Subject: 01.29.2020 Windy Wednesday Training It was raining and 45 F degrees yesterday so I ditched the outdoor run and did an indoor bike trainer ride. So, at 5:45 this morning I was running outside in 38 deg F and wind. Everything was wet from the 20+ hours of rain we go but it wasn't raining so only my feet got soaked this morning. Today was a hill repeat workout. My training plan calls for 5x60m hill repeats every other week, but 5 repeats just doesn't do much for me and I am not used to repeating workouts without and changes or variations so I increased the number of repeats. I was going to do 6 repeats today (up one from two weeks ago) then 7 repeats in two weeks then 8, 9, 10, etc., but after 6 repeats I didn't feel like I had even got a good warmup in yet. I probably could have done 12-15 repeats before I felt like I was doing any good, but I just did 7 and called it good. I added extra steady state run time after the hills and called it a win. I wound up with 6-2/3 total miles this morning. |