diagonal stitching right across the rear end. On the tri shorts it makes sense, since that's where the bike seat pad is sown in. All the compression shorts I've ever seen have this horrible rough stitch. I'm not sure why anyone would ever ride in something like that (I did an ironman in compression shorts once and couldn't sit for a week!). The tri shorts I"ve tried work fin until you're about 90 or 100 miles in and then quickly the situation goes downhill. And if I leave 'em on for the run then oh boy it gets bad! I've looked at all the chafing threads I can find via google and haven't seen anyone else complain about this. I can't believe that I'm the only one. Maybe I"m wrong in my diagnosis but I feel like I need to find some kind of garment that is made like regular pants, aka seams on the inside and outside lines of the leg not across the rear. But I can't find any! The one thing I haven't done is go out and buy a full fancy tri suit, But I'm loathe to spend hundreds of dollars on one and find it has the same issue.

Any advice or similar experience?

Note: I should add that I am, for lack of a better word, fat. At least for a fairly active amateur triathlete. About 210 lbs and 5'10". (My love for endurance sports is only rivaled by my love of pizza and beer.) Are butt problems just going to be par for the course until I drop 40 lbs and, literally, take some pressure off my rear?

Thanks for reading my rant!

2016-07-18 1:43 PM
in reply to: d.rock90

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Rear end chafing
Not to get into even more detail, but where exactly?

If it is where you contact your saddle, in my experience, it never goes away, but it can get better. A couple of things to try:

- Get a bike fit, as these issues can be from a bad fit
- Try different saddles
- Try different saddle positions
- All three of the above can be done at a fit by the way
- Use Aquaphor ointment to help heal between thing on the market in my opinion
- Grin and bear it

If it is elsewhere, I haven't personally had that issue, so I can't be much assistance.
2016-07-18 2:03 PM
in reply to: d.rock90

Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: Rear end chafing
I second the bike fit suggestion - could make a world of difference where the pressure is!

I've had horrible issues with this as well, it's no fun! Try different lubes, some are thicker than others. You can always stop and reapply about half way through your ride. Most brands have small travel sizes you can carry with you.

also - pure zinc oxide works great - it's super thick and stays put for a while! Make sure you wash it out of your shorts after each use, because it can stain.

Good luck!
2016-07-18 3:30 PM
in reply to: runspingirl

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Rear end chafing
I can't speak to your specific circumstance, obviously, and you've already gotten some good advice. I can tell you that when I was think I would chafe some. Then I took a few years off and gained a ton of weight. The, it was unbelievable. 35 pounds down now, and its getting back under control. It could certainly be fit and whatnot, but taking off weight has made a big difference for me. Good luck!
2016-07-18 4:38 PM
in reply to: 3mar

Subject: RE: Rear end chafing
Thanks! I will try the fit issue. i haven't had an official fit done (although I've played around with different positions myself.)

It's basically around the edge of saddle contact. So, similar to where the edge of the pad is in tri shorts, which Is why I was thinking seams were the issue. The bigger problem is that the irritation doesn't end when I pop off the bike but gets worse during the run. I guess I will continue to messa round with chafing ointments.

Anyway, thanks for your help!
2016-07-18 5:09 PM
in reply to: d.rock90

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Rear end chafing
Dznuts and Belgium Budder eliminated my chafing problems. Perhaps try those if you haven't yet?

2016-07-18 5:23 PM
in reply to: #5191334

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Rear end chafing
I like chamois buttr
2016-07-19 8:27 AM
in reply to: Nick B

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Euless, Texas
Subject: RE: Rear end chafing
I also seem to have this problem and think it's related to the width of the chamois in my tri shorts. I have not had a true bike fit, but I googled how to determine the correct saddle width for me. After you determine your sit bone width, you're supposed to add about 20-30mm to get your saddle width. My old saddle was maybe 145mm (can't remember now), and my ideal width should have been about 135mm.
Depending on how wide the chamois is in my tri shorts affects (effects?) my comfort on the saddle because of the seam around the chamois.
I have yet to find a perfect combination. Seems that all tri shorts brands are different. I like the Zoot chamois versus 2XU or others, but it seems they stopped carrying the Zoot model that I really like.
So my advice is to look into your saddle and bike pad/chamois width on your shorts.
2016-07-19 11:41 PM
in reply to: jjupiter100

Subject: RE: Rear end chafing
I have done a couple of sprints in Tri shorts but for the half ironman I did this year I ate the time in transition and wore full bike shorts, changing to running shorts for the run. I was very comfortable and it was a hot, sweaty day. Maybe you should try that?

Also, look into Vitamin A&D ointment, also just known as A&D. We used to use it for sore butts as kids and I have a buddy who butters up with it for full Ironmans.
2016-07-21 8:58 AM
in reply to: HaydenHunter

Subject: RE: Rear end chafing
Hayden- I don't mind changing but what do you actually wear as, uh, a foundational garment? Do you have some pair of shorts/underwear ' under your wetsuit, then under your bike shorts, then under your jogging shorts? The only thing I can find to do this with is compression shorts but they have the problematic stitching that I mentioned. If you've found something else do you have a brand name that you can suggest?

Or do you completely strip naked and put on new clothes each time? And if do you wear any undergarments after each change or just the one layer (i.e. the bike shorts, running shorts). Changing completely I can do I just don't even know what to wear under the changes!

2016-07-22 10:23 AM
in reply to: d.rock90

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Bellevue, WA
Subject: RE: Rear end chafing

Bike shorts and tri shorts /l suits are designed to be the bottom layer (pardon the pun). You're not supposed to wear compression shorts or regular underwear.

2016-07-22 1:28 PM
in reply to: brucemorgan

Subject: RE: Rear end chafing
Originally posted by brucemorgan

Bike shorts and tri shorts /l suits are designed to be the bottom layer (pardon the pun). You're not supposed to wear compression shorts or regular underwear.

I hear that all the time and I do believe that the vast majority of people adhere to that advice, but I have always worn underwear. Not cotton tighty-whities, but some Adidas sports underwear. Very thin to pass moisture. I wear them under swim jammers, wetsuit, tri shorts, bike shorts and running shorts for training or triathlons. The longest distance I've done with this configuration is a HIM, but I don't experience chafing. Your experience may vary. At the HIM I was able to change between wetsuit / bike shorts and bike shorts / running shorts without having to do a "towel change". On the sprint I just did I wore tri shorts with underwear under them for all three legs (including under wetsuit). Will probably do the same for an upcoming Oly distance race.
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