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2007-10-30 11:12 PM

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: They Who Shall not be Named II

Hey there everyone - welcome to challenge team 6 - ok, that's pretty lame - LOL

We'll come up with a team name, but first things first - who is on the team










I have 'volunteered' (lol) to be the leader of the team. But I will be counting on all of you to motivate and inspire your fellow teamates. This is all about fun and motivating each other!

I would encourage you to put your team members in your log as BT friends - its a great way to help remember to reach out with those notes of inspiration and encouragement about their workouts - or in some cases, just to make someone smile or laugh!

Please take a few minutes to post an introduction and tell us a little bit about who you are, what your goals are and stuff like that.

I'm really looking forward to this challenge and getting to know all of you!

I'm going to quote our fearless organizer Super Dee on the subject of smack talk - because, well I can assure you there will be smack talk a plenty!

"Smack talking:
-- Smack talking is not mandatory, but may be done. (Advance warning: I get a kick out of it. So expect to hear some from me) (and me says Beth)!)
-- Smack talk is different from a personal attack. If you aren’t sure what the difference is, err on the side of caution and do not post the comment. (Keep in mind that real people are reading your comments!)
-- Smack talking is not to be taken personally. If you get upset about a post, ignore it and move on.
-- If you find a post offensive, and cannot simply ignore it: Walk away from the computer until you feel better, OR better yet, go for a good workout. A hard workout does wonders for your perspective."

Ok and now, we need a cool team name - something that will inspire our team to do their best and at the same time let the other teams we know we are here!

Post your suggestions for a team name and we'll try and wrap that up quickly - we dont' want to be 'Challenge Team 6' for long!

I'll post my introduction here soon!

2007-10-30 11:23 PM
in reply to: #1030914

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6
And if you want to know where your former teammates ended up, you can see the list here:

2007-10-30 11:37 PM
in reply to: #1030914

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6

Hello everyone! I'm not telling you my goals because I expect each every one to go to my log and continously motivate me as I will do for you. My goals are listed there and I realize that I may bump them up towards the end of the month due to signing up for a new plan.

I hope to see each and everyone of you active on this thread but most of all active on your goals. I will push you and continously drop a line on your inspire section as I hope you do the same.

I have a weird sense of humor, probably due to my 23 years of being in the Navy. Hence I have a sailor mentality, thank you very much. With that said I express my self with comical statements and amplifying pictures. My point, I'm here to have fun, make friends and just get plain motivated by you guys.

Haven't thought much yet about a name for us but I will throw out some suggestions hopefully before I hit the sack.

Once again I want to say thanks to Beth for taking on the challenge of team captain, lets not let her down. Go team!!!!!!!

Edited by HCS5QA 2007-10-30 11:38 PM
2007-10-30 11:51 PM
in reply to: #1030946

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6
HCS5QA - 2007-10-31 12:37 AM
I have a weird sense of humor, probably due to my 23 years of being in the Navy.

From your avatar (what I can see of it), I'd have guessed you were in your early-to-mid 20s. Hm... Those numbers sure don't add up, unless the Navy is taking people wayyyy younger than I'd believed. LOL

As for me, I'll post an intro tomorrow. I've been online for 6 hours straight. Part of the time, I was working on the team rosters. The rest of the time, I was chatting on BT. (I'll let you decide which one I was doing more.) It's gotten to the point where I'm squinting at the screen, and still not seeing anything.

Oh, and I've never been in the Navy. But I still have a weird sense of humor. I also talk a lot. (Hence my high post count.)

And now, before I crash --> Good night!


Edited by D001 2007-10-30 11:55 PM
2007-10-31 12:32 AM
in reply to: #1030914

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6

Thanks Dee for setting this all up.

As far as not adding up. I joined the Navy in 1984, I just like to consider myself a sexy old ba$tard (at least in my world) LOL That picture is not as clear. Here's a scary update, ready, wait a minute I'm working on the camera, taking a drink of my corona, adjusting the camera, taking a drink, there it is.

Ok, maybe not so sexy, maybe even scary. LMAO, I told you I was old.

Edited by HCS5QA 2007-10-31 12:53 AM
2007-10-31 12:47 AM
in reply to: #1030970

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6
HCS5QA - 2007-10-31 4:32 PM

I joined the Navy in 1984

haha.... maybe you had a point... I dont think I should tell you what i was up to in 1984!

2007-10-31 12:51 AM
in reply to: #1030975

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6
kaqphin - 2007-10-30 10:47 PM
HCS5QA - 2007-10-31 4:32 PM

I joined the Navy in 1984

haha.... maybe you had a point... I dont think I should tell you what i was up to in 1984!

Hmmmmmmmmmm LOL.

Goodnight all. Have to be at the pool at 6am. 

2007-10-31 5:56 AM
in reply to: #1030914

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6
Hi Team! I'm excited to be a part of this challenge

I have goals for this month to basically maintain my runner and biking and then to learn to swim. I *know* how to swim, but it's been a long time (18 years ago... when I was on the swim team) since I've done it. So I have private lessons set up for a refresher, the first one is this sunday.

A little about me. I'm single parenting two kids ages 6 and 8. I am in a relationship with my girlfriend (yes, I'm a lesbian) of a little over 2 years now. I have a part-time job at the local food co-op, I go to school full-time for a social work degree, I own an online business ( http://www.wisewomansling.com) and well, I'm training for triathlons!

I have not done a tri yet, but have done a couple duathlons this summer. I am also training for a century ride in April and a half-marathon in March.

I don't know how to describe my sense of humor... I'm pretty sarcastic!

I'm going to go add you all as friends right now
2007-10-31 6:10 AM
in reply to: #1030914

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6

Hi...my name is Sal (hi Sal)...and I'm a BT addict...

The BT community is great!  A little about myself...

I guess compared to some of you, I'm a BT veteran.  I've been hanging around here for several years and have done several triathlons, so I guess I no longer qualify as a 'beginner,' but hey...like I said...the BT community is GREAT!

I did my 1st triathlon 3 years ago, it took me almost half an hour to swim 700 yds (I grabbed a float about halfway out during the swim and hung out with the lifeguard...we chatted for a while ).  I committed myself to spending much more time in the pool after that.

I've been a biker most of my life, but I'm a poser now.  I don't train NEAR as much as I should, but have been VERY lucky with being able to post some 20 mph rides after little to no training.  I'm a slacker...

I've run several marathons, but have never been able to break the elusive 4 hour mark...have gotten close (4:07), and I'm still trying!

What's up this season?  Half marathon in January, half ironman AND marathon in June...THAT'S why I'm here doing this challenge...I need to get my lazy butt out of bed and train.  Challenges are THE BEST motivation.

Look forward to 'meeting' all my new teammates...my wife laughs about all my 'cyberfriends,' but I just got her hooked...she did her first tri last summer, and her first half marathon this fall...she doesn't blog much though...she's not addicted like me...

Well, good luck everyone...I'll add you all to my 'friends list.'

Team names...uh...I'll think about it, but here's a few of the top of my head...

Team Bling Bling
Plays Well With Others

Since we have some military on our team (BTW, Hector--thanks for serving and protecting our freedoms...it's only through people like you that WE can all do the things we do...like blogging on BT! ):

The Assassins
Guns and Roses


The Bangles
The Insomniacs
The Celebrities
The Bruisers

Rock on Team #6!!!

2007-10-31 6:19 AM
in reply to: #1030977

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6
HCS5QA - 2007-10-31 12:51 AM
kaqphin - 2007-10-30 10:47 PM
HCS5QA - 2007-10-31 4:32 PM

I joined the Navy in 1984

haha.... maybe you had a point... I dont think I should tell you what i was up to in 1984!

Hmmmmmmmmmm LOL.

Goodnight all. Have to be at the pool at 6am. 

Uh...I had just finished my freshman year in college in 1984...YES...I too am 'old'...sigh...

EDIT: I guess I should get out the door and workout...I THINK that's why we're all here...

Edited by sparco 2007-10-31 6:20 AM
2007-10-31 6:26 AM
in reply to: #1031014

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6

Hey Sal, nice to meet you


Random question... is there a way for me to just view the new posts that are in a thread that I have posted to? I have been having to go search for threads that I found interesting and then scrolling to find where I left off in the thread. Let's just say that it is really annoying! Any secret button I'm missing?

2007-10-31 6:54 AM
in reply to: #1030914

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6
Oh... can I still change my goals? If so, I would like to add another hour of biking and another 10 miles of running.
2007-10-31 7:11 AM
in reply to: #1030914

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6
I wish I knew about secret BT buttons, and such, but I'm clueless.

OK. Let me introduce myself. My name is Pam. 2007 was my third season of triathlon and I completed my longest race ever this year, a half ironman. This was my most aggressive race season ever (starting in March and ending in October) and so with the onset of the off-season, I'm taking a break from all the swimming, biking and running to recharge my batteries and work on strength and flexibility. That's why I signed up for this challenge. To hold me accountable to do workouts that always get dropped in the height of tri-training. You can see my goals in my blog, too.

I'm a married mom of two. I'm a lifeguard, swim instructor and lifeguard instructor at the local Y. I have a 15yo diabetic cat. I'll try to be a good teamate and pop by your logs for random inspires and smack talk. Go WHATEVER OUR NAME IS!!!!! (Team 6)

2007-10-31 7:16 AM
in reply to: #1030914

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6

I am 5 weeks out from a hip flexor injury which is why I am "easing" back into running.

2007-10-31 8:22 AM
in reply to: #1030914

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Granvile, Ohio
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6
Hey everyone!  I'm Tam, aka: Tammy, t-nick, Lots of other things we won't go into here.  I started triathlon in 2005 and have essentially sat this entire season out with a foot injury.  I'm challenging myself to do the things I keep talking about, but never seem to make time for:  Cycling, yoga-stretching-flexibility training, and core-abs-pilates work.

My goal is to get each of the above in 3x per week while also keeping up with swimming and running.  Easy, right?
2007-10-31 9:08 AM
in reply to: #1030914

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6
Okay, I yelled at people in the last challenge about whining about being old. Don't make me have to do that again here. SmileyCentral.com In 1984, I was already a college grad, working for 5 years, married and became a mother of 2.

Who am I? I'm Kendra, a grandmother of two grandsons and soon to have a granddaughter (in Dec). I have two children, 30 & 23. One wonderful husband who supports me in all I want to do. Been married for 25 years and still going strong. (Okay the 30 year old is his, I'm his second and BEST wife). I'm a librarian who loves to read and I'm still trying to figure out how to read a book while running/walking. And I don't mean listen to a book.

Did my first three tri's this year. Sprints all of them. I want to do an OLY next year. I am learning to run. I am a walker and in the Oct challenge I started to run/walk and plan to continue increasing the run. My goal for running is to be able to run a 5K on New Years Eve. I'll be walking a 1/2 mary on Dec 2nd in Las Vegas.

I'll be really quiet on this forum between Nov 3rd & 10th. I'll be on vacation in sunny Mexico. I will be working on my goals while there and who knows, if I can pull myself away from the beach/pool/ocean and find a computer I might just check in. I will be going through BT withdrawal but will stand strong. SmileyCentral.com

I need to come up with a new avatar now that the Poison Apples team hit 100% and has split up for this November Challenge.

Team name? Well, if we are team 6, we could be the Sexy Sixers. But otherwise, I'm totally open.

Edited by kns57 2007-10-31 9:11 AM

2007-10-31 9:13 AM
in reply to: #1031197

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6

kns57 - 2007-10-31 9:08 AM Okay, I yelled at people in the last challenge about whining about being old. Don't make me have to do that again here. SmileyCentral.com

Yes m'am......you won't hear it from me again...(did I even tell you about the time I was watching Gilligan's Island and...)...

2007-10-31 9:33 AM
in reply to: #1030914

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6
Hi everyone!

I'll have a team spreadsheet available for you - hopefully sometime tonight.

That way, you'll be able to see what everyone's goals are, and you can chart your progress during the month.

If you don't remember your goals, you can see them here. (The last 10 or so people who entered aren't on there yet, but I'll update it tonight.)

And I really AM supposed to be working now - and NOT on BT stuff! LOL



Go Poison Apples! First team to achieve 100% of goals in the October Challenge!

2007-10-31 9:33 AM
in reply to: #1031210

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6
sparco - 2007-10-31 9:13 AM

kns57 - 2007-10-31 9:08 AM Okay, I yelled at people in the last challenge about whining about being old. Don't make me have to do that again here. SmileyCentral.com

Yes m'am......you won't hear it from me again...(did I even tell you about the time I was watching Gilligan's Island and...)...

SmileyCentral.com SmileyCentral.com SmileyCentral.com

2007-10-31 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1031251

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6
Hi everyone!

I'll have a team spreadsheet available for us - hopefully sometime tonight.

That way, you'll be able to see what everyone's goals are, and you can chart your progress during the month.

If you don't remember your goals, you can see them here. (The last 10 or so people who entered aren't on there yet, but I'll update it tonight.)

I'll also post an introduction later this evening. I'm at work now, so should probably go get something done, huh? (Well, besides BT work, that is!)

Oh, and someone asked about changing goals. Yes, you can do that. I'll update it tonight.



Go Poison Apples! First team to achieve 100% of goals in the October Challenge!

2007-10-31 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1030914

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6

Team names?:

I Want A Pony
L.C.'s Playas
L.C.'s Hotties
They Who Should Not Be Named
The Spandex Eleven
Home Honey I'm High
Lavish Display Of Ignorance
Team 6 From Outer Space

2007-10-31 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1030914

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6
OK, I'm not over here talking smack or anything...but which one of you made it a goal to be the chattiest team in the bunch?!?!?!

Holy cow, it's not even November 1 and you guys are almost on page 2.


Team One, but you can just call us the #1 Team
We're #1! We're #1!
2007-10-31 10:30 AM
in reply to: #1030914

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6

Hi Team!

Wow, What an awesome sight to see all of the posts and activity!  I LOVE it!  We are going to have a great time, I can tell already.

Here's a little about me -

My name is Beth and I too have a weird sense of humor (I prefer to think of it as delightful and quirky).  I've also been described as being somewhat sassy!

I am totally hooked on BT, ummm, there seems to be a theme here.........

Hey Dee - was there some sort of secret inventory taken to match the teams up?  LOLOL

I just finished my second tri season, did my first one 2 weeks before my 44th birthday - which is something I feel very good about!  (you guys can do the math and come close - lol) - and to be clear, I am not whining about age :-)

I am the proud mother of three kids - agesn 18, 17, and 12 - boy, girl, boy. 

I absolutely love water sports and being in the sun!

My favorite sport is swimming I LOVE to SWIM

Although, I have recently vowed to never say 'I hate running again' (for any lurkers - this is not the same as actually saying it - it saying what i won't say - LOLOL)

I am really looking forward to this challenge!  It will be a great way for me to stick to my training plan for the entire month!

Here's a pic of my daughter and me (yes, she really is my daughter and yes, she really is that much taller than me)

Beth and Her daughter

Edited by lastcall2003 2007-10-31 10:38 AM
2007-10-31 10:31 AM
in reply to: #1031294

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6

enders_shadow - 2007-10-31 10:00 AM OK, I'm not over here talking smack or anything...but which one of you made it a goal to be the chattiest team in the bunch?!?!?! Holy cow, it's not even November 1 and you guys are almost on page 2. Love, Kristen Team One, but you can just call us the #1 Team We're #1! We're #1!

Something tells me it's the nature of the beast!

2007-10-31 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1031210

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge Team 6
sparco - 2007-10-31 9:13 AM

kns57 - 2007-10-31 9:08 AM Okay, I yelled at people in the last challenge about whining about being old. Don't make me have to do that again here. SmileyCentral.com

Yes m'am......you won't hear it from me again...(did I even tell you about the time I was watching Gilligan's Island and...)...

Gilligan's Island!  Loved it!

the cast

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