BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Women Ready to Tri - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2016-12-30 1:13 PM

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Decorah, Iowa
Subject: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
GROUP FOCUS: Positive mentoring for women ready to start their triathlon careers OR make the jump to Olympic distance triathlons this season

NAME: Kate

STORY: My name is Kate. After spending more than a decade trudging through graduate school and raising my boys, all the while watching my weight climb up and up and up, I decided to make a positive change in my life. In 2014, staring my 40th birthday in the face, I decided to set a stupid, out-of-reach goal for myself. I decided to run an Olympic distance triathlon the following August, even though I had never attempted anything like that before. I then dove head first into training and haven't looked back.

I'm a former collegiate swimmer, newly passionate biker, and reluctant runner, but I'm improving! I'm also a college professor and have found added satisfaction mentoring other women ready to tri!

FAMILY STATUS: Married, two boys (13 and 10)

CURRENT TRAINING: Right now I am in Winter Maintenance mode, working on my running speed and trying to gain some additional core strength. I swim with our local Masters team three days a week, bike indoors three days a week, and run four. I am also a committed Iyanger yoga student (to which I credit much of my rededication to health!)

Last year I completed the Minnesota Lifetime Triathlon series, finishing second in my age group at Maple Grove, and third at Trinona. I also ran the Dallas Rock and Roll Half Marathon in March.

My major goal is to go 2:35.00 for my last Olympic Distance triathlon. I'm also considering a late summer 70.3 (but is kind of a secret). The full summer season should be settled in the next few weeks.

I've lost 30 pounds while working towards my triathlon goals. I hope to drop the last 10 before the summer season.

For anyone looking to regain their health, I know what it is like to balance work, health, and family -- and deal with the guilt that comes with having to make choices for your own health. I can be a sympathetic listener but also the kick-you-in-the-butt mentor when that's what you need to get yourself to the gym. Although I'm not a coach, I can also be a great resource for those who are new to swimming. After all my years of competitive swimming, the pool is my second home.

2017-01-02 6:59 AM
in reply to: Kate Elliott


Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
Hi Katie. I'm Kerri. I'm 49 and from southern MD. I'm planning on running a sprint triathlon on 17 June. I am a runner and obstacle course racer. I have an inexpensive road bike that I have to learn how to use better and also which type of pedals/clip shoes to get. (The bike cake with pedals with toe cages.). Swimming is my weak point. Where I live there is no Masters swimming program. I took an intermediate swim class over the summer, but haven't swum since Labor Day when the outdoor pool on the base. The base indoor pool just opened( it had been broken since March - DOD budget stuff is fun ??). I went to the pool try out my new wetsuit before the 30 day return policy expired. I felt like I had forgotten all I had learned.
The wetsuit is fine, but I need to learn how to take it off. Can't be spending 15 minutes during a race.

My local tri club is having a training program starting in March for the tri I'm doing. I'd love to get started now to both work on swimming and any strength training that would be helpful. It would be awesome to have some guidance to figure out what that should be. I know I need a plan to be successful. Without a plan, I workout, but the lack of focus doesn't yield noticeable results.

Thanks for volunteering to mentor us newbies! I'm excited that swimming and time balance are your strengths.
2017-01-02 9:07 PM
in reply to: kerriellen

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Decorah, Iowa
Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
Thanks for joining Kerri!

This will be a lot of fun, I'm excited to get going. So tell me, what kind of workouts are you doing now? Do you normally work out in the morning, afternoon, or evening? How do you squeeze it in around everything that you do?
Are you running and biking right now, and looking to add swimming?

2017-01-04 1:21 PM
in reply to: Kate Elliott

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN

If you don't mind a HIM-focused woman, I'd like to join   I'm a big proponent of strong-willed women doing the things they love and would like to support others who feel this way as well!

NAME: Nicole

STORY: I used to be big into scuba diving when one of my favorite diving buddies said she wanted to try a triathlon....another of the buddies said he'd try one too.  So that left two of us....and he "inherited" a bike from his dad, and I lost all my favorite diving buddies in one fell swoop and was peer pressured into getting a bike.  Turned out, I really liked biking and wasn't terrible at swimming.  I enjoyed my first triathlon, which was back in 2012.  Shortly after that, I got hit while I was out on a training ride and basically sat on the sidelines for a year, but managed to get things squared away.

Since then, I discovered that I quite like the HIM distance racing.  I think I was born without fast twitch muscles   I think I'd probably be pretty decent at IM distance, but I don't have the time to train adequately (imo) for it, so I'll hold off a bit longer and continue to focus on HIM distance.

FAMILY STATUS: Single with two dogs....they'll be 11 years old this year, so only walking for them these days

CURRENT TRAINING: Been in a base training mode for a month or so, after dealing with some late-season burn out....getting ready to start doing some HIM-focused training here in the next week or so

2016 RACES: Started last year in Pucon, Chile for a HIM -- most beautiful race ever!  Continued with a one mile, 10k, and 5k races, and a 40k TT, all of which I was pretty pleased with.  Then work got crazy for a few months....and finished the year off with Santa Cruz 70.3 and Austin 70.3 (or 69.1 if you want to subtract out the canceled swim distance!)

The Plan for 2017: Not fully decided yet, but I have a swim meet and 10k in February, Galveston 70.3 in April, a 40k TT in June....and then it starts to get questionable.  There will certainly be at least one more 70.3 in there

2017 GOALS: Stretch goal is to go sub-5 at Galveston 70.3 and qualify for 70.3 WC in Chattanooga.  Realistic goal is to work hard and continue to have fun!  I'm also looking to PR my 40k TT and be in the 60-61 minute range, and continue to improve my running

WEIGHT LOSS: I'm trying to clean up my diet a little.  I'm definitely up a few pounds higher than I'd like to be, though haven't gotten on a scale to confirm it.  I'll do that on the 15th and then plan to weigh myself weekly after that to keep myself in check

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD BDAS MEMBER:  As I mentioned, I'm a huge fan of strong women doing what they love and sharing it with others.  I work in a male-dominated industry and certainly appreciate strong women who support one another, instead of trying to cut others down.  Oh, and I can talk about triathlons or training with a power meter as well!  I'm really excited about this year and looking forward to sharing it with the group

2017-01-05 7:53 AM
in reply to: kerriellen

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Seminole, FL
Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN

My Story: I am currently out of shape and 45 lbs heavier than I need to be. I have run lots of races 5k, 10k. and a half marathon. I am a former serial sprint triathlete who lost her groove and desperately would like to find it again. I spent 3 years racing multiple sprints per season.
I moved from sunny FL to North Carolina 4 years ago. I dont train nearly as much here as I did in FL. Oh, how I miss the warmth and sunshine!!! I also miss my passion and drive, 2017 is my year to re-find "me!" I can have a tendency to lay my health and fitness aside out of subconscious guilt that it takes away from the family.

Current Fitness: I have currently started a walk/run on my garage "dreadmill." I hate the cold so, I prefer to stay out of it until the spring thaw. On the days I dont run I do pilates. I really need an indoor trainer for my bike!!!!

My Goals: I would like to complete at least 2 sprints in 2017 and a half marathon in Nov/Dec.

My Family: I am a SAHM of 4 ages: 10yr girl, 8yr boy, 5yr boy, 3yr boy. Yes! A busy momma!
2017-01-05 12:10 PM
in reply to: Kate Elliott


Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
Hello Kate! I'd like to join all of you Women Ready to Tri.

I actually did my first sprint tri in August 2014, at the age of 55. Very slow time but I didn't care, I finished standing up and without assistance of paramedics so I was delighted. Previous sports? Since childhood spent half of my time on a bike, other half climbing trees or sliding down hills. Fast forward to adulthood, I have completed 16 Peachtree Road Races (Atlanta GA tradition, start every July 4th with 10 kilometers of hills, humidity and heat) and 1 half-marathon, with too many other 10K's and 5K's to remember. What I do recall is that I never, ever, felt the kind of satisfaction at finishing those races that I felt when I crossed that sprint tri finish line.

The downside is that since that first sprint I've let life, work and relationship issues interfere with my triathlon progress. I'm tired of that. I am ready to get serious about training and actually showing up at more tri's. I aspire to one day do an Olympic distance but this year I think I'll play it safe and stick to sprints. I have one race 6/17/17 picked out for a definite, with another possible in September. I am trying to build up a base in the off season by strength training 2 days per week and doing cardio 3 days. I hope to have access to a gym soon and would like to add swimming and spin classes. I'm not a confident cyclist and really have a phobia of riding out on the roads with way too many distracted drivers.

So, what else can I tell you? I am from Georgia but right now living and working in Fayetteville NC. Single (way too old and set in my ways to subject anyone to such torture). Work in legal profession. I welcome any tips, suggestions, comments, etc. that anyone wants to give. Good old fashioned trash talk is welcome anytime as well. Many thanks to you for your willingness to mentor lost souls like me.


2017-01-07 1:33 PM
in reply to: Kate Elliott

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Seminole, FL
Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
My Story: I am currently out of shape and 45 lbs heavier than I need to be. I have run lots of races 5k, 10k. and a half marathon. I am a former serial sprint triathlete who lost her groove and desperately would like to find it again. I spent 3 years racing multiple sprints per season.
I moved from sunny FL to North Carolina 4 years ago. I dont train nearly as much here as I did in FL. Oh, how I miss the warmth and sunshine!!! I also miss my passion and drive, 2017 is my year to re-find "me!" I can have a tendency to lay my health and fitness aside out of subconscious guilt that it takes away from the family.

Current Fitness: I have currently started a walk/run on my garage "dreadmill." I hate the cold so, I prefer to stay out of it until the spring thaw. On the days I dont run I do pilates. I really need an indoor trainer for my bike!!!!

My Goals: I would like to complete at least 2 sprints in 2017 and a half marathon in Nov/Dec.

My Family: I am a SAHM of 4 ages: 10yr girl, 8yr boy, 5yr boy, 3yr boy. Yes! A busy momma!
2017-01-09 6:52 AM
in reply to: Kate Elliott


Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
I have a question. I am looking at the Beginner Triathlete training. What does it mean when it says 12-swim; that minutes, meters, miles, laps?
2017-01-10 9:35 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Decorah, Iowa
Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
Hi Nicole! Welcome to the group! I'd love to add your expertise to the the conversation (and I'm also doing an HIM this season, for fun, so you are totally welcome!)

2017-01-10 9:38 PM
in reply to: JenMcConnell

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Decorah, Iowa
Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
This sounds like your year! Do you have a sense of what races are nearby? Are you looking to start your season in June?

(And I got to say, I just got my trainer - CHANGED MY LIFE )
2017-01-10 9:57 PM
in reply to: rtptjd

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Decorah, Iowa
Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
You have a great story, Becky - and a common one. Looks like you are off to a good start by picking races. Something about paying money for a race makes me instantly accountable.

Do you have a sense of your base right now with those cardio workouts?

2017-01-10 9:57 PM
in reply to: Christy1201

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Decorah, Iowa
Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
Hi - It means minutes, generally. What plan are you looking at?

2017-01-12 7:19 AM
in reply to: kate-iowa


Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
Right now I am walking/jogging a total of about 3 miles, pretty slow: around 15+ minute miles. On the treadmill I'm doing 30-40 minutes of jogging w/ hills thrown in and some (attempts at) interval training (really don't know if I'm doing this properly, my guess is no). I'm hoping to do some cycling this weekend, around 10 miles weather permitting. Yep, I have a ways to go!
2017-01-12 12:29 PM
in reply to: rtptjd

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN

Originally posted by rtptjd Right now I am walking/jogging a total of about 3 miles, pretty slow: around 15+ minute miles. On the treadmill I'm doing 30-40 minutes of jogging w/ hills thrown in and some (attempts at) interval training (really don't know if I'm doing this properly, my guess is no). I'm hoping to do some cycling this weekend, around 10 miles weather permitting. Yep, I have a ways to go!

Hey Becky, glad to hear you are running and cycling!  How many days a week are you running?  The best running advice I received was to start slowly, gradually build to more volume (but not try to go faster), keep the effort level conversational and easy (i.e. run at a pace that would allow you to chat with a friend), and forget about the speed work until later....much later!  This has kept me injury-free and improving over the years. 

Be very VERY careful with hills and speed work.  I suspect at this point you would improve equally fast, and with less injury potential, by running all easy miles.

2017-01-15 10:03 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Decorah, Iowa
Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
Originally posted by ligersandtions

Originally posted by rtptjd Right now I am walking/jogging a total of about 3 miles, pretty slow: around 15+ minute miles. On the treadmill I'm doing 30-40 minutes of jogging w/ hills thrown in and some (attempts at) interval training (really don't know if I'm doing this properly, my guess is no). I'm hoping to do some cycling this weekend, around 10 miles weather permitting. Yep, I have a ways to go!

Hey Becky, glad to hear you are running and cycling!  How many days a week are you running?  The best running advice I received was to start slowly, gradually build to more volume (but not try to go faster), keep the effort level conversational and easy (i.e. run at a pace that would allow you to chat with a friend), and forget about the speed work until later....much later!  This has kept me injury-free and improving over the years. 

Be very VERY careful with hills and speed work.  I suspect at this point you would improve equally fast, and with less injury potential, by running all easy miles.

That is fantastic advice. When I just started my running, I slowly built up with some run/walk intervals. I'm am also a slow runner, but getting faster. It was important for me to gradually increase the length of time I was running, taking walking break, both for my sanity and also so I didn't overextend my body. I had great success with both the Couch to 5K plan and Women's Running Couch to Half Marathon. Let me know if you'd like me to post links!

Keep at it!

2017-01-15 10:09 PM
in reply to: Kate Elliott

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Decorah, Iowa
Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
Happy Sunday, Ladies! I've been fighting a wicked stomach bug the last week or so. I finally started to feel normal mid week last week, and now I'm back up to full steam looking forward to getting back at the winter training.


How are you all doing? Please add me (and the group!) to your Beginner Tri friend list and make your training logs public so we can keep each other moving towards our goals!

If you'd like to follow each other on other social media -- (STRAVA, anyone! Feel free to add me!!!) Let us. know!


2017-01-16 2:33 PM
in reply to: Christy1201

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Decorah, Iowa
Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
Originally posted by Christy1201

I have a question. I am looking at the Beginner Triathlete training. What does it mean when it says 12-swim; that minutes, meters, miles, laps?

Hi Christy - It generally means minutes -- did you find a plan that you like? I've worked through a few of them, let me know if you have questions.

2017-01-17 12:39 PM
in reply to: Kate Elliott


Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
Hi there!

Is it too late for me to join in?
2017-01-20 12:52 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions


Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
I have not done any speed or hill work w/ my running, yet. I'd like to get a better base built up as far as endurance before I tackle that. Had a good bike ride last week, pretty short at only about 7 miles but good to get back into it. I encountered several hills that my quads were none too happy about climbing. I'm a bit disappointed in that, because I've been working pretty hard on strengthening my legs (squats, extensions, hamstring curls, calf raises); I guess all that might have helped me a bit, but I have a feeling my cycling is only gonna get better on the bike/roads instead of in the weight room. Also did a short 250 yard swim on Monday which felt really nice.

At this point I'm convinced I need to find a structured training schedule and stick with it, rather than attempting to come up with something on my own or on the fly. My target sprint tri is 06/17/17, and I would really, really like to do much better with this one time-wise than my first back in August 2014. I know BT has lots of different training plans. But, I'm open to suggestions if anyone has them. Many thanks, and I appreciate the feedback. Have a great weekend everybody.
2017-01-20 8:41 PM
in reply to: rtptjd

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN

Glad you haven't spent much time working on speed/hill stuff when it comes to definitely want to build up the base endurance first before adding any of that kind of stuff in.  I saw a quote one time that said something to the effect of "speed work is the icing on the cake....but you have to bake the cake first".  How many days a week are you running?  How many days a week are you training (s/b/r)? seems almost counter intuitive, but strength is rarely the limiting factor for getting faster on the bike.  And that's certainly true for endurance events (and a sprint, at well over an hour for most of us is certainly an endurance event!).....doesn't necessarily hold true for bike racers who depend on a strong sprint at the end of a race, but generally does for triathletes.  The best way to get faster on the bike is to bike more!  Luckily, that's pretty fun because riding bikes is fun!

I'm more than happy to offer some ideas on a training plan for you if you'd like.  It would be helpful to know what you've been doing, how much time you have (or are willing) to train, how your previous races have gone, and what your goals are for the season.  

2017-01-21 2:07 PM
in reply to: 0


Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
Thanks Nicole for your response. Right now I'm trying to come up with some kind of consistent training plan. I'm just getting started, with a goal of 3 bike rides per week, 2 swims, 2 runs, and strength training 2x/wk. I do have some flexibility in my schedule, which is good, but I'm having problems finding a "rest" day and still getting everything in!

It appears I'm gonna have to get my happy carcass up out of bed before work a few mornings a week and train. Doable, most definitely, although I have to say it will be tough for me. Not really a "morning" type of person. I've learned in the past that once I get up and actually get MOVING I am much better. I think I'll just have to gut it out for the initial few weeks and it'll be a little easier.

My training thus far has lacked organization: the week that's finishing up now, I biked 1 day, swam twice, and ran once. I find I end up doing whatever I think is easiest at the particular time or day--i.e. good weather I may go ride or run outdoors, if it's crappy I may go to the weight room or hit the treadmill, and if the pool isn't crowded I may swim. Oh yeah, I'm finding out now that approach just doesn't cut it. How I completed my first sprint in 2014 with "training" like this is beyond me. I realize I was very lucky to finish without being injured.

I appreciate your offer of some training programs. I'm looking at lots of them right now and trying to come up with something that I believe will work for me--including those morning workouts. By all means if you (or anyone else!) have tips on how to get up early and get moving in the mornings, send 'em my way! Thanks again for your help.


P.S. Sorry, forgot to include my goals for 2017 season: finish 2 sprint tri's, one on 6/17/17 and the other undecided. Looking forward to 2018, I'd like to do at least one Olympic distance race!

Edited by rtptjd 2017-01-21 2:08 PM

2017-01-21 7:09 PM
in reply to: summer.lohler

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Decorah, Iowa
Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
Join us! We need more activity here!

What do you have planned for the spring/summer tri season?

2017-01-21 7:14 PM
in reply to: rtptjd

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Decorah, Iowa
Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
Hi Becky -

Nicole probably has some great ideas for training programs, and look too at the free programs here on BT. I did the 20-week Olympic last year and it was precisely the structure that I needed. I am a to-do list kind of person, and waking up knowing that I have a 50 minute bike ride, means I'm much more likely to get it done (because I get to cross it off the list !

A question - is there a Masters swim team near you? That structure has been so, so important for me -- three scheduled workout where I'm accountable to my teammates.

2017-01-21 7:15 PM
in reply to: summer.lohler

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Decorah, Iowa
Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
Originally posted by inferno85

Hi there!

Is it too late for me to join in?

Not at all! Join us! What are you goals for 2017?

2017-01-21 7:18 PM
in reply to: rtptjd

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Decorah, Iowa
Subject: RE: Women Ready to Tri - OPEN
Originally posted by rtptjd

Thanks Nicole for your response. Right now I'm trying to come up with some kind of consistent training plan. I'm just getting started, with a goal of 3 bike rides per week, 2 swims, 2 runs, and strength training 2x/wk. I do have some flexibility in my schedule, which is good, but I'm having problems finding a "rest" day and still getting everything in!

It appears I'm gonna have to get my happy carcass up out of bed before work a few mornings a week and train. Doable, most definitely, although I have to say it will be tough for me. Not really a "morning" type of person. I've learned in the past that once I get up and actually get MOVING I am much better. I think I'll just have to gut it out for the initial few weeks and it'll be a little easier.

My training thus far has lacked organization: the week that's finishing up now, I biked 1 day, swam twice, and ran once. I find I end up doing whatever I think is easiest at the particular time or day--i.e. good weather I may go ride or run outdoors, if it's crappy I may go to the weight room or hit the treadmill, and if the pool isn't crowded I may swim. Oh yeah, I'm finding out now that approach just doesn't cut it. How I completed my first sprint in 2014 with "training" like this is beyond me. I realize I was very lucky to finish without being injured.

I appreciate your offer of some training programs. I'm looking at lots of them right now and trying to come up with something that I believe will work for me--including those morning workouts. By all means if you (or anyone else!) have tips on how to get up early and get moving in the mornings, send 'em my way! Thanks again for your help.


P.S. Sorry, forgot to include my goals for 2017 season: finish 2 sprint tri's, one on 6/17/17 and the other undecided. Looking forward to 2018, I'd like to do at least one Olympic distance race!

Sorry for the double post - this interface isn't the most user friendly

Hi Becky -

Nicole probably has some great ideas for training programs, and look too at the free programs here on BT. I did the 20-week Olympic last year and it was precisely the structure that I needed. I am a to-do list kind of person, and waking up knowing that I have a 50 minute bike ride, means I'm much more likely to get it done (because I get to cross it off the list !

A question - is there a Masters swim team near you? That structure has been so, so important for me -- three scheduled workout where I'm accountable to my teammates.
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