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2007-10-01 4:57 AM

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Subject: Vampires Team Thread


Welcome to the Running Challenge

Scary, sexy and seemingly human until they have you alone Vampires have enthralled us through film and folklore. Just stay out of the sun and away from wooden stakes! 

Your team line up is: 

  1. Bajapat
  2. CathyD
  3. Christris
  4. CoackH
  5. DoloresM2
  6. HCS5QA
  7. Jchrsitoff
  8. Melhndi
  9. Miche033
  10. Shawn Barr

Please introduce yourself to your team below with your goals for the challenge and running in general, what they are training for as well as names and any other general info. 

You will also need to nominate/select/volunteer a Team Leader whose role will be to collect the commitments for each runner and collect your team results every Monday.

Your running time must be logged in your BT Log for verification purposes, but you are responsible for reporting your weekly results to your Team Leader on Mondays, this is done by posting an update in your team thread in the challenges forum unless the team prefers another method. 

Attached to this post is an excel excel spreadsheet to be used by the Team Leader for your team tracking and should be sent to me on Tuesdays AM so I can get an challenge update post in the forum by Wednesday each week. The spreadsheet includes the details of any team members who have already made a challenge commitment.

I will be maintaining a Team Leaders thread for any queries, questions etc so if there are any problems please let me know. 

This is a team competition so please support your team mates with inspires, motivation and encouragement as well as pledge your allegiance in your sig line, log and even avatar!

Good natured sledging and competition with the other teams is part of the fun so feel free to stir up a bit of friendly rivalry, 

Most importantly this is all about fun and you reaching your goals!!!!

So…time to get running! Let the challenge begin!!

Vampires Tracking Sheet.xls (14KB - 23 downloads)

2007-10-01 5:54 AM
in reply to: #984899

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread
Good Morning Vamps

My mileage is correct. 80 in 1 month. It should be fun. Best of luck everyone and remember to inspire and motivate our team to meet and beat our goals.
2007-10-01 6:19 AM
in reply to: #984899

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread
Alright this should be fun and even more motivation, just what we all need. Hey I even like our team name, Vampires "we're out for blood". My goal is still 40 in keeping with my plan for a first sprint on Nov 25th. Good luck everyone.
2007-10-01 6:25 AM
in reply to: #984899

Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread
Good evening Vampires...

my milage is 30 for the month..

2007-10-01 7:02 AM
in reply to: #984899

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread
I'm up for 45 miles. sigh. hoping to like running more. may do an 8k in november...

go vamps!!

2007-10-01 8:29 AM
in reply to: #984899

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Des Moines, Iowa
Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread

Good morning fellow Vamps,

I'm in for 60 this month.  It'll be a stretch for me (only did 41 last month).

Go team Vampires!

2007-10-01 8:55 AM
in reply to: #985078

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread
shawn barr - 2007-10-01 9:29 AM

Good morning fellow Vamps,

I'm in for 60 this month.  It'll be a stretch for me (only did 41 last month).

Go team Vampires!

80 is going to be almost double my best month. So we are in the same boat of having a stretch goal. We can do it!

Thoughts on a team captain?
2007-10-01 10:19 AM
in reply to: #984899

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread
Goodmorning lovelies! Muah ha ha ha ha!!! I just love the name of our team! My goal is 50 miles for the month. I am at the tail end of training for a marathon in November. I just did my first Oly tri yesterday - race report not completed yet but soon.... Good luck everybody!
2007-10-01 12:25 PM
in reply to: #984899

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Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread

Hi everyone.  I have a goal of 75 miles for the month.  I'd wanted to run a fall half marathon but all the local ones are on days I have to work.  So I'm stictly base building for the next few months.  I've been slow to recover from my last triathlon ( on Sept. 4) but hoping I can start some more consistent training now. 

I can't offer to captain the team but will try to inspire/support my teammates whenever I can.   LET'S WIN THIS CHALLENGE !!!!!!

2007-10-01 3:27 PM
in reply to: #984899

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Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread

Cathy, your avatar is sick!

I'm a swimmer...like a fish on land.  But I'm determined to face my fears and become a runner.  I just downloaded the half-mary plan!  And I need to find a race.

I'm in for 44.4 miles-and I'm determined to be injury-free.  Let's all make a commitment to stretch.


2007-10-01 3:38 PM
in reply to: #984899

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread
Thought I would put some of my free time at work to use. Here is a quick link to everyone's training logs. If you want it within your blog feel free to copy the HTML code or just add everyone to your friends list.

Team line up is:

  1. JChristoff
  2. Bajapat
  3. CathyD
  4. Christris
  5. CoachH
  6. DeloresM2
  7. HCS5QA
  8. Melhndi
  9. Miche033
  10. Shawn Barr

Let's kick some butt team!

Edited by JChristoff 2007-10-01 3:39 PM

2007-10-01 4:28 PM
in reply to: #984899

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2007-10-01 6:05 PM
in reply to: #984899

Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread

Whats not to love about Vampires?

Just wanted to let the team know you have a new addition devouahy who I hope will drop in and say hi soon!


2007-10-01 6:10 PM
in reply to: #984899

Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread

Click here if you dare

We have the classy women here 

2007-10-01 6:16 PM
in reply to: #984899

Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread

Good afternoon, all.

I come from a swimming background, so this running thing is a kick in the rear. Got to get motivated since a good friend of mine registered me for the Las Vegas Half Marathon. So got to get out and get going with running this month.

Let's get them, and hopefully win this challenge.

2007-10-01 7:31 PM
in reply to: #984899

Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread
If you think the new avatar is scary ... good ... be afraid, be very afraid, and keep running ...

2007-10-01 7:54 PM
in reply to: #984899

Alexandria, NH
Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread

Hey Vamps!  I'm currently training for my upcoming fall race season with my A race being a 5mi on Thanksgiving.  I'm up for 35 miles and remaining injury free. 

Last race Swim 74 overall, Bike 64 Overall, Run 185 Overall... I'll be running because clearly I suck at it and have plenty of room to improve.

2007-10-01 8:50 PM
in reply to: #986118

Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread
JChristoff - 2007-10-01 3:38 PM Thought I would put some of my free time at work to use. Here is a quick link to everyone's training logs. If you want it within your blog feel free to copy the HTML code or just add everyone to your friends list.

Team line up is:

  1. JChristoff
  2. Bajapat
  3. CathyD
  4. Christris
  5. CoachH
  6. DeloresM2
  7. HCS5QA
  8. Melhndi
  9. Miche033
  10. Shawn Barr

Let's kick some butt team!


NICE...Enjoy!!  See you on the roads   Almost forgot.  Running background but always a fight to maintain.  I am a track and field coach and cross country coach as well.....  They pay me to play

Edited by CoachH 2007-10-01 8:51 PM
2007-10-02 6:03 AM
in reply to: #986118

Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread
Good Morning

Alright so here is an updated team quick link with the addition of devouahy

Team line up is:

  1. Bajapat
  2. CathyD
  3. Christris
  4. CoachH
  5. DeloresM2
  6. devouahy
  7. HCS5QA
  8. JChristoff
  9. Melhndi
  10. Miche033
  11. Shawn Barr

Last item of business is assigning a team captain. I am putting my name in the hat. We just need to reach an agreement. Happy running everyone.

Oh and CathyD great avatar and Congrats to Miche033 and DeloresM2 on their tris last weekend. Great Job!! I hope recovery goes well and we see you back out on the road running.

Edited by JChristoff 2007-10-02 6:08 AM
2007-10-02 11:45 AM
in reply to: #984899

Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread
You have my vote so far, thanks for getting this started. Nice slow start with 3 miles yesterday towards my 40. I see no problem completing them and maybe a few extra.

Edited by HCS5QA 2007-10-02 11:45 AM
2007-10-02 2:22 PM
in reply to: #984899

Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread

2007-10-02 2:27 PM
in reply to: #984899

Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread


    I concur also, you are the team Captain. As I travel a lot, it's hard to place my name in the hat, as I don't always have internet where I go.

Let's go get them, and make sure that we win this one. I sure don't want to stick my butt on the challenge.

2007-10-02 2:30 PM
in reply to: #984899

Des Moines, Iowa
Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread


You have my vote.  Thanks for offering!


2007-10-02 3:18 PM
in reply to: #986240

Des Moines, Iowa
Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread

This is a pic of spokes gnashing his teeth after the Werewolves lose this Challenge! 

spokes - 2007-10-01 4:28 PM

You guys just suck. Give it up now.

At least we can get something done during the day too.

2007-10-02 3:31 PM
in reply to: #988059

Des Moines, Iowa
Subject: RE: Vampires Team Thread

OK fellow vampires the trash-talk'in has commenced!  Time for us to pitch in.

ScotinSeattle - 2007-10-02 2:22 PM

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