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2007-05-08 2:46 PM

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In limbo
Subject: Lunch hour workouts?
Just curious....for those of you that workout during a lunch hour, (or just mid-day in general), how do you handle the actual lunch part?  I love the feeling of working out over my lunch break as it breaks up the day and makes the afternoon easier to handle, but every time I've done this so far I'm so ravenous afterwards that I end up eating a ton and probably undoing any good I might have done in the workout.  I've tried eating a little bit beforehand and I'm still starving afterwards.  Is there a good way to go about this?  I am able to come home during lunch, which is good in the sense that I don't have to pack a lunch, but bad because I have access to my whole kitchen and find myself wanting to eat everything in it!  Any suggestions?

2007-05-08 2:50 PM
in reply to: #793359

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Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?
Eat more at breakfast, and more often before the workout.  Plus are you sure that you're really over-eating at lunch?
2007-05-08 3:01 PM
in reply to: #793359

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Milton, GA
Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?

I alternate swimming and running during my lunch hour at work.  I bring my lunch from home in the same size tupperware container every day no matter what the meal is.  I will include a salad of mixed greens if I am 'extra' hungry.  Have not really had a problem with eating too much at one sitting, but I also eat 5-6 meals during the day so I am never too far from another feeding. 

You may want to take a look at your overall caloric intake for the day if you are that hungry after working out.  Those of the board with the nutrition background should be able to give a more scientific explanation than what I am capable of.

2007-05-08 3:04 PM
in reply to: #793359

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?
I have the same problem. I work out for a bit at lunch and then want to eat everything. I have found that having something small (a granola bar, banana, etc) at 10:30-11:00 has helped a little.
2007-05-08 3:28 PM
in reply to: #793359

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New York
Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?
Make sure that you are eating well in preparation for your workout, during your workout, and consuming something immediately afterwards to assist recovery.

I swim or run every day at lunch, and generally have eaten 3 times before then (breakfast, mid-morning almonds, late morning fruit) and then right after I finish I will either have some fruit, a Clif Bar, or some chocolate milk. I then eat lunch when I get back to my desk (sandwhich, fruit, granola bar). If you're not fueling beforehand, it may just be that you're not eating enough overall during the day.
2007-05-08 4:10 PM
in reply to: #793359

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Now: Tempe, AZ Home town: Chi town
Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?
Don't mean to get off topic here but for those who workout durring lunch, do you guys have a shower at work or do you guys all go to the gym?? Is your lunch at work an hr or longer??

It would be really nice to squeeze in a workout during lunch but have wondered the shower and having only an hr would just be too short of a time. How do you guys do it?


2007-05-08 4:14 PM
in reply to: #793359

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2007-05-08 4:22 PM
in reply to: #793359

Grand Rapids, MI
Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?
I eat 20 minutes before I workout (so between 11:00 and 11:10)... still hungry afterwards but figure it's better than nothing... besides I pretty much eat everything in sight regardless of if I workout :-O
2007-05-08 4:44 PM
in reply to: #793359

Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?
I pretty much can eat all the time and constantly snacking (hopefully healthy foods most of the time).  My goal though is really to maintain my weight were it is and maybe lose a little fat %, but I am 6'7" 205ish and 13-14% bodyfat (all my extra fat is in my stomach though).  If your goal is to lose weight just try to eat alot of small meals, I have heard of people eating 8 or 9 times a day at first.  I really don't like eating for at least an hour before working out though as I have heard you will burn the food before fat when working out and thus not really lose as much weight. 
2007-05-08 7:30 PM
in reply to: #793359

In limbo
Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?

Thanks everyone! 

I've been working on making the transition to more, smaller meals per day, but it is tricky sometimes to figure out how much to eat when.  Today I had a bowl of oatmeal in the morning right when I woke up, a banana about an hour later, and a decent sized bag of frosted mini wheats in the hour right before I worked out.  Then I went to the gym for a half hour, came home and ate an apple and some cheese.  Apparently that wasn't enough though because I didn't feel too good afterwards and was pretty lightheaded by the time I ate again.  Last time I did the opposite and ate so much that once my body calmed down a bit I felt kinda sick from being over-full.  So I do seem to have the balance off.  Maybe I should start packing a lunch...just so I don't go into binge mode.... 

And kinezo- Since you asked, I have a 1.5 hour lunch break, and the gym is on campus and my house is like a 5 min. bike ride from campus, so it's all pretty easy for me.  No idea how others do it w/just an hour break.  I wouldn't make it!

Edited by lil_turtle 2007-05-08 7:34 PM
2007-05-08 8:27 PM
in reply to: #793359

Extreme Veteran
northeast Ohio
Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?
I only workout at lunch if I can swing 1.5-2 hours away from the office.  This doesn't happen very often (maybe once every week or two).    As far as eating, I eat a decent breakfast with some protein like an egg and cheese sandwich.  A light (maybe 100 calorie) snack late morning.  I'm often hungry right when I start my workout, but for me exercise acts as an appetite suppressant at least while I am exercising.  For biking and running this effect can linger a couple hours after a workout so a PB&J sandwich, some fruit and maybe one cookie is fine for lunch afterwards.  Then a bigger meal at dinnertime.  Glad I don't ever swim at lunch because I do get ravenous after swimming.  Must have something to do with body temperature I suppose?

2007-05-08 8:48 PM
in reply to: #793359

Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?
I am retired now but when I worked, I trained most of the time.  I biked to work and did my swim before going to my office.  At around 8 o'clock I had coffee and a muffin and then I had something to eat at my 11 o'clock break.  Then, 3 times a week, I went running at lunch time.  I did yoga during the other two lunch hours.  After the run, or yoga class, I would have something to eat, usually a sandwich and a banana with coffee.
2007-05-08 8:51 PM
in reply to: #793359

Lexington, Kentucky
Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?

I'm lucky that the pool & sandwich shop are both right next to my workplace. I can get there, change, swim, change, grab a sandwich and be back at my desk in 1 hour.

I've also found that having apples, nuts, & other healthy snacks helps with the late afternoon craving.

Edited by tim_edwards 2007-05-08 8:52 PM
2007-05-08 9:39 PM
in reply to: #793359

Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?
UNfortunately I also just have 1 hour, and everything is far from my office+ miami humidity weather doesn't help the situation. I train before going to work and after work. This gives me enough time to just focus on what I'm doing and not feel too pressured by time. I've never been able to workout during lunch, (wish i could!) generally there's always an "emergency" to deal with. Plus I think I would get too much into whatever exercise I'm doing and would constantly be late for work in the afternoons!
2007-05-08 9:54 PM
in reply to: #793359

Extreme Veteran
Austin Texas
Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?
An early breakfast (cereal, cream of wheat, that sort of thing) a power bar thing about an hour before my lunch work out (which is usually my run). I have a protein shake after I get back then some sort of sandwich and hour later. It seems to work for me.
2007-05-09 7:17 AM
in reply to: #793525

Milton, GA
Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?

kinezo - 2007-05-08 5:10 PM Don't mean to get off topic here but for those who workout durring lunch, do you guys have a shower at work or do you guys all go to the gym?? Is your lunch at work an hr or longer?? It would be really nice to squeeze in a workout during lunch but have wondered the shower and having only an hr would just be too short of a time. How do you guys do it? Thanks, D

The rec center where I swim is about a mile from my office.  On my running days, I change at work, drive over to the rec center and park my car.  I start running from there and that way when I get back I just use their showers.  I can usually get a 40 minute swim or run in and be back in an hour.  If I do a longer workout, I have an agreement with my boss that I come in 30 minutes early and get a little longer at lunch.  I end up eating lunch at my desk after my workout. 

2007-05-09 7:23 AM
in reply to: #793525

Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?

We have showers at work, and I get an hour.  If it takes me an extra 10 minutes, no one complains, because I'm usually here at least a half hour early, and am usually the last to leave.  I eat my lunch at my desk, so it's not an issue.  It also helps that my supervisor and other people in the department and company are athletes as well.

2007-05-09 7:26 AM
in reply to: #793359

Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?

I have been working out at lunch for years. And for years I have brought my lunch to work, which I measure out each morning.  I am pretty programmed in on this and do not get hungry.  I also have learned that, although I am very hungry, if I wait a few minutes after I finish eating what i brought, I usually fell full.

I would suggest having an apple or bar about an hour before your workout, that might help a bit with the after part.

2007-05-09 7:46 AM
in reply to: #793359

Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?

I have changed how, when and what I eat over the last 4 years and lost 90 pounds. Still want to lose 15-20 more but getting close.

I eat a much bigger breakfast than I used to and find  it is the key to not overeating all day. I normally eat 400 calories for breakfast and then have a mid morning snack of fruit or fruit and some protein. By 2pm I've eatten probably 70% of the calories I am going to take in during the day. I try to front load the day, easier to be hungry when I'm sleeping than working out or awake.

With workouts I have found a similar strategy works. I used to see them as a change for deficit calories and a way to help lose weight. But it would backfire and it would make me eat way more during the day. Now when I do longer workouts I eat to fuel that workout by eating 250-300 calories an hour and eat within 30 minutes of finishing the work some recovery type real food with carbs and doing those two things I eat less later in the day and my body does better training and recovering for next training.

My advice is to eat more breakfast of carbs and protein not just something like oatmeal. Then have a mid morning snack. I think part is getting our bodies used to it. I struggled for a long time getting used to eating less at dinner. What worked for me is a snack at about 5pm and then I'm not hungry at dinner time. I try to eat the same things at same time as it is easier when it is a habit than having to decide which always means more food than I should take in. 

2007-05-09 8:30 AM
in reply to: #793745

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2007-05-09 9:56 AM
in reply to: #793359

Extreme Veteran
Pelzer, SC
Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?
I either swim or racquetball during lunch. I have an hour and just eat at my desk afterwards. I will usually eat a little something around 11:30 so it settles before my 12:00 workout.

2007-05-09 10:17 AM
in reply to: #794056

Broomfield, CO
Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?
Scout7 - 2007-05-09 6:23 AM

If it takes me an extra 10 minutes, no one complains, because I'm usually here at least a half hour early, and am usually the last to leave.  I eat my lunch at my desk, so it's not an issue.  It also helps that my supervisor and other people in the department and company are athletes as well.

Sounds like my situation.

As far as eating goes, I try to eat something (banana or yogurt) about an hour before my workout. And since I usually bring my lunch and snacks to work, I am not tempted to hit the vending machine. Drinking lots of water will curb a craving or the urge to overeat pretty quickly.
2007-05-09 10:20 AM
in reply to: #794149

In limbo
Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?

lvthgme - 2007-05-09 7:30 AM
lil_turtle - 2007-05-08 7:30 PM Today I had a bowl of oatmeal in the morning right when I woke up, a banana about an hour later, and a decent sized bag of frosted mini wheats in the hour right before I worked out. Then I went to the gym for a half hour, came home and ate an apple and some cheese. Apparently that wasn't enough though because I didn't feel too good afterwards and was pretty lightheaded by the time I ate again.
I think maybe adding more protein to this particular set of meals would probably make a big difference in how you feel. Maybe throw in an egg or protein shake or some turkey for breakfast?

Hmmmm...protein is always something I struggle with getting enough of.  I don't eat a whole lot of meat....not because I don't like it but because I don't like or don't know how to cook it.  So usually the only time I eat meat is when I go out to eat.  I guess I need to work on well as finding other protein sources.  I could probably start doing eggs for breakfast....this is probably a stupid question but what goes in a protein shake?  What else has protein in it?


2007-05-09 10:40 AM
in reply to: #794374

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2007-05-09 12:56 PM
in reply to: #794374

New user

Subject: RE: Lunch hour workouts?

Hmmmm...protein is always something I struggle with getting enough of. I don't eat a whole lot of meat....not because I don't like it but because I don't like or don't know how to cook it. So usually the only time I eat meat is when I go out to eat. I guess I need to work on well as finding other protein sources. I could probably start doing eggs for breakfast....this is probably a stupid question but what goes in a protein shake? What else has protein in it?



Maybe try a couple handfuls of soy nuts 20 or 30 mins prior to your lunch workout. They've got a ton of protein and some good fat, which may make you feel much fuller than eating carbs alone so you may not be as ravenous after your workout. You can get them in the bulk bins at most supermarkets and any Whole Foods type place and they're a good, cheap snack to have on hand.
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