General Discussion Triathlon Talk » October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in Rss Feed  
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2007-10-18 8:32 AM

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
I'm putting this up a little bit early because I'm going to be traveling tonight and not near a computer tomorrow morning.

Welcome to the week #3 weigh in for New You by New Years! Last week we had some great losses (although Ten9T6 did not lose 18 pounds like originally in the chart!), a few baby steps backwards (no worries...losses ahead), and lots of folks hanging tight (as someone told me, maintenance is a good week!).

So, how'd we do this week? Did you meet your secondary goal? If you're not meeting it, how come? Do you need a different goal? Do you need some inspiration? Did you inspire others along the way?

Question of the week: What's your biggest weakness over the holidays? The Canadian folks just made it through Thanksgiving...Halloween is coming up and US Thanksgiving is right around the corner...not to mention the slew of December holidays...What do you need to be on the lookout for? What is the biggest threat to your success?

Hope everyone had a great week. I'll try to weigh in over the weekend, and the chart probably won't get posted until Tuesday sometime.


2007-10-18 9:27 AM
in reply to: #1013429

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Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in

This for last week still...

Starting weight: 172
This week: 170
Change: 2

2nd goal: Tracked food up to Saturday (3/7 days) because Sunday to Wednesay I was at a conference and at the mercy of hotel food. Still I came through okay!

2007-10-18 8:51 PM
in reply to: #1013429

No excuses!
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Good job Marina, keep it up!!
2007-10-19 12:37 AM
in reply to: #1013429

Santa Rosa, CA
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
I want to join, can I, can I?

I'm new to the website, but not so new to Triathlon, I'm ending my fourth year but beginning my "real" IM training. I guess it's all been leading up to this, but now IM is moving from a "long term goal" to a "season goal". It's a little scary, I must admit. What will I do when I finally complete this dream that has been with me for four years?

Anyway, the first step towards that goal (not just a dream anymore!) is weight loss - 20 lbs. of it. I'm 5'7" and weigh 162. I'm healing from tendonitis in my knee - nice way to end the season, huh? - and looking forward to getting moving again.

I've been reading the posts and think that this could be a helpful tool in this next phase of off season "loose" training and nutritional change.

Having said all that, can I join your party?
2007-10-19 3:05 AM
in reply to: #1013429

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NICE, France
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
OK I am thinking of dropping out of this challenge , today's weight 131.5 up again

I need some advice

I am eating VERY CLEAN, no cheats, macros 33/33/33, 5 meals a day and 3-5 litres of water
1400 on my one non workout day
1700-1800 on days when I am burning say around 600 cals during my workout
and 2000-2200 for 2-4 hour workout days

I am trying to drop slowly as I don't have loads to lose and don't want to lose any muscle... and so far I am increasing in weight .... I had similar struggles and gave up weight loss during marathon training as it seems as soon as I decrease my weight training and increase a lot my cardio training I put on weight.... it makes me want to give up endurance sports as for me it seems to work against leaness and even 7 pounds more or less can make quite a difference in the running/biking

I am open to any tips... do I need to simply drop calories and have a little elss energy for workouts?

I did meet my secondary goal though.

Edited by Jedi 2007-10-19 3:06 AM
2007-10-19 5:43 AM
in reply to: #1013429

No excuses!
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
203.4 this week, and had a great week hitting my secondary goal

2007-10-19 6:00 AM
in reply to: #1014896

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
ramonarose - 2007-10-19 1:37 AM

Having said all that, can I join your party?

Absolutely, welcome - happy to have you. I will add you to the charts when I put them up on Tuesday. Make sure you use your logs - we like to inspire our fellow users!

Have a great weekend!

2007-10-19 6:03 AM
in reply to: #1014927

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Jedi - 2007-10-19 4:05 AM

OK I am thinking of dropping out of this challenge , today's weight 131.5 up again

I need some advice

I am eating VERY CLEAN, no cheats, macros 33/33/33, 5 meals a day and 3-5 litres of water
1400 on my one non workout day
1700-1800 on days when I am burning say around 600 cals during my workout
and 2000-2200 for 2-4 hour workout days

I am trying to drop slowly as I don't have loads to lose and don't want to lose any muscle... and so far I am increasing in weight .... I had similar struggles and gave up weight loss during marathon training as it seems as soon as I decrease my weight training and increase a lot my cardio training I put on weight.... it makes me want to give up endurance sports as for me it seems to work against leaness and even 7 pounds more or less can make quite a difference in the running/biking

I am open to any tips... do I need to simply drop calories and have a little elss energy for workouts?

I did meet my secondary goal though.

No, no - please don't drop out! Have you tried upping your calories slightly to see if that flips the switch? Have you tried having a cheat day? (It's weird, but sometime if I've been "very very good" I get stuck...and then after I cheat, it starts dropping again.) Good luck - I'm sure most of us have been "stuck" in your shoes.

2007-10-19 6:48 AM
in reply to: #1013429

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in

Last week - 145.2
This week - 146.8

Up 1.6 pounds for the week. Up .8 for the challenge. Why am I up? I ate like crap all week, didn't workout and missed my secondary goal of not binging during 4-6 pm. A bad, bad week. I knew I wasn't able to workout because I'm nursing an injury and wanted to give it a week of rest. I just let everything else go to pot, too. Well, there is always next week. My birthday is next Friday. I can think of no better present for myself than a big, fat loss!

2007-10-19 6:50 AM
in reply to: #1013429

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in

Hey All:

Start weight 248

Weight Last week 249

Weight this week 246

-3 for week/ -2 for Challenge! I'm heading the right way!

DID NOT meet my secondary goal of No Soda....I tried, again, started getting massive headaches, again, had 1 Sip of Pepsi Max (0 Calories) and headache was gone.  How can I quit smoking, but not quit soda???  WTF!!! Will try again starting today.

I did inspire others.

Biggest weakness during Holidays is Chocolate Chip cookies and my own nutritional lies.  I sometimes think it's okay to "Bank" calories.  For example, if they had Ice Cream sundaes at work and I really wanted one, but didn't..I fool myself into thinking it is now okay to have 4 cookies later since I didn't have the ice cream earlier.  I know it may sound weird, but I'm sure others have done this nutritional jerk-off as well.

Anyway, I look forward to checking everyones progress and beware the Ghouls and Goblins coming up soon!


2007-10-19 7:12 AM
in reply to: #1014947

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NICE, France
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
enders_shadow - 2007-10-19 6:03 AM

Jedi - 2007-10-19 4:05 AM

OK I am thinking of dropping out of this challenge , today's weight 131.5 up again

I need some advice

I am eating VERY CLEAN, no cheats, macros 33/33/33, 5 meals a day and 3-5 litres of water
1400 on my one non workout day
1700-1800 on days when I am burning say around 600 cals during my workout
and 2000-2200 for 2-4 hour workout days

I am trying to drop slowly as I don't have loads to lose and don't want to lose any muscle... and so far I am increasing in weight .... I had similar struggles and gave up weight loss during marathon training as it seems as soon as I decrease my weight training and increase a lot my cardio training I put on weight.... it makes me want to give up endurance sports as for me it seems to work against leaness and even 7 pounds more or less can make quite a difference in the running/biking

I am open to any tips... do I need to simply drop calories and have a little elss energy for workouts?

I did meet my secondary goal though.

No, no - please don't drop out! Have you tried upping your calories slightly to see if that flips the switch? Have you tried having a cheat day? (It's weird, but sometime if I've been "very very good" I get stuck...and then after I cheat, it starts dropping again.) Good luck - I'm sure most of us have been "stuck" in your shoes.


Thanks for encouragement Kristen. Early this year I did up cals during marathon training and for the first ten days I dropped weight then i regained it and some more... I also used to eat a pizza after my long runs I did manage to getdown to my goal weight this summer with carb cycling and much more weigthts and less cardio but as soon as I started more cardio, less weights and eating maintenance calories I have regained it all and some more....Yes I am sure many have had the same problems i shall maybe try increasing calories again though uncertain as I am now back up to my January weight ie highest all year

2007-10-19 8:30 AM
in reply to: #1013429

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Haddonfield, NJ
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in

Starting weight 225 (10/15/07)

Today's Weight 222.8 (10/19/07)

Goal weight 205 (1/1/08)

My secondary goal was to log my foods -- I did pretty well with logging 4 out of 5 days this week.  It is tough when I'm away from a computer but I have to get in the habit of writing it down and logging it on the cpu later.

My biggest weakness during holidays is grazing during large family parties.  My family is big so we have lots of large get together with lots of food.  Last weekend was a wedding.  This weekend is a birthday party.  I've really got to have a game plan going into these parties with what I'm going to eat/drink and how much.

Have an awesome weekend everyone! 

2007-10-19 9:46 AM
in reply to: #1013429

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Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in

Start :  164.8

10/12:   160.2

10/19:    158.0

loss this week: -2.2lbs

Secondary goal:  (yes) Completed all food logs and calories counts for last week.

Question of the week:  Typically my biggest issue is going to family dinners where as the qoute goes "you are not allowed to be on a diet at a friends house" or refuse seconds or thirds.  Not really going to be able to do anything about it.  I just have to workout harder and make sure I work on the calorie out portion as much as possible and hope I maintain weight for those weeks.




2007-10-19 10:07 AM
in reply to: #1013429

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in

I am at 179.5 which is the same as last week--I think the main thing that is keeping me on this plateau is lack of sleep--we have had a long stretch of sickness, both mine and the kids, and that always results in a huge sleep deficit for me.  I know there is research somewhere that sleep is necessary for weight day the kids will sleep though the night and I will wake up svelte!  I do have to admit that I binged on rice krispy treats yesterday--darn snack day for the kid at school--I was tired, had no sleep or willpower.  But now that I have admitted it I can move on.  I managed to exercise all week, so at least I have that!  Seems like sugar is my enemy lately, and I also have been skimping on water and drinking cofffee instead (the tiredness issue).

So, how'd we do this week? Did you meet your secondary goal? If you're not meeting it, how come? Do you need a different goal? Do you need some inspiration? Did you inspire others along the way?
My gym has a hydrostatic BF% test on Nov 4 so I am going to do that.    I did inspire a few people but didn't get to be online as much as I really wanted to.  I will try harder this week!
Question of the week: What's your biggest weakness over the holidays? What do you need to be on the lookout for? What is the biggest threat to your success?

Cookies are my weakness during the holidays.  I can say no to lots of things, and also learned from Weight Watchers how to just have a little bit of certain holiday foods and to eat more veggies......but cookies taunt me.  I stay away from cookie exchanges, and try not to find reasons to bake until the very last minute--if I try to plan ahead, I end up justifying way too many.  Halloween candy is also I generally buy stuff I don't like on the 31st and give that out.  Yukky Snickers and Butterfingers.  I won't eat those.  Then when the kids drag their catch home, I try to throw it out once they forget about it--usually a day or two--soon they will be itemizing it but for now they are too little to remember exactly what was in the bag!

2007-10-19 11:05 AM
in reply to: #1013429

Waterloo Ontario
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Weighin this week is 264.4

This week I have 2 days which did not follow my eating plan. I was expecting the worst but I am pleasantly surprised.

So my secondary goal was not met again this week. Again I was 80 % of the way there. Eating clean and only healthy snacks is tough.

The biggest threat I have is get togethers when there are munchies set out for consumption. It is much easier if the entertaining is done at our house then the munchies could be wholesome. If I see a bowl of peanuts out or pretzels, they become mine. I am glad our Thanksgiving is over. I like deserts, like everyone else and I find at these gatherings there are multiple dishes (pies, cheesecake, squares etc). My strategy this year was to not limit the choices but limit the volume. meaning I would take 1/2 piece of pumpkin pie and 1/2 piece of apple pie, satisfying both cravings but reducing the volume by one piece of pie.

2007-10-19 11:18 AM
in reply to: #1014982

Waterloo Ontario
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in

If you look at my weight I'm probably not an expert but I've been on the roller coaaster a long time. I tried having a look at your training plans and it appears that your workouts and volume are good but there is no nutritional info to review. I have been working out basically the same routine for a couple of years varying the exercises but faithfully 5-6 days a week with a split between weights and cardio. However without adjusting my food types and volume I will gain weight even though I workout hard those 5-6 days a week.

I know I am prone to no results if I eat a lot of starches (breads), regardless of how clean I eat otherwise. Perhaps its one trigger food in your case, that is causing you body to hold on.

I hope you don't drop out of the challenge, and I hope others will provide you with their two cents and that armed with that knowledge you can figure out what to change. I would say that its probably one small adjustment that is required not anything major.

For what it's worth

2007-10-19 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1015611

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NICE, France
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
JimSinclair - 2007-10-19 11:18 AM


If you look at my weight I'm probably not an expert but I've been on the roller coaaster a long time. I tried having a look at your training plans and it appears that your workouts and volume are good but there is no nutritional info to review. I have been working out basically the same routine for a couple of years varying the exercises but faithfully 5-6 days a week with a split between weights and cardio. However without adjusting my food types and volume I will gain weight even though I workout hard those 5-6 days a week.

I know I am prone to no results if I eat a lot of starches (breads), regardless of how clean I eat otherwise. Perhaps its one trigger food in your case, that is causing you body to hold on.

I hope you don't drop out of the challenge, and I hope others will provide you with their two cents and that armed with that knowledge you can figure out what to change. I would say that its probably one small adjustment that is required not anything major.

For what it's worth

Hi Jim thanks for you thoughts yeh i already track all nutrition on dietpower so didn't want to do it here as well. I think i may be quite carb sensitive so while during the marathon training i did around 50/25/25 C/P/F i thought i would try 33/33/33 this time with carbs mainly from veggies (and some fruit) and few starches eg oats sweet potatoes these i would have around workouts..... thanks for your 2cts all input helps
2007-10-19 2:09 PM
in reply to: #1013429

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Start: 165
Last week: 161
This week: 158

Secondary goal: I worked out during all my planned workout times this week. I didn't always do the workout I planned, (weather, time constraints), but I'm feeling really good about sticking to my plan.

I hope this feeling good helps me make wise food choices over the next few months. I know that when I exercise consistently, I eat better. Cookies are my downfall. There are so many gifts and parties and opportunities for people to really show off their excellent baking skills, and I always justify eating so much because it's a special time of year. I like the idea of taking smaller portions of a variety of goodies, and I'm adding to that my plan to arrive at these parties with a healthy snack in my belly.
2007-10-19 2:28 PM
in reply to: #1013429

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Ankeny, Iowa
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in

Here is my check-in:

Start: 145.4

Last Week: 144.4

This Week: 140.0

Down .4 this week and down 1.4 overall in the challenge. .4-.6 is typical loss for me usually. This week I did 2 of the 3 second goal and I was a little low on my workouts this week. Will try to do better.

Leave tonight for Vegas (first time for me) back on Wed night so hopefully I can continue to be good and show a loss next week.


2007-10-19 2:36 PM
in reply to: #1013429

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Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
chudley is down to 231 lbs!!!

Had a great week, I began my swimming!

I drank more water (not pool water, that only goes up my nose!) and ate very healthy.
2007-10-19 7:42 PM
in reply to: #1013429

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Estero, FL
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Weight last week 307
Weight this week 299

Loss 8 lbs.

Have not reached 40" waist yet, but my clothes are a little looser.

I inspired during the week.

My biggest wekanees during the Holidays is not really the food, but sticking to my plan. I go nuts on Thanksgiving but i need to be certain not to make T-giv a 3-4 days holiday.

I realize this week is a big number, mostly becuse i jus tgot back into training and eating properly, so i do not expect the numbers to continue to drop this way.

Good job everyone.

2007-10-19 9:13 PM
in reply to: #1016131

No excuses!
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
chudley - 2007-10-19 3:36 PM

chudley is down to 231 lbs!!!

Had a great week, I began my swimming!

I drank more water (not pool water, that only goes up my nose!) and ate very healthy.

Way to go Chudley, nice week keep it up ( or down on the scales )
2007-10-19 9:14 PM
in reply to: #1016574

No excuses!
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Big O - 2007-10-19 8:42 PM

Weight last week 307
Weight this week 299

Loss 8 lbs.

Have not reached 40" waist yet, but my clothes are a little looser.

I inspired during the week.

My biggest wekanees during the Holidays is not really the food, but sticking to my plan. I go nuts on Thanksgiving but i need to be certain not to make T-giv a 3-4 days holiday.

I realize this week is a big number, mostly becuse i jus tgot back into training and eating properly, so i do not expect the numbers to continue to drop this way.

Good job everyone.

Awesome week Big O, under three bills, very cool
2007-10-19 9:19 PM
in reply to: #1016634

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Grand Island, NY
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Weight last week: 187
Weight this week: 186.5

Loss: .5
2007-10-19 9:24 PM
in reply to: #1016574

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Grand Island, NY
Subject: RE: October 19 - New You by New Years weigh-in
Big O - 2007-10-19 8:42 PM

My biggest wekanees during the Holidays is not really the food, but sticking to my plan. I go nuts on Thanksgiving but i need to be certain not to make T-giv a 3-4 days holiday.

I avoided this dilema by signing myself, and my whole family up for a 5k walk/run on Thanksgiving morning. We'll all be doing the Turkey Day Trot at 8AM, then shuffling off to gorge ourselves on Turkey and mashed potatoes at home.
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