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2006-12-20 6:31 PM

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: Daremo's Group - FULL
NAME: Daremo / Rick

STORY: I have participated in some sort of endurance sport since my Junior year of high school, so have been doing running and/or cycling for almost 18 years. I'm 35 years old now so I've been doing endurance sports in some capacity for more than half of my life (a daunting realization!). After 5 years of purely road racing bikes I got burned out and stopped riding completely in '98. Got married, had some kids with the wife and gained 45 pounds. Got really p.o'ed with myself and decided to get back into sports again. My boss had done IMWI and was a 15 time marathoner, so I decided to try my hand at those things as well. I started riding again in '03 and running again in '04.

FAMILY STATUS: I've been married for 7 years and have three great little boys, ages - 6, 3, and 8 months. I'm the sole supporter right now so work full time as an architect in the Baltimore area.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm sort of old school and train by RPE (perceived effort) and pace - whether in running or cycling. I've never been a big swimmer and that is definitely my weakness. With my cycling background and running ability I am a very strong player when it comes to those two events and have a ton of experience in both. I'm currently re-focusing for Boston and then will be going forward with HIM intensity training, taking a short "rest" break and focusing on the IM for the Fall.

LAST YEAR'S RACES: I only did one tri and that was the Eagleman 70.3 which was my first tri in 14 years (did one olympic before). I ran two marathons, the first as a pacer for my good friend and the second for myself as a Boston Qualifier. I also did a cycling TT and numerous running races.

2007 RACES: "A" races signed up are the 111th Boston Marathon (qualified), Eagleman 70.3 HIM, and Ironman Florida. I will also do a smattering of running races throughout the year and have plans for at least two sprints and maybe one olympic.

WEIGHTLOSS: Since I've gotten back into endurance sports in '03 I've dropped the 40 pounds I had put on through marriage and graduate school. Right now I'm at my comfortable race weight of 175-ish.

Edited by Daremo 2006-12-22 7:24 AM

2006-12-20 9:56 PM
in reply to: #629700

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Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - OPEN

Hi Rick,

I want to join your group.

Story: I am not a newbie newbie... but this year is like a start over for me. I had some health problems in August of 2005, then in January I decided to pull stakes, sell my business and move from Ohio to Virginia. I was starting to get settled here in Virginia when my aunt became terminally ill and I was spending every weekend traveling to see her. About one month after she died I contracted a virulent staph infection that got me a four day pass to quarantine in the hospital. Woo hoo. So I got the okay to start working out in November, did a little 3 week stint and then went into a funk and crawled in a hole. I have been a fairly consistent person working out until this year. I think I have worked out a total of 5 months out of 12. So, I need to start over and get focused on being consistent. This looks like a great place to get back into the game.

Family Status: Single, no kids.... 2 chihuahuas and a mastiff. Woof. Currently working as a chiropractic physician.

Current training: Well I feel like I need to build up my base really. Usually when I am running my HR is up in the 150s or 160s the entire time. So I am going to try to spend some time on the treadmill at 140. Which means I have to walk at an incline. I can't run even slow without my heart rate going over 150. I definitely need the most help with running. With my biking, my HR is usually in the 140s, which I am comfortable with and I can go a long time on my bike. I am pretty slow.. a C class rider (14 mph) even when I am trying. I always try to keep my cadence around 80 rpms when I ride. I don't know a whole lot about training on a bike. I think I have swam 1x since I moved here in July. I think I am a good swimmer. Usually I just hop in the pool and swim for 30 minutes non stop, or some designated number of laps, usually a 1/2 mile.

Last year's races: One sprint tri in June 2006.

This Year's Races: 4 sprint tris, maybe one Oly. I want to do an Oly but I am afraid I won't be in shape enough to do it.

Weight Loss: Typically it doesn't matter how much I exercise, I don't lose weight. I guess that I eat enough to make up for the exercise. I need to realistically lose 65 lbs. This time last year I was 25 lbs lighter. In July 2005 I was 35 lbs lighter. So I have gained a lot of weight in the last year and a half. I try not to focus on it too much and instead just work on healthy habits. Eventually I will get the right combo and the weight will come off.

2006-12-20 10:50 PM
in reply to: #629700


Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - OPEN
Good Evening Daremo, I would like to join your group. I put the new in the word newbie. I am still learning how to navigate the site am so new. However, I am no starnger to traiing and physical excercise. I am pretty fit right now, the holidays are putting a strain on my diet, but I am keeping up my workouts well. I am a tennis professional in Dallas Texas. I played colligate tennis for a few years and have been teaching and playing recreationaly ever since.

I am looking to get into the inner circle of knowledge and coolness when it comes to endurance athletes. The barriers I have currently is that people that I think should help me, expect you to already know a lot. THe bike shops the club members assume you know what your doing and that your an advanced beginner, I am not!

Again my physical base is solid for sprint level tri's, I have no races and no logs to post or even talk about, not even sure where to look for either, oh by the way can you guys reject applicants becuase they are soo neewww!

Have a good one, Happy Holidays
2006-12-21 10:03 AM
in reply to: #629700

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New user

Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - OPEN
Rick: Looks like you have all the newbies, I too would like to join your group.

My name is Andy, 24yrs

STORY: Have yet to participate in any tri's but its something I've always wanted to do. I was a hockey player throughout high school and college, but also dabbled in X-Country and track. I've always enjoyed long distance running and recently have gotten big into cycling. Swimming is still an area I need to improve in, as well as find a decent place to train (my gym does not have a pool). Over college I put on some weight for hockey, then after graduation I just kinda let it slide. I've never been overweight by any means but I really let go of working out and stayin fit. That all changed a year ago, started lifting again and got back into running and picked up cycling along the way.

FAMILY/WORK: Recently married (2 months) luckily to a health nut. She is defiantly my backing. Totally cleaned up our diet and the gym has become a 2nd home. She even found a way to get me up on Saturday mornings to go to a Spinning class. No kids. I work for a State Senator so my schedual is up in the air alot, i'm trying to do more early morning workouts.

CURRENT TRAINING: As of right now I'm looking to just get into a good routine and stick to it. Currently I have been splitting my cardio between distance runs (5-10 miles) HIIT training and about 2 cycling classes a week. I still lift 3 days a week two days on upper, one on lower and abs sprinkled in. My diet has been cleaned-up for about 2 months now. Lean protein (mainly chicken) lots of veggies and whole grain breads. Cut out sodas and bad snacks (fruit is a new found friend).

REASON FOR JOINING: Mainly looking to lean on someone for support and training tips, someone like yourself who has been there. Any help you could give would be great. Looking forward to training and competing.

Edited by Pre419 2006-12-21 10:40 AM
2006-12-21 10:21 AM
in reply to: #629700

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - OPEN
Hi Rick, if there is still room, I'd like to "join" your team. I'll get to my story when I have a bit more "free" time later in the day.
2006-12-21 10:26 AM
in reply to: #629700

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - OPEN
I would like to join your group as well. I'm signing up for my first tri in Jan for next July. I swam on the swim team in high school, and have always been very active. I picked up running 2 yrs ago and have competed in 4 5K races. I am not comfortable on the bike like I am swimming and running, so that will be the area that I need the most help.

I'm 25 - recently ended a 6 yr relationship and very focused and determined to train for this tri and many more in the future.

2006-12-21 10:35 AM
in reply to: #629700

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - OPEN
Welcome all!

I'd be more than happy to share my experiences and knowledge with everyone.

Remember though, I'm not a coach nor do I play one on TV, so take what I suggest/put out and do some research and ask questions about it to see what may be right for you!

I'm also willing to take a few more, so if anyone else is interested in having me as a mentor, please feel free to post it up.

(Oh, and for the cycling-challenged, I was also a service manager/mechanic and salesman in a few bike shops for 5 years, so I've got a "little bit" of experience there .......)

Edited by Daremo 2006-12-21 10:36 AM
2006-12-21 10:51 AM
in reply to: #629700

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - OPEN
NAME: Wayne

STORY: Having been an overweight child/teen, I've always struggled with weight management and have fluctuated up and down throughout my life. I have found that a consistent routine of cardio and weight training allow for me to feel comfortable with my weight. In 2004, a coworker was discussing his triathlon past and yearning to race again, so we registered for and raced the Outback Big Lick Olympic Tri, using a local sprint distance race (TriAmerica Hampton, VA) as a training gauge. 2005: Work requirements (long hours/long commute) and family commitments (cross country relo) kept me from racing and throughout the year I packed on about 25 lbs. 2006: I recommitted myself to tritraining, but did not race much due to the birth of my daughter and our settling into our new home.

FAMILY STATUS: We seem to share a similar family situation, as I've been married for 5 years and have a 7 month old daughter. I currently work from home full-time as a Regional Finance Mgr for a large IT services Co and my wife is a stay-at-home mom.

CURRENT TRAINING: Looking at completing my first 1/2 Marathon (AZ RnR, Jan14th), so my current training consist of lots of running; lots for me anyway! Of the three disciplines, I would say that work was needed in this area the most, then swim, then bike. I've made a commitment to my wife and daughter that tri-training will not interfere with our family time, so I'm focusing most of my training time to early mornings and weekends.

LAST YEAR'S RACES: Completed one sprint distance tri (Tucson Tri) in March, a 10Mile road race in Oct, & 2 Century bike races (Silverbell Century & El Tour de Tucson)

2007 RACES: Looking forward to racing more in 2007. As prev mentioned, I'm registered for my first 1/2 marathon in Jan, then would like to complete a few Oly's and a 1/2 IM by year-end. The Tucson Marathon is Dec10, if all goes well with 1/2 IM training, this could also be a possibility. Finances (wife returning to school) and family commitments are my biggest obstacles in actually getting registered and competing to this schedule.

WEIGHTLOSS: As previously mentioned; I've always struggled with maintaining an ideal body weight, but throughout 2006 have lost ~20lbs. My goal is to maintain and drop another 5, but ultimately to get my bodyfat down to ~15%.

Good luck to everyone in meeting their 2007 goals and feel free to check out my logs and drop some inspiration along the way!
2006-12-21 11:26 AM
in reply to: #629700

Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - OPEN

Is there still room for one more?

Name: Nette213/Jeanette

Story: I am a 43 years old and love the outdoors.  I was a runner in high school but stopped anything organized after that.  Remained some what active during mid-20's to mid-30's: rock climbing, softball, dancing, then took my current job and stopped any activity at all.  Gained 30 lbs in the first year (2000-2001).  Started swimming about 2 1/2 years ago to get back into exercising and keep the Dr. from treating me for high cholesterol.  Changed my diet a little and dropped about 10 lbs.  Then I read about the Danskin tri in a women's magazine and thought I might try one but just thought about it.  then my folk's died within 28 days of each other and mortality struck with a force!  Decided I would stop thinking and do something.  I bought a road bike in Dec '05.  the bike shop told me about a first timer tri in Galveston, I should look into it.  I did.  Signed up, found BT, started a 13 week training plan for a sprint, and jumped in!

Family Status: Divorced, 23 year old daughter and 4 year old grandson.  Currently in a committed relationship with tons of support for all my activities.  I too am the sole supporter for my household.

Current training:  I am training currently for a 1/2 marathon in January.  I have two partners that run with me two nights a week and Saturdays for our long run.  I ride my bike in my living room and I swim at work 2-5 times a week at lunch.  I don't worry about HR stuff much.  I have already imported a 20 week training plan to begin 1/15/2007 for an Olympic tri in May.

Last year's races: MyFirstTri, Sprint: Galveston, TX, April '06.  Captextri, Sprint: Austin, May '06.  Jeff&Brede's, Sprint: Katy,TX, July '06. Cinco Ranch, Sprint: Katy, TX, Aug '06.

2007 races: I am registered for the Lone Star Tri, Sprint in Galveston, TX March 31st and CapTexTri, Olympic distance in Austin, TX May 28th.

Weight loss: I am stuck at 156 lbs and looking to drop another 10-15 lbs by Captex.  I dropped two dress sizes between January and April but have remained about the same since.  I hope to pick up the intensity of my training for the move to the Olympic distance and dump the rest.

2006-12-21 4:29 PM
in reply to: #629700

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Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - OPEN
looks like you are full at this time. If you lose someone please let me know I would like to join your group.

I am a 42 year old firefighter from Indianapolis. I lost a very good friend and fellow firefighter from another department here in Indy to a training accident that went bad. He was a father of one and his wife was pregnant with his second when he died. He was trying to run a marathon in all 50 states and during this time he decided he was also going to run a triathlon. I use to think he was crazy and even told him so. He tried a sprint and found out immediatley that he needed a bigger challenge. He ran the Floridian IM and his wife said he enjoyed it very much and it was a great challenge for him.

The guy literally saved my life so I thought I would do something crazy and in 2005 started training for the olympic distance triathlon for the 2007 World Police and Fire Games in Adelaide Australia. At that time it was a long term goal and my short term was to run some sprint races in 2006. I was able to get 4 under my belt and as most I am now hooked. With Australia coming this March I needed some new goals! I have registered for the half IM in Muncie Indiana July 14th 2007. My long term goal would be to run the Floridian IM that my friend did in 2008.

I am married with 4 children, 4 y/o boy, 3 y/o girl and twin 1 y/o girls. I am blessed to have plenty of training time every third day at the firehouse but since my wife stay's at home I also own a home business that keeps me busy. Finding time to train is challenging but rewarding! My friends now call me crazy!!!

Hope to hear from you
God Bless
Jerry (4jolliff2)

Edited by 4jolliff2 2006-12-22 8:56 AM
2006-12-21 6:54 PM
in reply to: #629700

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Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - OPEN

Hey Group,

I thought I would add you all to my buddy list.  I am going to osmotically get some of everyone's good workout mojo going.  I have had a tough time staying consistent.  What has been everyone's weak point with training? 

Daremo, I notice that you use RPE as your guide.  I think I my heart rate levels are off so I am going to sort of make note of my RPE and see if it tells me anything.  I may tackle a lactate threshold test after I am consistent for a month or two.




2006-12-21 7:23 PM
in reply to: #629700

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Nr Flensburg, Germany
Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - OPEN

Hi Rick,

May I join in too.

My name is Paul and I live in Northern Germany, near Flensburg.  I'm English, but married a German, and decided to move over here this year.  I have 4 great kids, all boys.  I am a photographer by trade, though seem to have fallen into web-design too.  I'm 46 years young.

So, to go with the new life, new house and new dog (Lola the German Shepherd) I have decided to take my overweight and unfit body and get it into shape.  I need a sport that will keep me interested as I do have a tendency to get bored after a while doing the 'same old, same old', so having three different events to train for sounded like a step in the right direction.

I'm currently tipping the scales at about 102Kg, that's about 20Kg over my fit weight and I'm 6' 2" tall.  I have competed at a decent level in a few sports in the past, namely rugby, athletics (javelin) and power lifting.  I trained for power, so under the excess of fat sits a lot of dormant muscle, which to be honest worries me as all of the triathletes I have seen have not been overly muscle bound.

My plans for 2007 are a first sprint distance at the end of April, then one a month for May, June and July, an Olympic in August and then my A race is the Hamburg City Man Olympic in September.

So I have a very long way to go and I'm sure there are a lot of hurdles just waiting to trip me up along the way.  Getting through to end of March, being in the low 90's weightwise and still in one piece is my primary goal right now.

Edited by strider42 2006-12-21 7:25 PM
2006-12-21 10:10 PM
in reply to: #629700

Southern Adirondacks
Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - OPEN
Hey Rick,

Sign me up.
I need accountability, and this is perfect.

In 2005 I completed a sprint triathlon, and a exterra Triathlon as well as a 50K run. I also threw in a few 5,10, and 15K runs. By the end of the summer I was completely burned out. I did loose about 70 pounds over that 18 month training period and was in excellent shape. I have continued to get my runs in, but have not been as committed as I should be. To date I have done five 1/2 marathons and will be doing my first full in January.

However....with my lack of commitment...My weight has increased and my time....yep decreased. It's time that I get my real focus back and work on training and NUTRITION.

This fall I plan on doing my first 1/2 IM.

That goal alone will drive me, but having a group working together will help thing even more.

Looking forward to this.
Have a Happy Holiday,

"God can help you move mountains, but you still have to bring a shovel"

Edited by buckbagger 2006-12-21 10:11 PM
2006-12-22 7:15 AM
in reply to: #629700

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - OPEN
Welcome all!

I think I'll close it up now, but everyone here that responded I'll gladly take in under my wings.

I've added everyone to my buddy list in my log and would encourage everyone to do the same. I'm not quite sure how the groups are going to work, but I will be stopping into your logs on a regular basis to put out some encouragement and any advice that might be needed.

If you don't know yet how to use the logs, all you have to do is click on the "training log" button on the top of any page and it will re-direct you to the log. There you will have the ability to log in all sorts of information on workouts and nutrition for each day which will then automatically update your monthly and yearly totals.

To add someone to your friend list, click on "control panel" right underneath the Beginner logo, then click on "training settings" on the right side of the page. Scroll about halfway down and you will see slots to add people's username. Once that's done, click on the submit or save button at the bottom of that page.

When you visit someone else's log (either through your buddy list in your log or just by clicking on the "logs" button under someone's posts) there is a place to "inspire" each day. If you click on the "inspire" button you can leave a message for the logger to read. And of course you can send private messages using the "PM" button.
2006-12-22 7:24 AM
in reply to: #631092

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - OPEN
dr_evil_0818 - 2006-12-21 7:54 PM

Hey Group,

I thought I would add you all to my buddy list.  I am going to osmotically get some of everyone's good workout mojo going.  I have had a tough time staying consistent.  What has been everyone's weak point with training? 

Daremo, I notice that you use RPE as your guide.  I think I my heart rate levels are off so I am going to sort of make note of my RPE and see if it tells me anything.  I may tackle a lactate threshold test after I am consistent for a month or two.




By far swimming is my weakest sport. Since my HIM in June I have been almost solely focused on my marathon goal of qualifying for Boston, which I did. Now with Boston in April and then shortly after the same HIM again I need to do extra work to hit my goals for each.

So I'm back on the trainer and swimming again.

My biggest problem is that while my wife is tolerant of my training, she is not really supportive of it and often gets upset when I have big training days planned. It is definitely a balancing act to keep from upsetting her and I try to train only on my own time and not my family's. But getting in long workouts on the weekend takes time, so it's a catch 22.

Since I've been training so long I pretty much "know" what paces I can train at for sustained amounts of time and where I need to be. So I go by feel as much as I go by watch pace. That definitely comes with time and practice.

My suggestion is always to dumb down the training until you are really at the point where very specific narrow focuses training has an impact. Don't be a slave to the tools that are available out there (GPS, heart rate monitors, power meters, etc.)!
2006-12-22 8:35 AM
in reply to: #629700


Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - FULL
Hello all nice to meet and hear about your backgrounds. Have two major hurdles facing me right now.
1st--I do not know how to schedule events, should I only train for tri's, should I mix in some dual's for practice etc etc.

2nd-- I do not yet know where to look for events and what to do when I get to events.

I feel like once I have set my goals in terms of how many races Im going to do this year and what kind of times I would would like to achieve in some of these races I will be much better a staying consistent in my training, even through the holidays!! I can be a very committed worker outer almost too hard at times. (oh and Im a really bad speller/typist, sorry)

Advice in this regard totally welcomed!

2006-12-22 9:52 AM
in reply to: #629700

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Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - FULL

There is a race schedule on here somewhere..... but I love


2006-12-22 1:23 PM
in reply to: #629700

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - FULL
The "race nexus" at the top of the page on BT will give a decent list of events, whether they are running, cycling, or tri.

trifind is good and so is the multisport directory (I just googled it when I was looking for it the other day).

For local running events just look online for a local running club in your area and see if they have a race calender, or link to one (most do).

As for what race/races to target, that can be tricky. The more local low key events will usually be smaller and beginner friendly so they are a good place to start. But they can be hit or miss as far as quality goes. ask around locally and see what people like to race at there. Starting out I'd say to think small and manageable. There is no reason to sign up for a half ironman if you aren't ready to commit the time and money it takes to do one.

BT has some great plans to work with from training for a 5k or a sprint all the way up to a basic ironman distance plan. For training schedules that is a great place to get started.
2006-12-26 9:56 PM
in reply to: #629700

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Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - FULL

I have a question... what is a tempo run?  I have seen this term a lot but don't know what it means.  Just curious.

Also, how is everyone doing with the holiday?

I am doing pretty good so far.  The week before Christmas turned out to be a good week for me.  I am trying some new things, one of which is using RPE to guage my effort instead of my heart rate.  I am finding it to be an interesting and fun challenge to keep my HR down and see where my RPE falls.  And I have been consistent, which is going to be my primary goal probably for 2-3 months until I feel like I am back in the swing of things. 

2006-12-27 4:25 PM
in reply to: #633670

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - FULL
dr_evil_0818 - 2006-12-26 10:56 PM
I have a question... what is a tempo run?  I have seen this term a lot but don't know what it means.

A tempo run is when you ran at a sustained pace right at your lactic threshold. In runners terms it means a continuous effort at your 15k to half marathon pace. It is not an interval or sprint, but a continuous effort to bolster your LT pace. Usually you start with 15 - 20 minutes of sustained effort after a 10 minute warm-up or so and then have a similar warm down after.

As an example, yesterday I did 2 miles at a warm-up pace of 8:30-ish, then 4 miles sustained at 6:52 average pace, and then 2 miles warm down at 8:40-ish. Theoretically that should be my 1/2 marathon pace based on my 5k and 5 mile times. My current 1/2 mary. PR is a 1:31-ish which is right around 7:00 min. miles.

Use this to figure out your hypothetical pacings ........ just input your best time for a certain distance and let the calculator show you what you are capable of with proper training:
2006-12-27 5:53 PM
in reply to: #629700

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Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - FULL

Of course I am always looking for things like this but I am definitely going to stay with the back to basics and RPE stuff at least through January.  I am still enough out of shape that it probably really doesn't matter what my LT is at this point.  Also, I have never run a really long distance.  I don't really know how to train myself to get from 5ks to 1/2 marathons.  The most I usually run when I am in good shape is about 5 miles. 

I like the RPE thing by the way Daremo.  I think it is helping me to focus on how I feel so I don't push myself constantly all the way through my workout.  I am slowing down some but I really am not as tired, which I guess is good.


2006-12-28 8:36 AM
in reply to: #629700

Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - FULL
Thanks for the link.  I will have to study it to make complete sense of the whole thing, but it looks workable.  My current pace seems to be stuck at 11 minute miles.  This will probably hold through the 1/2 marathon if all remains the same.  I will then go back to training on my own after the race and only run my long runs with my running partners.   I seem to be able to push myself to a faster pace when it's just me and only running a 5K training run. 
2007-01-01 8:07 AM
in reply to: #629700

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - FULL
Happy New Year group!

Be sure to include buckets of workouts in your resolutions as well as a bunch of PR's!
2007-01-01 9:04 AM
in reply to: #629700

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Nr Flensburg, Germany
Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - FULL

Happy New Year everyone.

Wishing you all much success and happiness for 2007!



2007-01-02 8:56 PM
in reply to: #629700

Southern Adirondacks
Subject: RE: Daremo's Group - FULL
OK I up dated my miles from the last couple of weeks. Miles were down because of slight case of runners knee and a bad blister (this was avoidable, but I didn't stop to fix my sock-stupid me) on my little toe. Went out for 3 easy today and felt pretty good. Thrusday I leave for the Disney Marathon. The finnish line in sight, slowly but surely.
And Thanks for that McMillian Running Link, I think that will be really useful.

Happy New Year Everyone

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