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Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2017-04-27 11:13 AM

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Omaha, NE
Subject: Free Speech in America

Serious question.  Does the left truly believe in free speech?
I've noticed the trend towards shouting down those with opposing viewpoints and labeling any speech they don't agree with as "hate speech" and then feeling justified to assault and shout people down.  The irony is that they then call the people they're shouting down "fascists".  However, our universities are apparently not doing a very good job at teaching them what that word really means because the core of fascism is "suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship" which is exactly what the left is doing.

You seriously can't make this stuff up, but the Antifa terrorists are doing far more to help Trump win a second Term than any political ad he could drum up. 

It's not all lost though, because there's quite a few social media posts of dumb college kids who thought they were fighting the Nazi's realizing that they're actually being the Nazi's.

2017-04-27 11:23 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Free Speech in America
Freedom of speech was written specifically for 'hate speech'. You don't need a constitutional right to speak on non-controversial subjects that everyone agrees with cause nobody cares. What needs to be protected is speech that challenges other people's beliefs.

2017-04-27 12:37 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Southern Chicago Suburbs, IL
Subject: RE: Free Speech in America

Originally posted by tuwood

Serious question.  Does the left truly believe in free speech?
I've noticed the trend towards shouting down those with opposing viewpoints and labeling any speech they don't agree with as "hate speech" and then feeling justified to assault and shout people down.  The irony is that they then call the people they're shouting down "fascists".  However, our universities are apparently not doing a very good job at teaching them what that word really means because the core of fascism is "suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship" which is exactly what the left is doing.

You seriously can't make this stuff up, but the Antifa terrorists are doing far more to help Trump win a second Term than any political ad he could drum up. 

It's not all lost though, because there's quite a few social media posts of dumb college kids who thought they were fighting the Nazi's realizing that they're actually being the Nazi's.

You do realize that shouting down someone else is free speech and that the actual Constitutional Amendment is about government not impinging on a citizens right to free speech. 

And I'm assuming you are talking about the fiasco that is happening at Berkley.  Hell, even the ACLU and Bernie Sanders came out in favor of Coulter talking.  This has nothing to do with the left, as you put it, but spoiled brats at a historically progressive institution that have been allowed to act however they want.  Hell I thought I heard that even the Dean of the school was trying to tell the kids to knock it off.

And I certainly remember plenty of right wing tea party people attempting to stifle protesters "right to free speech" 4-8 years ago. 

2017-04-27 12:54 PM
in reply to: crowny2

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Subject: RE: Free Speech in America
Originally posted by crowny2

Originally posted by tuwood

Serious question.  Does the left truly believe in free speech?
I've noticed the trend towards shouting down those with opposing viewpoints and labeling any speech they don't agree with as "hate speech" and then feeling justified to assault and shout people down.  The irony is that they then call the people they're shouting down "fascists".  However, our universities are apparently not doing a very good job at teaching them what that word really means because the core of fascism is "suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship" which is exactly what the left is doing.

You seriously can't make this stuff up, but the Antifa terrorists are doing far more to help Trump win a second Term than any political ad he could drum up. 

It's not all lost though, because there's quite a few social media posts of dumb college kids who thought they were fighting the Nazi's realizing that they're actually being the Nazi's.

You do realize that shouting down someone else is free speech and that the actual Constitutional Amendment is about government not impinging on a citizens right to free speech. 

And I'm assuming you are talking about the fiasco that is happening at Berkley.  Hell, even the ACLU and Bernie Sanders came out in favor of Coulter talking.  This has nothing to do with the left, as you put it, but spoiled brats at a historically progressive institution that have been allowed to act however they want.  Hell I thought I heard that even the Dean of the school was trying to tell the kids to knock it off.

And I certainly remember plenty of right wing tea party people attempting to stifle protesters "right to free speech" 4-8 years ago. 

You make a good point about constitutional free speech is about stopping the government from interfering. I never really thought of it that way. So I guess it's really just a matter of civility and open/close mindedness.

The thing that I think is ironic is when start trying to silence the other side you make your side look bad. You may have stopped the other side from speaking but at what cost? Fair minded people will assume you had to silence them because they had a better argument and reasonable people would side with them if they heard their perspective.

I've been saying a similar thing about 'protestors' for a long time. The way you affect change is to win over hearts and minds of enough people (constituents) that our elected officials change laws, enact new laws, allocate funding etc. But if your protest blocks traffic and makes junior miss is little league game you just lost that person for your cause forever.

2017-04-27 12:57 PM
in reply to: crowny2

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Free Speech in America

Originally posted by crowny2

Originally posted by tuwood

Serious question.  Does the left truly believe in free speech?
I've noticed the trend towards shouting down those with opposing viewpoints and labeling any speech they don't agree with as "hate speech" and then feeling justified to assault and shout people down.  The irony is that they then call the people they're shouting down "fascists".  However, our universities are apparently not doing a very good job at teaching them what that word really means because the core of fascism is "suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship" which is exactly what the left is doing.

You seriously can't make this stuff up, but the Antifa terrorists are doing far more to help Trump win a second Term than any political ad he could drum up. 

It's not all lost though, because there's quite a few social media posts of dumb college kids who thought they were fighting the Nazi's realizing that they're actually being the Nazi's.

You do realize that shouting down someone else is free speech and that the actual Constitutional Amendment is about government not impinging on a citizens right to free speech. 

And I'm assuming you are talking about the fiasco that is happening at Berkley.  Hell, even the ACLU and Bernie Sanders came out in favor of Coulter talking.  This has nothing to do with the left, as you put it, but spoiled brats at a historically progressive institution that have been allowed to act however they want.  Hell I thought I heard that even the Dean of the school was trying to tell the kids to knock it off.

And I certainly remember plenty of right wing tea party people attempting to stifle protesters "right to free speech" 4-8 years ago. 

I respectfully disagree.  These groups are the left and they're being driven and encouraged by the left.  The mayor, head of Berkley, and head of police are all forcing the police to stand down to allow the terrorists to cause maximum damage.  
The idea of shouting down somebody you disagree with has been called the Hecklers Veto with the Supreme Court ruling in 2000 that it's not a violation of free speech to shut down a heckler.  "Even though speakers have a right to persuade, this cannot extend to unwilling listeners because people also have a right “to be let alone.” - Justice John Paul Stevens Hill v. Colorado

Constitutional rights do have limits.

I don't recall what you're describing from the tea party people, so I'm curios.  I know there were people who would have outbursts at public events and they were always promptly removed, but that happens at virtually every political event no matter which side it is.  The difference with the Antifa terrorists is that they're being paid by left wing money to literally riot and cause violence against anyone who dares to try and attend or speak at an event.  That is most certainly not free speech or throwing up a code pink sign in a town hall meeting. 

2017-04-27 1:02 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

User image

Southern Chicago Suburbs, IL
Subject: RE: Free Speech in America

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by crowny2

Originally posted by tuwood

Serious question.  Does the left truly believe in free speech?
I've noticed the trend towards shouting down those with opposing viewpoints and labeling any speech they don't agree with as "hate speech" and then feeling justified to assault and shout people down.  The irony is that they then call the people they're shouting down "fascists".  However, our universities are apparently not doing a very good job at teaching them what that word really means because the core of fascism is "suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship" which is exactly what the left is doing.

You seriously can't make this stuff up, but the Antifa terrorists are doing far more to help Trump win a second Term than any political ad he could drum up. 

It's not all lost though, because there's quite a few social media posts of dumb college kids who thought they were fighting the Nazi's realizing that they're actually being the Nazi's.

You do realize that shouting down someone else is free speech and that the actual Constitutional Amendment is about government not impinging on a citizens right to free speech. 

And I'm assuming you are talking about the fiasco that is happening at Berkley.  Hell, even the ACLU and Bernie Sanders came out in favor of Coulter talking.  This has nothing to do with the left, as you put it, but spoiled brats at a historically progressive institution that have been allowed to act however they want.  Hell I thought I heard that even the Dean of the school was trying to tell the kids to knock it off.

And I certainly remember plenty of right wing tea party people attempting to stifle protesters "right to free speech" 4-8 years ago. 

You make a good point about constitutional free speech is about stopping the government from interfering. I never really thought of it that way. So I guess it's really just a matter of civility and open/close mindedness. The thing that I think is ironic is when start trying to silence the other side you make your side look bad. You may have stopped the other side from speaking but at what cost? Fair minded people will assume you had to silence them because they had a better argument and reasonable people would side with them if they heard their perspective. I've been saying a similar thing about 'protestors' for a long time. The way you affect change is to win over hearts and minds of enough people (constituents) that our elected officials change laws, enact new laws, allocate funding etc. But if your protest blocks traffic and makes junior miss is little league game you just lost that person for your cause forever.

Awwww flibberdigibit we agree again. 

I remember someone saying "I will fight to the death your right to say whatever you want, but I will shout louder than you if I don't agree with what you are saying"

Lack of civility and open/close mindedness is nothing new.  Look at some of the stuff that was said at the turn of the past century and how violent protests used to be.  We are just seeing it now on video so it seems to be happening more.  And BOTH sides are culpable.  I have friends/acquaintances that pull that kind of crap and get so LOUD thinking that will change my mind.  

I still think protests have a place.  Problem is, I think we are at a point of protest fatigue.  Protesting for protesting sake.  And I'm over it. 

2017-04-27 1:02 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

User image

Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Free Speech in America

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by crowny2

Originally posted by tuwood

Serious question.  Does the left truly believe in free speech?
I've noticed the trend towards shouting down those with opposing viewpoints and labeling any speech they don't agree with as "hate speech" and then feeling justified to assault and shout people down.  The irony is that they then call the people they're shouting down "fascists".  However, our universities are apparently not doing a very good job at teaching them what that word really means because the core of fascism is "suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship" which is exactly what the left is doing.

You seriously can't make this stuff up, but the Antifa terrorists are doing far more to help Trump win a second Term than any political ad he could drum up. 

It's not all lost though, because there's quite a few social media posts of dumb college kids who thought they were fighting the Nazi's realizing that they're actually being the Nazi's.

You do realize that shouting down someone else is free speech and that the actual Constitutional Amendment is about government not impinging on a citizens right to free speech. 

And I'm assuming you are talking about the fiasco that is happening at Berkley.  Hell, even the ACLU and Bernie Sanders came out in favor of Coulter talking.  This has nothing to do with the left, as you put it, but spoiled brats at a historically progressive institution that have been allowed to act however they want.  Hell I thought I heard that even the Dean of the school was trying to tell the kids to knock it off.

And I certainly remember plenty of right wing tea party people attempting to stifle protesters "right to free speech" 4-8 years ago. 

You make a good point about constitutional free speech is about stopping the government from interfering. I never really thought of it that way. So I guess it's really just a matter of civility and open/close mindedness. The thing that I think is ironic is when start trying to silence the other side you make your side look bad. You may have stopped the other side from speaking but at what cost? Fair minded people will assume you had to silence them because they had a better argument and reasonable people would side with them if they heard their perspective. I've been saying a similar thing about 'protestors' for a long time. The way you affect change is to win over hearts and minds of enough people (constituents) that our elected officials change laws, enact new laws, allocate funding etc. But if your protest blocks traffic and makes junior miss is little league game you just lost that person for your cause forever.

The interesting byproduct of all the attention is that people like Milo who were virtually unheard of outside of far right circles are being thrust into the mainstream.  Who is this Gay English guy who loves Trump and everyone wants to shut down?  I thought liberals loved gays and women... Oh yeah, it's only gay's and women who get in line and tow the liberal agenda that they love...  yada yada. 
As I mentioned at the beginning, all of this is backfiring horrendously in the faces of the left and it's truly hurting the cause.  Nobody wants to be on the side of the Nazi party in America.  

2017-04-27 1:07 PM
in reply to: crowny2

User image

Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Free Speech in America

Originally posted by crowny2

Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by crowny2

Originally posted by tuwood

Serious question.  Does the left truly believe in free speech?
I've noticed the trend towards shouting down those with opposing viewpoints and labeling any speech they don't agree with as "hate speech" and then feeling justified to assault and shout people down.  The irony is that they then call the people they're shouting down "fascists".  However, our universities are apparently not doing a very good job at teaching them what that word really means because the core of fascism is "suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship" which is exactly what the left is doing.

You seriously can't make this stuff up, but the Antifa terrorists are doing far more to help Trump win a second Term than any political ad he could drum up. 

It's not all lost though, because there's quite a few social media posts of dumb college kids who thought they were fighting the Nazi's realizing that they're actually being the Nazi's.

You do realize that shouting down someone else is free speech and that the actual Constitutional Amendment is about government not impinging on a citizens right to free speech. 

And I'm assuming you are talking about the fiasco that is happening at Berkley.  Hell, even the ACLU and Bernie Sanders came out in favor of Coulter talking.  This has nothing to do with the left, as you put it, but spoiled brats at a historically progressive institution that have been allowed to act however they want.  Hell I thought I heard that even the Dean of the school was trying to tell the kids to knock it off.

And I certainly remember plenty of right wing tea party people attempting to stifle protesters "right to free speech" 4-8 years ago. 

You make a good point about constitutional free speech is about stopping the government from interfering. I never really thought of it that way. So I guess it's really just a matter of civility and open/close mindedness. The thing that I think is ironic is when start trying to silence the other side you make your side look bad. You may have stopped the other side from speaking but at what cost? Fair minded people will assume you had to silence them because they had a better argument and reasonable people would side with them if they heard their perspective. I've been saying a similar thing about 'protestors' for a long time. The way you affect change is to win over hearts and minds of enough people (constituents) that our elected officials change laws, enact new laws, allocate funding etc. But if your protest blocks traffic and makes junior miss is little league game you just lost that person for your cause forever.

Awwww flibberdigibit we agree again. 

I remember someone saying "I will fight to the death your right to say whatever you want, but I will shout louder than you if I don't agree with what you are saying"

Lack of civility and open/close mindedness is nothing new.  Look at some of the stuff that was said at the turn of the past century and how violent protests used to be.  We are just seeing it now on video so it seems to be happening more.  And BOTH sides are culpable.  I have friends/acquaintances that pull that kind of crap and get so LOUD thinking that will change my mind.  

I still think protests have a place.  Problem is, I think we are at a point of protest fatigue.  Protesting for protesting sake.  And I'm over it. 

Another thing we probably agree on is that there's the whole shouting part which for the most part I'm in agreement with you.  However, in Berkley, Atlanta, and several other places where Antifa has come they are not just shouting.  They're straight up inciting violence and attacking people.  That's not acceptable.

I went to a Trump rally here in Omaha several weeks ago and a bunch of Antifa terrorists were bussed in and started pushing people around.  Fortunately the police immediately arrested them all and that was that.  In Berkley the police are being specifically held back and it's a straight up war zone.  Fortunately brave veterans and supporters of freedom have been there in greater numbers and straight up kicked the crap out of the terrorist thugs. 

2017-04-27 1:16 PM
in reply to: tuwood

User image

Southern Chicago Suburbs, IL
Subject: RE: Free Speech in America

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by crowny2

Originally posted by tuwood

Serious question.  Does the left truly believe in free speech?
I've noticed the trend towards shouting down those with opposing viewpoints and labeling any speech they don't agree with as "hate speech" and then feeling justified to assault and shout people down.  The irony is that they then call the people they're shouting down "fascists".  However, our universities are apparently not doing a very good job at teaching them what that word really means because the core of fascism is "suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship" which is exactly what the left is doing.

You seriously can't make this stuff up, but the Antifa terrorists are doing far more to help Trump win a second Term than any political ad he could drum up. 

It's not all lost though, because there's quite a few social media posts of dumb college kids who thought they were fighting the Nazi's realizing that they're actually being the Nazi's.

You do realize that shouting down someone else is free speech and that the actual Constitutional Amendment is about government not impinging on a citizens right to free speech. 

And I'm assuming you are talking about the fiasco that is happening at Berkley.  Hell, even the ACLU and Bernie Sanders came out in favor of Coulter talking.  This has nothing to do with the left, as you put it, but spoiled brats at a historically progressive institution that have been allowed to act however they want.  Hell I thought I heard that even the Dean of the school was trying to tell the kids to knock it off.

And I certainly remember plenty of right wing tea party people attempting to stifle protesters "right to free speech" 4-8 years ago. 

I respectfully disagree.  These groups are the left and they're being driven and encouraged by the left.  The mayor, head of Berkley, and head of police are all forcing the police to stand down to allow the terrorists to cause maximum damage.  
The idea of shouting down somebody you disagree with has been called the Hecklers Veto with the Supreme Court ruling in 2000 that it's not a violation of free speech to shut down a heckler.  "Even though speakers have a right to persuade, this cannot extend to unwilling listeners because people also have a right “to be let alone.” - Justice John Paul Stevens Hill v. Colorado

Constitutional rights do have limits.

I don't recall what you're describing from the tea party people, so I'm curios.  I know there were people who would have outbursts at public events and they were always promptly removed, but that happens at virtually every political event no matter which side it is.  The difference with the Antifa terrorists is that they're being paid by left wing money to literally riot and cause violence against anyone who dares to try and attend or speak at an event.  That is most certainly not free speech or throwing up a code pink sign in a town hall meeting. 

What I've looked up doesn't match this situation exactly, but there are instances of violence inspired by the Tea Party and some local/regional leaders sponsoring it.




I will say again, though, that what happened at Berkeley is a disgrace.  And as I said in my first post, even the dreaded ACLU and Bernie Sanders say it was a disgrace.  But it is not a left/right thing.  it is a spoiled rotten children thing. 

2017-04-27 1:21 PM
in reply to: crowny2

User image

Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Free Speech in America

Originally posted by crowny2

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by crowny2

Originally posted by tuwood

Serious question.  Does the left truly believe in free speech?
I've noticed the trend towards shouting down those with opposing viewpoints and labeling any speech they don't agree with as "hate speech" and then feeling justified to assault and shout people down.  The irony is that they then call the people they're shouting down "fascists".  However, our universities are apparently not doing a very good job at teaching them what that word really means because the core of fascism is "suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship" which is exactly what the left is doing.

You seriously can't make this stuff up, but the Antifa terrorists are doing far more to help Trump win a second Term than any political ad he could drum up. 

It's not all lost though, because there's quite a few social media posts of dumb college kids who thought they were fighting the Nazi's realizing that they're actually being the Nazi's.

You do realize that shouting down someone else is free speech and that the actual Constitutional Amendment is about government not impinging on a citizens right to free speech. 

And I'm assuming you are talking about the fiasco that is happening at Berkley.  Hell, even the ACLU and Bernie Sanders came out in favor of Coulter talking.  This has nothing to do with the left, as you put it, but spoiled brats at a historically progressive institution that have been allowed to act however they want.  Hell I thought I heard that even the Dean of the school was trying to tell the kids to knock it off.

And I certainly remember plenty of right wing tea party people attempting to stifle protesters "right to free speech" 4-8 years ago. 

I respectfully disagree.  These groups are the left and they're being driven and encouraged by the left.  The mayor, head of Berkley, and head of police are all forcing the police to stand down to allow the terrorists to cause maximum damage.  
The idea of shouting down somebody you disagree with has been called the Hecklers Veto with the Supreme Court ruling in 2000 that it's not a violation of free speech to shut down a heckler.  "Even though speakers have a right to persuade, this cannot extend to unwilling listeners because people also have a right “to be let alone.” - Justice John Paul Stevens Hill v. Colorado

Constitutional rights do have limits.

I don't recall what you're describing from the tea party people, so I'm curios.  I know there were people who would have outbursts at public events and they were always promptly removed, but that happens at virtually every political event no matter which side it is.  The difference with the Antifa terrorists is that they're being paid by left wing money to literally riot and cause violence against anyone who dares to try and attend or speak at an event.  That is most certainly not free speech or throwing up a code pink sign in a town hall meeting. 

What I've looked up doesn't match this situation exactly, but there are instances of violence inspired by the Tea Party and some local/regional leaders sponsoring it.




I will say again, though, that what happened at Berkeley is a disgrace.  And as I said in my first post, even the dreaded ACLU and Bernie Sanders say it was a disgrace.  But it is not a left/right thing.  it is a spoiled rotten children thing. 

I am sure that there have been violent encounters at tea party events or caused by tea party folks because there's certainly been a ton of events over many years.

I would say the whole Antifa thing is more of a naive children thing vs. spoiled rotten children thing.  These people are being recruited and bussed in by very organized operations who are tapping into the naive kids who want to make a difference and stand for something.  However, they don't realize what they're actually signing up for.  It's the dangers of the whole fake media labeling Trump supporters as racists and hate filled.  These kids actually believe it and think they're taking out Nazi's.  It's almost embarrassing how stupid they are. 

2017-04-27 4:41 PM
in reply to: tuwood

User image

Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Free Speech in America

Obviously constitutionally protected free speech only limits the government.  However, censorship of ideas and beliefs is equally detrimental and is utilized at an increasingly alarming rate on university campuses across the country.  More over, not only are students participating like at Berkley, universities are encouraging such narrow-mindedness.

I encourage anyone to read articles published by Flemming Rose on free speech and censorship or listen to a podcast in which he discusses the growing problems occurring in the universities and among the newly minted political class.  Rose is a former newspaper editor from Denmark and has a unique perspective coming from Europe (he initiated the uproar over the Muhammad cartoons published about a decade ago).  I really want to hear Tuwood and Rogilio agree with Van Jones and President Obama. 

2017-04-27 6:34 PM
in reply to: 0

User image

Subject: RE: Free Speech in America

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by crowny2

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by crowny2

Originally posted by tuwood

Serious question.  Does the left truly believe in free speech?
I've noticed the trend towards shouting down those with opposing viewpoints and labeling any speech they don't agree with as "hate speech" and then feeling justified to assault and shout people down.  The irony is that they then call the people they're shouting down "fascists".  However, our universities are apparently not doing a very good job at teaching them what that word really means because the core of fascism is "suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship" which is exactly what the left is doing.

You seriously can't make this stuff up, but the Antifa terrorists are doing far more to help Trump win a second Term than any political ad he could drum up. 

It's not all lost though, because there's quite a few social media posts of dumb college kids who thought they were fighting the Nazi's realizing that they're actually being the Nazi's.

You do realize that shouting down someone else is free speech and that the actual Constitutional Amendment is about government not impinging on a citizens right to free speech. 

And I'm assuming you are talking about the fiasco that is happening at Berkley.  Hell, even the ACLU and Bernie Sanders came out in favor of Coulter talking.  This has nothing to do with the left, as you put it, but spoiled brats at a historically progressive institution that have been allowed to act however they want.  Hell I thought I heard that even the Dean of the school was trying to tell the kids to knock it off.

And I certainly remember plenty of right wing tea party people attempting to stifle protesters "right to free speech" 4-8 years ago. 

I respectfully disagree.  These groups are the left and they're being driven and encouraged by the left.  The mayor, head of Berkley, and head of police are all forcing the police to stand down to allow the terrorists to cause maximum damage.  
The idea of shouting down somebody you disagree with has been called the Hecklers Veto with the Supreme Court ruling in 2000 that it's not a violation of free speech to shut down a heckler.  "Even though speakers have a right to persuade, this cannot extend to unwilling listeners because people also have a right “to be let alone.” - Justice John Paul Stevens Hill v. Colorado

Constitutional rights do have limits.

I don't recall what you're describing from the tea party people, so I'm curios.  I know there were people who would have outbursts at public events and they were always promptly removed, but that happens at virtually every political event no matter which side it is.  The difference with the Antifa terrorists is that they're being paid by left wing money to literally riot and cause violence against anyone who dares to try and attend or speak at an event.  That is most certainly not free speech or throwing up a code pink sign in a town hall meeting. 

What I've looked up doesn't match this situation exactly, but there are instances of violence inspired by the Tea Party and some local/regional leaders sponsoring it.




I will say again, though, that what happened at Berkeley is a disgrace.  And as I said in my first post, even the dreaded ACLU and Bernie Sanders say it was a disgrace.  But it is not a left/right thing.  it is a spoiled rotten children thing. 

I am sure that there have been violent encounters at tea party events or caused by tea party folks because there's certainly been a ton of events over many years.

I would say the whole Antifa thing is more of a naive children thing vs. spoiled rotten children thing.  These people are being recruited and bussed in by very organized operations who are tapping into the naive kids who want to make a difference and stand for something.  However, they don't realize what they're actually signing up for.  It's the dangers of the whole fake media labeling Trump supporters as racists and hate filled.  These kids actually believe it and think they're taking out Nazi's.  It's almost embarrassing how stupid they are. 

To the bolded part.......not so much.  I've dealt with these groups a bit over the last few years.  These aren't naive kids wanting to make a difference....these are people, many young, who have been left out of the mainstream due to a variety of circumstances.  Drugs, family issues, criminal record, lack of education, and on and on.  They have found themselves in a position where they simply cannot be a part of society......so they get recruited into an alternate society.  It's a much smaller scale and, so far at least,  less violent, but it's the same type of ideology that fuels ISIS and other extreme organizations. 

It'll be interesting to see if it continues to grow in this country and I think the jury is still out on that one, but if it does, there will be bloodshed.  You might be able to pull off that kind of unbridled violence in the cradle of stupidity that is Bizerkely, Ca........but it won't hold up in flyover country, which is why they don't try it here.........rednecks don't like ninja looking morons carrying sticks attacking them.....it would be a blood bath. I laugh every time some goofball at our booking counter starts carrying on about the revolution that is coming.  My god, there are people here who would look at that as sport.......load up the coolers, rifles, and ammo boxes and let the revolution begin. LMAO

Edited by Left Brain 2017-04-27 6:43 PM
2017-04-27 8:24 PM
in reply to: Hook'em

User image

Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Free Speech in America

Originally posted by Hook'em

Obviously constitutionally protected free speech only limits the government.  However, censorship of ideas and beliefs is equally detrimental and is utilized at an increasingly alarming rate on university campuses across the country.  More over, not only are students participating like at Berkley, universities are encouraging such narrow-mindedness.

I encourage anyone to read articles published by Flemming Rose on free speech and censorship or listen to a podcast in which he discusses the growing problems occurring in the universities and among the newly minted political class.  Rose is a former newspaper editor from Denmark and has a unique perspective coming from Europe (he initiated the uproar over the Muhammad cartoons published about a decade ago).  I really want to hear Tuwood and Rogilio agree with Van Jones and President Obama. 

There are a lot of things I strongly disagree with Obama on, but civil rights is an area we're pretty well aligned.  In fact I may even be a bit to the left of him when it comes to criminal law and rights.   

Often times in situations like this it's easy to look at only one side of the equation and apply their 1st Amendment rights, but both sides have a 1st Amendment right to free speech.  So if somebody is stopping me from speaking in a place where i can lawfully speak through intimidation and violence especially it's very bad. 

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Awesome speech!

Started by Rogillio
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