General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Something needs to change... Rss Feed  
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2016-08-31 7:39 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Jenison , MI
Subject: Something needs to change...
All over the country cyclist are getting killed or injured by careless/distracted drivers.
Something needs to be done about this.
I started this petition to get the ball rolling. I have no idea how far I can take this but damn it, I'm going to try.
Please help if you can.

2016-08-31 9:38 AM
in reply to: fsr402

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Something needs to change...
Agreed that this is absolutely ridiculous. I've had a few close calls myself recently. I'm a big supporter of People for bikes.

Also, NC just passed a couple laws that make it safer for cyclists due to new passing rules and requirements for lights etc. on bikes... which cyclists should have done anyway.

What needs to be added though is stricter penalties for drives like you put here. It's crazy that drivers don't get any jail time after hitting a cyclists...
2016-08-31 3:52 PM
in reply to: fsr402

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Kailua, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Something needs to change...
although this needs to be for the entire US, I am hopeful that getting ANY state to impose stiffer penalties on motorists who injure, or kill cyclists may be a start to safer riding on our roads.
2016-08-31 4:31 PM
in reply to: triathlonpal07

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Something needs to change...
Originally posted by triathlonpal07

What needs to be added though is stricter penalties for drives like you put here. It's crazy that drivers don't get any jail time after hitting a cyclists...

I see this differently. I don't think of all accidents as criminal actions. I completely agree that all users of the road need to be accountable for their actions, but what that means is that someone in our legal system needs to review each individual situation to determine of criminal actions took place and what, if any, prosecution is appropriate. Frankly, I see as many bone-headed cyclists out there as I see drivers. What I'd like to think is that the same level of scrutiny is applied to car/bike accidents as car/car or car/pedestrian accidents that result in a fatality or serious injury.
2016-08-31 4:52 PM
in reply to: g_shotts

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Kailua, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Something needs to change...
true, I do see many cyclists that need to follow a better "road etiquette" which would reduce some driver's frustrations....but largely the situations I've been involved with, are motorists speeding, distracted by their phones, or drunk/wasted. A small percentage of them actually trying to intimidate cyclists to "teach them a lesson"

sadly here in Hawaii, pedestrians getting hit are about on the same level as cyclists getting hit by cars....slap on the wrist to the motorist in most cases.
2016-08-31 10:08 PM
in reply to: #5197273

Sarasota, Florida
Subject: RE: Something needs to change...
Maybe I've never had a proper buzzing, but i kind of like the draft. This is why I don't own a motorcycle; just last year I said I'd never ride the bike lane, but here I am thanking that truck for the draft. If they hit me... And killed or critically injured me without me leaving the bike lane? Not sure I'd wish the death penalty but I'd like to think they'd at least get 10 years. This reminds me, I need to get a rear view.

2016-09-01 8:06 AM
in reply to: fsr402

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Tyrone, Georgia
Subject: RE: Something needs to change...
Signed and agree with the above. It is really sad the numbers we continue to see here in Georgia.
2016-09-01 8:19 AM
in reply to: g_shotts

Subject: RE: Something needs to change...
Originally posted by g_shotts

Originally posted by triathlonpal07

What needs to be added though is stricter penalties for drives like you put here. It's crazy that drivers don't get any jail time after hitting a cyclists...

I see this differently. I don't think of all accidents as criminal actions. I completely agree that all users of the road need to be accountable for their actions, but what that means is that someone in our legal system needs to review each individual situation to determine of criminal actions took place and what, if any, prosecution is appropriate. Frankly, I see as many bone-headed cyclists out there as I see drivers. What I'd like to think is that the same level of scrutiny is applied to car/bike accidents as car/car or car/pedestrian accidents that result in a fatality or serious injury.

Agree with all you said. I also think there needs to be an educational component to inform drivers what the laws are regarding cyclists and also really drive home the message that cyclists have the right to be on the road. I constantly see social media posts from people who will complain about cyclists being on the road and that they should be on the "bike path" which the one in my neighborhood is really a multi-use path where kids, dogs, walkers, golf carts ride in the community.
2016-09-01 11:44 AM
in reply to: TriTampa2

Subject: RE: Something needs to change...
Originally posted by TriTampa2

Agree with all you said. I also think there needs to be an educational component to inform drivers what the laws are regarding cyclists and also really drive home the message that cyclists have the right to be on the road. I constantly see social media posts from people who will complain about cyclists being on the road and that they should be on the "bike path" which the one in my neighborhood is really a multi-use path where kids, dogs, walkers, golf carts ride in the community.

Depending on where you live, you can almost always point out that the road they're complaining about....was a road prior to the invention of the automobile. Then I hit them with a link to...
You know, to at least get them to acknowledge that "roads" were not made explicitly for cars. In fact, historically, cars have only used them for the proverbial blink of an eye.

It goes absolutely nowhere with them. I stopped doing it for awhile thinking that maybe antagonizing them didn't help. I'm back to doing it....hoping other people will join in to shame them. Sometimes it works. Sometimes others leap to their defense. I just enjoy riling them up and wait for them to trot out the griping about our "spandex" and "stupid shirts".....which then I can shove right back into their face as demonstration of their irrationally based if our spandex and stupid shirts does anything to inconvenience them. In all, it does nothing. But, antagonizing them is a hobby for me.

It's genetic. Or brain wiring. It's just like gender identity. Or sexual orientation. We can't make their brain become amenable to cyclists anymore than someone could change my brain to make me more attracted to men as opposed to women.
2016-09-01 12:23 PM
in reply to: g_shotts

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Something needs to change...

Originally posted by g_shotts
Originally posted by triathlonpal07 What needs to be added though is stricter penalties for drives like you put here. It's crazy that drivers don't get any jail time after hitting a cyclists...
I see this differently. I don't think of all accidents as criminal actions. I completely agree that all users of the road need to be accountable for their actions, but what that means is that someone in our legal system needs to review each individual situation to determine of criminal actions took place and what, if any, prosecution is appropriate. Frankly, I see as many bone-headed cyclists out there as I see drivers. What I'd like to think is that the same level of scrutiny is applied to car/bike accidents as car/car or car/pedestrian accidents that result in a fatality or serious injury.


Yep...that is how I feel too. I know two cyclist that have been hit by cars.  Both of them lived to tell their story.  I however know about 20 people that have been killed in car accidents. Going on the road is a risk whether you are on a bike or in a car.  That is why we have to sign those waivers to enter every race.  Read them. Most will say that traffic is on the road and you accept the risk of sharing the road with vehicles.   

I had a truck surprise me on Wednesday.  It pull up next to me to talk.  I was sure he was going to complain about some bone head thing I had done on the bike but instead he apologized for almost hitting me a few days earlier.  I ride a two lane country road with minimal traffic.  I say about 10 cars on a 20 miles ride.  Once in a while we get cars going both ways and when that happens there is no passing lane and cars have to slow down because the speed limit is 50 MPH and I don't go that fast on my bike.  The man in the truck didn't almost hit me.  I was riding close to the center of the lane when he approached me and car was coming the other way so he couldn't pass.  I move all the way over and cars both ways slowed down to about 30 MPH and it all was cool even though I was passed. in my lane.  The man in the truck felt very guilty but I wasn't worried and told him that it goes both ways. We both need to watch out for others on the road. Cyclist more so than cars because bicycles impede the normal flow of traffic.  I think the truck stopping to apologize show that we have made a lot of process with sharing roads. I hope they will allow bike to continue to ride on roads.  If things get worse they will ban bikes from the roads.

2016-09-01 1:46 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Something needs to change...

Meh....there's not much change in stats the last 10-15 years.  Over 40 years there's quite a change in victims from under 20 years old to over 20 years old.....but other than that it's the same old story.  We live in an information overload get more information, but it's mostly the same as it ever was, you just never knew.

Edited by Left Brain 2016-09-01 1:47 PM

2016-09-01 2:02 PM
in reply to: 0

, California
Subject: RE: Something needs to change...

Originally posted by Left Brain

Meh....there's not much change in stats the last 10-15 years.  Over 40 years there's quite a change in victims from under 20 years old to over 20 years old.....but other than that it's the same old story.  We live in an information overload get more information, but it's mostly the same as it ever was, you just never knew.

Pretty much this.

Read less internet, ride more.


Edit: I have to note on your link, LB -- the deaths for males under the age of 20, went way down after helmets became commonplace   Growing up, I don't think I ever wore one haha.

Edited by spudone 2016-09-01 2:04 PM
2016-09-01 8:37 PM
in reply to: #5197273

New user
Subject: RE: Something needs to change...
LB solution = swim more with lots of kicking = less time on road-=less chance of getting hit by vehicles=improved tri outcomes with less chance of death. I'm ok with that.
2016-09-01 10:21 PM
in reply to: fsr402

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Something needs to change...
Originally posted by fsr402

All over the country cyclist are getting killed or injured by careless/distracted drivers.
Something needs to be done about this.
I started this petition to get the ball rolling. I have no idea how far I can take this but damn it, I'm going to try.
Please help if you can.

Here in Wisconsin we have projects such as "Complete the Streets" where new roads and repaved roads MUST have a bike lane. The "Cookie Project" also originated here in Wisconsin. The great thing is that statistics are showing the accidents and fatalities have gown down. This is a sign that may Wisconsin is moving in the right direction, maybe other states can follow suit.
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